HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 410, January 25, 1949Proceedings of "osrd of Commiss Loners City of Paducah January 25, 1949 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissionerst ^camber at the City Fall, Paducah, :;entucky, at 7:30 P.M. on January 25, 1949, Lfayor Pro :am Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the follo:^inZ answered to their nares; Co-missioners Abell, Allon, Fannin and T:ayor iro Tom Johnston (4). L;ayor Peak being_ absent. ff ?:inu`-es of the previous meeting were adopted as read. ,.,'star line J Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of R. M. Bell for permission Annida Add. and authority to connect a two inch water pipe line to the six inch water main of,Padualh ?Voter 'Works and extend said two inch water pipe line as designated in his petition, be jreceived and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with 'a the terms set forth therein. It is understood how.•ever, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition ,,r either the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of :later '3orks shall be obligated to buy or maintain said pipe line to be constructed by petitioner, or any part thereof, an no such obligation shall be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at the rates cow or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the Cit, Limits and subiect in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah i or its Corriissionera of 7.'ater L9orks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. `<:othinr_.in t^e grantin; of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or fits Commissioners of ';pater Works to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued throuGh said pipe lines or any part thereof at any time I 'hen in the Jud;ment of the Commissioners of Prater '.forks the furnishing of water to ;inetitioner or his successors in ownership of the property owned by him may interfere in Pany wise, with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits o(' 1. the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionera Abell, Allen, Panr.in ane, Yzyor rro Tem Johnston (4). 7ater Fn*�a Ccrnnissiorier Fannin offered motion that the petition of Gars. Myrtle Barnes, Cdus Oaks Rond 'Pell an'. wife, Bessie Reid, residing on the Benton Road and Oaks Road outside the cor- �I:Ornta linitn of Faducoh, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the nur,-rose of providin water sorvice to the buildin" located on the property of 1 ,,^:etitioners La receive:: r,n9 filryd and that the request in said petition be £;ranted in i ^c w.th t'. -:e terr.:7 forth therein. i is uOcrot�:-.•'.. _:i rrivilege soucht in said petit-, on Jater nro;Qr shall be n1.)li^atc1 tai 1-:'r io i 0111111 be contained or r....a fte. .inter line to be laid under I rated ta:. •. the ,ity of ra,-1urnh. sinkficriba for wat.er scrrice at rates .ow .,..,.. f... .. .., . to o. as 1.90 ann. ,i the cit;; limits ..- a... :,:to , Iea a .. : the fat )fat: or its "riu^ i . __... .... .. .. .. ... •. .. �.� ..._... _..f �n .. ... _., .. .:i -. t:'.raina r.r •:., ,..^.acted. t; �:' ::nese �r its "ry-"e, an. saki water the lud.--ant of the auaces"_.. _. - f '-'j t..;e ataqua t7 T� NO.. -411 Proceedings of hoard of CommissLoners City of Paducah January 25, 1949 Atoll's let on Budget Southern Eell Increase case letter Carl B. Wachs Pater Co. Audit 1949 ✓ Resort of '-card Equalization Supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on ca':1 of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and dayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). p Commissioner Abell offered motion that Commissioner Paul AbellT s letters of January �21, 1949 and January 24, 1949, both addressed to City I.".anager Victor Hobday, outlining Commissioner Abell's suggestions for the 1949 Budget and recommending a 10� decrease of 'the tax rate on real and personal property, .be received and filed in order that the letters may become a matter of public record. Adopted on ca:l of the Roll, Yoas, nCommissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and ?payor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file the letter from Carl B. Wachs, Executive Secretary, Kentucky Municipal League, regardin; payment by the City of Paducah of the sum of ;832.04 as its share of the expense to be incurred for the services of an Attorney to handle, on behalf of the cities in Kentucky the Southern Bell Telephone Company rate increase case in the b'ranklin Circuit Court and the Court of Appeals. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, lAllen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Audit Report of the Paducah ',tater lvorks for the year ending October 31, 1948, which visa prepared by Cotton A Eskew, Certified Public Accountants, be received and filed. Adapted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Abell, Allen, *?annin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). t. Commissioner Fannin offered motion that the report of the Board of Equalization for �r year 1949, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Rol: Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Payor Pro Tem Johnston (4). STATEMENT OF REAL 8- PERSONAL PROPERTY A SSESOMENTS FOR 1949 CITY'TAXES CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY .L�3TA_ ILII'ROVEI:IENTS (FUEL RATc) 1948 Total ,'16,631.100 Gross increase by hoard of Equalization gross decrease by Board of Equalization %et increase by Board of Fqualizntion jNet increase by Assessor Total net increase for 1949 �,i343 ;Otal Rcal Estate ,° Improvements fft.; '-KP7MTz (- ' 7ATE) _940 ':'etal sass :rcreaso Ly pard of ccualizntion oa decrcane py :;car: of "cualizatiorn _. cease by .;pard of ;R,:utilization % _ increaee :or 134;1 ;252,435 770 7r)T� CGJ 341,080 593,345 :,17,224,445 5,603,035 231,150 000 �.LSa 349, 4�5 C15 F' ,[ MY (.,'!!.L RA719) :oa"i of squalizatlon sirnar` -oyr,e :err; nan "f ^.rai JC1_rk 24,008,095 246,635 425,700 116,555 5,571 Proceedin6scf r.�, i 1^-r.1� City of Paducah Janunry P5. 1949 ieht Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the inter departmental memo from the ra • f tt 2027 Movers j Folice -apartment and the City i'anager regarding, a street C— Sn ron o FStreet te-received and filed, and that the City Tanager be directed to arranga for the Installation of a street licht at this location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and i.:ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). P- Chief Flock ;:a^or Pro To" Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City idanager _ease of V Absence with requesting that the Chief of Police, Lester Block, be granted a leave of absence with full pay ;full pay for the months of February Fc t:arch, 1949, be received and filed, and that said leave be granted upon the condition t hat his duties shall be performed by the Assistant Chief of Police and no additional expense will be incurred by the city by reason of his 7iabsence from duty. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Yiiannin and Yayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Slum. Clears a -Payor iro Ten Johnston offered motion that a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUT +; Rousing /N Bill p URGI::G SE?<ATORS VIRGIL CHAP;.fA?I ARID GANNETT L. ':DITHERS AND REPRESENTATIVE NO E J. GREGO TO SUPPORT THE SLIX CLEARA"sCE AND ROUSING BILL RECENTLY INTRODUCED IN THE CONI3RESS OF Tl UNITED STATES", be adopted and that a copy of the resolution be sent to Senators C and Withers and to Congressman Gregory. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comm- issioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). .:ori:s Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:7 ORDIN rionlon ._...^I A',IEIIDING SECTIONS 1 AF:D 2 OF AN OPDI'.',A7;CE ENTITLED: 'AN, ORDINANCE CREATIF7G A BOARD TO BE l :O N 'AS TF.E 'CO,.^IINSIO\ERS OF INATER :!ORIS' TO BE COI'POSED OF THREE MEMBERS P.'i?0 3FALL SERVE 'idlTHOUT C011PENSATION TO SUCCEED TFL.`'' 1l:E&BERS NOW SERVING AS SUCH COWWI.>SIONERS A'.7D PRESCRIBING TIEEIR QUALIFICATIONS, TERMIS OF OFFICE, PWIER AND DUTIES', :1AS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF COMIMISSIONERS 07I AUGUST 6, 1946, A14D AMENDED Oil JULY 15, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). O..n motion the meeting adjourned. ADOFTED Uf./ / 1949 APPROVs i' ,layer Pr cr am -19 (s ty -. a:. ` " _ Coua asones "r t