HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 43, April 1, 19471 No. 43 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah April 1, 1947 At a :leSular Greeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners, Chamber at the City Ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7;30 ofclock P.M. on April 1, 1947 Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: ;I Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. /I Lease H.&".M. Commissioner Wlilliams offered motion that the executed copy of the lease under Motors 209 S 3rd itwhich the City of Paducah has rented to Woodrow Hook and Harry Grathis, Partners doing business as the H & M. Motors, the property at 209 South 3rd Street, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, i Plillisms and Mayor Seaton (4). Certi6'ication of j" Commissioner FUliams offered motion that the copy of the letter of Sarah Thurman; Assessment to ✓ Bd of Education the City Clerk, addressed to the Board of Commissioners dated March 26th, 1947, together with the copy of the letter written by her on the same date to Gr. H. L. Smitq, Superintendent of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, and a copy of her � certification as to the total value of all property in the City of $aducah subject to taxation in the year 1947, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). March 26, 1947 "Mayor &- Board of Commissioners On March 26, 1947, I delivered to Mr. H. L. Smith, Superintendent of the board of Education of the City of Paducah, Ky., a letter enclosing my certificate showing the total assessed valuation of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation for school purposes for the year 1947. This information was certified to the Board of Education pursuant to the requirementsof KRS 160.440. You will find enclosed a copy of the letter I have written to Mr. Smith, together with a copy of the certificate. Sarah Thurman City Clerk !larch 26, 1947 Mr. R. L. Smith, Superintendent Beard of Education City of Paducah, Kentucky Dear Sir: As required :finder the provisions of KR.: 160.440, I am herewith enclosing my certificate showin,: the total assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation in the City of iaducah, Kentucky for school purposes in the year 1.947. You are requested to file with me pursuant to the provisions of NRS 160.470 a copy of the school budget for the year 1947, this budget to show the amount of money needed for current expenses, debt and service, capital outlay, and other necessary expenses of the schools during the year 1947, also the estimated total amcunt which will be received from the cot -mon school fund and i the amount trst will be needed to be raised by local taxation, including the rata Of the levy necessary to raise such amount. The City Y.anaFerla budget was filed with the Board of Commisalone ra on i:arch 25th, and your budZot should Le filed as soon as possible to forestall thol possitility of delay in tho levying of taxes for this year. Very truly yours, Encic. Sarah Thurman, City Clerk. TO 971E i'OAHD 0? LI)UrATlot. 01, -111E C11"I 01" PADJ, 'A11, 'FENTUCKY araF. Thurc r., r..ler': of the City of 6aducaF_ Kentucky, do hereby cert!fy that tin attachnd cony of the report of the r -card of Edualization of epCity --:' iwas ah for t:n year 1947 is a true, full and camplete copy of said report ,a; was filed t; aaiC toard with the Loard of Corunissioners of the City of :edLra on ibrch 5, 1947, an said re;;ort appears of record In Canute `cook =;o. V!1, rage 32 of tre cffir.ial records of said city. l No. 44 IProceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah April 1, 1947 I further cmrtify that said report of the Loard of Equalization shown the total assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation in the City of Paducah for school purposes as determined by the City Assessor and the Board of Equalization of said city. IN TESTIMONY INHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Clerk of the) City of Faducah, Kentucky, and affixed the cdrporate seal of said city, this �he 26th day of March, 1947. Sarah Thurman City Clerk (SEAL) Invitation Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of Mr. Carl Vlachs, wy Municipal League ✓Executive Secretary of the Kentucky Municipal League, in which he advises that the Convention Paducah league is open for invitations from cities for the 1947 annual convention, be received and filed, and that the l:ayor be authorized to extend to the League an invitation to hold its convention in Pad cah on dates in the third week in September to be selected by the Board of Directors. