HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 415, February 1, 1949415 Proceedings of pard of Commissioners City of Poducab i'ebruary 1, 1949 Nater :onnec I. Nt. 7later Connecl ion fiaplewooc Terrace fidd. Lot 6 Blk 10' I At a Regular Mooting of the Board of Commissionera held in the Commissioners' r Chamber at the City full, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7;30 P.V. on February 1, 1949, Mayor I+ Fro Tan Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the followin, answered to their no Cor.,r..issionnrc Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Mayor Peak being �Iabsent (1). Minutes of the previous mcetinC wore adopted as read. Commissioner Abell offered motion that the letition of J. D. Boas and wife, Sadie Cora Boss and Loren .i. Jones for permission to connect a 3/4 inch ?rater pipe line to a privately owned pipe line of Loren M Jones lying along 421d street so as to Iri provide ?:star service for domestic purposes to one residence. to be constructed upon th property of said petitioners be received and filed and that the authority sought in �i said petition, subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein, be granted N Nothing contained in the granting of this request shall be construed an a ;guarantee of pressure or water service on the part of the City of raducah or its Comm- issioners of ::star *.forks, and nothing in the granting of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Paduce i orits Commissioners of ;;Vater :.'orks to purchase or acquire said water line or any part thereof or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pips line lies be annexed to or ta!:en into the corporate limits o£ the City of Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and flavor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Commissioner Allen offered motion that the petition of J.A.Thomas, and C.E. Thomas for permission to connect a 3/4 inch line to the 1 inch line owned by J.". Burnley and N.P,Ferkins, so as to furnish water to a residence located on part of Lot 6 in block 10 in Johnson's Maplewood Terrace Addition located outside the city limits Of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned for therei be gfanted subject to the term, and conditions contained in said petition. it Is understood, however, that in grantinC the privileges sou ht in said ^etltion neither the City of Paducah nor the Com`tisa.ioners of t9ater 14orks shall be otiirated to buy said pine line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be obtn:n9d or be i^..plied hereafter should the territory to cy served by the water lines tc bo laid under the authority herein requested be ta::or_ into or made a part of tho City ,, it indceah. in furtosr that the potitionera ,illl suLocribs for water sorvic ...tea no:: a;• h°,ror.ftar prescribed for water service t -j consumers outside the 31nits ,.., a'_1 respnctn to the rules an: reZulations Of the City of its of :atnr i:orkn which nay be naw in force or hercinaftar ca: .« a petit"all "hall o.l -ate t}:e City of iadurah 'ni �'- .. .. .. '1 , t: 'tl r: t•'i, Vater j,[(':t,r,u ..rl'iC'� an'� s+11.,.1 wateTl rte..,: ; l,•• liw; pr o,r I•uoS' at any tit::a wharf irre*aSf Of stet ,any of .. - � .. , t .... may -i, e egasrry nupply ar:+.istr.:.utin !Y O1' •a'at®:• ,Y. itxei:. Afloated a^. rail .. tt.e Ro'_ , , ... ., ..•. . Proceedings of -care of Con^aaaiercrs City of Paducah February 1, 1949 i "Labi'.ity j Co:c:risaLoner Abell offered :notion that the insurance policy of the Tlituminpuo i ,rt.n 'uln'_an- Casualty Company :{357C4 ins urir:.;; John ^uinlan and the City of Fadueah against liability ircosed by law upon thim in connection with excavation work done by the said John Cuinlan for the period from January 25, 1949 to November 5, 1949, be received, filed and approved. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Ai.len, Kannin L and !•ayor Pro Tam Johnston (4). ourth Supple- Commissioner Allen offered motion that the"jourth Supplemental Contract entered It to =ental Contract ?n-lucah Iua Co between the City of Paducah and ;clary Deronda Rieke, doing business under the .firm nam filed o_^ the Paducah Fus Company, on January 26, 1949, said contract providin,for a re- n vlsinn in the rates or fares to be charged for passage upon motor buses of the Paduca _us Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioner Abell, ellen, Hannin and Layor Fro Tem Johnston (4). Abeil'ai Comminsioner Abell offered motion that the attached copy of a proposed 1949 Appor p. opposed ,Apportionment' tionment ordinance, showin^ on the bsc': of the last pare by the officers' return that Ordinance "five_`':. coF.iao ,.ere ::,-livered to P.Iayor Gene Peak, :Zayor Fro Tom Stuart Johnston, Cominisaioner ^,eorre :-annin and Commissioner George Aller: at 9:45 F.Y., 6:35F,Li., 6:30 F.SL, and ` 6:41 F.!'., respectively, on January 31, 1949, be received and filed. Adopted on cal) of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and t:ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Conmisaioner Allen offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and M the financial report of the Faducoh Junior College for the year 1948; copy of the minutes of a ca -1 meeting of the Board of Trusteos of said college, at which meeting the board adopted a resolution fixinu the tax rate to be levied by the city for the support and maintenance of the college at G� on each '$100.00 of value of taxable yprnnerty located within the corpovato limits of the City of Paducah; and also the letter of ;drian 7, Terrell, Corporation Counael, on the same subject. Adopted on ca 1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commi^sinners Abell, Allen, Hannin and I,.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). _r.L;,� Co ra�aioser ..'_1•^n o'f,-red motion that the City Treasurer ce authorized to refund to 7.trio tt` sur.: of "C.00 for a permit to construct a bulldin-- at 2512 Jackoo rormit i,,o not teen used. Adopted on call of the Boil, Yeas, _^n•ra-._..._, A'_len, ilannin and Idayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). -1^n oi._red motion t'^.at the Financial Report of the Paducah saber 1943, rocelved and riled. Adopted on call of the 'tannin and',.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). at the letter of January 25, 1949, from., the Y.i^ ._ ;:any, _ ..:r.•. aha only Lid r:ceivc,I by the City Maragcr for the Sala .. -s -gym t t,) * fLled. Adopted on call cf the poll, Pro Tom Johnston (4). i:i � _ ✓ ..._...,:r. .. .:c i:oY'y t"�: .atter of ;omni; . ci, 417 Proceedings of Board of Comniaaionera City of Paducah !'obruary 1, 1949 ' "On January 26, 19.19, I delivered to Mr. Mark Scully, :,uperintendent of the ::oard of Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, a letter enclosing my certificate showing the total asaosaed valuation of all property in the City of Paducah subject tc taxation for school purposes for the year 1949. This information was certified to the Unard of Education pursuant to the requirements of ;.RS 100.440. "�:ou -?.ill find attached a copy of the letter I have written to :Gr. Scully, tg8et'hcr with a copy of the certificate. Respectfully Sarah Thurman Attachments (2) City Clerk" "January 26, 1949 1•°ark Scblly Supt. Board of Education Paducah, Kentucky near Sir: As required under the provisions of RR3 160.440, I am herewith enclosing my certificate showing the total assessed valuation of all property subject to ta'ation i the City of Paducah, Kentucky, for school purposes in the year 1949. You are requested to file with me, pursuant to the provisions of KRS 160.470, a copy of the school tudcet for the year 1949, this budget to shove the amount of money needed for current expenses, debt and service, capital outlay, and other necessary expenses of the schools during the year 1949, also the estimated total amount which will be .received from the common school fund and the amount that will be needed to be raise by local taxation, including the rate of the levy necessary to raise such amount. The City 7:anarer's budget was filed with the :.oard of Commissioners on January 11th, and your bud et.. should be filed as soon as possible to forestall the possibility of delay in the levyinf- of taxes for this year. Very truly yours (Mrs.) Sarah Thurman Enclo. City Clerk " "TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CIT•i Or PADUCAE, KEPIUCK j I, Sarah Thurman, Clerk of the City of Paducah, Fontucky, do hereby certify 4 ttat the attached is a true and correct copy of the retort of the hoard of Ec)1alizatio y of the City of Faducah for the year 1949, said report showin the total assessed value tion of all