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Minutes Book 21, Page 369, January 11, 1949
No.— :569 Proceedings of Fosrd of iommissionors City of Paducah January 11, 1949 At a Regular rLeeting of the Board of Commissioncra hold in the Corrmissionora' Chamber at the City !tall, Paducah, Kontucky, at 7:30 I'.". on January 11th, 1949 -ayor Pro 7em Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following anawored to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allan, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston W. rsyor leak being absent .rinutes of the previous meeting were adopted as road. :':star line k! Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of J. 14. Vaughn and wife, Fullard Street I'I +argaretta Vaughn, and Lola V. Boswell, residing on Bullard Street outside the corporate limits of ;'aducah, Kentucky, for authority to construct and lay a water line for the purpose of providing eater service to one building on the respective property of petitioners, be received and filed and that the requests in said petition I granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition, neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of dater 'Norks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any p"t thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under , I the authority herein reouested be taken into or make a part of the City of Faducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at I the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water ce'rvice to consumers outside the city is !limits and subject in all respects to the rules end regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Later Plorks which may be no:; in force or hereinafter enacted. ;:othing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of 'dater ;:'orks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of n the Commissioners of Aator Viorks the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successors in ov:nersh±p of the property awned may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeats, Commissioners Abell, ellen, Ilannin and :Gayor Pro Tem! Jchnstor. (4). ::e`er line Comm±aaloner Allen offered motion that the potation of Mrs. Cora Blankenship and j "usban9 Rd. EDixie Ave others recid±ne on 3usbands Road, Dixie Avenue and Homo -wood Avenue outside the corporat mewood Ave limits of Faducah, Kentucky for authority to connect to the privately owned line of the HUS Lands Road Community ':.atcr Company for the purpose of providing, water service for domestic purposes to the residences and homes of said petitioners bo received and sir�aed and that the requests in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. it is undoratocd, hawavar, that in granting the pr±vl}ages sought in said petit±rn, neitkar tha City oP nor the Commi:,slonors of '!:star 'Norks shall W 7::11J4ted t^, buy or r..ainta±r. said Alpe lion to L, const:•ucted by petitioners, or any rar', t'r.ereof, and no such rbll,-at:inn shall Lo obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory tc be served by the wat(.r mains to t.e laid under the authorlty heroin req::)stt: 2.a taken lntc sr maelo a fart of the City ofFarluoah. ±a _.rtF•ar .... caratood that the petitioners will sub:;cribe for :tutor "rvico at rates ..;a er he.reaft,:• - f,scr±l:a.^. ,,.. •:rater eorvlcc to conts4mera outside tl,e city lir<ts an s:L;ecL !r. ail roa,.acta t: t:=a rulea an;: raf?ulationa of the City of Padllcah f�r Its ._ _s3;o.,_rs rattr );a wth±ch nay ba now In force or herolnufter enacted. e ct"±c 1n the _ranting :f t?.Ia nct!!,1on shall oLlirato the City of Faducah or Its Cc^!a]icr.ers of ::&ter Works to ::arantce .•iter ,,rcaaue or service, and said water' se.—;Ice _ay ca disc;:t±n e tt.cc_t: said ripe ilea .r an7 part thereon at any time NO. Proceedings of Poard of CorvAss Soners City of Paducah January 11, 1949 when in the judg-:ont of the Commissioners of 'Nater '•-'orks the furnishing of water to an; of the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property owned by them may Interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the co; limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Alcoholic Pev Commissioner Hannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE Crdinanoe V . Sections REPEALING SECTIONS 22, 23 AND 24 OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED: vAN ORDINANCE RELATING TO Repealed REs,,ULATING THE GRANTING OF LICENSE FOR SELLING, DISPENSING, MANUFACTURING AND DEALING I!i ALCOHOLIC AND MALT BEVERAGES III THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, UNDER AND PURSUANT TO AN ACT OF 'HTE GEI^RAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONNEAL711 OF KENTUCKY ADOPTED AT ITS REGUD SESSION IN 1938, KNOWN AS THE 'ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LA'S', REGULATING THE BUSINES OF SELLING AT RETAIL WHISKEY, WINE, BEER AND OTHER ALCOHOLIC AND ISALT BEVERAGES; PRO- VIDING FOR 7HE CREATION OF, A CITY ALCOIiOLIC BEVERAGE ADMINISTRATOR TO BE APPOINTED porate BY TF3 CITY MANAGER, TO ADMINISTER AND ENFORCE THE PROVISIONS HEREOF FOR THE CITY OF PADUCAH; PROVIDING FOR THE PUIIISHM,IT FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES III CONFLICT HERE71ITul, 17HICH WAS ADOPTED BY TFE BOARD OF COhi:ISSIONERS ON MAY 14th, 1940, AND AIdENDED ON MARCH 25, 1947', be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin an c, Mayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). !.ayor or Mayor, Commissioner Fannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE ro Tam J Alcoholic Bev. ASSIGNING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE CITY OF PADUC Ad:rr. TO THE MAYOR, OR TO THE MAYOR PRO TEM, DURING THE ABSENCE OF THE MAYOR WHILE UNABLE TO ATTEND TO THE DUTIES OF HIS OFFICE; AND PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES TO BE PERFORMED BY THE PAYOR OR THE MAYOR PRO TEL•. IN THE ADLMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL LAW", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Fannin (3). Mayor Pro Tem Johnston present but not I' vot ing. "ater line " Cornissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of Dorothy Louise Cochran connection airerva Flace and husband, ,00rge G. Cochran and of Joe E. Holliday and wife, Thelma L. Holliday and Loren M. Jones for permission to connect a 3/4 inch water pipe line to a privately owngd p1p9 line of Imran M. Janes lying along Minerva Place so as to provide water service for domestic purposes to one residence to be constructed upon the property of each of said Petitioners be received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition, Subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein, be granted. i Nottinr contained in tte granting of this request shall be construed as a guar- or,tee of pres3l:.re or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commission- 9ra of rater ::cis, and nothing in the Pranting of laid request shall now or hereafterl to construe -9 os an aili,,atinn or af.r^,enent on the part of the City of Paducah or its ^O--:13311rers of ;:star Works to Purchase or acquire raid water line or any b part therao� -air.tain sa-e; n, such oh iPat!rn :Shall arise should sa1,f territory whore said privately owned pa pc .Sr.9 1199 he rrnexed to or talon into the enrporato limits of the City of a ace!. AlnPted -n call ,f the Rc'_l, .cgs, Coa;rlsal,n:,ra Aboll, Al.lon, ;Iaunin and Golf �a '-' _ •'-'a`r .,`ua:i r•.i -otien that the :!oed under which the Cltlzena avings la icr.-_an.c 0ncey Uy.. gar„ r G. ..,..;;rah, as 'et, r,aa Co :? •, ::r: r „ tte . 1ty of ialucah Golf om:riasion certain -1'erty to to ,;r t=.e .xter !:gin ,. municipal ;_elf course, the sane tein;, of rec_rd 'eed _ _.. ..^5, pa, ..,Z. _.. .... ..:rade.^. ;aunty court .....re13 Office, to reeeiva3 i'_e _. t? -.P ?a.i, Zeas, Commisats : ra 6Le-1, Allen or to No. 371 Proceedings of Poard of Commissioners City of Paducah January 11, 1949 Fonds & Fol. Commissioner Abell offered motion that the Lsoard of Commissioners, receive, file King-Woodall -vandevelde &'and approve Ploodall & 1.'eltonts letter of January 11, 1949, confirming the issuance of a Au^ustus binder for Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance $10,000/•';:20,000 bodily injury limits and .1,000/;10,000 Property Damage Limits, for King -Woodall, Inc., in connection i'. Pwith the permit to cover construction of a driveway at 10th and Jefferson Streets; also the Indemnity bond in the sum of •310,000 executed by King-'/loodall, Inc., and the United ''.States Fidelity & Guaranty Company as its surety; also the certificate of the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Now York showing the issuance to the City of Paducah of a !protective Public Liability Insurance 'Policy, Policy No. 5-27840 (providing $10,000/ $20.000Public Liability and $1,000/10,000 Property Damage) on construction or erection work done by Yandevelde and Augustus, Paducah, Kentucky, nor performed for the muni- cipality. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hnnnin and G:ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). copies of Letter R.!% Commissioner Hannin offered motion that the c`i"t `o1:= -ilia letter timitten by Stuart ;'alts from ✓'f Stuart Johnston, the 1•±ayor Pro Tam, to Bir. R. M. Watt, President of the Kentucky Utilities Com= Johnston j on December 21, 1948, together with a return receipt for said letter signed "R.N. lipany i,aatt, by L. Price" and the copy of the letter written by the Mayor Pro Tem to the said i R. M. 1''att on January 5, 1949, and the return receipt signed by R. 1& watt, be 'received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Commissioner Abell "He". Letter 7.1:1. ✓ Vayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the letter of P..1 Watt, President of "lett to Stuart Johnston the Kentucky Utilities Company dated January 3, 1949, with reference to the Howson -hart appraisal of the electric utilities system of the Kentucky Utilities Company be receive `filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners I'Abell, Allen, Hannin and Msyor Pro Tam Johnston (4). "January 3, 1949 The Honorable Stuart Johnston 6:ayor Pro Tem, City of Paducah iaducah, Kentucky Dear Mr. Johnston: Your communication of December 21st was on my dock when I returned this ;Horning from several days absence. fy associates and I have given due consideration to both the contents of your letter and the resolution passed by the ward of Commiasionors on December 21, 1948, in connection with the Howson-Hartt appraisal of the utility property in Paducah. It is our :e11ef that Lienors. IIowson and Hartt did not intend their informal ietters of December 7, 1948 and December 15, 1948, to constitute their ",mitten rerort" of the valuation of the electric utilities ayston req;iired of them b;; the terms of Section 7 of the electric frn. "a.c. Very truly yours, P R.L'. Tatt /= l ,oaSdont rr .Jq�a..e a, n^den Clifford :;math Jas. r,. .:heeler Payer 'Pro r1f;ez ,;bhnston offered motlon tt;ut the !card nfCommisaionors roceive, �5R9 e as" �.iic sr. s,.read. u;:cn tte minutes the Ludaet pre;.ared by C;r. Victor C. Hobday, the i u.,caa,er, for tr.e year 1ri4J, sold Ludget showin:; in Itemized form the appropriations recor:n.