HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 449, May 3, 1949449 IProceedings of Board of CommissionersCity of Paducah %y 3, 1949 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Comninsionars held in the Commission Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.::;. on May 3, 1949, Mayor Pro Tem Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioner Abell, «llen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tam Johnston (4). ?(inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read. Ohio St -Close Commissioner Abell offered motion that the reports of Victor C. Hobday, the City Report of T.A.j Bradley Manager, and T. A. Bradley, the City Engineer, recommending the closing of 12 feet of that portion of Ohio Street on both sides of said street between 25th and 29th streets be received and filed, and that tie Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction an ordinance authorizing the closing of those portions of said street. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). ':7ater Cc report. Commissioner Abell offered motion that the Financial Report of the Paducah Water earth 1949 [/ Yorks for the month of March, 1949, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ,,roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). ropy of Ordi-i/ Commissioner Allen offered motion that a copy of an ordinance showing by the return nonce delivered to Comm. I of Police Captain J. P. Slaughter on the last page thereof that he delivered such I 'teturn ordinance to Mayor Gene Peak, Isyor Pro Tem Stuart Johnston and Commissioners Paul i Abell,George Allen and George Hannin, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mmyor Pro Ten Johnston (4). Insurance Fol- Commissioner Allen offered motion that the endorsement to Fidelity and Casualtv lay 71alker's ;! Boat Yard ' Company of New York Policy PrP -330078, issued in favor of walker+s Boat Yard, protectinE ij the City of Paducah against damage incurred by ';;alker's Boat Yard, be received and filed. Adopted an call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and 7,:ayor Pro Te Johnston (4). Agreement Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Board receive and file the attached agree - G. Heflin Dump site ment signed by G. IIeflin permitting the dumping of refuse only on land owned by him on the north side of Yeiser Street west of the Illinois Central Railroad Tipple track. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Ter. Johnston (4). C.D.Roae Land Comminnionor Hannin offered motion thaL tho Board of Commiasionera receive, file and and Insurance ✓ policy binder approve the bond executed by Charles Douglas Rose and the American anpioyera Insurance Company to the City of Paducah in connection with excavation wort: to be done by the sal Charles Douglas Rose, and also the binder issued by the Evans and Parker Insurance Ago ey certifying that Charles Douglas Rose and the City of Paducah are inured under a publicI :lability anti property damage policy by the East and "lest insurance Company of Now Havein, said policy providing Ten -Twenty -One limits and being effective as of t!ay 3, 1949. All ptod on call of the Roll, Yeas, rormniss!oners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Iro 'raw r)hnston (4). Water. lire ^onmiss!aner Henn!r. offered motion tW t the petition of Chaster Humphrey and wife, Eenton :''.^.ad Evelera Hum,-roy, realding on Banton Jiond outside the corparato limits of Iaducah, i ! ZSnt-aaky, for authority to lay and cenatrUct a water line for the purpose of providing 1 I water service to the building located on the prnporty be received end filed and that thio i request in aa! petition be granted In r,r.corJance with the torrs set forth therein. I It is cn'iarstnai, tc7;eb6r, in -rant!,jo tiro Prlvilopo saurht in said petition neither! tte '•!ty o. iU:.csn, nor tho Ca 713aioners of eater '':nr'ra si-,all be obligated to buy said ;ire '_ins or any part trera v', ar.d no each oalicat!an shall ao contained or be implied territory to :x, aer75d by :te water line to be laid under the aut;—_rity here!n regiicate: be taken into