HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 479, August 9, 1949Proceedings of . card of Commisaianers City cf Paducah Au^ust 9, 1949
"ator line
i uckner lane
rater line
:)_xie Ave.
,:t a 'cCular -voting of the L:oard of Commissioners held in the Commission Chamber
at the City hall, Paducah, nentucky, at 7:50 P.::. on August 9, 1949, :.:,for 1 P Tem
1+ Johnston presided and upon call of the Doll the following answered to their names:
Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannir. and I.:ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4).
II:Linutes of the previous meetin7_ wore adopted as road.
N✓ Commissioner Allen offered motion that the petition of Frank Fowler Davis and
Loren S;. Jones for permission to connect a one inch wateri a line to a
I p privately
owned pipe lino of :.anon I�. Jones which passes alon,- and under Buckner Lane, the
southerly boundary of eotitionerts, Frank Fowler Davis, property, so as to provide water
service for domestic purposes to one residence upon the property of said potitioncr
be received and filed ane. ":at the authority aouzht in said petition, subject to the
linitotIons and conditions. -expressed therein, be granted.
?;othinC contained in the granting of this request shall be construed as a guarant,e
of pressure or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or Its Commissioners f
i'Water '•forks, and nothing in the grenting of said request shall non or hereafter be
iconstrued as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Paducah or its
Commissioners of Flator Works to purchase or acquire said water line or any part thereof
or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory where said II
privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to ortaken into the corporate limits of the
City of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the, Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell,
Allen, Hannin and Yayor Pro 'glen Johnston (4).
ECommissioner Hannin offered motion that the petition of T. E. Patterson and ;rife,
rola :a%torson, residing on Dixie Avenue outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Ky.,
for authority to lay and construct a water. line for the ptirpose of providing crater
service to the building located on the property be received and riled and tat tine
request in said petition be 3.ranted.in accordance with the borma set forth theroln.
it Io understood, however, in -ranting the privilege sought in said petition
neither the City of "raducsh, nor the Commissioners of '.';star .narks shall be obli,-•atod
to buy said pine line or any p=.,rt thereof, and no such obliration shall be contalned
or be in -lied hereafter should tho territory to be served by the water lin,, to be lai
unior tho authority herein requested be ta'con into or rade a part of the City of rade ah.
xt Is further unr3oratood that the potitionor r,P_1 aubacribe for water aorvico at 1 ha
;rates now or hereafter.proscrIbed for wator service to conaursera outside thi city lis: to
et in a:1 rapacts to the rules and regulations of the City of ir:dueah or it
-n^.rs rf ,tor .:orks which may be =-., in force or horeinaftor o nacted.
".lr.- tin• o^ this petition stall obli;ato tho Cl.ty o. Fad:rcah ur it.
`e ; unrentee .-.,ater ;.rassuro or service, a;:!; sal,] "Lor
.._cr• _ „i7 said p+pe 11ne at sn;; tLr.... rri:cn in the ju.l :%ant o.
oi' water to the patitionora or t':alr
: owned nay interfaro La any ;Ian w1Lh L a a,j 3rab�l
a ,rata illi -Ito ox' the Cit;' of iaducah.
ire 'rd
...a .'r . -, . .':.
a :., , yeri.b.a ,.Prit2 ucgh,may"
.. ... .. .. ;r .., 11; 'Nater
_. received t:: 'i .liaci 1 thu t the
._`e t^.r, ttr,:a se„ :o'rtt jr..
Proceedings of a' d o:' "O:': i.'" :`.^.ora City of Padacah Ao 'uo t 0, 1049
it is understood, however, in grantint; the privilogo sought in said potltion neither
_- City of Iaducah, nor the Commissioners of ",star :corks shall be obli:ated to buy sa d
line or any rest thoroof, an:; no such obli,ation shall be contained or be implied
t:e territory to be served by the :•later line to be laid under the
requested be taken into or -.ode ❑ part of the City of Faducah.
_t is _. t!:er understood that the petitioner will subscribe for 'nater service at
the rates now or hereafter prescribed for ::ator service to consumers outside the city
limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Faducah
of its Conmilydonera of '.later `:orks which nay co ro:: in f once or hereinafter enacted.
i:otlan� is the �rantia of this petition shall obli;cate the City of Faducah or it
Commis;loners of ':',nter :"orks to-.iaranteo 'gator pressure or service, and said water
y sarvice nsy be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of
the Cor�missloners of Yg ','.star .:orka the furnishinof grater to the petitioners or their
successors in-o::nershi
p of the property owned may interfere in any wise ::ith the
adequate supply and distribution of mater inside the corporate limits of the City of
-acucah. Adopted on ca -1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and
^_moo Tea Johnston (4). .
^a:r..issloner Abell offered motion that the =pard of Commissioners receive and fil
the letters of J. L. Person, Colonel, Corns of Engineers dated AuCust 5th, 1949 and
July 22nd, '1949 in which he requests the City of Iaducah to accept the Paducah Floodws.3 1
�r.(d to assume the rosponsibility for its maintenance. - Adopted on call of the Roll,
-'eno, Co:tission:rs Abell, ',Ilen, Iiannin and L:ayor fro Tom Johnston (<).
Cos:-assionor Abell offered motion that the -card of Commisaloners receive and fil
. ..r of Idr. '.:alter I=erdman, Assistant Attorney General, t�ith reference to the
car of filling the vacancy created by the deat^ of I:'ayor Gene Peak, and also the
'-:ttf,rc of Adrian ie Terrell, dated •'-urust 8th concornin, the same matter. Adopted on
_. the ?oli, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, :Iar.nin and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston 4).
11 ✓ o=—'asioncr Allen offered ration that the letter of :1111iam Ralph '.'Food containint
_r. o_''fer 1^ the sum c_ X50 for the purchase f Lot G on the south sllo of '„ashington
etre❑a .......;'root and the F',allroad right of way, be received and riled, and
t::e o city prepare for intro.luctlon at tho next meetin, an ordinance
re of said offer upon the following tortns: ;25.00 to be paid n
to c_ -,iri
at t'r.a rate of .:10.:0 per month with C,; intorost, an(
a contract for the sale of said ,=rop or y
- ... .. .: �.- ..- -..a, 'Seas, Comnisslonars Abell, L11, an,
al of Coinisaioners autitorlso the ,
,.,t on ,;unda r, .;u; mat 14 dorm;- the
t' 'l• f the 1'011 "pas 1
^� t e 1 .I eno
nota r, the o: fir
No. 481
Proceedings of Mord of Commissioners Cifp of Paducah A"Luat 31 1940.
,ransfor c'emotory
a t to
Lizzle Parham
Airport -Grant
offer -motion
iaducah Air^ort
Grant offer
ederal Govt.
v n,•or Pro ?cm Johnston oCferod motion that the creed under ahich Jcrlcan i•[cGeo
of eery, _'.ake County, Indiana, conveyed to Lizzio Parham, of Paducah, ILcCracko❑ County
:•.entucky,.on Au"ust 3, 1949, Lot Io. 306, Section V of Oak Grove Cemetery, 'cc approvol
cap that the City Cler'.c -ake a note of the transfer of said property on the cea:etery
register. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co:nmiauioncro Abell, :Alen, Harnin and
"a,lor Iro ^em Johnston (4).
Yayor I-ro Tom Johnston offered motion that the certified copy of the motion
adopted b,. the Paducah Airport Corporation recoiending to the City of iiaducah and the
County of 'ZcCrac':cen the acceptance of the grant offer of the United .3tates Govern::ent
in the sum of '10,000. for the installation of a new lighting system at the Lar'cloy
A!trport be received and filed. Adopted on ca:l of the Roll, Yoas, Commiouionars
Abell,-,Ilcn, Y.annin and ;.:a,,or ire Tem Johnston (4).
i.ayor Fro Tom Johnston o*.fcred motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANC
..:;J i.'cCRAC337I COUIITI, 1Cs::"_'i.'CiC'", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Abell, Allen, Ha^.nin and '.,ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4).
On motion the meeting adjourned.
ADOP^tED / 1949 AP Ok.
C_ty erTc �N