�nie^ .,,. Uy -n nt of c,srrent ezf:enses an.: !'or permanent Improvements for each i der-artment ane diviolon ttcreof _,r tt:e flacal year 1949, with comparative statements •., pmra_lel enl=ns Of' the r.f.;ropriations r i an,' expenditures or the current fiscal year: srd a'.r.rr, ri.atic:s and erpenr.itures ";7'the ,car prece:llnrr, tno current fiscal year. and "'e i.n=reasea on' in t - e-cr 1at..rs rcco=-er..:ed for 1949 as ccmpurod a the execr.31. os ,E; elv; �.. it_�is.,_. _._- a state -^at of the tur_os required Proceedings of 1oard of Commissioners City cf Paducah January 11, 1949 and of the estimated revenues of the city for the ensuing fiscal year, with comparative statements in parallel columns of the taxes and other rovenues for the current and next preceding fiscal year, and of the increases and decreases estimated and proposed, said information and data being particularly set out in attachments identified as follows: (1) A chart of Annual Expenditures, excluding Principal and Interest, 1934-1948, Companed with such Expenditures in Terms of Purchasing Power of Dollar in 1935-39. (2) A chart of Property Assessments in Paducah 1930-47 (3) Statement of Condition of General Fund as of December 31, 1948 (4) Statement of General Fund Revenue (F) Recommended Salary Increases (6) A tabulation comparing 1947 and 1948 appropriations with requests and recommendations for appropriations for 1949 (7) Justifications and Explanations of recommended appropriations included in the preceding tabulation. I further move that copies of the City l::ahager's budget be printed and mado available for distribution and that a public hearing be held on said budget at the regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners on January 18th, 1949, at 7;30 P.M. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4) ct ..rlV6�,. tF._ c9sra o.,d .7•,,,.�„�z n,�.r., wcr ay c. eccDnr I,I el t,cft c , l\coctccc�� cin xr—<.. i, January 11, 1949 CITY 14.111.GERIS BUDGET FOR 19h9 LETTER OF 7R1.NSVITTAL Honorable layer, layor Pro Ten and Co--.issioners City of Paducah Gertlencni ':ore is tranrittcd herepith ry budget for the City of Paducah fcr the calcrr_aar y,,r 1949. It is possible to submit it about throe r.cnths earlier than in prior years because a new state law nassed by the 1949 General ..srr.nbly at the request of the Paducah Board of Com- nissiencrs perritted the Board of ;iqualization to be in session during tte latter part of 1948 aryl it cenpletod its work on Dccanbor 18 instead of in ?arch as fornerly has been the case• This budget includes the following papers: (1) A chart of r.nnual Exrerditures, %xcludinp- Principal and Ir,t:past, 1934-15.5, Ccnpircd :dth s.:.h Expenditures in icxns Of Pureha�ihn Power of Dollar in 1935-39. (2) 4 chat of Property..asessr:ata in Paducah, 1930-41. (3) Stat:ztcrt of Condition of G_n_ral Fund as of December 31, 19L3. (4) SL'tenent of G r.::ral Fund Revenue. (5) ^a1-.ry Increases. V.) t^buL^Pica cc�-� ^air.; 15L7 ar,' 1;L8 appropriations .^ith rc4unsts a: -,,i ncr.-:.r.^__ti-ns for ri.7x Trintions for 19L9. 4 373 Proceedings of City of Po M21 (7) Justifications and Explanations of recommended ao_n_ra, priations included in the pracedinr tabulation. The chart comparing actual expenditures on a basis of the* purchas— ing power of the dollar in 1935-39 is based on the Consumerts Price Index for t:erphis, Ihnn., prepared by the U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics; Yer'phis was the nearest city in this area for ,which such dati,were avail— able and the index firures for it were chosen instead of nationwide- figures because they should be more corparable with such data for Paducah. Ibis chart shorts that, althouch total dollar expenditures have been increasing since 1940, the purchasing power of these dollars has declined each year since 1941 with the exception of slight increases in 1945, 1946 and 1940, and that the purchasing power of ;;609,026 (excluding principal and interest on debt) expended in 1940 is about equal to the purchasing pouter of 1943 expenditures of ,429,600. Thus there is graphically illustrated the fact that the city is affacted by the inflation of recent years in the same ranner as any business is affected. It simply costs Toro to render the sane services and with pony people desiring additional services the need for nore revenue for the city should be apparent. The chart of Property Assessncnts in Paducah, 1930-1947, shorts the trend in assessments since 1930. Only slirht chr.ngas have occurred in the total assessr..ent of real astato, rnd the assessnent as of July 11 19479 was less than on Julv 1, 1930. The total assessnant of franchise companies also shorts very little change. Increases in personal property assassmonts mainly account for the increased total assessment of :'77,346,541 of all property as of July 1, 19471 over the comparabla figure of :'24,459,100 as Of July 1, 1930. This chart graphically illustrates a generally recognized fact that present property assessnonts aro very low in comparison to changes in property values since the early 1930s. The estimate of revenue to bo'collected in 1915 is ;',690,211.70, including a cash surplus on Janue.ry 1, 1949, of :9,746.70. this ostinatc nssuros that 97 of the levy of locally assessed real and n:rsonal property taxes brill be collected. During the past three roars an average of about 96.5% of such taxes have been collected, and it is only corL on sense to baso this astir, -Ac on past experionco that makes it a certain fact that all taxes levied ::ill net be collected. The ostimlto of revoruo from such texas Is ^leo based on an assurption that the tax levy for the :::nointive FYployeesv Pension Fund :rill bo ircru.sed from 1¢ to 4O per .'1CO of assessed valuation, loavinr a tax rata of 1,351 ;.c:r 'lry, of assossed valuation for the G-noral Fund. In view of the fact thLt a 50 rate is levied for the Pension Fund NO. Proceedin65 of City of Paducah -3- covering 87 Policemen and Firemen, it is only equitable that a 4¢ rate be levied for some 65 employees covered by the Lppointive Employees, Pension Fund. The estimate of revenue from delinquent taxes is lower than collec— tions in 1948 because practically all back tax cases involving substantial amounts have been settled and only smaller, more difficult cases rervain to be settled, The revenue from business and occupational license taxes is estimated on a basis of scattered reports on the volume of sales in Paducah in 1948. Two large stores reported that sales in 1948 were about equal to 1947 sales, taro other Large stores reported 1,048 sales would be slightly under 1947 sales, one store reported a11es in 1948 about 7% under 1947 sales, and several storms estimated that their 1948 sales would be about 20^ under 1547. On the other hand the Association of Commerce has estimated that business activity in 1948 was about 5% above 1947. Using an estimate of 5% increase in 1948 business activity,wrhich may be too high for gross sales and receipts subject to city license taxes, and applying it to 1948 revenue from this source of about `•122,000, excluding penalties, would in— dicate an intone of approxirately `.130,000 in 1949. However, ;2,000 was deducted from this figure on account of the recent reduction in the rate of tax for retail grocers and "1,000 was deducted for reductions in certain rinirum license taxes and the extension to all taxpayers of deductions of Federal and State excise taxes based on prices of commodities. The schedule of salary increases included in this budget contains proposed new salaries based on recommendations of a Citizens Committee which net with the City L'anagor and heads of departments for this purpose. The Orly excention is the salary of the Alcoholic P,everago ddministrator, xhich was not rccc.:rendcd by this cornitteo, but in view of the incumbents attitude revcrding the procent salary and the fact that an attorney is re— quir xl by ordinance for Ulis position ',125 per month is recornonded. The follavinP persona attended one or more of the four meetings hold to discuss this rn tt,.re Roy �7=lall, Chairman, h. E. (Jack) Cole Jodie F. Vaughn, and Earl Lo-rrc, members of the Labor Relations committee of the Association of Crr.-erce; Ccor�e 7:. Ryrd, local union leader; Harry Cleaves and George reprasonting the %tail Yerclants 6ssoLation; and Guy Carler and Ch'.rl,s Vahlk-rp, reprosentin;, the L:inufacturers and 'holesaler•s Association. This """ittee was asked to rako recoc_ erdations because it was tho"nht advis:,�-Ia to crosult taxpayers having:• no connections with the city goverrnont as to herr tax ravcnue cht ',d be spent for salaries of city oc— ploy;;es- Their rcca-_.er.•iations vrarp that the salaries of positions listed in thin =heduie be ine,• iced by a total of about:;34,000, but with insuf— ficient furca to reach this total the inerwasos were scaled down to those 375 Proceedings of City of Paducah_ -h- -shown in the schedule, which will add about :.19,000 -tnnually to the city payroll. These increases are modest when compared with salaries paid in other comparable cities and prevailing salaries and wages in private em- ployment in Paducah. Some positions were not included in the committee Is recommendations, as an effort was made to equalize salaries of all positions based on duties and respensibilities involved in each, although it was recognized that the sal'.-Aes of those positions passed over are also too laa. If these recommendations are adopted city cnployees will still be under- paid but perhaps more uniformly so than at present. Only two department heads, the Fire Chief and City Engineer, included amounts for salary increases in their requests, and these are shovm on the accompanying tabulation„ The other department heads, knotying that the Citizens Cormittee was studying this matter, did not request specific amounts but recommended that appropriate increases be granted, and for these depart - cents figures in the co;.ten "Requests for 191,9" are based on salaries in effect in 1F48. It is recommended that a Department of Public Works be established under the direction of the City Encincer ,which mould consist of an 8ngineer- ing Division (now Fnginearing Departmont% .a Streat Division (nov Street Department), a Cemetery Division (Oak Grove Cemetery), and a Floodwall Division (the position of Floodwall Superi.ntendont is nom established in the Eneineering Department by ordinance but has nrrer been filled). Kast cities have found •.t to he more practicable to co-abine ;uch activities into a Department of Public l;orks, because they are so closely related that better coordination and effectiveness is attained under a single department head, There aro piny problems in the present Street Department and at Oak Grove Cemetery tY"t require the aoplication of entinaering knowledge and it is believed that an crgineer should be resnonsible for immediate super- vision over such activities. The Citizens Committee rhieh studied enployoes, salaries also roccaaended this reorganization. This budget has been prepared on a blsis of such a reorganization and the appropriation accounts have been grouped accordingly. This budget ray not be an ideal plan for the city governnent in 1949. There are elecents of judgment involved in the recommendations of the depart- ment haads and your City Langer which furnish a basis of different viow- points on hay available funds can best be expended. In any event the data and infor ,•tion hece nr,.,anted will rive the P,oard of Cormissionors a good uorkint• hasis for arrivii.it, at d(:cisions which must, in tho final analysis, NO `577 Proceedings of City of Paducah I be rade by the elected representatives of the people of Paducah. It is hoped that this budget will aid the Board of Commilsioners in shaping a program for the city government that will keep abreast of the needs of a city that is grouinp and faces a great future. Respectfully submitted - Victor C. Hobday City manager k NO 377 Proceedings of Ciiy of Paducah I Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y G G G --r 00101 C'W NNNN NN NVIVI\.R 00 v]m•.1V1 N0 �I�+�ONNN •Om�1O•SOm OmWO OW m ,'10 t+`H ONO O l7 �•t'wfv`�o RwProw o mew+•O• 00 � � ti N• O Y•e 't'e � O o <'e o w K W r7 O 1 O m cn 2p 1 H N m NC) of w: ip5 7 w f� 7 . � • c •� � y � � . fn Y• "Aa a N ' w • � fA is V, � � �, rn ".0 Wb Y�,W m NVl VYl W N O•� YO 027 pp�Vl�l •0•u W C' �SWm OO•Y� N S µ q, ",p9..II h h 00001 O880ojwoo00oviU :3SO W 00 0 t+ NO H� �]W m NVl V1 YW NOSY COH 0N1VON \0 OWG'vl O\Yvt e V10C b 11. wOV1 OW CF'a00-4-0 •O OWF'O'DO O•N U CO �,PtFF '1 N•03 CJtiO VINO NO mzo N OL-C!