or .rade a part of the City of Paducah NO. ;SG Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 3, 1949 It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Baducah or its Commissioners of Tater Works which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water Works to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of Yater Works the furnishing of water to the petitioners of their successors in ownership of the property awned may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com-nissloners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tam Johnston (4). petition Commissioner Abell offered motion that the statement Signed by Captain Troy Clark, I�t. ' _. policemen Hal. Cole, Woodrow Davis, R. A. Johnson, Elmore S. Rouse, Dorrell M. Thomas, Bouce L'cD,,ugal, ':7. E. Cunningham, Deward Simmons, John Herbert, A. K. Yancy, Paul E. Holder, John O'Donley, George Dossett, Gaylon Roach, R. Holt, James Robinson, L. J. Stubblefield, Charles 77eiflauf, Robert Holt, Dan Weir, Rulie Elliott, Rankin Ligon, Loy C. Hamm, Jesse Paschal, Marshall Jeffords, G. L. Barclay, Burton Weir, Joe Johnson, Robert Shelbourne, Fred Swenter, Gerald Stewart, J. P. Slaughter, Frank Bandy, Hugh Sarrett and Paul Holland, with reference to the motives of the two members of the Police Department who appeared before the Board of Commissioners at the last meeting and expressed their views concerning the conduct of the department be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). yrug-Thomas Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled. "AN ORDINANCE City D=np ✓ :sucks bid ACCEPTING THE BID OF KRUG*THOMAS TRUCK AND TRACTOR COMPANY FOR SALE OF TWO INTERNATION L accented TRUCKS BY TRADING Iid FOR SAID NST! TRUCKS USED TRUCKS BEARING LICENSE NUATBERS 6802 AND 798; Ai.D AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EUTER INTO A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE THEREOF', b adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and 'layor Pro Tem Johnston (4). ",uthrie Pit / Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAc`ICE Accept 'lead 4 -,, James AU711ORI/.IN11 74E ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED FROM JAMES G. WHEELER, EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE 7 ;'reeler MAMIE F. WHEELER, DECEASED, CONVEYING TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH A PART OF THE PROPER7Y COMPRISING :'.HAT 13 ?ENO'NN A3 GUTHtIE PIT; APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF ;204.71 FOR PAYMENT OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF SAID LANDS; AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF x$500.00 FROM THE CONTINGENT F`:IYD TO AN ACCOUNT F30 -11N AS vREAL ESTATE ACQUISITIONS TO PROVIDE r^Ui7DS FOR I PAYMENT OF = PLRr,F1A3E TRICE FOR SAID LANDS AND FOR orH.4R REAL ESTATE ACQUISITION; A'.D FPFSCR_TBING r.'E CONDITI073 UFON WITICli .,AID PHOPER7f SHALL BE TRANSFERRED", be adoptJed. A -'.opted on call of the Roll, Yesa, Commiaaloners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro I "+em Johnston (4). State ant Commissioner Abell offered motion that the following statamont 'made by him no Pa:.! 'tell Y.S. received acr9 fibs: .,Ince thero is no definite aasuranco that tho City of Paducah, if i t It sF:, 1d acquire the i'.:;.pr:�;ertiea in Paducah, ran secure oleetikelty from TVA or from j i any ether ao:_rce, an! since tra g:oat'_on of the priceto k;e s1 -I for the K. L', properties r -as not yet been settled the ^.Sty of }'a,.0^ah and 7.11. or by the C^urts, : cannot vote .or .r -ll :ane e, ,f and when this whole quastion of the city tuy'ra the F.';. propart_a3 is settle!. a^' is ._nail, ready for certification to the :a"ct so t:at cur citizens clay ;;te on it, then, of course, my vote shall to in the affirmative _ ,r such,,•e.,., car`_ . ._an. ,-..,pted .n rsl1 of the ::011, . ,aa, CO-;missionara Ata'_', Alen, !