HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 485, August 23, 1949Proceedings of -Hard of Co 7isainnara iter lire :',rad I ice -an 'eR!ral bi!ls I A05 of Paducah Aurust 23, 104D At n kogular T.:eetin;7 of the Board of Commissioners held in the Cocniasion C!tambor at the City ;:all, Faducah, :icntuc•ry, at 7:30 P.I.T. on AuCuat 23, 1949, tiayor irc .,,m Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to th r names: ^.or.,misionara Abell, ?.Ilan, F?annin and i•'ayor 'ro ^tem Johnston (S). i� ';inutes o!' the previous meotin4 were adopted as road. Cornissionor Allen offered motion that the petition of Dorothy Feck and husbanc Reid lack, residin- on .est side of ::unhands Road outside the corporate limits of :-nducah, ::cntucky, for cuth-,rity to lay and construct a water lino for the purrose of !i providing :rater service to the building located on the property be received and filed Vand that the request in said petition be ranted in accordance with the terms set fort[ ryp therein. It is understood, however, in Cranting the privileCe sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of ;later 1+orfs shall ie ocliEatod t buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obli,ation shall be contained o_• be Implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority F.arein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Pad= h. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service I+ at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water a_rvice to consumers outside the cit y limits anc:_subject in all respects to the rules and re,-ulationa of the City of Faducah or its Commissioners of 'iter "forks which may be no:: in force or hereinafter enacted. :?othinr, in the CrantinZ: of this petition shall ocliFnte the City of Faducah or its Co Isaionors of ::hte:• '..or:ca to gusranteo water prossure or service, and said nate service may be discontinued throu h said pipe line at any time when in the judirment of t' -e Com.-nisoioners of :'star 1.7orka the furniahinr, of :rater to the petitioners nr t;,cir successors In ownership of the property owned may intarfere in any wise with the adequi to supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of iaducah. Adopted on call of the ',,ell, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, .,Ilan, Hannin and Mayor iro i_ Johnston (4). :,. Co:r.iasion^.r Aboll offered motion that the Loard receive and file the letter from "he City "anager dated }.urunt 1C, 1943, concernin;t medical bills for rollce '::'ficer Jnmes C. RDeison, and that the :.oard authorize the payment of these bills :I total of .1,0.38.10. Adopted on cal'_ of the roll, Yeas, Comr.issionero 0:-x. r:o Tom Johnston (4). _ _. _ n .-_-..rod motion that the _pard rocc-:., tale r,nd a"prove ::y the Dnitod' States _ ::ollt ;uarar!ty Company Co _ /.. 1:harloa T. "d arils for a n ri. v, year from July 22, 1 4;,. 'ens, ^.o*,,;iaaion•=-.. li, .,.. ^n, .-nln an,,l i. a :ro T Ion ri,at. ,:•,t ti:, contract i'arxinz i•c i.i.i .c:l F plod ,an t: _ Proceedin85 of City of Paducah 'i.at 25. 1949 riotinn +-,�fit an )z-atnanec entitled: of a.Z TO TA;: VE T*:-' AM.A'J.; C,).,7:U::ICAT1O?.T5 .,TOR J 1 T3 TO M, CIT:,' CL;-' i:; 7 ;:C Tat .I D -EL C F1 ,, 1 7 1. T __'R :.'S A.'Ml CCN7-ITIM73 TC BE COj,1S17.:LD 711 .SAID L61SEII,be adopted. -opted an c!:11 of tLe ?,all, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, alien, Hannin and :..ayor Pro Tem ..--!:"ton (4). Cc-7-­Isioner Allen n. -fared motion that an ordinance entitled: %:! Ci.1)1:7ANTCE 7 7 17'Z ClTO E:ITER INTO A CONTRACT 'KITH 1JID-CONTIiT'_1',!T PETRZOLSUL: I '_JCLTNZ 0D OIL RZ7-UMED 1. GOVEIUMENTAL OPERATI01,T3 2n1AT vURCHASES 7�R A 1.-:R-0) C 70�: M 1 .',SF.1ZEF 1, 1949, ,,:.'D PROVYDINO Z"A 7 SET FURTH be adopted. Adopted _L on call of the Rall, Ygao, Co­misaioner 3 ALcli, Allen, Hannin and 1.:ayor Pro Tom pi") Tc;: Jc�nston offered motion that the vecucat of the :Iaducoh Junior ner- 'on to place pedesta 1 signs at the corners of ;5rd, ,c 4 _jss. . r. -_-.nIJ 5th zz",,.,,&y reminding blood donors to make donations of flood on Friday jfternoans to referred to the City *-:ana,,er. Adopted on call of the Roll, Year, -�=Iszlonevs Atc.11, i:llen, Hannin and 1.:ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). Cn :notion the meetinC edjourned. I ,I ADCYTED ri, a A n.or Tom