HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 423, February 23, 1949423 Proceedings of Poard of Comminaloners City of Paducah February 23, 1949 { At a Regular h:eeting of the Eoard of Commirsloners held in the Commissioners' II Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.T.. on February 23, 1949, btnyor Peak presided and lipon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: rommdesloners Abell, Allen, 1Ia:,:nin, Johnston and','ayor Peak (5). "inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. ii. Comes of rommissioner 'tannin offered motion that the copies of six ordinances showing returr ordinances :Sled sharing by Police Coptain J. P. Slourhter on the backs of the last pages, that he delivered 2ervice on Comniss'_orera such ordinances to Mayor Gene Peak at G:55 P.i:., Ifs. Stuart Johnston, at 5:05 P—M., 1.:r. taul Abell at 7:10 :.::., ;r. George Allen at 3:45 P.M., and ?r. George Hannin at 6:15 P.M., February 17, 1949, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens �{i Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin, ,Johnston and 7,ayor Peak (5). Cormnissi6ner Johnston offered motion that the copy of an ordinance showing returns by Police Captain J. P. Slaughter on the back of the last page, that he delivered such ff ordinance to f:ayor ^ene Peak at 7:09 P.?.;., Yr. Stuart Johnston at 7:CO P.:r:., hr. Paul Abell at 6:40 P.t:., ?Fir. George Allen at 7:28 P.,,. and r;;r. George flannin at 6.50 P.:,:. on February 21, 1949, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisaioners, Abell, Allen, Hannin, Johnston and,LYayor Peak (5). 5udget-Board of r/ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, file Education and spread upon the minutes. the- badger of. the,. Board. of Education of the City of Paducaf for the year 1949, together with a certified copy of the resolution under which said board has requested the levy of taxes fa, school purposes at the rate of ;1.36 on each 1CO.00 of, real and, personal, property in,the City, of, Paducah, Kentucky, subject to taxation for the year 1949, 14/ or. each '100.00 of real ani personal property in said 1j" city subhect to taxation in said year, and 401 on each -?100.C'0 of valuation of bank sharea subject to comm -ion school tax for said year. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, ?Tannin, Johnston and ?ayor Peak (5). "February 21, 1949 honorable I'.ayor and card of (0 2Ti3aione± s pity of Faducah :aducah, Kentucky .ntl'.. Fart of the minutes of a called meeting of the Board of 18, 1949. R'.i77.72T) b,,- the Board of F.ducatlon of i-aciucah, Kentucky, e ir',. ^^nd and levied by the tax lovylns, authority of iarn�, 1Contucky, the ad valorem to:: of one rents ("1.36) on each :'.100. of real and c City of Ped,:cah, Kcrtuc :y, aubiect to 549, the sane bding necc22an is be .uta in tho public schools t io Cit;; ?,,2a the eatimated gum to from und. Proceedings of ' card of Cornmissionors City of Paducah February 23, 1949 Commonwealth of Kentucky Department of Education Bureau of Finance nencral Eudgeb For School Year 1949 Paducah, Independent District, County of McCracken To the State coard of Education "ranlSort, Rentucky -n compliance with the lax (TtRS Sections 160.450 to 100.530. Inc.) and the regulations ' of the State :bard of Education, xe, the board of education of this school district, hereby submit to you for a:proval our itemized 0tgtement or budget showing the amount or money needed for payment of teachors, salaries, for maintenance and operation of school ?Inst, for school buildinf-a, repairs, equipment and other school purposes, for the succeeding school year Jul;; 1, 19 to June 30, 19 afte,� deducting the state funds available and all other income resources and funds onn -Hand or in process of collection; and showinE the amount :which will be needed to be raised by local taxation, including tic rate of levy necessary to raise such amount, viz: ppv I ( 9 months for all elementary schools �TMas budget !..rovidea for a term of ( ° months for all high schools Census 6060 li .. ESTI:.',:TSD E-" ; 1T::RE3 Code 10^-199 A ::1::ISTRATION OR GENERAL CONTROL......................................................