HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 407, January 18, 1949NO 407 Proceedings of 7onrd of Commissioners Cilp of Paducah January 16, 1949 ',,&ter line Ridgewood Avenue i v. :cater line 3:17rxood Avenue At a Regular teeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissionera+ Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.Y. on January 18, 1949 .:ayor Fro Tom Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, IIannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). layor Peak being absent. -inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Abell offered the following motion: 0. Tandy Smith, owner of a house and lot located an lot 6, Ridgewood Sub -Division, and G. Tandy Smith, o•rrnor of four vacant lots, numbers, 5, 7, 10 and 13 Ridgewood Sut-Division, all of said lots fronting on Ridgewood Avenue, file with the wayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, representing that G. Tandy Smith is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition;•and said party petitions the Mayor and Board of Comm- issioners for the extension of a V main along Ridgewood Avenue from Court Avenue to Sunset Avenue, a distance of approximately 530 feet. Petitioner G. Tandy Smith, owns four vacant lots on Ridgewood Avenue, and has paid to the Paducah :later 17orks seventy-two dollars plus the Utility Tax on two dolla and sixteen cents, being the minimum charge for four lots for a period of two years from the completion of the laying of said water main. It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah :,let Works that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and require ments. I, THEREFORE, MOVE that the petition of G. Tandy smith be received and filed and that the Paducah A''ater Works, through its Loard of Commissioners, be authorized t extend a 6" main alomg Ridgewood Avenue from Court Avenue to Sunset Avenue, a distance of approximately 530 feet, so as to provide water service to the above described prop- erty on Ridgewood Avenue. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the request contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when said water main has boon laid and water provided for on said section of Ridre:vood Avenue from Court Avenue to Sunset Avenue, a distance of approximately *-u0 feet. Adopted an call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, 4+llen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Commisslcner aannin offered motion that the petition of James A. Ke31en and wife 3uth Margaret Kellen, for permission to extend a privately owned rater pipe line I''romla point on Elmwood Ave. -.Ln so as to furnish water to Lot 2 flock 11 Johnaon+s Muplewond "erraro Adlitlon, 1"ateri outairle the city Limit's of Faducah, Kentucky, be received an! fl2nl ar;,l that the request petitioned for therein be Pranted subject to the tern::; ani conditions e,ntrinr:d In said petition. .t in tic erstce?, however. that in ,Tnntin,• the privil©res soun'rt in au id petitign reltcer tre '%-ty o: Pnerienh nor the Corr:isait,ners of :'.titer 7,orks shall be nL114•ated ti, I :,_n.: -,r any nrt *,}.ernof, and no auch ot.1 i •ntioa shall 1.0 obtuined or b� a`. t'-.! tnrrl.t0ry to ;;a 4erv0d :.y the water lines to ce laid ir. .,1q::est,:. ^n Into or .:gide u part of the Clty of 1'aducah. :. I -.'n n I .•.at _r. w.': auiacr ibe Von water service ab the r:ser rescria:: :cr v:ater service to consumers outside the city. ::alts ar.. a__ res pec_ t� „.-:n r:.ea ar.: re lations of the City �J of Paducah i Proceedings o/ !card of Commissioners City of Paducah January 18, 1949 or its Conr-issioners of Water 'forks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. ::othinp in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commission°rs of '7a ter Forks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time wheni in the Judgment of the Commissioners of '."later '.orks the furnishing of water to any of the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property owned by them may . interfere in any wiao with the adequate supple and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducch . Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasionflrs Abell, Allen, Fannin and L!ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). J Tater line Commissioner Fannin offered the following motion: Lawrence H. Sanders, owner of a L:eyfield Road house and lot located on the Mayfield Road, Louis Burger, owner of a house and lot illlocated on the Mayfield Road, Henry G. Chappell, owner of a house and lot located on th I Ip�Mayfield Road, and Fenry G. Chappell, owner of a vacant lot located on the Uayfield Rd iifile with the G:ayor and Eoard of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of th� above named named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition, and said parties petition the Mayor and Board of Commissioners for the extension of a 6" main. along !,Mayfield Road from Eeiderman Street South, a distance of approximately 4CC feet. Petitioner F.enry G. Chappell, ownes a vacant lot on Mayfield Road, and has paid to the Paducah Tater :'forks Ei:hteen dollars plus the Utility tax of 54¢, being the minimum charge for one lot for a period of two years from the completion of the