\O N O•CN 800 W O A 0, Y Y O N O W V't O• N D\ F w Go b V '+'• OOC � b O F+ •.1 W m N Vl V" N N N C` Y •1••1 O w 0 W .(1NW mW W �1NF-O W WHO �pp00 m � o,SF'�1 Vi0 � O 00 C L'OU�JOO �' pY 000 VtN00 Vl Vl p�38 � � w 0 00=10 0 0 0€0 0 ° X00008 G O t� n v ,5� h O Ym o W m N \A mm N Vi Y X 1.7, gYG' Com' WQWQ���10� m[`wL O •Oma C'O a N WVlO W WOOOW �! mc-O•�0 NO v >• NOO p N �WWONO 0 NVi,1N HO W Y C'mO o W W f10 V? fA iN f/, VT � 'O'fat+tO�F+Y mW m ..Vcw x � p0O08m0poOop0800O 00 1 tr- 0000 00 0 00-06-0 0 $00000 p ) Y• OY YNmw m �` f] L. �O RR OSpOCOb*` Gp0v:O W�1 F' N OTIC O Vl N On` 0 8 08000 080 bo 0 080800 i O a W V Y N J fL O• �"O Ali G ('. Y ?. Q\ N N fJ �• !7 ONS.:: �]u vt 4- � O,C• O• �� O r. � �mw CL �•O V B.N N N W t75 W V. ,j, CJ 1 F r n Proceedings of City of Paducah W I.NiWWWW �FNO+FN+IN•+NN NFN+NtN-+ �Um •~-1 n pWO. O.VLW oW N�00. O>N �'Vl 000 12i �O 1 e M <7 7'3p@ 0 O A C I i'• A c NNS W 'S C •G O N F�-h•7C9.0 oCC V� Y• Y••C 0 0 0. v o x .* 1* m 1� r w 'ryI 000 o n o , �• i o y� 0 ,of Cb I; .O C'•C N (N'J C'c1 NNNW f] .CO b No C m o G vK'r• o1��F�t i .� � H 1 `• N c�uu yl a • 1 8 R •t I e; � [f W Y• �I O IT 7OI N CJN O• W 7 N • G 0 N1 G Z N O N N b N • � ('J N; A N N fF 9 N'G 1 m o p • N I •ry N • N• 'G � G Y N : � r K D` N N N N J• N N N Vl Y N �,d J J��O�O 0 O W0'0ANm Viv NN 00 8N H�µ 0 OO ONO 0 00 v-v0 OSN v a ea st: � •3 m to Vl NVi J�00 m VtW NW O m t' OO.Q Vivit - t m Jul Vi Vim WZo �� �1'• •J '. 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I-'.0 O• .: fJ � :� I'R O O V i O u b o Y• 7 n + W w a •�y i t ii 9 Proceedings of City of Paducah P10. 361 �G I° H F r n n 0 0 N n• n � ° w o o N m i 1 w O N LJ CJ •d H N : O N NO CH VNL O Vt � Cµi ire U r ~ 7 C! u N N O r W N Vt•�1 -tel t4 N N Vi „CI O lo N L •a H Vrt Vt0 PW K 0o y N Y N y wa lo OD M GJ r.r XJ N N N C N W C t •vel M L> cl w n C• H vrnt In H O + 7 w w t.. a ••a'� N •n O t' G7 X 1 m •wt e+ a t; mon rr 1•+ [I CC r C'C'W.,�o I WO N� O ol NN WOVtlO F X V N N +• o o II •�`�o N N X m G t, r•y� Fes M; wy� Vic. neo�++ O u:+r7 0 w wpb Nknp. N O H V I S te{ b1-� I •. 1 y 1 v yy v G A N 'O E -3F+• O O N N II 7 O d O N +� O N Y o G Y• Y Y Y y •. N y N .� N •G N• N .. LJ G7 G7 G7 :> G7 rp N N Vl VlC ?1 N r Y Y W VlW O O Y 0. WVl Nrn NYCN •O Vl r� � Vl OS VC W Ol (T O W N •O r O• o0 0 'o o o oov8 i� I •rnio i L> W G> C> Vt N W rn "r p\ p W, W W VJ OJ WVt Y .•Y. NNC� {rn+Vt W^1 U O b b00 Com" 4Ni N m7O �V' W m v'viO N vo m VnOvtm .. In .. 47 47 f.7 t7 LY N j N rn (T rn rn Nr O� NNW WY W W N OJ WVi O� NVI VlN ' t-+ W !7jO O O m � b8 J t�+l � lr+l 0 a� cl 8 o c yg o 8808 a I N C. ON7 O. N C O. eve nOn��l Y rnr u< hvtrv< � W U Vt Vl Vl (b VJ OJ O VJ O. VI li Go W VN' N .zaj �Y Vl VlU U �J W N b \o U m Ny a. N N W W r C 117 Y W 6 olV N vvri v j. aIn � uti � �� � n o 181 8€8 38 U U J O O a, Y 40 _ f� .. i.• i=v vt vii: ij P10. 361 �G I° H F r n n 0 0 N n• n � ° w o o N m i 1 w O N LJ CJ •d H N : O N NO CH VNL O Vt � Cµi ire U r ~ 7 C! u N N O r W N Vt•�1 -tel t4 N N Vi „CI O lo N L •a H Vrt Vt0 PW K 0o y N Y N y wa lo OD M GJ r.r XJ N N N C N W C t •vel M L> cl w n C• H vrnt In H O + 7 w w t.. a ••a'� N •n O t' G7 X 1 m •wt e+ a t; mon 1•+ [I 9 d Proceedings of City of Paducah c Zrl cr-vc-vr-_ c- crl C. C, C,a ViiU HOU8OU C c' r --r-- OiV�t iOCw - I M G) '47 'J O � T O b0 O bN 7 'I U^•`.y g F 'OOW µ7 S, O S nF7+• ON' OwU< OIJ LHti1 O'O7 K O. G. c, •! 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C c crn- vt r: 000`gCtO-_, 000 r "*vGi i `r a � ti c: r rn n t~n '•n div ^. t:arrvn w vti 0` N w r tco eN � c• _ �c.0 Vt gi CC UVL �00o y .. y • l` W ? y Y• y tj •7 N is rf ... .. .) r i t•. � • tS, O.Y. :S i1 4: ti. f; Y• L� G N H W N � a E NO. 383 Proceedings of City of Pad vOOi.vtvtV Vi\A Vl Vl N NVtvt 5" T WPC mm0 W N C W�O~Or~ n O N N �1 O•W N 'S J '-7 - H rp '•• ^: ~ q 5 d w tiH• — O CU c• v 4 eC 1h' y M 101' 5 0 NCO FO' 'f'�1 .J fes., 3HH• •F' 7� d ^S }'• N rtiF RRR•�111j •wppr , N¢�++ p d �. •y ^1 n s H 0 t'+ . 1 G Pi N �i :1 •. G 7 N N p a N 4V W G• w s W K a+ N O o . w 7 o cl ry C. 'G N O G I F'• n G c N 'q 4f � N N O H H � �'a t-� w tl /•Y • I o o O.< � w N• s0Y Iq ... rl Cl L'Y .l M CT b '9 O 00 O O FO G— Ovt Y: Vl �] W N Vi VIN �] •tel O � V1 O V1 S V't O Vi 00 O 0 U U O U O 00 O 7 m N Vt N O O N W O w `O Vt-� Vl W co b Vi O N N ^1 C O. ! •S CY LT 4Y 4� ST .. tY b 1 N N 0 m N Vl ^ N Wp VL �.1 Vl �l pVIW Q�Vi C'1 G� VL N p Opp p Vl 0', W V1 OVl O O O �O O O p O W O. O l� O O p F+• .J pUS S O of SSSS0 C, C O8U U 'a C' r N W O• W N W W v W N Vl F' L' W pG WWW W to OWN : : NO�PN Y] ^ VL •f'�` C W O O p N N p Vi O :d F'N U InN ,!7j p U p O O O u U U U O G Z i V G U q pp a ppJJpp rp ,T W N � W N N N �1 N N F'� b n •G O Oppp N G O Q w O w U O O 4 4 J O N w ❑ to tv 11 10 w r .. f'• +.. S" P �j 's y... p.i .. < i .. t~Tl F+ 1-� L� rk] t "1 L ate- y r W f W w v �' NO • a Proceedings of City of Paducah rnrnc rnrnrnrnrnrnc.rnrno• YYY YY YYYY Y Y a rn Y Y'PO.� �1 •�1CWW NNY1-'o O O �1 v mm =' n o r...vl 1-WNY(�v>om�� r rn �ww- ir0 r H � m n M a mo 0 m'a• O=4"I Or:� mOOO7a Yl (nM m>-> � o x•04 � �' �•ro ,�'--.w '� 5 c+A (+Y•u f: G (Y (• n ] Y'H Kn YHN HK•I MH nm. W •tl If ' � rtmn WY•~ n� Cy] K• W x• n H Y• W w 0 X' 7y (, f fJ c+ O. • m to W� < Q 7 c* H �+ H 5• � 21 •�a• � � I1 � OI CG f y 'y • W � 00 (• N r n W g q 7 I G G Y• (] Y• A Y Y+'1 7 1 f H 0p'r`1 (D Y• p W • C c! Vi O (a 7: ry ` 1 7 b H I 1bq �•1 (�+ W off• °f M H c N N o (n c°°:>t 1 base:o, 0. r0. ai N • F%� fJ H ry 7 :A W a Y (1 V fJ G "�! 10 �f f, ro ro W WVt O> j O�W t�v��I�•� P O O WAVY' NH Vl0 W O �1: Vl�l O ViN N N N VlO�1 S OOC ��0O�U S OU SSO O pO S -U O 080 O W j N C Y W C'V1Cw C'YVl Vlw N N V N O) W Y h rn W rn U rn W O N W O•% C'W w Y� O� �l Vl�l Yl•!iN N O N O Nvz� N c+ C `O rnN>- , 0 UO�t:OOln�0OV( 11> DO Vl O Vl "f N O O U v OAU ro ro �' v VYINW V1 ^Nt��� VlW V%W 0 W Y O O Vt O•l+l •.1Y CH D7 W. O Ovl vt r .:C )C'C �� O J O m lnO ulW G oco a 6066coo S ySSc�i o a {o �1 � ro Ty!Y ~__ K C •... v W O W W �Op a O • �? C� W Q�� N O Yp]� W p � e ooO N O A S •�• • n G U SSSS •�1 Y P t1} v .•Y Y rav r v ,� f, w � N Y O Y• O C •G' ,. _ ..... y .Ii r, y J3 N w V( VL 'O'1 '7 r H O -• ;1 N L1 �:7 w • ry Y C' f` Proceedings of City of TTTTTTTT T T TT T T O. T T T TT TT 01 (7101 T PT :'- QO�QV 0 F'O vN.)pNp GNi NW WNvv PCNCN'WW WW NNNO �COJ �]TVIW C'W �1 YNO.VlW YVIC'W l-'m�W VJQ�I TCD C'V]�l �O cr C 3u C D J� y M F G W fi N ti N lraP G W GT n G N C`O Y 7Y0 O h W Ea f�i 3 t0• GIyJ CJ �My tip, S N O O C. y W • 1.a `09 H N W O W H sq !0 IQ-) �• ~ Y+• n• W n. ^J 7 H O G X iia• tH'J Ci f00 W 9 p 5 G n. 7 H 0 O �• 7• 47 7 W to tl 0 G+ O c+ O c• O O G fi O. O %'r o ti � p. O �a �• � d N• O O pp y �l : O N n d Ory 0•n � Q G� N H O H "1 O N f)' • p+ 7 O. G' �• CG GH & • HG O lGha �: •O •d G�+1 Ia R•�i F'• !'• • FJ Vl N ,,1Jaa+• H H H G E N• c*O 7 C�• ''I�77� y y N µ 0 N' y :" N O: fA G a m G9 Oet G W 1^�ry� I O 7 0 ()I G• y• H N (01 � p ly O� � "O1 J 'K N 1�'• N (Oi lni : m G :A {, b��F++ N : O �a o i �a N F'• : Irl O O �•:• OOWW �N Um7G1 N: H y • • • • • • • 9 • i P0. : Y •o v TY m y 1- N W-.1NIY-)VGY Y`OJ� WYN YO NY Y�I �1 �1 �] NW OT v(�n8 o��nN m C T N C'ONNTVI NY)VIO �1N VlTTVJT TVI VG L'T v`,1N NW YF'CJW �I C'\7NO �H �1 N• SO O O O O V l 000000 p © v(oWoyGgoo�r( Gn�N�o,Io;nN� -��v N O N O O 0 •�] TOS TOSSOS OWOOOS O]OOOO G o _ O t57F O.Y T •+1 � v N W •wl N F•a VlV O] CD v ��..+• TNNY IV NT v)C]TNVI T C W ..Y, N C'I M =l H NbF'O �IYVt T0, NO NO'NrCY CO'Y �C � vW.•: F�•'ONOGNlIN Q•w�1N�1N `7 VIQ�IOC YVI Y�1ONV CO VI N -J •JNO WVIL`�l O;)N VIOVQ •.ITO]v(F+FI+ 00 OdaNO.OVtiS OQ.00 N v Y C)N F' U< YW W T QWy VIN QO YC'NW v YO OWW YQO V I N N N N OIrI C'viv(c+O N � TTNWW TQW WViC'C TO\�TWYNO V I W p W N C •.1 Y N C' v` N O P VJV I N Y TOMO Ov(VGVIOS�VIVION Qva CN Q W SOS GS OO OOOO SOTOOSSO:OOW G tom+• O 7 • r7 _. •�Ma1G1 N N W %n W W i.' mw W V I N C] O Y L' N W Y Ow Y Y O O ��CV�I O.O W CO"-• V l V (v) N N V l C' W N V l C' Y v O C] C', IT Y N O W V VI O�Pv vtPYWyN Ta O Y VINY \. Ca• a OO N' W�ITYN NO Q C'Il(O \•)V1O �1CV7� NCS-+WONOO O]v) CW Nr�V(VIY YN G+O�F'h v) C l7Y TU Q Q WN�Y QN v.WYO NQTQ O)�v)BOOS O G9 N Y. ` NNW W �' QWV VtN CY"OYC� W u.] V I (.•. W Y G= O S� •./ N •+J W Y Vl�IlVlWO N G ,I N O V I W V I Q V I W V 11- Op T U N cT OJ Y N Y C: �1 4 O W V i U Y p V I N W v+ Y V t Lu v) VIN3S,y OOOOpOOOOg1 VIS: � N v: O ?o 88x3 c NNv.00OV o -,8" 2o.Smpo�"a spp S S O O H vi CV Y� W (:• \7 Wy TN •"a `p.- ;': iJOtfrIW VI O�Vi W9VI�INW NQr'J��� �.N Hi I lfY W ViQYS: O OO•.7Gc�\. O O N �i� L (J Oen O 000 VIO j � C:O OO:J W :Y O •• f_w (TY [- N V h+ Y }{-.a� J` N ) �"- -' !_. (.. N Y L W W' \.� N F• Y •.i� J't I, O H f 1 , \') � Vi1- l`t N l(I:a Wl) i i�'' O r� c],7 �• Q 4• W tT� IV b N 1n Y NO. $ Proceedings of City of Paducah O.O•clrn C,4� zT 0N0Con Wa0 NM^: IaA- W1'JoWmaY po� GnOH ' Ms ror0Oi nO-u0s yi•'+S�Yn <YaU vd taowNs �� � is n � i+•�^I-J S ^ n ; � '/ Vs O• x O O w o+ Y W p O C i' 'V 7 G I n V• (➢ p tGi a H ^r `S e' F•. • W G N 7 C pJ e+ � `• .COC G aa1 ri p G •.7'C7 ['1 � 7 Y• :r t • � O �• W V• ea' y G •� : 6 c���T• p 0 7 W dO OI o • 1 I7 N fJ 7 Y p : p G• Y`f N X m % : I• 'p � VYi •tAy R 9 b q 10 W �Tl W N O � S t•!l C' G�' � 9i• N -a OW UWC'O OW ON GTO w a O O O a N D 7 NCgT W W Y C'¢ q � I�'C•W p� VJo VLO C'S N N p` �C W N W a S N T p y N N � q P NhN O K N H O t�>t SOJO S S O O o 7 �1 Y`•J Y � IVI�1 �.-wit N Q w Y CW Vj G V VNt.: O NNp � Ul � q U I N G �1 Vii O Q till N N YqY C N C` N Y � Yo �, Vl�•>G W S Y 1•c+ c • •+l v O "• O O C S S S y C' O _` r N y y N � ~• •' Op eCI' • C O N H Vi O 11 Y 71 .y n - ;T co w - !. r r•tl Y rV p �1 A • A'f � - fr f'~ •7 Y Proceedings of City of Paducah CM 1I11[TLL% T :!1'V 4'Nl.(n,l�llX Y✓.IC�X,�:!�,. /N: � �.. \ W�TJ%.T1T1TrIL7Il�rf2--22'a; n r a J/,�%ALL%' r.'7 i�.LT'r� •;.:?ITLi 1 ?cY:�SlZr�L,y r'7 77, .Y..y ;��1 .�?J.���?.:fit•>,;: %.! , NO. 387 NO 3, S Proceedings of City of Paducah EAl T's IV F A 0 UCA H %C/3 7 M Q. fl))W' GIIF Z '9 XIL E'�z LE, Rea/ 6 -state Proceedings of City of Paducah CITY OF P All U C A H Office of the City IAnager JTA1c:ic;MT OF COITDITI0i7 OF GB1i3RAL FUUD AS OF Dacember 31, 1948 Resources: Cash Citizens 3avinCs Bank a 49,099.65 Petty Cash Fund 500.00 Total Cash 49,599.65 Other Resources Accounts receivable on Property Sold 400.00 Property Purchased,:itated at Cost 4,139.78 Other Receivables F. Advance Payments 2,212.34 Due other Funds - Interest on Voted Bonds 309.70 Total Other Resources 7,061.82 Total Resources .56,661.47 Liabilities: Current vouchers payable 10,934.03 Other accounts payable 6,387.G4 Tmployeecs Payroll Deductions 1,091.19 Undistributed Collections 22,726.22 "atured Coupons (not presentod for payment) for which the City Troacuror is Fiscal ,,Cent 740.00 '-ausoleum '.rust Fund 4.10.00 Total Liabilities 42,313.08 General Fund Surplus: Unlic;uidated .,urplus 4,505.69 rash-urplus 9.74G.70 Total surplus 14,342.39 Total Liabilit-ioa ,urhlus 3^-1.47 Proceedings o% City of Paducah I CITY OF P A D U C A H Office of the City 14anager SVtTEt:,cNT OF OKERAL FUND REVENUE, 1949 BUDGET 1949 ESTMTE CCS - REVENUE REVENUE ESTIIII.TE PARED WITH 1948 REVENUE SOURCE 1947 1948 19i'9 INCREASE DECREASE Current Taxesl Real and pers. prop. ;275,683,84 x298,835.34 x315;c0o.0o '16,164,66 Franchise conparies 73,164,73 69,59543 69,;.