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, "lilliams and Mayor Seaton (4). I Refund Commissioner Firedlander offered motion as follows: Wm. L. Spann havingi Bldg Fermit ✓ .m. L. Spann applied to the City Treasurer for a refund of ;'2.00 for building permit #7318 obtained) on varch 25, 1947, and it appearing that the said !:m. L. Spann does not expect to exercise the privilege conferred under said permit by constructing a building on Lot 7, Block 8I on Brown Street. I therefore move that the City Treasurer be authorized to cancel said permit and to refund the fee for same to llm. L. Spann. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'lilliams and Mayor Seaton (4). 'later Cc .� Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Financial Report of Report Feb. 1947 the Iaducah 'Nater 'Norks for the month of February, 1947, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'Williams and Yayor Seaton (4). Sudvet ofMayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, Board of Education file and spread upon the minutes the budget of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah for the year 1947, together with a certified c,)py of said resolution under which the Board of Education has requested the levy of taxes for school purposes at the rate of 31.25 on each 11100.00 of real and personal property in the City of Paduca ?ertucky, for the year 1947. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ';lilliams and ::ayor Seaton (4). March 27, 1947 3onoraLle !?ayor and Board of Cor.nissioners City of Paducph Fadu^ah, entucky rentlenen: 'yhe follnwin7 resolutinn in a cart of the ninut,ia of a called meeting of the Eoard of E -Lunation held Thursday, -arch 27, 1947, at which all members were present. ni.K " F.ES`i.•'ED Ly the 00rd of Ulcuation of Paducah, Kentucky that there Le imr.osed and levied by the tax levylnr authority of the City of rae.ucah, Kentucky, the 9a valorem tax of one,, dollar er.0 CAenty-e,:e coats ('1.2,1) ) on eachlOC.(0 of real. and poroonal prr,terty oftte City ofr:adu.^.ah, :entucky, suLject to taxation for the year 1547, the sur heirs necessary to produro for said year of 1347 tte t0 -al estimate9 sum n,--ce3nary to Le raised to support and r'A'ntair. the-Mlie sr:.D01a of the City of _aducah, Kentucky, lass the esti^ated sur.. t0 Le raised, Sinn the tate Cor. man rand. ^BE i i^FEE FEEZ, ';7T, by tte :card of Education of raducah, Kentucky, that ti -.e tax levy!^a suthorityof tt City of Faeucah , crone fi.sd y sn ad va.0rer tax of ten rents (IO!) on each j14.,.10 of real arr, iters;halopera; of the City of iaducah, art c y, sub!ert to ",axed:n ".r !ce year 1947, ca.cs L-ein; the an un* nece3sar cr i' mairce:-,snce, an ttc. o a e6yifpi-_ of the ___.__rg ^', i-1e;!i±ics t0 the ;1.25e fi NO. 45 Proceedings Board of Commissioners City of Paducah April let, 1947 rate for school purposes. "BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Board of Education of Faducah, Kentucky, that it request the tax levying authority of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, to levy the maximum rate allowed by the law, on bank stock taxible by the Eoard." Very truly yours, Lee F. Powell, President BOARD OF EDU"ATION Attest: Ethel M. Rice, Secretary DOARD OF EDUCATION Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Education Bureau of Finance GENERAL BUDGET For School Yeas 19 19 Paducah Indoendent District, Count• of McCracken Name o District) Coun y or n epen en TO THE STATE BQA:'D OF EDUCATION FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY In compliance with the law (K.R.S. Sections 160.460 to 160•.530, Inc.) and the regulations of the State Board of .Education, we, the board of education of this school district, hereby submit to you for approval our itemized statement or budget showing the amount of money needed for payment of teachers' salaries, for maintenance and operation of school plant, for school buildings, repairs, equipment and other schoolipurposes, for the succeeding school year July 1, 19 to June 30, 19 , after de- ducting the state funds available and all other income resources and—funds on hand or—Tn process of collection; and, shoving the amount which will be needed to be raised by local taxation, including the rate of levy necessary to raise such amount, viz: ( 9 months for a!1 elementary schools This budget brovides for a term of ( Census 6490 ( ( 9 months for all high schools G ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Coda 100-199 ADMINISTRATION OR GENERAL CONTROL . 618,225.00 Include all payments for salaries of superintendents, assistant superintendents, Clerks and stenographers for superintendent, attendance officers and other census enumeration and attendance personnel; also expenditures for office supplies and other miscellaneous expenses in connection with the office of superintendent, Include expenditures for surety bonds of officials, school board per diem, and other expenses of business administration. 