property.in thb City -of Padueah.subjedt to taxation for the year 1949 as -etermined by the Tax Assessor and the board of Equalization. IN TESTIMILx WHEREOF, I have herounto subscribed my name as Cleric of the City if rnducah, Kentueky,.and a.fixecl the corporate seal of said city, this the 26th day f ,Saruary, 19•_3. + City Clerk" hes for 'byor Pro Ten Johnston offered notion that the attached table showln�, Paducah toy. ratos in tt:e years 191 , 1946, 19:7 and 1948, that while the total tax rate in- croased Ly 44%? fr7n 1343 to 1,948 that part under the control of tho board of Commisaio ora 1nc-ea3e:1 only 12 ani that ,part of the General Fund increased only 3- , that Rialto the total WK rai te increased by 30� from 1946 to 1948 that part under the cowrol of t%e ;Board of Conni ntoners decreased by 9� and that cart for the nonoral Plan? rtecrer,sed :zy ll^ and r...t school taxes under the control of the School i l '-^.^rr.asc•; by 4G .. .. 1:43, i.o rccoivad aril filed. Adoptod an call of Lhe 'I, -aa, ^.- i ,.... r" lon, Iiahnin and .ro Tec, Johnston (4). .- , , �_ . _ _.. �n� ss'....._,ie i:t✓. followln^ :u . _�t r.t: the L1 actric "I!t tit :.aur 0 3• 1:43; ser n; for a furtt:e t torn of 1,0%, ssnt_ttael :+ ai'_ t:e conconed of- the fo.11owint, ✓51 .. _.. .. ....JVJ: .... amploy qnt as City vrr. Proceedings of :nr-.:,is^ latera City of Paducah "February 1, 1949 Coa•n1sstoner Hannin offered motion that the Board of Connissionors approve the nt a,:tpintment of Fu-hes :V.ni:-ht to servo as a member of the Electric Plant hoard of the 1t iia City of Fnducah for a±'urger term of four (4) years. Adopted on call of the Ro11, _ec` :''_an' -d 'ieas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, i:annin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). i:e ✓ i,'ayor Fro Ten Johnston offered motion that the City ;.ana.ger's letter of January -�aaf t',ru _itt:evil'_e 27 to Yr. John 'Keck, Commissioner of Highways, requesting that the said Commissioner _t"?r consider the recommendation of the City of Paducah for changing the route of the Leltl ne Fi;rhway, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abe 1, Allen, hannin and Mayor ire Tem Johnston (4). e'll's Commissioner Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE A-rorti-nment urdinonce PIXI."iG THE A PORTICII;:E:;T OF THE PULLIC 11U7IDS OF Tr NE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, FOR THE li YEAR 1949 A:i, A1PP.OPRIATI;:O 712 PUU.IC REVENUE M-10 I:ICWE OF THE CITY TO SUCH P'URPDSES", be introdsced and remain on file for public inspection one (1) week in the completed fc rm in which it shall be rut upon its final pasanUe. LOST on call of the Roll, Yeas, romnissioners Abell, Allen, (2) Nays Commissioner Hannin and layer Fro Tem Johnston (2). s �. Comminsioner Abell offered notion t'at the statement of Commissioners George Allen mate t on A -Por and Paul Abell contalning explanations concerning the recommendations made by them rdinance for the appropriation of public funds in the year 1949 as provided i7 the apportionment ordinance prepared by them, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coar'rissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Fro Tam Johnston (4). :,-coat 'cid ✓ Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AI: ORDIYANCE Chia Oil Co As^holt ACCEPTING T:IE bID OF THE OHIO OIL COMPANY FOR THE 3 ALE TO THE CITY OF PADUCAH OF THE :.:C 1-2-3 =-,U-T0 AdFHALT AM RC -3 LIQUID ASPHALT TO cE USED -,Y SAID CITY DURING T'` 77AF1 1949, A^D AUT'IORILI'I= T'.,E CIT? MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE A CON'MACT OF SAID MATERIALS, ;:ID PP,E3CRI3I?IC WE TSR,'.'.S AND CONDITIO-IS UNDER SHALL BS ? 1DE", to iatroducod and remain on file at least one _.I: 11c inspection in the completed form in :rhich it shall be put upon Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, rro Tea Johnston (4). yon _fro .._. Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: " .; ORDI:;A:ICL•• :.._. 3 OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KEiITUr,KY, FOR THE •.r :;;;7 INCO11E OF THE CITY TO SUCH PURPOSES" %le for p, hlic inspection at least one woe's in the completed _ :`.11: :o put upon its final passa£e. LOST on call of the Roll, :;aya ...-:3cc1,...-. .... r.r, A'Ien (2), Ycaa, ,or:,lssioner Hannin and 2.',ayor ,ro Tom Johnston] l Nr rea li r