^0,00 S 995.43 Agricultural products 2=e, 64 149.79 15),00 30.,21 Bank shares ;c8.72 829.54 E--Zo0 20.46 Poll taxes 7,2C9.00 7,020.00 7,CGO.00 20.00 Delinwent Mixes Real and pers. prop. 10,002.82 7,6 r„ 72 3,000.00 4,695.72 Pen., int. and adv. 7,089.76 5,8112.75 1,500.00 4,342.75 Licenses Business and occup.2 73,325.45 124j401,60 127,000.00 2,598.40 Alcoholic beverage 25;790.00 27,605,00 28,000.00 1 395.00 Autorobile & Truck 22,3"1.98 27,430.23 30,000.00 2,569.77 Motorcycle, & rtr. bike i .30 86.25 85.00 1.25 DoC 1,242.75 461.75 500.00 14.25 Peraltics 1,165,88 2,321.83 2,000.00 321.83 Other Revenue Fines 41,969.48 41,310.00 40,000,00 1,310,00 Larket house rents 3,202.38 318772 5 3,600,00 277,2$ Ce--etory lot sales 2,18300 2,271.50 1,000.00 1,271.50 Purial pern3ta 2.471,.00 3,347.00 3,000.00 347.00 Prop, sales & rentals 6;803.13 7,627.65 1,200.00 6,627.65 Street 7epartnent 597.31 606,51 600.00 6,51 Else, inspection fecs3 2,028.00 1,323.80 1,500.00 176.20 Puildirr permit fees 3,93".65 3,609.50 3,500.00 109.50 Parks 10,29!:,94 8,830.97 10;000.00 1,169.03 Parkin,, motors 9,3=1:.03 19,988.72 30,000,00 10,011.28 City scales: Sioirhin;; fees 835.49 799.11 800.00 .89 Park Inv, fees 622.30 726,60 650.00 76.60 Liacellarcous 4,695.72 3,947.93 500.00 3,447.93 rash Surplus 26,970.72 12,594.74 9,746.70 2,848.04 Totals V,13,103,02 :683,756.51 ;,690,211.70 ' 6,455.19 1The 1948 orcpnrty tax rate for the Gerursl Fund rias ..';1.30?, per ;,100 of assessed valuation. The total ascas..-ent of r•al and personal property for 1949 taxes is approximately 21a,000,Grp, These estinatos aro based on a rate of "1.351 and an expectation that M of real c:;tntc and personal prop;:rty tarns will be collected. rn the Last three years ti:e percentage of collection Kin boon about 96,5'. 27he li°.S esti.:ate takes Into account a toss of about ;2,000 in revenue rosulting ! Pror_ a redurticn in Cro rate of tax Per retail rroenrn, and about 11,000 loss of rG-mme as a mcult of lowering nlri:r= license taxes in sono catngoriun and per- I nittin;. deduction of Federal and Stato excise taxon by all taxp:tyora. 3 This esti.^,to c: '1,; 0 :gust be eliminated if the arrangement for olectrieal inspecticn rete ;"k•nied urger .;cct. 3177 is rat a;;provod or other arrea,orents are x%a fcr an Electrical Irs,.cct_r. NO. 391 Proceedings of City of Paducah I C I T 7 0 . U 4.. it O:fic., of the City Manager WCO138:NDED SALARY INCR;1SES IN 1949 BUDGET No, of Present Recommended Annual Positions Position Title Monthly Salary Monthly Salary Cost T1391 Ar"'I Cc3t cf Rsccmmended Sr-2ary Increases �c c....nled dourly 7: -,re .83': 1,13 1,13. .96. 1.C8 .91 96,E .852 1.08 $240.00 120.00 720.00 480.00 600.00 120.00 2,400.00 480.00 240.00 120.00 720.00 720.00 120.00 960.00 2.,640.00 120.00 240.00 150.00 60.00 120.00 150.00 30.00 120.00 150.00 250.00 15.00 240.00 240.00 300.00 180.00 90.00 90.00 `10.00 500.00 180.00 30.00 33.72 90.00 195.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Annual Cost $599.04 124.80 364.00 121. '80 694.00 ri98.40 374.40 748.80 499.20 ;19,041.16 POLICE DLPARVE NT liwrly 'Saco 4 1 I! 1 Chief of Police ,,260.00 $280.00 1 Asst. Chief of Police 215.00 225.00 6 Cnptnins 200.00 210.00 4 Lieutenants 195.00 205.00 5 Sergeants 190.00 200.00 1 Jailor 190.00 200.00 20 Patrolmen A 185.00 195.00 4 Patrolmen B 175.00 185.00 FIRE DEPARThFNT .1 Fire Chief 260.00 280.00 1 Asst. Fire Chief 215.00 225.00 6 Captains 200.00 210.00 6 Lieutenants 195.00 205.00 1 Mechanic 210.00 220.00 8 Engineers 190.00 200.00 22 Firemen A 185.00 195.00 1 Fireman B 175.00 185.00 FINN -10E DF.PLRVENT 1 City Treesurer 260.00 280.00 1 luditor 167.50 180.00 2 Deputy Treasurers 147.50 150.00 1 Deputy Treasurer 190.00 200.00 1 Deputy Treasurer 137.50 150.00 1 Bookkeeper 157.50 160.00 1 City Assessor 190.00 200.00 1 Deputy Assessor 127.50 140.00 Deputy Treasurer's car Plloraance 70 per mile CITY CCURT 1 Asst. Corp. Counsel 128.75 130.00 1 Secretary 120.00 140.00 DEPT. OF PUBLIC 'ORKS 1 City LrrCineer 260.00 280.00 1 Asst. City Engineer 225.00 250.00 1 Secretary 135.00 150.00 1 Instrurentmcn 192.50 200.00 1 Ra9r..an 152.50 l60.00 1 Miinmvn 137.50 145.00 City Engineer and Building Inspector, cnr n.1lo:vmcc v 7g per mile 1 Forec:nn, Street Div. 185.00 200.00 .1 htcL'=n, Strict Div. 157.50 160.00 1 '.. tete-•.n, Stri-ct Div. 97.19 100.00 1 5uFt. C. -k Greve Cc::atcry 167.50 175.00 O11MR -i PLO -T.- 1Alcoholic Bev:S'.�e :.dr.Sristrator 108.75 125.00 1 Il:vrtcr ;rr;r.-tcr 12U.CO 125.00 1 Jtnitcr 12.0.00 125.00 1 hnrfraster 107.50 112.50 1 ."ei_trnst-r 120.00 125.00 RG'JRLY ESFflfJr F'S Prr3;•nt R„ T1391 Ar"'I Cc3t cf Rsccmmended Sr-2ary Increases �c c....nled dourly 7: -,re .83': 1,13 1,13. .96. 1.C8 .91 96,E .852 1.08 $240.00 120.00 720.00 480.00 600.00 120.00 2,400.00 480.00 240.00 120.00 720.00 720.00 120.00 960.00 2.,640.00 120.00 240.00 150.00 60.00 120.00 150.00 30.00 120.00 150.00 250.00 15.00 240.00 240.00 300.00 180.00 90.00 90.00 `10.00 500.00 180.00 30.00 33.72 90.00 195.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Annual Cost $599.04 124.80 364.00 121. '80 694.00 ri98.40 374.40 748.80 499.20 ;19,041.16 liwrly 'Saco 4 1 C s_etCry :rtc.ti:rs !7 ; C:ecranic, 1St C1: 53 .96 5 "s:Gane C':cracrs 1.02 3 Truck rivers .85 3 Great F:e,airmn .iU� 6 lktcrere .79 4 3twr "nterssnce Nan 1.02 T1391 Ar"'I Cc3t cf Rsccmmended Sr-2ary Increases �c c....nled dourly 7: -,re .83': 1,13 1,13. .96. 1.C8 .91 96,E .852 1.08 $240.00 120.00 720.00 480.00 600.00 120.00 2,400.00 480.00 240.00 120.00 720.00 720.00 120.00 960.00 2.,640.00 120.00 240.00 150.00 60.00 120.00 150.00 30.00 120.00 150.00 250.00 15.00 240.00 240.00 300.00 180.00 90.00 90.00 `10.00 500.00 180.00 30.00 33.72 90.00 195.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 Annual Cost $599.04 124.80 364.00 121. '80 694.00 ri98.40 374.40 748.80 499.20 ;19,041.16 92 Proceedings of City of Paducah ' 0 1 T Y OF P A D U C A H Office of the City tanager JUSTIFICATIONS AIM EXPLANATIMS, 1949 BUDGET In this section of the 1949 budget a brief justification and explanation of funds re„uested and recommended for each account are pre- sented. The accounts are listed in the same order as they appear in the tabulation of COl'FAHISON9 AND EECQ.MIDATIONS, 1949 BUDGET. Acct. 1101. The Yayorrs salary is fixed by ordinance and is the ra ximum authorized by state law. Acct. 1102. The salary of each Commissioner, ti1,500 per year, is fixed by ordinance and is the maximum authorized by state law. Acct. 1112, Funds are recommended to continue the present City Clerk's salary of 2, 00 per year, which is fixed by ordinance. Acet. 1159. The recommended figure of 11100 is an estimate of funds, based on past experience, that may be required to enable the Kayor, 1-ayor Pro Tem, and Commissioners to attend meetings of Kentucky municipal officials or to rake investigations that may be deemed necessary. Acct. 1161. The sum of X3,637,44 was spent in 1947 and ^;2,360.03 in 119-71 for advertising purposes, but a new law requested by the Paducah Board of Commissioners and passed by the 1948 General Assembly, which was effective June 17, 1948, ended the Dublication in full of certain types of ordinances. Thus during almost half of 1948 expenditures were incurred for full niblication of such ordinances which will not be necessary in 1949. The averaCe monthly expenditure from July to December, 1948, for this purpose was about ;,70.00, but the annual appropriation ordinance, tax levy ordinance, and annual audit must be published in full during the first six months of each year, w:Ach mould increase the monthly average over the entire year. Eased on cast experionce it anpoars that x1,000 -rill be adequate. Acct. 1169. The recommended firure of 32,200 is based on past exporience and Tioto cover expenses of the biennial election of Commissioners in 191.9. Acct. 1203. The salary of ;5,000 per year for the City Manager is fired by ordinance. Acct. 1220, Funds are recormended to continue the present Secretary's salary cf ;;2,00 per year, which is fixed by ordinance. rcct. 1259. Paced on past experience the sum of :,200 is rocom- rensed to ena4lc the=y Iana9e1 arra other city officials without an appro- priaticn for travolln;• exnenn_es to attend meeting of municipal officials turd to rako lnvef�tifations that ra; be deer..ed necessary. Leet, 1273. The requested and recur=ended aum of e,8O0 is based on pastexperler4a but is larger than expenditures in 1947 and 1948 because letterhead stationery was not purchased in either of those two ydars. The WIPPly of letterhead ctaticnary is alnoat exroav:ted and it will be necessary to purchase a largo quantity in 191.9. Acct, 1288. This account and the reeoar-anded sue oC M0 has been added to cover a variety of minor expenditures that cannot be antici- pat�d. For eaa-ple, the :tat Extermiratien Committee recently requested the 393 Proceedings of City of Paducah ' city to purchase rat poison to be placed on dumps, but there is no exist- ing appropriation to which this is properly chargeable. Such an account Trill eliminate the necessity of passing ordinances for small and relatively unimportant expenditures. It coi d not be subject to abuse because a voucher must be prepared for each disbursement vinich is a public record, and all such vouchers are checked when the amoral audit is made. It is reported that Owensboro has provided a fund of ;1,500 per year for such purposes and that this procedure is followed in many other cities. Acct. 1290. The spin of ^100 is recommended to cover mainte- nance of the mimeograph machine and typewriters and for purchase of minor items of office equipment that may be required from time to time. Acct. 1308, Funds are recommended to continue the present Cor- poration Counselgs salary of $3,360 per year. Acct. 1400. The recommended sum of X8,000 includes ;,6,250 for principal and interest to make the last annual payments in the Rational Cast Iron suits, and £11,750 for other suits and claims against the city. This is an expenditure that is difficult to estimate, but experience has shavn that claims increase as economic conditions become worse. Acct. 1500. The excess of anticipated revenue over the total of all other budget accounts is shown in this account. This is believed to be a reasonable anount, as past experience has shorn that there are usually many expenditures that cannot be anticipated. Acct. 1656. The recommended sum of "1,400 for 1949 is above the 1948 expenditure of •1,264.92 because the last increase in telephone rates was effective about July, 1948. Thus 1948 expenditures reflect only about one-half of a year at the increased rates. The average monthly charge during the last six nonths of 1946 Tras 1;110.00, which multiplied by 12 months is %1,3201 and '?80 was added to cover long distance calls and telegrams. Acct. 1657 A few fire hydrants were authorised in 1948, which may increase the 19 expenditure of )501638.67 for water and hydrant rentals to approximately ;51,000. This expenditure is based on the franchise obli- gation assured by the city when the waterworks system was purchased. Acct. 1658. She sum of ;20,000 is recommended for 1949 an increase of X13210. over 1948 expenditures, to cover the added cost of about 60 street lights installed late in 1948 or which should be installed in 1949. Acct. 1679. The rocoimnended amount of •`.;450 includes :'250 for the purchase of ica and ''2CO for an electric drinking; fountain to replace an ice cooler in the switchboard room on the second floor of the Central Fire Station. tcct. 1700. The recommended anount of :_6,000 is based on premiums duo on inst:rarce policies and bonds presently in force. Acct. 18^,0. She recommended sum of ;490.00, the sane as ex- penditures in"TR includes the follordng annual membership dues: Kentucky L,,ricipal learua, J36G.Go ;'anaeew:nt Infornation Service, b1o0.00; and "-tion.l afety Caurcil, ';,30.00. Acct. 19,0. The a•:nual salary of ;}5.00 for each Civil Service Cor--insionor is fixed Ly ordinrncn. Acct. 2105. Mu recor. onded sum of °3,360 would increase the City Treasurer -;a m1acy from ,260 to ,.280 par month. Acct. 2114. She recorImMod e -of ;2,160 would increase the nuditorls salary frcr '67.50 to "180.00 par month. Acct. 2127. '.to reco=ondod cum of ;7,800 would increase the saleriee of t:, -o Lr:.pu4y jreasurera frcra ;147.50 to $150 par conth, one Deputy 15WM NMI Proceedings of City of Treasurer from x.137.50 to .a% per month, and one Deputy Treasurer (License Inspector and Purchasing Agent) from ;;190 to $200 per month. Acct, 2128. The recommended sum of ,1,920 would increase the Bookkeeper's salary from $157.50 to $160.00 per month. Acct. 2146. The recommended sum of 6340 includes '3100 for temporary permnel to assist the License Inspector in gathering, information from state income tax returns that is needed for administering the business license tax and for the assessment of merchants' inventories. The remaining Mo would increase the salary of the Secretary to the City Judge from $120 to "140 per month, providing a sufficient quantity and acceptable quality of work is performed for the City Treasurer. The position of Secretary to the City Judge is a full time position but she can frequently assist in the work of the City Treasurer after attending to her regular duties. It is there— fore recomre nded that funds for an increase in the salary of this position be appropriated in this account and that the judgment of the City Treasurer shall be final as to whether the quantity and quality of work performed justifies the payment of all or a part of the increase of $20.00 per month. Acct. 2159. The recommended sum of $450 would cover traveling expenses of the Deputy Treasurer to obtain information from state income tax returns and would be used to reimburse him for -the use of his car on local official business at the rate of 7¢ per mile, rrith a maximum of $35.00 per month. This mileage allowance was recommended by the Citizens Committee which recently studied the salaries of the city employees. Anct. 2162. The recommended sum of $2,000 is for a contract by ordinance with ]:orris h. Lee, Certified Public Accountant, to make the 1948 arrual audit. Acct, 21.73. In past years supplies ordered in one year for use in the next year have been recorded as Special Accounts Payable and have been charged to the nerd year's budget. This was true in 1948 and there is therefore a carry—over of orders placed in 1948 for supplies to be used in 1549, such as tax forms, It is more desirable to charge all orders immediate— ly to the current year's budget, both from a legal and practical vim:point, and it is planned to do this in 1949. Thus 1949 expenditures will include some orders ,laced in 1948 as well as all orders placed in 1949, and, U,300 is ircluied in the recorrended sum of X4,600 for this reason leaving x3,300 actually coriparable with the expenditure of $3,745.23 in 1948. Acct. 2190. The recommended sum of X160 is desired for the pur— chase of a file for paid tax bills, cancelled checks and other receipts. These are acc+mulatinr beyond the present filinr capacity and another file is urgortly needed to keep these imncrtant records in orderly arrangemont. Acct. 2313. The recommended sum of ?22400 would increase the City Assesecr's salary from .U90 to UK* per month. Acct. 2325. Thn reccrlrardcd P!:ount of $3,510 would continue the present salary --Cf y2.50 per r.onth of one :r_puty Assessor and would increase the othor Doputy r.ssossor's salary from ;127.50 to ;1140.00 per month. Acct, 2326. The rcccraP.r..ici s:ncunt of 0750 would pay salariop of t]r L'oard ct r:�ua, i ticn at the present rate of '5.00 per day per member, for a period of 50 workinr days. t.cct. 2346. Tbc reccmrcrdcd a:ount of ;21100 includou $100.00 fcr te:porary aaslMnce during pear, periods in the asaecmmont procoduro (._—'ares cath 194_ expenditure of �8L.13) and x.2,000 for tho enplo mant oC teceerary personnel in the lato Sur.-er anti e7rly Fall to socure non listin(!W Of �A ^oral property from taxpayers. it is a well knwm fact tivit personal prr^:.Arty assess.-erts are tee low acd t?:ere h3n been Srre criticism of the cixy for as takirr, corrective action, Tr. 1923, '.hen the city limits fo11u.•+( 5treeL, tee total a -6141?.17 Atkins '.venue, 25th ;tweet, 9xitx Street, Ltivisicn "#s et amu Locust ssessttrit Of pern(.nal p+•co_�rtY was ^1+,798,:42, .in 1i1;7 r'a it s 5,b03,035, and in 19U it was ,6,706,515. c'.cst of the incecaro in s NO.— u95 Proceedings of City of Pad 1947 and 1948 is the result of increased assessments on merchants' inven- tories and on autonobilos. When consideration is given to the increased number of automobiles, cl=trical appliances, improved furniture,,and other types of personal property, and the added area annexed since 1923, it is apparent that the 1948 a::sessment of 16,786,515 is very low as compared with the 1923 assessment. of 34,789,5L2. It is proposed to attempt to correct this situation by enploy_ng temporary personnel who will be paid on a basis of the number of taxpayer.i? listings obtained. Acct. 2373. The recommended amount of E625 is only slightly more than the $75677._R exp-3nded in 1948, for the reason that a slight increase in the quantity of supplies needed is expected. Acct. 2390. The requested amount of .1,050 would provide funds for making new block maps to replace ones now in use that are not up-to-date and are badly worn, Some action must be taken within the next year or: two to provide better maps, brit this expenditure is not recommended in 1948 for the reason the -t a zcecial session of the General Assembly may be called in 1949 to make several reforms in Kentucky's property assessing system and the Governor and other spokesmen have specifically mentioned a need to do some- thing about the duplication between county and city assessing offices„ This duplication is mads very apparent by the fact that the L'aCracken County Tax Commissioner has recently had completed a nen set of block maps of exactly the same kind used by the City Assessor and which could also to used by the City Assessor if tho two officials were in the same office. This matter has been discussed with County Judge Brady 1% Stewart, who has expressed an opinion that the two offices should be consolidated, and several times with County Tax Commissioner W. J. Helm. A proposal has been nude to 1'r. Helm that the two offices remain separate but that the staff of the City Assessor is office work in his office and under his direction, as it r.,ould seem that work- ing together in this manner will disclose many methods of cooperative action, such as joint use of block maps and making aarbon copies of a taxpayer+s assessment list. fir. Helm agreed to give this consideration but has not yet reached a decision as to whether to undertake the project. In any event, the Possibilities of new legislation that may affect the status of city assessing offices and of cooperative action with the County Tax Commissioner are such that an immediate expenditure to duplicate block maps would seem to be unwise. Acct. 2h67. Practically all tack tax cases are beinc, handled by Copeland and keel under contract, but a few cases were retained by other attorneys who had done considerable work and could complete such cases more expeditiously than new attorneys could, and the recommended anount of ;,500 is to cover attorneys' fees in such cases. %,980 of the 1948 appropriation has been encunbered (earmarked) for the Copeland and Keel contract and fur- ther appropriations for this contract will not be required. Accts, 2596 and 2597_ The recapaended amounts are fixed charges fer principal :;w:d inzerest due on bonds issued to cover d3ficits in the Coneral Fund durin,^ the 1930s.. Acct, 2578, The recommended arount is needed to cover charges by banks for sorvi.ces rendered in paying principal and interest on bonds, hon tt,e w76, "cct. 2599. :he recommended amount of ;;100 is slirhtly more ~Sf po', d in 191:8 for temporary loans. Acct. 3l Ch. The reco.:monded amount of "3,360 would increase the lary of the CTiof Of yrllce Tran '260 to X260 per month. Acct. 3110, Thr, recormnnded amount of ;;2,700 would lncreaso t. clary rf the P: Vit. Chief 'If POlicu from ^.215 to ,225 par month. t1,c� ,:ccL. 3121. Tho roccmmenI-d amount a @15,120 would incrcace a, ries of r:1x Pal?co Captains from 2;200 to 1210 par month. eala Acct. 31P2 Thi recormenned amount of �9,L4o wo•lct Increase the les of fcur Poi c:a Licuteranta fray ^19 to ,.205 per north. NO., c - Proceedings of City of Paducah Aoct. 3132. The recommended amount of $12,000 would increase the salaries of five Police Sergeants from $190 to $200 per month. Acct. : jL. The recommended amount of x2,400 would increase the salary of the Jailer from $190 to $200 per month. Acct. 134. The recommended amount of $55.680 would increase the salaries of twe:ity Police Patrolmen Grade A from $185 to :x195 per month and four Police Patrolmen Grade B (during first year of service) from $175 to $185 per month. I Acct. 3146. This appropriation is recommended to permit employ- ment of temporary personnel to assist in carrying on the work of the Police Department. Acct. 3159_ This account covers all travel by members of the Police Departreat for returning prisoners, attending te stings etc. Chief Block is a director of the Kentucky Peace Officer's Association and meetings of the board of dircorors are held each month. Last year he attended very fen of these reetings and it is believed that he should attend as many as possible in 1549, ac the exchanges of information and experience at such meet- ings are very helpful, Acct. 3164. This account covers injuries to police officers incurred in 1 ne o.*.•duty, It is difficult to forecast such expenditures accurately, but $200 should be adequate if no unusual injuries occur. Accts. 3173 - 3176. The recommended amounts for these accounts mate are based on riels and supplies used in recent years. The increased appropriation for gasoline is needed on account of several price increases that occurred in 1948, Acct. 3177. The recommended anount of $700 is based on two assumptions' TIT That new FM radio equipment will be purchased about April 1 (see explanation under Acct. 3191), and (2) that a contract will be made at f45 per month for maintenance and repair of radio equipment by a private com- parry, such as Radio Faintenance and Engineering Co. Such maintenance charges for the remainder of 1945 would be ?3405, leaving $295 that should be adequate "or parts, particularly as parts in new equipment are guaranteed for one year and will be replaced without charge during the first year. By arranging for radio rairterance by contract, Police Captain Troy Clark can be released frac: his present duties in this respect so that he can be assigned the duties of an Electrical Inspector. Thus in effect the city can secure the urgently nee?ed services of an Electrical Inspector for $540 per year, the annual cost of such ralnterance service by contract. Also it would be unnecessary for the city to purchase testinf, and repair equipment and a frequency monitor costing, about ;1,000. It h. s been impossible to employ an Electrical Inspector at a salary of *225 per month without any mileage allrnvance for use of a man's own car, and it is therefore strongly recommended that this plan be adopted , Fire Chief Frank Gholson says that electrical defects are the second major causes of fires in the country as a whole, and reports on Paducah fires show such defects r4nr, hirh among the causes of fires, ghat nicht be prevented is illustrated by the following news item in the Courier -Journal for December 31, 191:91 'Defective electrical wiring was blamed today for a fire that swept an entire block in Pikeville last nil.rht with damage unofficially esti- rattd at $200,000," The Statn Fire Ratin' Puroau gives points for having an Eloctrical In::pcctcr and lack of such an employce nay adversely affect Paducah's ratin;, for fire ira rarce purposen, thus increasing the cost of Fire insurance an business rnropertics. hast. 3178. The reccr.-orzlr:d arount of ib% Ss below 1948 oxpen- diturem of $1, !'� 0' 9 MSc L';e it 1, not planned to purchase more plastic rar::aro, which gave not been satisfactory on Preadray. The recont breakdown of traffic li,";ts cr. Proacway indicates hirhor expendituroa will be nuoded to repair cr replace certain traffic 1i.rrts. Acct. 3l 7_, Eaq>eniia:res in 19L8 for jail provisions lnereaeed cr_r 1947 becau;,e _ore persons laid out their fires ir, jail, and more ed tt.ie -5- 397 Proceedings of City of Pa may be expected in 1949. However, savings by mass buying under, contracts made possible by the nerdy established central purchasing system, should make 1949 expenditures close to the recommended amount of 01,800. Acct. 37.85. The requested amount of $2,300 includes $2,100 based on 1948ernonditures and $200 for repair of a police car wrecked late in December, 1949, The recommended figrr3 of $2,600 is 3300 higher to per- mit tte Chief of Police's car to be overhauled. A request for funds to pc.- chnse e. rew car for the Chief of Police tis requested under Acct. 319_, but sirc•3 th.s expenditure is not being. recom:.ended $300 should be provided for a con'- e*.s overhaul, as this car has been driven over 125,000 miles and is nor::,adly in need of such work. Acct. 3186. The recommended amount of $450 is below 1948 ex- penditures of }760.1 because batteries fox• the police telephone system pur- chased in 1948 will not be purchased in 1949. Acct. 3191. The requested figure of 513,000 would cover re- placement of x:1;1 police motor vehicles with new equipment and the entire cost of replacing the police radio system rdth Fid equipment. A regulation of the Federal Communications Commission requires that all police radio systems be converted to F6! frequencies not later than July 1, 19503 and considering the time required for adoption of the appropriation ordinance, submitting an application to the F. C. C.,for approval of a new frequency, advertising for bids, delivery of equipment, and installation, it would be impossible to meet this deadline unless funds are appropriated in 1949. The recommended amount of ,",7,500 includes 6750 for two new motorcycles, $33 000 for five new police cars, ;;1,000 for a good used truck to repla:u the one being used by Police Captain Troy Clark, and $2,750 for the first of two annual instalments to Purchase necessary new Ft[ police radio equipment, the second instalment to be deferred for one year at 6% interest. The police cars and motorcycles should be replaced because they have reached an age and mileage when maintenance costs begin to be excessive. Municipal officials are generally agreed that cars driven constantly, such as police cars, should be replaced by neer equipment each year, as this is the most ecpnomical plan, Both motorcycles are over two years old. Acct. 3204. The recommended amountof $3,360 would increase the salary of the Fire Chief from ,260 to $280 per month. Acct MO. The recommended amount of 32,700 would increase the salary of theAsst, lore Chief from X215 to 3225 per month, !•cot. 3221. The recommended amount of x15,120 would increase the salaries of six Captains from .MO to.32).0 per month,. There are nag five Cantains in this department, but approval is recoareended of Fire Chief Ghol�o-r's request that the Fire Hazard Inspector should hold a Captain's rank instead of his present rank of Fireman. Acct, 322.2. The recommended amount of '•14,760 would increase the salaries cf six Lieutenants from $195 to :,205 per month, Act�3293. The recommended amount of ^63932 mould increase the alariea cr t.ao ..7itchboard Operators Grade A from w.35 to 4195 per r..onth (same as Pircc,:.^. Gr:.]r, A) and the ;;Vary of one S;7lcchboard Oherator Crate n from '.175 tc ;18 per r.;onth (sane as Firomen Grade B), A_ct- 3%24. The recor..mended ;,mount of 1'2 of tha ,6l;0 wouL! increase the salary ::caT.a ) c r ren !'210 to r,220 per ;aonth, The recommereled t}:e:Lurie-, ^ ;,iE'•,3',moors from $1;'', (ro:nt• of x'19."00 mould ircre:ia; V 8teei The rcccmrondei P -01:--t of .I F,0 Weald incre%ce Lhs: L31vriC� +ail3V5, FiTh r Gra• . 'le i, freel ,kd5 to `.,5 Fc•r month. L"=t_'_9, An increase in this appropriation to ,",150 is rnc - rerdcd to rr_�: t.,e rLre O ief };- and othor csr.u:rs oS tLe departrent to $;bond -6- Proceedings of City of Paducah J conferences, meetings and training courses that Fire Chief Oholson considers to be very valuable. Acct. 3260. The recommended amount of 5325 is slightly above 1948 expenditures to allow for an increase in laundry prices in 1948. Acct. 3264. It is difficult to estimate medical expenses that ray be incurred, and x100 is recommended to cover such expenses. Acct. 3273 -- 3275. The recommended amounts in these accounts ate based on past experience, with an increase in Acct. 3274 on account of price increases in 1948. Acct. 3280. The fire alarm system is in very poor condition, and more than the recommended amount of 5,500 would be required to bring it up to the minimum standard expected by the Vati.onal Board of Fire Under— writers. Acct. 3283. The recommended amount of 1500 is slightly more than 1948 expenditures' of;>464.84, for the reason that the price of coal was increased about July 1, 1948. Acct. 3285.' The recommended amount of .;3,995 includes $800 for overhauling afire truck., 51,600 for 1,000 feet of 2 1/2 inch double jacket fire hose, $180 for three 2 1/2 inch hose gaskets, ;;90 for two hose clamps, 5.400 for truck tires, $350 for a mobile radio unit in the Fire Chie9's car, `375 for 300 feet of 3/4 inch life line rope, and .",500 for repairs to all equipment. Acct. 3286. The recommended amount of 5..862 is based on past experience and total expenditures of "'824.92 in 1948. Acct. 3267. The recommended amount of $1,215 is leased on a survey by the :wilding inspector and Fire Chief and will cover only repairs that should be made in 1945 to prevent deterioration of fire stations. Acct. 3311. The recommended amount of "1,500 would increase the calary of the Alcoholic Beverage Administrator from $108.75 to '125 par month. Acct; 3359. The expenses of the Alcoholic Beverage Administra— tor are uncertain, but 50 should be adequate to cover traveling expenses, legal filing fees, etc. Acct. 3409. The recommended amount of. %250 would continue the present salary of the City Judge fixed by ordinance of ,250 per month and irclUdes '.2150 for a Judro Pro Tem �.hile the City Judge is on vacation for or.,! month. The Citizens Connittee recore:ended that the salary of this office be increased to ".300 nor month but because of the constitutional prohlbil on against increasing, an officer's salary during, his term of office an ircreaso in t1:i7 salar^ could not Lo made effective until the beginning of tie rezt trri^. in January, 1950. Acrt. 3L15. The recorr..ended amount of 1;1,560 erould increase t4``}�lary of •...., ,,.:�t, Corporation Ccunsel from :;128.75 to 4130.00 per l.ccT' t_�3L20. Th,)recannerded amount of $1,560 includes $1,440 o ccctlnus tri erF>::enr, aL1ry cf the Secret ry to the City Judge of "'120 per month, are! T120 for a subztituto burin^ hrur ai.C^,nce on vacation or sick le,:ve. See ala; oxplznation u_rder Sect. 211116. Acct- 303. Thr, reco...crded arount of ".310 is based on 1948 experditures cf 22,9-y3fcr supplies used in the office of the City Judge. Arat L116.7 The requested arount of ^.5,880 includ,, tho rejular srr covi n cf' ';1$,588 by iia city for cperatin:• expenses of the City— match a like ar.ount from McCracken ff' p'ari ose of irwreiairrg trite present salary of a Health Officer —7— No. 399 Proceedings of City of Paducah of $4,500 per year to $7,100 per year, in order that a full time head of this department ray be employed. Horroveri since it now appears that a Health Officer cannot be employed before April 1, 1949, only three—fourths of 0551,300, or 3975 is included in the recommended figure for this purpose. Acct. 1,192. The recommended amount of 0,2,370 is to match a Like amount from 144 racken County for the annual instalment due in 1949. Acct. 4200. A good justification for the requested amount of x30,954 was presented by the Park Board, but in view of the other demands upon the limited funds available to the city the sum of $28,000 is recom— mended for this account. The 1948 appropriation was increased by more than $27000 over 1947 and this would make the 1949 appropriation $1,874.48 above 1948 expenditures. The Park Board should be able to adjust its program to spend not more than $28,000. Acct. 4388. The requested amount of $9,459.50 would provide funds to pay the Caretalcervs salary of $100 per month, $3,200 to surface tyro tennis courts (presumably with asphalt), $131.50 for insurance premiums, $500 for a por•ar mcvrer, $300 for gasoline, oil and repairs to equipment, and other minor expenditures. ,lith only limited funds available to the city it is recom— mended that surfacing of the tehnis courts be deferred. The park properties will be covered in the blanket policies of insurance carried by the city, making the amount of 13131.50 unnecessary, The elimination of these txa items reduces the requested figure to slightly more than $6,000, and it is believed that 36,000 will be adequate for 1949. Acct. 4392. This is a new account and the amount of $12000 is recornended if the Board of Commissioners wishes to begin the follasing plant each year the city to appropriate 31.,000 to be placed in a special trust fund under the custody of the City Treasurer, with a proviso that if construction of a swimming pool for -colored popple is not completed by December 31, 1959 (ten years after 1949), all money in this trust fund shall revert to the General Fund. This would be a substantial contribution by the city and should make such a s+rimming pool possible if its promoters obtain contributions from other sources, which they say they can do. Acct. 