200-299 INSTRUCTION . . . . . . .367,950.00 include salaries and expenses of supervisors, principals, assistant princiapla� clerical assistance for supervisors and principals, teachera( salaries, educa- tional supplies, library and supplementary books and other expenses of instruction, 3C0-333 O?LFATION OF SCiiCOL PLANT 49,425.00 Include wages of janitors and engineers, janitors supplies, erpendlturos for fuel and water, liEht and power, and other expenses for operation of school plant. 400-193 L1AIC^E".IA?:r,L•' CF SC^OOI. FLANT . . 28,000.00 include all exponl'iturcs made for repair, replacement and maintenance of the school p]ant. 500-599 ?:XM CPiARGEL 6,500.00 Include Insurance p:omlr^s, 'c.^.torrid for school�buildings �and �equipment, and ^_ontributlons oral eontlnUencioa. 6CG-959 Auxiliary services . . . .3,850.00 include solarios and expenses of field workers engaged in promotion of health activities, coat of school athletics erd playgrounds, transportation of pupils in-ludinq the hire, operation and mainten;.nee of vePdcles, payments made by the local s.,otem fcr lunches, and other community survices, oxcept tuition to other dlatri-ts. A. TOTAL ('URRE.`7 EXPs::Sj'S, ME 160 to 659 I:XLU3IV1 473,J50.00 611 ?:RA.`.SFER Cr Ti;hPiO'7 TO O'!inh I i' RICT3 . ?OC -799 CAPITAL r; TEAT . 1rc2u'e ail psYMento for 'andor new grounds, new tulldingt's, new eauITment, Sm,,-roaecents to .;rounds and Luildinaand new aC hGel bUsese9.s, a furniture and 80C-399 DEET S-RVICE . L^.clnde all peyxears r:;r :�Itlring Londe end all payments for intereat on same; a:20 all ref!:nas srA pay -ants of temporary leans, including interest pay= t.".erecn. t, 11,COO. 00 12,500.00 NO. Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah— _ April 1, 1947 E. TOTAL ESTR.:ATED EXPENDITURES OTHER THAN CURRENT, CODES 661 to 899 x23,500.00 C. TOTAL BUDGE:' APPROPRIATIONS A PLUS B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x497,450.00 D. Number of subdistricts that levy a local tax for retirement of voted bonds? Total estimated revenue from such subdistricts:+.......... $........... Voted Bonds Funding Bonds Holding Co. Bonds Bonds are obligation Total Outstanding Subdistrict Voted Bonds of City Indebtedness Otherwise *Applies only to county school districts in which a subdistrict tax is levied for retirement of voted bonds. Prepare in triplicate, submit two copies to the Department of Education, Bureau of Finance, prior to March 20. ESTIMATED RECEIPTS FROM ALL SOURCES OTHER THAN DISTRICT TAXATION 0 7.e had on Jan. 1 unexpended cash balance in the general fund . . . . . . . . .,5,861.81 Overdraft 1e anticipate other receipts from the following sources: I 1000 'A 425.00 state per capita, approximate)yy 162,250.00 1010 .Special State School fund (Equalization),�approximately'. 1050 Other State aid (Agriculture, home economic, trades, distributive) 6,000.00 1060 Reimbursement for special vocational training, approximately 1070 Reimbursement for school lunch program, approximately . . . . . . . . . . . 1200, Tuition from other districts, approximately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500.00 1250 Interest on invesements, approximately . . ... 1300 All other revenue sources, not including codes 1100 to1130,below, approx. 1400 Sale of neer bonds, approximately . 1420 Reissue of bonds, approximately. . . 1450 Sale of property and insurance adjustments due, a�:proximately . . . 1,250.00 1500 All other non -revenue sources, approximately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600.00 E. TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN DISTRICT TAX . . . . . . .t 67,738.19 F. LEAVING BALANCE TO BE SUPPLIED BY DISTRICP TAXATION Cminus E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 329,711.81 SOURCES OF DISTRICT TAXATION 1100 The total assessed valuation of all property subject to taxation for school purposes in this school district exclusive of the assessed valuation of bank shares, and exclusive of real estate, tangible and franchise taxes from corporations assessed by the State Tax Commission, amounts to approximately V20,610,940.00 and based on levy made, will produce .257,636.75 (Prior year taxes (from City of Paducah) - ... . . 10,725.06; 1110 111he total assessed valuation of all bank shares in district amountsto 6V384,360.00 and based on levy made (maximum permitted by law is 40¢, will produce 1,350.00, 1120 The total assessed valuation of all talpaying franchise corporations as assessed by the State Tax Commission, amounts to approximtaoly ;4,400,000.00 and Lased on levy made, will prodice 55,000.00 Penalties on Interest on-intrict 0! 