HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 427, March 1, 1949427 Proceedings of ,rd of Co:-, :iinners City of Paducah Larch 1, 1.949 ' :t a i;e>nalar l.:eotin^ of the :;oard of Coaumiss.ionera hold in the Commissioner a Chamber at the City 'fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:50 f.". on I.:arch 1, 1949, Yayar rro 7^on ic-liraton prasided and anon ra 1 of the ,^,ell the follo•ain- answered to their names: r�^•.`-i,nars :1'.:011, -VUen. :Fannin and Payor Pro T m Johnston (4). i'ayor call: LcinC t. .-nt:as of the previous meetin^ :xare adopted as read. :Cidon ^:ir. St./Commissioner Abell offered notion that the Board receive and file the ro-namw sn.•^.o Lieberman 0t. petition from residents alonr Owing and Lieberman Streets requesting that the alley connectin_r, these two streets be widened to form a stroot 35 feet in width and that :inr Street be re -named Lieberman Street, the letter from R. Atherton dated :.:arch 1, 1949, and tha sI. -etch prepared by the City 3nrineer dated 2-19-45. Adop:;ed on call i of the 3011, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, A71en, [Tannin and Wayar Fro Tem Sohnaton (•-). Se ar - loth St.»i: tayor Pro Tom Johnston offered motion that the petition signed Ly E. L. Ross, at al, reeuestin- permission to construct a sewer on 23th Street at their own expense b= re_^erred to the City >anager for investigation and reconunendation. �i i Adopted or call of the Roll, 'leas, Comrainaioncro Abell, Allen, tannin and Lltyor Pro Tena Johnston (4). Plcense ;ax' Comnissioner ^bell offered the following notion: I ,hove that the special ?a xic a bs-'case s wire ,nvcrnor delivery 'letter of cbbruary _Cth ;mitten by i.. Lsr1`is 7eintraub,' City solicitor 1 . and :.ctin7 City :•Bnoe.er of :iO-.r ort, T:entucky, i:ith reference to the statute and i authority under !which cities are now prohibited from levyin;^ taxes upon Luses, ta;icab and other motor vehicles operated under a certificate of convenience i::suod b the Stnte of-:entuc'ry, be received and filed and that the ;,:ayor Pro Tom be directed to transmit to the Honorable Earl C. Clements, Governor of the Commomwcal.tn of-Ontucky the follo•ain^ telagram: "Pion. Earl f!. Clements r3overnor, Commonwealth of • cntucky `onkfort, Kentucky . .. ...:. ...^7C .'^at the Rayor j'ro Tom !write tO...^:atCl` frOnl ttl.ia 1 _., •• • .. ,+ , . .... • _ . i9^.. _ rOn the raunty ane. ur.-c art ti:e 1•elic:,l "• ... . _. . n ,..Inds his call. :ted nn call a,' the Roll, ... . .. ..... .. ....... .... ... .... ,;ar o TQ,1. ....ton .. .'_ . .... 1.. ... •t': 'r,::I .nLe tP� t. T, t:L,. "It Prcceedinv of Cit _v of Paducah Im on, i- yl - ir 0 nt �'croel totion that the !,.,,,lease rane.a r 113 A: a me :Ix o 'tIIt',ItII'Y uotco of Judy :ox, rolcoo-'n'-, the City of Paducah from an from a� 7r,.n,: cut 01, ally '!anaEc resultingI injury to thl cold Judy Fox 1943, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Allen, ?Tannin and 7.liyor ;ro Tam. Johnston (4). V, 7, offered motion that the Enard approve the expenditure of no !lion of a ri,'7ht of .*.,ny to widen the alley connectin:, E-Jn` -nC. 7 -.nthe appropriate account that Such experdituve be charged to cpportj,,n--:at ordinance as amended. ?adopted on call of the Rall, yocka, Pbell, Allen, "annin an, -.1 1.ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). an r Allen O'forad nc'�ion that the 13oard of Commissioners receive, fil 'i, Y Clic;; :.y the - Jelity and Casualty Company of 'Iew .late glans Company, !no. for a pevod or one year from '?e'Puary 7, -n call of the Roll, Yaas, CorardzuloncrG Abell, Allen, T.7annin and 1, Fro Te-. J-)hnnton (4) ^.r Comeni3oioner Allen offered motion that a copy of the letter of the City Dinacc -:w t ',7oodall I. '.'.clton one the letter of S. R. "loodall in which he states that the regula loial bond of Stuart Johnston will cover the City .,.,hile he Is performing, his duties c A'^rholic TevernEe Administrator, be received one. filed. Adopted on call of the ',as Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and 1.:ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Commissioner Allen offered notion that the copy of the memorandum writton by I.,rrell, Corporation Counsel, rer-ardi. tile case of O-E-71atson Va. City of be received an! filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corur.ionionors :<nq in and 3.'.a yor Pro Tom Johnston (4). -ainner ',lien offorecl. motior that the financial r000rt f the Paducah ter CoCc o Pad, t ✓ for thc rn,nth, if January, 1040, cc received and filed. .dopted on call �o=lasionlrs Abell, Allen, '.',qnnin and :-ayor Fro Tom Johnston (4). n red motion d 0 h as -in — 0 fo that the City of Fo-uca pay t the Be le r1 e Burn. of 73.00 for the installation of no -v., r:.arble in the r: 7 ':cntucky :.*ausolcun Comparly, and that the amount Cf' said ,.i77.:- 0Uinnt ti -C :3 ,;:-. w!uducah �ich the City 0! 11 annually mausoleum Luildine. Adopted on call of len, Hannin and T.ayor Pro Pen Johnston (-' . ). t". letter of John A. Feel,-, 13ornr-, o7.t Line U�Irraay through i. 0 itl�er - Ual on Octnc.cl- !,'0, a• -pr ove .lection I t'j J. Y. "'wila azal his NO.._ 429 Proceedings of " of Comm;iasion• rc: _City of Paducah Larch 1, 1940 of Cfflco Act:n; City ..ancFor :iank it -s. Carrie :.-.ale-latter ::oat:' I;�orara C.. m.,�i,itit L ats in cit Request U-3. ':ns, investi -ate -instal pump plant I* :'ayor Iro Tam Johnston offered motion that the Cath of Office to%on by ted on tali of the Sad.", Actin, City ::ana„er be received and filed. Adop _o'.l, Yoss, Corsisaioners Abell, Allen, aannin and 'ayor ?ro Tem Johnston (4). Conmissioner ?tannin o.fercii motion that the latter of :'rs. Car -lo Pale, nrMressed to the I:ayor Pro Tem, Actint; City :.an, or and Board of Com.Tiasioners rolsting to the goats owned by her, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Eannin and 'ayor Pro Ten Johnston (4p. ?.:ayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the Attorney for the City prepare for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance declaring as a nuisance the keeping of any :-oat or ,,oats within the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, and providin; that a fine of not exceedinr, iS0.00 nor less than :1.00 be assessed against any person who shall violate such ordinance. Adopted on call of the Poll, fens, Com:iisaioners Abell, .Alen, :!annin and :'ayor Pro Teri Johnston (4). ::.ayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT T: _.,1.1....3—R.. TO ItiSTAL? A FU: rT-_iG PLANT BOF. TIME PURPOSE OF DRAINING RAI:! ::ATTR '.71TIM ACCUI.-ULAT:.':: i:: WtAl: A.^.E SUB-AP.EA "C -l" '0P DRAI;IA:33 AREA "0" :7HICI1 9:25 .._:: CAUSED i'L T:i3C0;:3TRUCTI0On T..:E FLOOD PI:OTECTIO:i ',TALL", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comsissionors Abell, Allen, Fannin and 1..ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED 1949 AI PROVED Kayor i-ro Tom i 'It y r;lor , arm:iasioncr 0;: