HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 49, April 15, 1947NO. 49 Proceedings of roard of Commissioners __City cf Padncah April 15th, 1947 At a Regular iteeting of the Board of Commlissloners held in the Commisslonerst Chamber at the City Hall, Faducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on April 15, 1947, Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Villiams and L'.ayor Seaton (5). ".Iinutes of the previous meetings were adopted an read. 'R'ansfer Cem- Commissioner Sims offered the following motion: Mary Fitzgerald having presented etery lot to Yary to the Board of Commissioners her deed of conveyance to the South ono -half of Lot 575 Fitzgerald in block 10A on '.'ell Avenue in Oak Grove Cemetery, which deed was executed by 7illlam Humbles, executor of the Estate of Henry Gause, deceased: - I move that said deed be approved and that the City Cleric be authorized to make the proper notation on the Cemetery Register showing said transfer. Adopted on call of the Roll Yeas Commissioners Friedlander Johnston Sims, yilliams and Mayor Seato� (5) i I Report of Col.l Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the statement and letter of Col.. B.S. B.b.'alley Diversion Talley, the District Engineer, in which he reports the results of his study as to the i Channel feasibility of constructing a diversion channel to divert the "b" Branch of Island i Creek into Clarks River outside the area protected tyj the flood Wall, be received I and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, , Sims, 17illiams and Vayor Seaton (5). Complaint ofl/ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter written by Harry Mason in Harry Eason $_ drainage which he complains abopt the damage to his garden by reason of the overflow of water at 1025 Ellis Street be referred to the City ;4anager, and that an investigation to made by the Street Superintendent for the purpose of determining whether the city has any responsibility to remedy the condition of which Mr. 1.'ason complains. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, SSRIs, :'.1110ma and Yayor Seaton (5). Report of Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the report of the Euilding Inspector Bldg. Inspr. I.'srch 1957 for the month of iiarch, 1947, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co=issionera Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ':.'llliams and Uayor Seaton (5). Cemetery lots Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City of taducah approve the sale Pr ^d ;eorge ✓ L-.,riffith of the following cemetery lots: "ra. tarry A,'axs Lot 16 in clock 5 on Chamblin Stroet to bred George for the sum of ;;125.00. East one-half of Lot 9 in block 2 on Yopp Avenue in the Mausoleum Addition to L. E. Griffith and wife for the sum of ;.160.00. 13.75x20 feet of Lot 29, block 1, 'Walkway off Yopp Avenue in the Mausoleum ASdition to C'ra. Harty Adams for the sum of .;136.00. i further move that the City Clerk be authorized to execute deeds of conveyance � ante ceretery luta. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Corunlaslonnrs Friedlander .nhroton. :ii^a, :alllnra and ':ayor .Seaton (5). 1•!s on Asrhalt Cor. 1::ai0nnr t-rledlo. er o::nrn•1 motion: that the Lids of the Ohio 011 Comi.any, thn .;r.Crican Liverty Cil r;o;rr.any nnri the Lion O11 Company for Turnlahint? the City Of j Fa ,reef 1tn llq,;1' naphalt requirement d,.IrinF thrn remsrinder of the year 1947, be received aryl Tired. Ad:,^..ted an Call of the 1(01), Yeas, Cormlaslonera criedlunder, . hnst3n, :ima, .,1111E=3 an:! :'ayor .;eut,,n (5). 50 Proceedings of poard of Corms^s loners City of Paducah April 15, 1947 IAirport Windstorm ✓ dara ce settlement Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the copy of the minutes of the meeting of the Paducah Airport Corporation held on April 2nd, 1947, be received and filed, that the recommendation of the Paducah airport Corporation that the City and County accept a779.01 from the Philadelphia Fire and Marine Insurance Company and e%79.02 fro:p the Virginia Fire and Yarine Insurance Company in settlement of the recent windstorm damage to the hanger at the Faducah-McCracken County Airport be appro and that the City Manger be authorized to join with the County Judge in the endoraemei of checks payable in the aforesaid amounts and deliver the same in payment of the cost of labot and materials used in repairing th3 darrnge to said hanger. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 'Williams and ti.ayor Seaton (5). Financia l mayor Seaton offered motion that the Financial Report, Form FPHA-62171a. Title V report Veterans housing, Paducah, Ky., ending January 31st, 1947, be received and filed. Adopted on Housing Jan.31, 1947 call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Accept bid Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTIN Ohio oil Co. THE BID OF THE OHIO OIL COMPANY FOR THE SALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF THE hC 1-2-3 LIQUID ASPHALT AND RC -3 LIQUID ASPHALT TO BE USED BY SAID CITY DURING THE YEAR 1947, AUTHORIZING THE C ITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AMD EXECUTE A CONTRAC T FOR THE PURCHASE OF SAID VATERIALS, AND PRESCRIBING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SAID PURCHASES SHALL BE MADE", be introduced and remain on file at least one (1) week for public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of tho Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). 