55,000.001 1130. The total number of make citizens listed for poll �tax �is and*based*on levy made, will produce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G. TOTAL EZTIMATED iiICOyE FRO[, DISTRICT TAXATIO:C BASED UPON5SESS.MEITS 51100 AND LE`iIES RE^UESTED AMOUNTS TO (Codes 1100 to 1130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329,'!11.81 3. CRA'1D TOTA', OF ALL tSTIMATED RECEIPTS (E plus G -'.:UST L-ALANCE WITH C) 407,450.00 Paducah, Kentucky 19 Adopted March 27, 1947 i;y State :.oard of Education, .;yradurah (City§ District Broad of Education Approved _____3ecr9tary -------- _�___ Cr. the bas's ;f t"e stove budget se respectfully request that the levyinc.. authority is sae a tax of •1,25 recta for r�enerr! school purposes, a levz of cents for sinking f'.n3"P.ur�oses ar.d a levy of 1C� cents for school Wilding fund,+on Ere one hundred dollar vsl':sticn of al'_ rro;:ert.3 311—ect to crnmon school tax; r,lso 0'10v; of 40,a, cents on ttie one ?-.unlred doilars valvst:o- of ell anF shares sut.jeet to eorumon nohool tax; a rapitatlon tax of cents on all r,1e c!t!zeas ir the common school district twenty-one years �f are ari over not to exceed a!xty-five ;;ears of, are. y 7tlis re^'lest ley'e 'or .';9 13^.� :ar 1047 !G e• eti0w ,U'h i r Of c.Ire ^Sty :Dara c" .,:i,Gt:Cr. c:!a F.;' a, ;, "arrr-1947Ja • ,Lee apse)), Chu ted by order . a. -.ice, Secreta. is :i ir.^an Secretary, :it, ward of education. r` _ . ..bet 'Nau .ted on tte ^:a) of _l9 ee ctiar. o.' -D.0 No.— 47 IProceedinSs of Board of Commissionors City of Paducah April lot, 1947 f� Appoint John Mayor Seaton offered motion that the copy of the letter written by Mr. Charles A. Driskill Al. Bev. Admr. C Uilliams, the City Manager, notifying Mr. John Driskill of his appointment as City alcoholic Beverage Administrator, effective April 1, 1947, be received and filed. E Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and b:ayor Seaton (4)/ Aoprove Lane Oak Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OID INANC 'later Contract ti APPROVING THE ACTION OF 'BIC BOARD OF COT•iMISSIONERS DF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, Or MARCH 25, 1947, in AUTHORIZING THE EXFCUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE SALE OF SURPLUS NATER TO THE LONE OAK WATER DISTRICT, AND APPROVING AND RATIFYING THE CONTRACT EXECUTED ON MARCH 31, 1947, PURSUANT TO SAID ACTION", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Decd lot to ,/ Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitl9d: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING Earl Hopkins I THE SALE TO EARL HOPKINS OF LOT 17 IN BLOCK 5 OF THE RE -SURVEY OF BLOCK 4,MINERAL WELLS ADDITION IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, AND AUTIICRIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY i CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CONVEYANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, tYilliams and Mayor Seaton (4),I Accept deed from Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING John 2'atters 11th Street THE ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED OF CONVEYAUCE TO A STRIP OF LAND RUNNING ALONG THE END OF BLOCK 24 AS SHO:21 BY PLAT BOOK 'A', AT PAGE 3 IN THE MCCRACKEN COUNTY COURT CLERK'S OFFICE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE PAYMENT OF THE SUM OF ,*,59.00 TO THE OWNERS OF SAID j PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). Letter Central, Commissioner '.illinms offered motion that the letter of the Paducah Central Labor Labor Union Salary Increasie Union stating its objection to the budget prepared by the City Manager for the reason City Emp. i that it does not show increases in the salaries for city employees be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and ILayor Seaton (4). Federated Shop Commissioner Nilliams offered motion that the letter written by Yx. Joe Mitchell, Crafts oppose increase in bus Secretary of the Federated Shop Crafts, in which he adv.isea that his organization fare opposes the increase of bus fare from five cents per passenger to ten cents per passenger be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, lilliams and Mayor Seaton (4). Vl etlnr with ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the !.payor be requested to arrange for s.er :'oris Ed. a joint m-eting of the ::card of Commissioners and the Commissioners of Paducah 9ater Works for the purpose of discussing the question as to whether an increase in water rentals should be made effective in a percentage sufficient to reduce the water rental bill which will be char!od to the City of Paducah for the yoar 1947 as shown by the City ::.anaFa;-12 'Lu9Det, in order that the City of Paducah may have the revenue for increasinv salaries, for puretas.tn;, lire equipment, for construction of a concrete , drive a! the river front ar9 for meklnr- permangnt Lm n•Ovem9nts at the Iaducah McCracken County-1:'Esrt• Alopted on call of the Roll, Y,3as, Cefim11."3lone re Friedlander, Johnstor.�, •';illiflms aro Valor :;eatnn (4). • CM mit1en :r.a meeting adjourned. Az: a ?:. ,���L-�����`_,__-.._lri 4'/ Ai•PRO Vr.`_i / ..� ry r j