HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 348, November 9, 1948Proceedings of City of Paducah.
.a J .......i.;a i )n :., it t'le ",, , .i•a'
.-. •' .'1. .an n :+. -..:C .-. .. ...., 1. , Co:._,-
n In
ill thy' fall^ n.
moll ( )
._., of t! -e
J lana.• .-a:n'n ati^n t ^.t -.oarrl of Cr ia:;ior:^s rcce:ive and
J. ... -avis and oY.hC.., rec-,r^..tine ti:at a ..tract
' _.. :'artcham ;venue.
ccuest be re."erred to the City :anaGor for investiCa-
caa of the !'oil, Ycas, Co:;vaiasioners Allen, ;:annir. and :'ayor fro Tam
✓ issioncr :',,nim offered motion that the petition o_^ D.C.Tucker and his wife,
nr3 his .fe, Pauline Shelton, for authority to lay and
'Inc f^r the pu•.rose of orovid_n_ aater service to the ouildina
.nua :-d •_-scribed in said petition, he received and filed and that
_ranted in accordance ..lth tha ter:.,s set :ort` t?-.�rein.
in !.'rartin^ `!-e nrivile,-e siu-h* in. salt. _..._on
ti,Cowmissiornr.r o^ :star -ata. to
_i.,^ ar nn • -'rt thereof, on,, na such o:;'_irat_on s hall be contained or be
: a'_'ter i.e territory to be served b., tha rater line to laid under
ac•:.. t.:er- in`.a or made a pa;•t City o, :ac'.uca::.
aa: t*_ _ ryt',.iarc_ :rill cu_...- _.., for -
:at. service at
_t -:r _ :--..•�sc:•'... .L _. ..__;,i.., asn::::::..,:'s outs -!,IQ t'r,e cit;;
Cl of .sc'.ucah
- - - ., ,_ .,^urn �,• s:. vice, r, .. .... ,.
- .. 7. ❑ r a:r: t i,.:n :.on in t :a of
rate- i
� 0"
Proceedings of -' — - '1 20 ` C11 -V of Paducah
'_;.oner Jlon z),fired motion that _uy.ple:nontu1 Cont.rget
Into m 5, 191
, io Lt,tail, r q!i, 7,entuc:,y, :t_'
ur,11cir trfire name of the Paducah ua conipany, salfi rintract
:,)r the revision of raten or :'arca for bus tranfj,,)!•tatior, until .-i-inuary 27,
received and filed. Arloptod on call of the Roll, Yi7in, Commla_-1 oncra
A 1-,n, -_,nnin and 7'ayc)r .--7, 70M Abell (S).
'.annin offe'd motion thnr. o2l City =loyuoo, ".,.,:nj the exce tj
p on
nn' l fii--i 13rtmont personnel, :.'O 7;nlllay AVnIaltice Day,
ed or. ca:'- Of t`.0 :all, :1 Co.-.-,.!i3ninner3 Men, i-annin arid :'ay -)r
C �n I' n✓ .7: il:3.nioncr a.nin offcr•�d motion that the letter Of the City :',wn! . or dated
fun" �,l 1 Ith the a to temnt3 oboviin, tiZe n--olaide condit inti tho :Jtylo
'Llc -,n' of 1946, Le received an! iilcd. Adopted on call of the -.Joll,
�n irc Z.1len, Hannin and !'a.,.ror Fro '':, .,hell (3).
• --iosioner . la:inin Offered motion that tho _o3rd Of Co.m;iiaiioncrs a,,>nz,ovo t"
Of 12 Inchon off of the 7Ast aiaci of Lot 7b. 70 In .300tion AA In Cali: Grove
tory from 7,,-.-.-h and his ..ary G. Wheeler to ':!aa "-,Illie Burton.
'Orther tho Cit,,, -,Izirk be authorized to ,;nicer :�e the proponotation
�oPted " call Of tho ROil, YO -13, C017121i-!Zloncra Allen,
tn ygrimotion that thQ Lo^j,1, fl n, 2
r:,=Orsn�um 0.^ "Cliry Co __inn
H'aCn,11!. ,roc t_ t
74- as Pq*,for _utl` ni- �,crmlt t 7 ,.,j
0"1 '811 of the 71011, Ycas, Co-':' it 11en,
h. V :'nYl 'giO Tcm Abell
pin,ilt f t!-,
Proceedings of Cit C
_9 of Paducah - !; �-- -, 1', ,
7 Z
11„n, 7nnnir. �nrl :rn
n -on
pnrtis3n !iffiliat�on,
et c oalar
"Ort to n C—):cCt for pro:i i. I I ta I t ea t !mo
--ilp nV Vic lVcl,
n1n,vl that the:,I:,�-o thnir
^,n 'n aai,! :?011,
roas, ons of Paducah's most listin-uished citizens, ?'on. Alben '.;. �ar',ley,
•--Ith statesmanship for many years, first 7nit�', States
-I outstun�in
from the first ConCresnionol District of F'Rntucky, ifter 33
-7nstor ffnm the :tate ont,,icky, has now been 1 sat
f in nu- nation, t ice -President of the Unite., ---rtes-, and
rnq3, it 1= post eminently fit-'.. -hat the citizens of Nq,' :,,omo
.3t 3tatpamon, aho,il.7 at tki- y arpi-)p„iste tri`.ute t to his
eor^ in the halls of ron-�-,:..-: rind
of an affiliate — tials
--y — -mvenent to
vision, initiaterl a
—m of .,.bich is yot to be determined,as
leh project •".Dnervc3 the support
ahs noa therefore
that the h. Central LaLor Union hereby calls upon all
t:- -inonamic class, partisan affiliation, creed,
.,of Cr,,anized L��car, to-iva th,
-i-:-Ject; and
that call upon the :oars, of Commisoloners of the Cl
-sort n. -A coo.reration In this project, an.' ask that as
J'L n they take such steps to pay trit.ute to Senator and Vice
o r:ay '--e anroprlatc.
D. E. 110Y.9
J. E. Lovvo
G 'ec,
Cn ynllon the mentinr ad!nurned