5911 lot to Yayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIN Charles Y1. / ;ras3tar. FOR THE SALE TO CHARLES W. GRASSHAM OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF LOT 2, BLOCK 'V1, GREGORY HEIGHTS ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FADUCAH, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Close Alley , Co-nissionsr Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ali ORDINANC i8th to 25th E'1'laq—icy the FOR 7HE CLOSING OF A PUBLIC ALLEY 25FEET IN 4ID111 RUNNIIIG FROM 25TH STREET TO PETH :;TNIEET THROU7H THE MIDDLE OF THE BLOCK BE7,7EEN BROAUVAY AND KENTUCKY AVENUE I THE CITY OP PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATION COUNSEL TO IIISTITULE IN THE Y70RACrR CIRCUIT COURT A SUIT FOR THE FURFOSE OF HAVING LEGALLY CLOSED 1IIE i ALLY ALr.GItIZ3I) ".'0 BE CLOSED UNDER THIS ORDINANCE", be adopted. Adopted on call +� Of tte Poll, Yeas, Cormissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, lilliams and mayor Caton (5). Lett.cr of Co=irsioncr .41111ams offered action tnat the letter written to Adrian ?i. I L. R. liows,n Terrell, Corcoratlon Counsel, by Yr. L. R. Howson, dated April 14, 1947, be received, i l'.;^d and spread •.:pon the minutes. Adoptod nn call of the Roll, Yeas, Co isaioners Frdellsnder, J,hnaton, Sims, Ailliern and t'ayor .:eeton (5). r. r isr. H. Terrell "April 14, 1947 ^_orpera•Ion .:ursel Legal csr�..:•;nt ,ity o?'oIa•i,,araY.•, tear Mr. _errell ? a^ t"'r-Int ir,:ress_.. a --d with thej rogresa th9 Ia is^ar, w;r;c es.c.,.tic.n . _cl ! w;,'r. rour repres9ntati:e. oyt "snl;r, n5a -Iv1: ions tint a'I lisle word •-:s; a s,_.taly ' ^r -. plete'. ril l5th. advised ?fr. `.'lar_. .; ..at . .. w'eou.'ht t 3,.. ....'.9 ne work In t.e +T. Taylor to I 51 Paoceedingso card of Commissioners CilyofPaducah _April 15th, 1947 have inventory material typed as fast as it was completed. Mr. Taylor advises that Mr. Dicknolte, Lir. Y.artt's engineer, advises him that he has had no instructions from Lir. Hartt even with respect to getting finished by June lat. We have priced out, here in the office, all of the material that has come in. 'Ve will price it out as fast as It arrives. Hoyt Taylor is now sending it in in lonl.hand form. I understand that nothing has as yet come in to Mr. Hartt for pricing. Until both of us have something to price it is obvious that we can g neither agree nor disagree. I have urged upon Mr. Hartt the immediate selection of the third man for while we have not yet demonstrated that we cannot agree, it is certain that we will not be able to agree on all items. Mr. Hartt personally was agreeable to discussing a third man but wanted to discuss that phase with the company. I have since written hr. Hartt at two intervals of a week and have tried to contact him on the telephohe but without success. Mr. Hartt is out of Chicago a great part of the time but I have a feeling II that we are not going to get any place by this kind of procedure. It appears to me that this matter ought to be brought to a head and I suggest that it be brought directly to the attention of the judge who fixed the June lst date. If desirable, I would come down and go before him with you. Possibly it might be better to request the judge to call both Mr. Hartt and me in for a report I; on progress. I! I am writing this to you so that you may be advised as to ithe progress and difficulties we are having. Very truly yours, ALVORD, BU!+DICK & HOWSON LRH:VB By L. R. Howson `:ayor's letter to Commissioner Silliams offered motion that Wayne C. Seaton, Mayor c the City R. M. 'Matt of Faducah, be authorized to transmit to R. M. Watt, President of the Kentucky Utilities Company, by registered mail the following letter: April 15, 1947 "REGISTERED MAIL Mr. R. M. Watt, President Kentucky Utilities Company Lexington, Kentucky Dear Nr. Watt: I am herewith enclosing for your information a copy of L'.r. L. R. Howson's letter of April 14 addressed to our attorney, Nr. Adrian H. Terrell, with reference to the difficulties he is having in an effort to work out arrangements with your appraiser, Lir. J. Samuel Hartt, for completion of the appraisal of your electric system before June 1. "le are surprioed to learn that little or no progress has been wade by the appraisers since the court has issued an order of injunction requiring the filing of a report before Juno 1, and since it appears from Y.r. Howson's letter that the work is being delaydd by reason of the failure of your representative to work out arrangements with Vr. Howson, we felt that we should call upon you for an expression about the matter. Our people are expecting the appraisal report to be filed within the time fixed by the court. The order of injunction, of course, must be respected and vie would thank you to let us have a reply to this letter in order that we may be assured of the wholehearted cooperation of your appraiser. Very truly yours, Wayne C. Seaton, Mayor" Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, aims, t;1111ens nal Yayor :ioaton (5). Vr.r:errell's Cox^lsaioner Williams offered motion that the copy of the letter written by y er to uav'acn � Adrier. H. ?'srrell, attorney for the City of Paducah, dated April 15, 1947, to R. iizwscn, the 'Tame being a reply to the nald L. R. Howaon's letter of A1r11 1., 1547, i.e received, file; and nj.road upon the minutes. Adopted on call of a e ::o ll, 'leas, COrr,insinners 5riedlanrlcr, Johnston, =Ms, c,Illiams and Mayor SQ Proceedings of Loard of Commissioners City of Paducah April 15, 1947 "April 15, 1947 "Mr. L. R. Howson Alvord, Burdick and Howson Suite 1401 Civic Opera Building Chicago 6, Illinois Dear lir. Howson: The subject matter of your letter of April 14th, which I received today, was discussed with the t;ayor and the members of the Board of Commissioners. As the Yayor was authorized to do by a motion of the board of Commissioners which was passed at a meeting today, he has transmitted to Mr. R. M. Watts, President of the Kentucky Utilities Company, a copy of your letter, to- gether with a letter in which Mr. Natt has been called upon for an expression of assurance that you shall have Gtr. Hartt's cooperation in order that the appraisal report may be completed and filed within the time provided in the order. You will find attached a copy of the Mayor's letter of this date addressed to Mir. Watt. Very truly yours, Adrian H. Terrell Corporation Counsel cc - Mir. R. M. Y:att. On notion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1947 AfIROVh'D city Cleric