^ 0,640.c0 Include all payments for salaries of superintendanta, assistant superintendents, Clerks and stenographers for superintendent, attendance officers and other census -�oumeration and attendance personnel; also expenditures for office supplies and other incellaneous expanses in connection with the office of superintendent. include renditures for surety bonds of officials, school board per diem, and other expenses :,usiness administration. . .. . . .. .......................... TION .......... 5r4 1,746.57 :-elude salaries and expenses of supervisors. principals, assistant principals, clerical ^rlstance for supervisors and principals, teachers, salaries, educational supplies•, trar•, :.^..3 supplementary books and other expenses of instruction. .-C'.TOOL PLANT ................ .. ......................................... . '-tc 20 CO _•; is -e^ of janitors and en,Tineers, Janitor rs supplies, expenditures for fuel and and power, and other expenses for operation of school plant -.<.. : xHOOL PLAIT ........... .;, :. , o 00 00 all expenditures made for repair, replacement and maintenance of the school�� .................................��. 2,000.00 nurance preruum3, rent paid for school buildinCsand equipment, andcontri- eontinEencles. -_.7 ES ............... ........ .. . • .0 - ries and expenses of field :^orkers engaged in promotion of health activities 5,000.00 of cc".00l athletics and playgrounds, transportation of pupils, including the hire, ;ration and maintenance of vehicles, payments made b.r the local system for lunches and " aver cornunity services, except tuition to other districts. A. TO AL CURRE::TEXPE@:SES. CODES 100 to 659 INCLUSIDE .5 E1 3FER "'F TCI_TIO:; 6,504.37 T OTHER DISTRICTS 7C0=799 CAPiTAI. G7TLAY ...... ....... 71 .CI .......... .................................... ;Include all payments for land or ne* grounds, no::' buildings, new furniture and quipment, improvements to grounds and buildin,ta, and new school buses. 500-299 ............................................ ... .... ................ all pO nrents for retiring bonds and 4,000.00 Ih1clove all payments for�Interest�on aamo; also 1 refunds Ord payments of temporary loans, including interest payments thereon. 7;7A'., r3T2 ATED 'c:?= ".:DIT':3ES C'MER TKAN CURRSNT, CODE3 C,61 to 299 ...... .5 ,000.00 504.37 T"TA..:..., . n...", ..:? i:,T:O:: A plus R .......................................... W1,504.37 9r n nUl'."11tr!cts that le Vy a local tax for retirement of voted bonds? rovenue from such 2ub,3istricts•+k. toted Fcr.'s ponds are oblir•ation a 1 ..^.r Cr.. ; on, of the City at.d'.ntrict ,onIs r:rf ye NO. 425 Proceedings of nosrd of Commisa loners City of Paducah February 23, 1949 r. (C mi,nua E....................................................M8,8,644.57 SOURCES OF DISTRICT TAnATTON !!CC The o al assensed valuation of all property subject to tacation for sch_o. purposes in this school district exclusive of the aaao3se8 value ion of !:ank shares, and oxdlusive of real estate, tan iblc and fianchise taxes from corporations assessed by the Statc Tax Commi.aion, amounts to a;proximately •24,254.'130. and b. sed on levy rade, .rill produce ..... ...:1329,864.32 rior year taxes (from City of Paducah) 5,000.00 1110 The t, tal assessed valuation of all banl: shares in district amounts to `!425,700. anti boned on levy made (maximum permitted by law is 40r) will pridzce 1,700.00 11£0 Tile ttal assessed valur.tion of all taxpayinC franchise corp,rationa, as ss,essed by the State Tax Commission, amounts to approx ;;5,11G.195. and based on levy made, will produce ................................. 69,580.25 Penalties and interest on district taxes 2,5:'0.00 1130 The t tal number of male citizens listed for poll tax is and based on ley made, r: ill produce G. TAL ESTIKATED INCOI.IE FRT.: DISTRICT TAXATION LSED UPON ASSE33"E?IT3 SHO1711v AND LEVIES RE2UESTED, ATOUJTS TO (Codes 1100 to 1130..............................................},408,644.57 Ti. G AND TOTAL OF ATL ESTIT'A ED RECEIPTS (E PLUS G LIUST BALANCE WITH C) ........ 001,504.37 Paducah, Ky 19 Adopt(d February 18, 1949 By STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Py Pac ucah (City) District Board of 17ducation Lee F. Powell, Chairman Approved 19 Ethel Y. Rice, Secretary Chairman T' Tr: Lu J' NI AiJTHbRIT'Y OF PADUCAH CIT_' D=STRICT: Ga the basis of the above budget vee respectfully request that the levying authority impose a tax of 1.36 cents for general school purposes a levy of cebts for sinking fundi:- purposes and a levy of 14� cents or school building bund-:::.