'tho44110. The recommended amount of 32,130 would continue the present salary of l years ago an additionion Catcher of ;177.50 per month, some two or three al salary of %0 per month was added for maintenance and repair of parking r_eters, and the present salary of $177.50 includes this arount. If the appropriation recommended under Acct. 5247 is approved, the Do,^ Catcher will be reliovod of such duties, Acct, W3. The recommended amount of $;300 is for the employment of a substitute i'cr the Dog Catcher at 33.50 per day to pick up live and dead ardr.als on -Sundays and holidays and while the Dog Catcher is absent on vacation or sick leave. Acct. LL74-The recornended amount of ;325 is based on 19L8 ex— p',rience and sor1lo; e ararce is rade for price increases in 190. Acct. L09. The recommended amount of $100 should be adequate to purchaso ford ffor ors in the dog pound. Acct. LL85. The requested amount of M10 includes $500 for a ccbile twwvaq radio unit in the DoiLCatcher's uck and "110 Of tLe truck, A radio unit is notnooded bytho- Dog Catcherr,for as heicanrance phone into tt' Police Station frequently to roceive mos.,at:es. The racoMManded acount cf ^lr4 skn:ld to adequate for rai.^.tananco of the truck. Acct. 1;L86, }!o cp;•clfic rxpenditurea from this account aro ar.ticip-ted, bat *2i No 4CO Proceedings o% City of Paducah Acct, 4600 C. The 1948 apportionment ordinance included $800 for the Salavasion rmty, with an understanding that this would be paid in monthly instalments of UOO each, beginning in 1,%y, 1948, The recommended amount of ;'•1,200 would continue these monthly payments. Aects, 4600 D - 4600 G. These accounts would continue present contributions by the city. - Acct., 4745. The recommended amount of E,%O would ccntinue the present Social 7'ioilccr=s salary of X70.00 per month. Acct. 4764. Expenditures'in 1948 for hospital charity cases increased by more than v2,000over 1947, partly because of an increased charity load and partly as a result of increases in charges sada by Riverside Hospital, some late in 1948. Efforts will be made to secure earlier discharges of charity patients from the hospital and it is hoped that this will keep total 1949 expenditures below the recommended amount of 518,500, Acct. 4765. The recommended amount of $886 would cover all ex- penses incidental wan estimate of four pauper deaths per month and the purchase of 50 grave markers. Acct, 4767, The recommended amount of $4,620 would continue the present salzries of the City Physician (white) of $221.25 per month and of the City Physician (colored) of $163.75 per month. AAcct. 4784 t permit4ac ounting4separatelyefortmateriawo ls and suppli ssused f by each City Physician. Purchases in 1948 by the Citv Physician (colored) were slightly more than by the City Physician (white), but the equal recom- rended amounts of :;150 for each, based on past experience, should approximate requirements. Acct. 5141. The recommended amount of $13620 includes .;1,500 tor an increase in the monthly salary from x,120 to ;5125, and $120 for a substi- tute :mile the Elevator Operator is absent on vacation or sick leave. Acct. 5142. The recommended amount of '313690 includes $1,500 for an increase Ui the rorular monthly salary from X120 to U5, 560 for an extra 10 per month during six winter months for the added duty of attending; to tta furnace and boiler that heat the City Hall and Central Fire Station, ar:d f4130 for a substitute while the Janitor is absent on vacation or sick leave. 6cct. 5183. The recommended acount of $12300 is based on fuel requirc•rirts in recent years. Despite increased coal prices 1948 expenditures were Lelo,Y 1947, and this no doubt was partly due to the better efficiency of a nom Yoiler installed in the Pall of 1947. in past ,-arc.Acct. 5186, The recorvrnrded amount of $500 is based on experience Acet. ;187, The recommended amount of ;2,000 includes $700 for remiss on the +maty isl,l buildinr needed to prevent excessive deterioration, CtI.- for aonvertL.? the -pace above the `Polio garage into an ureently needed ste:cream Por su;,pliea and en ipront, ELGO to install fluorescent lights in the office of the City treasurer and 3P00 for miscellaneous and unanticipated repairs and exoensea for th.., city }fell buildin;•.. the T:uilrlirg In:.pnetor has erti atod that $700 -gill h^ required for minir.,ui repairs to the City vall iui.d'r'9I and pR experience indicates that there will be unarnticipated ex- pernes forsuui ch`1 old tlding. -,here is no place for the .afe storaeo of __,:a, iee end egciprnnt used b. tre various depart^crta ani a ooeure atorctle s;:are is badly ncededl tEe ,.5th racommerdai for tnic parpose in a minl;.;u� expenditure, t:early every persan in tSae office of t. !: to ctttin ssa ha ity Tr-aourer han had Lla since wrrkiry there and ev ^ l st 11 cr, ;,lain og ny, difficu],tiee - ,,g. carcentfttiM a poor Wit• The work in this office requires c.josu `. , keyboards of r..n r r :., chi ring of vouchers, tax -S- No. 401 Proceedings of Cltg of Paducah tills, receipts, etc., and all employees use their eyes almost constantly on such close }cork. Authorities in the field of lighting recommend a minimum of 35 footcandles for critical desk work, and a survey with a light voter in this office produced the folla•.•ring results: highest readin- in office, 15 footcandles; tops of desks, 8 to 10 footcandles; middle of vault, 8 foot- candles; side of valut, 4 footcandles. It is the duty of the city to correct such a condition enc;angering the eyesight of these employees. Although the initial cost of fl:xrescent lights is higher (about 550) than incandescent lights to Five the came light intensity, this is offset by better light, cheaper cost of bu3'i5 (75" as against ;1,70)_, longer life of bulbs (one year as against two months), and less electricity (a f!.aorescent light uses about one-half the electricity used by an incandescent light of the same intensity). Acct 52h7. The condition of the first 200 parking meters is very poor, mainly as a result of poor maintenance on a part-time basis by the Dog Catcher. The Dog Catcher is kept busy answering calls to pick up live and dead animals and catching stray dogs, and he has not had sufficient time to give the parking meters proper care. The amount of 52,100 is recommended for the enployment of a min at 63.75 per month to maintain and repair parking meters as well as to do some of the teneral maintenance work ncar being done by tr. Robert Humph les of the Street Department, who has requested to be retired on a pension. Acct. 5272. This is a new account that will give a better account ine of the expenses of maintaining parking meters, and y60o is recommended for l5o. Acct, 5300. The recommended amount of ;500 is based on a survey by the Building Inspector and his recommendations of repairs needed to prevent excessive deterioration of the house. Acct. 5507. The recommended amount of :32,350 includes .52,220 to continue the present salary of ',185 per month and "130 for a substitute whilo the "arketmaster is absent on vacation or sick leave. Acct. 5586, The recommended amount of 550.00 is the Market - master's estir:ate of the cost of cleaning and other materials and supplies to be needed in 1949. Acct. 5,87. Tho recommended amount of ;'890 is based on the Build - in; Inspector ;a recunnendation that parts of the ut*.ors be replaced and other parts repaired and that the outside trim of doors, winder's and screens be liven one colt of paint. Acct. 564h. The recommended amount of ;1,h28 includes 31,350 for an increas- in t7ne monthly salary from $107.50 to ;112.,50 am ;78 for a substitute r:hile the Wharfmaster is on vacation ov sick. leave. Acct, 5683. ••'.30 is recommended for coal to warn the s.:all structure on the wiarf boat, s Acct. 5687, 01',0 is recommended for maintenance and repair of the wharf boat, basfa on oast experience. Acct, 5707, The recwrr-ended amount of ,'1,578 includes ! 1,5,,,)o to increase the ncrthlv salary frcn ':120 to ;;125, and w78 for a substitute "'p'ile t}te 1e i,,^Paaaster is absent on vacation or sick leavo. Acct. 5773. 1, larr!e rpantity of office supplies gas purchased. in 191:7, ara9 none was rcquirnd In 1948, but t.hc: prosant stock of office 'upplic' are e:;,,ected to be used u, in 1r! r 1`, ' 947 e r !u�• u7� is LNcr.�fcre ceco.:.wrd, for �a�, l;ase,. cn: 1 xpenditurca, e' %7t3. 450 is nuco:.Mnnded i' at t7�3 ::ity :caMfe's. cx oval to warn tY:e gall office ^rt, 5737. TheIc 'to refer-n,rsed .covr.t of n: sonhat „ cel s r , a 110 is for an unloading eac1: end. V r•✓ y .• � - , fence arPanAl the scales ash Cates Proceedings of City of Paducah Acct, 6006. The recommended amount of 83,360 would increase the salary of the City i,ngineer from x,260 to X280 per month. Acct, 6074. The recommended amount of ;x200 would permit the payment of a nilea,,o allowance of 7¢ per mile not to exceed 835 per month to the City Enrinerr for use of his ohm car on local official business. =his is a recommendation of the Citizens Committee that studied employees? salaries. Acct„ 6107, The recommended amount of 83400 would increase the salary of the Lsst, C'_ty Engineer from .,225 to $250 per month. If a Depart^ant of Publ. c Yorks is established, the Asst. City Engineer will ass '7o some of the supervis',%�y responsibilities new exercised by the City Engineer, and an increase of ,;25 per month is therefore believed to be jus- tified. 1;rct, 6.".?7,The recommended amotmt of $2,400 would continue .sy:7f the present _a`a.c Building Inspector of 8200 per month. No appropriation is recommended in this account, based on an Ecturi-ion that other arrangements for an Electrical Inspector, as explained under Acct, 3177, will be adopted, Leet, 6120. The recommended amount of 51.,800 would increase the Mary of the Seor—eTary from $135 to .^5150 per month, Acct,. 61.29. The recommended amount of 32,h00 would increase the salary ofthe]astruaentman from ,^,•192,50 to $200 per month. Acct 6130. The recorwended amount of 81,920 would increase the salary of tt j,.6ran from $152,50 to ;160.por month, Acct 5131. The recommended amount of g1,7h0 mould increase the salary of the Cna.z an from X137,$0 to 8145 per month. Acct. `0t The recommended amount of {;1,800 would permit the employrjDnt of;C_i•k 3n the Engineering Division at a salary Of $150 per month. The Euildinn Inspector has requested that a clork be assigned to his office, as it is i_e"cssible for him to remain in the office to zmmver tele- rhore calls, keaP -ct-o ds and take care of other office details and crake adequate inspection; in tis field, particularly as there is so much construction w.rk under prowess nor (he did not include this in his formal budget request after he was infornci that hisroblem probably can be solved by transferring Lim to the Enrineerin� Division, The City Engineer has r equested an addit- ional clerk to cork on a backlog of about 4,000 deeds recorded at the court heose that have not been noted en the city's block raps, a'xl this backlog will increase if addit9oi,.2 assistance is not nrovided. The city is criti- ciced by attornnys and cth•.r persons wishing to use these records when they are se rueh our, of date, nod it is important that this work be brought up to d^te. 7everal yearn a;o the city accepted a :;PA grant to bring the block nap roccrds up to dot: and agreed to keep them up to date, but it has been ir;otsible to ohser^ra this actroomAnt on ac•_cunt of insufficient personnel. Thus two aaditi.cnal clerks :ave been requested, one by the nuilding Inspector and c:qY by the 71ty xnrinear, and only one is recommended. Ac't' tl" T1^c recosr..ended a:.ourt of 1948 JY.Lrv• ', ..]'":9 of -�� :350 is based on t, 6171,, The recon"onded amount of ,300 would pnnait the ea; c atio-; -:ren cf 7 per mile not to rixcoed :::35 t,--.rmonthto •_ •••7Toctr.r fru; t;.. use of his pan car on local official businasn. c-lstion of citizens `=0:.;3.ttc=� LYuit pturlfr:d eslplO yz:J9 +'g. r '}o recon er�set agent of 81,0 is }.irk}:or than l9h8 62air nd ;c 0 07 arse the truck uca;l by he nrirr,r;r1n,, Diviricn is O�daR' And -1,' .:-:ed more rairter,_xca are, recur r.c-i;. NO. 40 Proceedings of City of Paducah Acct. 6186. The recommended amount of !'150 is based on 1947 expenditures of 7. 