HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 351, November 16, 1948Proceedings of '-1 - ' City of Paducah '2- -Y ; 21' 1 ', 121 -
- : : � -1 0.- tiro - on-,-: held in the Commie nn
)r c ty ?;all, -adicoh, 'Fontucky, at 7.30 F... in �;Ovorlber 1G, 1 4, or
notz)n and upon call n. the :.oil the following answered t7: tl��L
Allen, Tannin and '-ayor Pro Tain Johnston (4).
.:inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
,.ator line V Corinnisslon=r Abe -,I offered motion that the petition of Thomas A. Harr and
Ccc'lz ,treat
Esther Ra -7r and Centry Vaughn and wife, Frances Vaurinn, renidinZ7 on Cook Street outside
the corporate limits of Toducah, Kentucky, for authority to construct and lay a water
line for the puip ose of providinr, :.rater service to one building on the respective
property of - petitioners, be reccive9 and filed and that the requests in said petition
cc Zronted in accordance with the terrns set forth therein.
It is understood, however, in (-rantinZ the privilege aoucht in said petition,
neit'!11 the City of Paducah, nor the Commiazioners of ..star .-.'orko shall lsn OUIL-ntod
to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obli7ation shall be contained
or be implied h0roafter si:oulrl the territory to be served by the '.*.rater line to b3 laid
under the sutl:ority heroin reque3t^,, ie ta'.cn into or made a part of the City of Paducc
il It is furV-or understood that the petitioner will .9u,rczibe for`.nater service
a, t a rates no,,,, or hereafter proscribed for vinter service to c onsumers outside the cit
limits and subject in all respects to the r. lea and :,e,,ulations of the City of Paducah
or its Corwizq3ioners of "tater l,orks .'.,hich may be now in force Or hereinafter enacted.
:Iothin._ in the C.rantinr of this petition shall oLlit*ate the City of !'aducah or
its Co=irollonera of "'step .;orlaq to ruaranteo water pressure or sorvica, and naid water
service mor ---a discontinued throu-h said pine line at any time .-dion in the ju-'Enent
of the Cor,qiialoncro of '.'later '.'lo -21-a the furninhinC of water to the potitionova or thair
successors in o':;ncrj1iip of the property owned may interfere in nny with the 0„oouct
3',A!:: -!Y andof water inside the corporate linits of the city or
I aducah.
Tn call of the R0!1' Yonfl, '-!-all, ;,7.1 -en, -'arnitj anri F!'n
Crnnnilsi0ncr "a-inin alTevod motion that.et.'LtLon of ia'."'al 1
the Clark .a -
no-ar t
outside t. cov-'Orat
!,!a!,, ::r.ntucl.y, f0r autt-.-,)j,ity to c')-!noct:-q:, :,-.r tl�, :'ur"Orn of pro-
.;-rvicn to luil'in:, locitn(j on t,,,,: roc-lvc�"
reo:llflt in slid notitiol, c
v q nt i n - t1- 9
-,nn the pity
se -VI", an.: jald
Proceedings of '�' '7o City of Paducah 10, 12E
-:! f _'Ut'r the fui-nishin. of -ator to Petitioner of hor
t^o vf by riny IntarfQro in any with the
c orate limits of tr.,) City of
')-i on'.' of '!'o ':o' -I, Cmn lzoimovs Abell, Allan, and
I. . I * r tin a
a " ttv.t the roco:.='on-
rn' the
tor 17. ;nc t,, of 1 n,; w 111n,- a a trOe
n :r.erscct_"on of otincl and owe!I ;tz - -1 and at the r.'�nl and of '.:sr:cham
nun, :calved and f'113J, and t'nat the City'an,,,,r be directed to zr-ronCo for t
inatsilst.i-n of a street li,:ht at each Of the above locations. Adapted on call or th.
.:oil, Commissioners Atoll, Allen, -.'nnnin and '%,,or, rro Wm Johnston (4).
r0,- Allen oifered nio'lon that the lett--.r if L. ':.r. -.Ioc!c, Chief of the
alar :r.rtment, Paul Poll3nd, :olicc Captain and Victor C. Kolcday, the City 1r.ana,e
-2,'crerce to the necessity of installin- a street light on Central Avenue near t
1—n,.. croszln- :j received and filed and that the City '.:ana�er 'cc directed to
7 for t! -e ln.qtzgllatlon of a light at that location. Adopted on call of the
roll Al:.ell, ,Ilan, Fannin and 1.ayor Pro 'fem. Johnston (4).
n:,)- !'.-n o Johnston or'ferel. motion that the r03i::natlon of 7. L. '.7allerstein
nii!,2^ of the 0' Trustees of the Public Library be received, filed and
t.1n. On ca'I Of the F011, '-eas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, !rannin and
Prn '7T-j'm TO[ -not -n
Johnston hnston o' fertd the folloivinE7 rnntlon: 7. L. '.Ialleratnin hnvin-
7'.-'nQ:• f -n.1 hin office as a Mezmbor of the Loard of Trustees Of the 7utiIic Li'crary'
7 ^I.jt 71-71d Fine to s^rve until the e;cniratlon of the terra of office of the
ers te in, so that sold ",O,, i as no,.ni constituted shall Le composed of the
-7 o xz-lres June 14, 1950
ares Tune 14, 1050
June I -r 1051
.,1,3 Jun,., 1952, and
June 14, 1-559
!11, Allan, �'anrjn o n,j fro Te
Of the 0.0 ziv,
; .c 0 On t o w'nuJ tjj "p of
.,ty untll thot !nto.