laying of said water main. It appears from tFie endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the Paducah .rater yy!zgrks that said request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and re- quirements. I, THEP'.EFORE, :;OVE that the petition of Lawrence H. Sanders, and others, be received land filed and that the Paducah dater Plorks, through its Eoard of Commissioners, be i� authorized to extend a 3" water main alone 14a,yfield Road from Po iderman Street South, a diatanco of approximately 400 feet, so as to provide water serviceto the above :,)scribed property on the Mayfield Road. furt=.er move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting:,, of the request 'contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of iedu^.ak to pay ten fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, on ! t --e r4— line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin when sa",' xitor rain has c^'in laird and water :rovirod for on said section of Mayfiold Road i diatance Of approximately 400 feet. Adopted on call of the .:011, 'g _- as, ,.,-lsslonern 7,'ce.l, .,IIFn, i:a n..^.in and I.Iayov fro Tom Johnston (4). roll^y ^.a'2^,ios:nr: ,_..- ,..,. .. t!.en :hat r,:o'.eard of C ommiasioners ,n ,% receive, five and .^. -.• . ; ., . _ ­rt—..cat,, .. ,!loan ".mplo• Ora' Insurance Comp any ex- i 13, 1049 to January 15, 1.950, also the i 'hi ,.ci +'I taton :.tdel.ity and .71aranty Inn. n ..,, i enc 7!ai tro at January I 1 S'a. oz .- .:., eas, ,,.. ..,:?;... .•:, ....oil, :7.1en, „unnin and NO. 409 Proceedings of CoA -d of Comminsion,ra City of Paducah January 18, 1949 _j; n St. Li„ht Commissioner Allen offered motion that the inter departmental memo from the Lovolaceville 3a R Eeyer Avenue ” Police Department and the City "'anagen regarding a street light at the intersection of Lovelaceville Road and Beyer Avenue, midway between Berger Road and Blandville Road, ii be received and filed, and that the City ?:onager be directed to arrange for the In- stallation of a street ll.,ht at this location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, -_�Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hennin and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Letter Col. ✓ u Commissioner Allen offered motion that the letter of Thawson Jackson, Secretary Fork Loard 1949 Approp. Board of Park Commis a loners (colored) requesting that the Colored Park board be !Ivan the same consideration as any other Paducah Citizens when the 1949 Apportionment Ji i Ordinance is prepared, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Cor�misaioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and lfayor ProTemJohnston (4). Letter R.L.. Mayor Pro Tem Jo(inston offered motion that the letter of R.M.Watt, President ;7a t t I of the Kentucky Utilities Company, doted January 12, 1949, regardinG appraisal of the electric properties in Faducah be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Ito]1, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and ',%yor Pro Tem Johnston (4). raids on �, Commissioner Abell offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Asphalt ✓ Ij Request RMUESTING THE CITY I4ANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE CITY'S RE'?�IREMENT OF ASPHALT FOR THE YEAR 1949 (APPROXIMATELY 8 TO 12 CARLOADS) TO BE USED IN STREET CONSTRUCTION WORK", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ommissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). 1949 Commissioner Hannin offered the following motion: WHEREAS, the abolishment apportionment ordinance of the position of Alcoholic Beverage Administrator will reduce 1949 expenses for this recoranendation position by ;41,540; the retirement of Nss. Pearl Sanders, effective February 1, 1949, will reduce 1949 expenses for this position by }A,677; and the Contingent Fund Pecomm- ended in the City Manager's budget contains ;;2,998.20; amounting to a total of 16,215. I move that the board of Commissioners base its consideration of the 1949 appor u tionment ordinance on a basis of the following increases in the City Manager's anticip ation of 1949 revenue: (1) current real and personal property taxes from ,;315,000 to 317,3CO3 one, taxes on franchise companies from :„69,000 to •;69,500, which increases will result from levying a tax rata of 3y instead of 4� for the Appointive Employees tension Fund, (2) Felice Court fines from :~40,000 to ;;41,000, and (3) Cemetery lot sa,l rc- :1,000 to ;;2,000, all of v.Mich will increase the above total of x6,215.20 to :11,015.20, in order that the following changes con be made in the appnopiiations recsr=ende: in the City =anager's budget; (1) Aad a monthly increase of £5.00 to the recomsended monthly salaries shown t e schoaulo of the City "anagcr's budget for 1949 as well as a monthly increaso of C "or all other et Clry;;gr not listed in this schedule, which w.11,1 coat atout _, ... .. 1C,49, with r..:^h nalnry increases effective as of January 1, 1949, and } irc,_1e a, •;!: t; n:9 .in pnyinV exponsas of the 1cCracren County 9"rea .,...=:asoriatlo:. Arlopte!1 on call of the Roll, Yaws, Corvmlasloners Atoll Y.n yn'n i. o 7e7. aohnst,:n, (4). / _.. ._.. ... ... :see tl. n, :• a']1': 1r'tnd' \ 5t 3 .V 7y^•••-iasSfiner on- _j; n