9 and 1948 expenditures of 5149.78. Acct. 6190. The recommended amount of $75 is for carious items of office equipment needed by the Building Inspector and in the Engineering Division. Acct. 6207. The recommended amount of $3,120 would continue the present salary of the Street Superintendent of 5260 per month. Acct. 6219. The recommended amount of :2,400 would increase the salary of the Foreman from $185 to $200 per month. Acct. 6224. The recommended amount of x:4,400 ;would increase the pay of the 1.:echanic 1st Class from X1.071 to 81.131 per hour and the pay of the Mechanic 2nd Class from 9010 to 961,¢ per hour. Acct. 6228. The recommended amount of ;1,890 would continue the present salary of the Secretary of ,`:157.50 per month. Acct. 6236. The recommended amount of 812,000 would increase the pay of five Hachire Operators from $1.02 to 1;1.08 per hour. Acct. 6237. The recommended amount of ;,,15,200 mould increase the pay of five truck drivers from 850 to 910 per hour and :could provide for re-classifying three laborers to truck drivers at the same pay, making a total of eight truck drivers. A.c�l 1 p hour,the The rnsamepayoamount of the1echaniclst opermit mClass,nto f a mechanic atnt replace 1:r. Robert Humphries, who has requested retirement. The reason for titling this position 111'.echanic a W repairman" is that very poor maintenance has been given to police motor vehicles and the most practical means of im- proving the situation seems to be to have such work done in the shop of the Street Division, thus requiring the services of another mechanic. This em- ployee will also do some of the work presently done by 1.r. Humphries j part of such work will be done by the employee proposed under A, and cct. 5247. Acct. 6239. The recommended amount of ,6,100 would increase the Pay of three Street tteoairmen from 9032 1. ¢ to 96��. per hour. Acct. 6243. 79`The rocommondod amount of f10 700 mould increase the ' Pay of five Laborers from 0 t,,) 05'.:0 per hour and would permit employment of an additional laborer at the same pay. A reduction in the work week in the Street Department in November, 1947, from 45 hours to 40 hours was the equiva- lent of reducing the working staff by five employees, and that reduction has curtailed the effectiveness of this dopartrent. An increase of one laborer is a very mode$t request, as good justification could be established for a larger number if funds ;ere avAilable. This nerr emolovee would work as a relief man o4 Saturdays and ^undays and would also substitute one ni:•ht each week for the two watchren, who now work seven nirhts in each week. Acct. 621,4. The recommended amount of $3,500 would increase the salary of ane watcnman ;rho is on duty about 240 hours each month from M57.50 to ;165 prr menti; and the salary of the other watchman who works about 150 Fours each month= from ;97.19 to ..100 per month, Acct. 6248. The recorrnnded amount Of ay9,000 would increase the p=y of fear Se::er t:a nLcmnca 1.In tram ,'•1.02 to 31.0Q per hour. Acct. 6264. It is diffir,:lt to eatimat� medical e.man es for i :ic,to� that the n itie of duty, but the expondlturn of ,^237.10 in 191.8 the recon-onced ar:ount of :;.300 could be required. Accts. 6273 - 6275. The recommendedare 1•asad c:-, Fst experience. amounts .in those aCcounte -12- Proceedings of City of Paducah Acct, 6281. The recommended amount of $3,500 is based on 1948 expenditures of $3,590.27. accounts are ba Acctsed. 6283. 6285 & 6286. The recommended amounts in these son past experience, Accts. 6287, The recommended amount of $1,270 is based on the Building Inspector as recommendations.,that $573 be spent for repairs on the rain building at 9th and Madison and $697 be spent for repairs and a new roof on tde building at 211-215 South 3rd Street. These are minimum expenditures needed to prevent excessive property deterioration. Acct, 6291. The requested amount of 131,700 would provide funds for the follo nga a arge bulldozer for work on streets and clearing open dumps, $7,000; a large street sweepor and gutter cleaner that would greatly improve the cleaning of about 45 miles of paved streets; $10,000; a force feed loader that would mechanically load trucks while ditching and clearing array dirt and refuse along about 50 miles of unimproved streets,49)500. trading in two dump trucks, models 1936 and 1937, for new trucks, $4,000;and trading,in the 1940 Plymouth coupe used by the Street Superintendent on a new car, $1,200, No doubt all of this equipment would enable more work to be done bn the streets of the city which is urgently needed and detranded by many people, but limited funds will not permit such purchases. The recommended amount of .`,43000 would be used to trade in the two model 1936 and 1937 du=p trucks on neer trucks. Met. 6307. The recommended amount of $2,100 would increase the salary of the Superintendent of Oak Grove Cemetery from .1167,50 to $175 per ronth. Acct, 6343. The recommended amount of ^8,300 would increase the Pay of three full tiro iabarers from 77JO to 83'x¢ per hour and would permit eroloyrent of two seasonal laborers for an average of six months each during peak periods or work at the same pay. Accts. 6374 &.6383. The recommended amounts in these accounts are based on past exporionce. Acct. 6385. The recommended amount of $375 would be used for tyro tires, a battery, other parts for an old truck, and p its for grass mowers. I Acct, 6386. The recommended amount of ?,600 would provide 1240 or oilinr stray S-, 2,50 for 150 grave markers, and the remainder for a r=ber of wall items of equipment. Acct. 6367. ;3 ami lirc2,500 was requested for painting the interior and exterior of rte residence, papering one room, repairin the roof, floors ;;lace, repairin; the fence around the residence, painting the office ani ranches, repairinv and painting the band stand and tool house, and other rep,alrs. T.,o recommended amount of ;"330 is the Building Inspector's estimate Of the cost of vork that should be done to prevent excessive property deterior— ation. Acct, 6'+yl.' The recor..orded arount of ",160 would be used to p�.u•c :v se s rya_ u -R rota ry 'rasa rower, Acet 6393, The City n"n�`G,000 would Ainecr has estimated that b� i"Isa'' G.:k �,reve red to c;,er. and lny out a new subdivin!on in the roar of tho t,ausoleum ad"tioa ^.:;retery. :his land i^ now owned Iy the city art only jczts t4stVere imrxiiat�nl be required. RoAxaver, it rrct:ld uaem that only prop. 2,{'r 2a recd ! easr�lry rrould Lo urdurf,.aknrr, anal on this 1,aria l,t. for colrre] n9cnlaor 'leelopinr a part of t11s rutdivisicn for ;eaves and single %�rinterdent has rencrted td,t only a few Prows are a'z"lab:e fcr colored people anal that thsso $rill na few riven Aly ,,-,a •= feed in 1949. In passing on this rattor consideration should be riven to i fact tr.at C,a'r, save Ce^aterf is notably the only burial ',round Is fcr s,3ry c;lcred pe;ple, —13— NO.- 995 Proceedings of City of Paducah Accts. 6h07, 6487 amd 6488. Although no arounts are recom— mended for these accounts they are listed in the tabulation to indicate appropriations that will be required if the floodvrall must be assumed by the city in 1949. Acct, 6h58. The recommended amount of $:6,000 is based on 1948 expenditures of;637,04 for electricity to operate pumps in the floodvrall. Of course this figu^e could be high or lav, dependent upon the uncertain level of water in the Ohio River. Acct. 7100. The recommended amount of $20 will pay the yearly salary of $5.00 to each of four members of the Minicipal Housing Commission. This is less than in prior years because the Board of Commissioners reduced the salary to this amount, effective May 1, 1948, from the prior pay of $20 per monthly meeting to the Chairman and $10 per monthly meeting to each of the other three appointive members. Acct. 7300, The recommended amount of ^1,000 is a rough estimate of funds that may be required to continue litigation to compel the Kentucky Utilities Company to abide by the contract it made in 1940 when it accepted a franchise from the city, This would cover such expenses as court costs, traveling expenses of the Corporation Counsel, printing briefs and petitions, etc. In view of the announced intention of the Kentucky Utilities Company to carry this case to the U. S. Supreme Court if necessary, the amount of ',Vl,OCO may be required. Acct. UOO. The requested amount of ^8,175.63 includes 45,175.63 to pay the city's share (one—half) of principal and interest on the indebtedness to accuire the airport and :731000 to match a like amount from EcCracken C unty for operating expenses. The follorring statement was sub— mitted by tRe Paducah Airport Corporation to support this requests Cash balance, January 1, 1949 01.,581.83 Receipts - Chicago & Southern 31,375 Miscellaneous 225 1.600.00 Total cash balance and receipts $3,181.83 Estimated expenditures in 19493 Contractor's salary and equipment rental $23100.00 laborers — salaries 2,000.00 Fillinr• cracks in rummys 1,500.00 Gasoline and oil '60o 00 P:aintonance of bldgs. and equipment h00.00 Grass seed and fertilizer 1,200.00 Oneration of li,htinc! system 7Qo.00 Yl,cellaneous 600.00 Total estimated expenditures in 1949 ;;9,100.00 ese figures indicate a nrobable deficit of •"•5,918.172 half of III I -.e ;2,959.08 as the city's share. This amount added to pri.rcisal arm: int:rest raymcntz is .;8,13h.71, but ;78,000 should be adequate. Acct. 7500. The recommended amount of "1,500 is an estimate of the city'r or.e third share of ceras to acquire rights of way for the rest section of th; b l.t line l.irk.,ay extcnding to tho Old tayfiold Road, mach are e-zncted to be acquired in 19119. —V.— Proceedings of Eoard of Commissionnr4 Citp of Paducah January 11th, 1949 I acs`.ior. s•✓" Commissioner Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE -,avo A%"=:f01_ THE TITLE AiD SECTIONS 1, 4 ASD G OF AN ORDINANCE ENTIM : 'A'T ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTINr OF LEIVES OF AP3E1.Ca FOR VACATIONS TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY CF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, WITH THE EXCEPTION Or' r,Ir:hibERS OF THE rOLICE aND FIRE DEPAMVIEi'iS; PROVIDING FOR THE GRANTING OF SICK LEAVE TO ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY, INCLUDING THE ti.M!BERS OF THE POLICE AND FIRE DEPARUMENTS; AND PRESCRIBING THE RULES ... REGULATIONS FOR THE GRANTING OF SUCH LEAVES OF ABSENCE,' WHICH 'TAS ADOPTED BY THE BOARD OF CO'^.iISST_ONERS ON NOVEIMBER 250 1947"3 be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Abell, Allen, Hannin (3). Mayor Pro Tom Johnston "No". Letter Mr. Mayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive -err ell vacation x, and file the letter of Adrian H. Terrell, Attorney for the City of Paducah, in which he Sick Leave advises that an amended ordinance which is inconsistent with the subject expressed in the original ordinance which is amended is invalid and that an amended ordinance which amens the title to the original ordinance as well as the ordinance itself is of doubtful validity. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED ' lr 1949 A/R, L -Ayor, o Tom City Cleric �' Commissioner �-