--arnin and May:. i' .M ohr3t_., (41. NO. 451 ' Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah May 3, 1949 Mayor Pro Tam Johnston offered the following motion: I move that an ordinance 7g5z6 entitled: "Ail ORDINANCE ORDERING AN ELECTION BY T41E QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF i Quasrrcri ,y Ya7E PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO BE HELD ON THE REGULAR ELECTION DAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1949, IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO DETERMINE THE QUESTION IIHETHER OR NOT THE CITY OF PADUC SHALL ISSUE AND SELL REVENUE BONDS IN THE SUM OF NOT EXCEEDING 4590 MILLION FIVE HUNDR THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,500,000) BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT EXCEEDING THREE AND ONE- HALF PERCENT (31%) PER ANNiR4, PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY, UNDER WE PROVISIONS OF KRS 96.5 i TO 96.900, FOR THE PURPOSE OR PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE ELECTRIC UTILI1 SYSTEM OF THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES COMPANY AT THE PRICE OF THO MILLION SIXTY-FOUR ONE HUNDRED NINE DOLLARS ($2,064,109) PLUS THE APPRAISED VALUE OF ADDITIONS AND IMPR I 'BENTS Ild SUCH ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM LESS TdE VALUE OF PROPERTY RETIREMENTS 7MHICH HAVE BEEN MADE SI^ICE THE COMPLETION OF THE INVENTORY OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES ON W THE APPRAISERS BASED THEIR VALUATION AS OF THE 1945-46 PRICING PERIOD, FOR PAYMENT OF PRELIMINARY EXPENSES 17111ICH HAVE BEEN OR 'WHICH MAY HEREAFTER BE INCURRED IN CONNECTION 'BITF. OR PRECEDENT TO THE ACQUISITION OF SAID SYSTEM, FOR NECESSARY ALTERATIONS AND IMPROVEMEN73 IN SAID SYSTEM, FOR CONSTRUCTING, SUCH TRANSMISSION OR TBANSBORM',ATION FACILITIES AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY PURCHASED FROM THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, TO PROVIDE A CASH :'IORKING FUND FOR THE MAINTTENANCE AND OPERATION OF SAID ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM, FOR PAYMENT OF INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL ON SAID BONDS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES INCIDENTAL TO AND NECESSARY FOR ACQUISITION, ESTABLISHMENT, OPERATION AND MSAINTENANCE OF SAID ELECTRIC UTILITIES SYSTEM; AND DIRECT THE CITY UANAGER TO CERTIFY THE QUESTION TO WE COUNTY COURT CLERK FOR SAID ELECTION AND TO ADVERTISE SAID QUESTION IN THE PADUCAH SUN DEMOCRAT, BY HANDBILLS, AND BY OTHER MEANS", be introduced and remain on file for at least one week for public inspection in the completed form in which it ahall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Allen„ Hannin and Mayor Fro Tem Johnston (3). Commissioner Abell voting "Noll. 'wring & Lieberman Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the Jteet purchase-- a s.rip to widen expenditure of x150.00 for the acquisition of the right of way to increase the width street the alley connecting ;wing and Lieberman Streets, that the amount paid for said addi- tional property be charged to the now account for property acquisition, and that said sus be paid to the owner of said property upon his execution and delivery to the City of ?ads ah of a deed of dedication containing a description approved by the City En;ineer. F0 further moved that the attorney for the city prepare for introduction at the next moot:nt• an ordinance acolishin:- the name of "Ewing Street", and that thestreet now !mown as =wing Street be re -named "Lieberman Street". Adapted on call Of the Roll, Yeas, Can-zlsaionars Abell, :,1 L: n, Iannin and Mayor Pro mom Johnston (4), for Co. L'.ayor Fro ^ria Johnston altered motion that the application of the Paducah Bus Compa4y req�,est for a -e r�le:l contact :^eq :eatLn, a acdificat"_an of the contract bitwaen the City of Iaducah and 'Iiia Paducah E'as Company Go received and filad, and that the attorney for the city prepare for intra'+.^tion at the next m:eti.^.g an crdinanco prov.idin;r .for the execution of an I ace de tory con pact containing the chanFon roqueted in said application. Adopted on call rcr,i;,a!oners AGell. A;,en, Hannin_and Mro ayor PTem Johnston Of axe ilC:l, Yeas, (4). I .. - :ion the moetin ndj,)urned. i AIM 7"D Mayor Fro Tom m �-..Iii �I�I Ga.}:l Z�• I ,.. 1. ! ,,��' ) I - ark - :. over !