`, on the ono hu lnUred dollars valuation of all property subject to common sch.ol tax: also a levy of 40 cents on the one hundred dollars valuation of all bank shares subject to co -.mon school tax, a capitation tax of cents on all male citizens in the common sehod district twenty-one years of age and over not to exceed sixty-five years of age. ?his req,est for levy for the fiscal year 1949 is respectfully submitted by order of the City LOar,! of Edue tion on this 21 day of February, 1949, Lee F. Fo:aell, Chairman Ethel L'. ;;ice Secretary Paducah (City) Board of Education Cormon:scalth f Kentucky District of hereby cei tify that the above request was granted on the day of 19 Clerk of by D. C. -- h See 3ect!on 162.080 'CRS Seo Zectlon 160,475 TCRS !re 7, -'pt. Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "MI ORDI17,1ZE ':a. rank etc E3TAr•I.13::'::G T:.., NU'ER, RANKS AND MONTHLY SALARIES OF I,:PS".KERS OF 11HE FIRE DEPART;,.Z;T 1:;D E EAL=?:': C';D_S::i'IC'r'.S I ; COIIPLICT HERYWI'11i", be adopted. Adopted on call of the 'loll, leas, Co^niasloners }tannin, Johnston and Mayor Peak. (3), ?:ays, Commirsioners 6 ALP!-! and :'lien (2). 't. C^.._._,-. -..nes ..a •r.in 0 "er.d motlon that an ordinance entltled: "A. 0,1DINA',.'CE `- :.. _ A:;D ::OI.;TI:LY SALARIES 02 .,...BERS OF' T' -.E FOLICE UEYAR'[,: X1 1N COTIFLICT :1E1-7IT31", be adopted. Adapted en call of the p el-'•. "+a r.. •,..'-,- _•,- ...r.�r a;:n!a, Johnston and i.;ayor Peak (3), :;ays, Corx:dnsioncra Jro;d ::anon that an ordimmn.ce e:rti".led: :ALL Of tlje Tioll, •loua, y. 1; aionera Abell 1411;.1 Allen ■ NO Proceedings of 7­1­q")nc­`1 City of Paducah R, C-141331FICATM'�A' .-zF TO SALARIES OP ALL '--,',LL 1-,3 Ai7ECTED EY TM GIVIL 2,RCF RULES AND REOU :-OVIDED 17 7.� :,.,.;LM AIM :',;­:1,'LATION3 DOVEII(NING THM COAMUCT OF' AND VE CAUSE FOR V."11C'I A:Y EMPLOYER i`.AY ME REPRI'-TANDED, —D FRM,' E-IIOY:ZCNT b.• TI'2 C:T7; PROVIDIN,-, FOR AILD ESTA3-- - -- ----- THE CREATION A'D :-'A_1NT2'.'1,.­C3 07 A PE113IO:1 `LMD POP CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTiUCKY A:,'D AUTHORIZING THE L:1VY OF A TAX C" RES FOR THE CREATION A:M rTAINTENTAUCE OF SAID FlU1:1); rROVIDIM A HOARD OF TRUSTEES TO AD,'TT:-TJTER SAID FUND; FIXING AND FRESCRILING 1:ALT-r ICA T'07,3. TER7,10 0` 0:,i -ICE, I-177dERS AND DUTIES OF SAID BOARD OF TRUSTEES; 71,LES AND REGULATIONS BY VMIC'I SAID _10ARD OF TRUSTEES AIM ALL APPOINTS ie 7-:.n* ­E75 ::"ATL _. F, 41011EERNED INITIT REFERENCE TO 71E GRANTING AM ALLMIANTGE'OF PENSIONS R _7117TT3,, A':D PROVIDING A SEPARALILIVI CLAUSE, I WHICH VIAS ADOPTED BY TIS .,.7D Ce,7,13:310:7-113 ON DECM7BZR 2, 1947, AM AMEMED ON FEBRUARY 24, 1949, and on 20, 1948", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Fannin, Johnston and I-ayor Peal, (3), Nays, Commissioners Abell and Allen (2). _ev'- ✓ Commissioner Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AI: ORDINANCE 7:3 L7,-17-3 7- -,ATES OF TAXATION ON ALL PROPMMZ 1:1 THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENWCKf, 70 TAXATiCl. FOR T.M.TICIPAL PURPOSES A'M FO _`CHOOL. PURPOSES FOR 'r,'E YEAR 1949, THE RATE. OF POLL TAY. VIT.H - FU"POOES OF SAID TAXES THEREUNDER DEFINT:-:1)", be adopt d. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Fannin, Johnston and Mayor Peal'. (3), ':rys, Commissioners Abell and Allen (2). Commissioner Fannin offered motion as follows: The apportionment ordinance for th3 n e year 1949 entitled "AN 0-,D171TA':CE FIXING TIM, AFPORTIONIMEVTT OF THE PUBLIC FUNDS OF 711E ^71,-' 011 I-71:,!,:' -7 ^,7jE YEAR 1949 A'7D A:PROPRIATING THE PUBLIC REVENUE A:7D INCOME OF T14M havin, been introduced and road in full at the meeting of the hold on February 15, 1949; �'.nt the yor and the ::embers of tho Loard Of Commissioners vmiv) ordinance at loneth v.,hen there is put upon Its passage the mo tie I if said ordinance rt this meting,. Adopted on call cf the Roll, Yens A'Ion, Kannin, Johnston Gn,_1 ­.a:7o1, .'oa'c (5). V11r GO',: o.'- ercd motion that an ordlinirzco entitled: "A:1 c7ZDjTjA:;C-,, PjXjj(,, !,,IE OF 77IE PU2LIG -',Z I DUCATI, 1',31MCKY, FOR T-3 -:EA-, 1049 OF 7-2 CITY TO 3UCT P , 1,OZ S ", b M1 ;Ea -)!-:-is3ionevs 1-Annin, Johnston and 1-'ayor '2; .