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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 344, November 2, 1948Proceedings of City of Paducah-
-nIti,-! ni' 1, -:inners he 16 in !,hp cx:.-A:ju I Dnrrn
on 2, 1943,
'Y at 7:30 1
ro t�m
n Ec-", johnaton (4). 1.:ayOr
1 rr Aire ll
,V-Itlon of 7% r. 'Chomson 3 din:- nn
":entucl: for s�ithorlty to lay and
--r' ."qtor service to the oulldln
ce received and filed sad that the request in
v3ntoC in a -c �-ith tc teras sot forth therein.
to-.),!, ho -:ever, in -rantin- the -,rivileCo asurint in said 7etition
I of Yoducah nor the C,)n ::i-;o-'onorq of 'Neter shall be o, -ligated
1 'nn or any Port and no such obli,-atlon contained
ah,.ull tte tc!-:,i-ory to be served by the viater line to re laid
ity '!,—ein requested be token int^ or mode a partor - the City of
understood that the petitioner subscribe for :rater aervice
i t r-it..o nr '--reofter rrescribe:3 for woter :;ervice to consumers outside the
in all re--rccts to the rules and re-ulationu of the
7—h n- ito C,)r.,:irrloners of xter .`rinh nay be now in fo-f-ce or
-'n- in 0' :his tl,e City of F::'ucah or
n to ;-uarnnt,, r at, service, rind said
throu-h. so !1-... at any tine ..::•n In the
n!' t;ic 17n t-, -).-nIshin.- n;' -aato- to t; -j, r !thioner
In o' the prnparty nay Interfere in any %,:!,:o w-It.1 tt,Q
ply i,)n n: :,i t,)r inside the corpora ti lirnit the (Ity of
fear, rom:r'i.'j.j 10 1101'3 ', be 11 , 'C :,a nii In and
.:-,t rom.ii9rinners receive, :`113
to J.".I.Croach Isf the '-'llolity un('.
n i ty for c ons trite t, 1 -,n t on
� 9
Proceedings o 2 —City of Paducah o rmacer 1048
-n cn11 -DI r -e ?�11, '!con, :,n'! :,-,XyDr rro 1^ev
;,Iler, n-fnr2,' motion tha' the n -n--.1 Co.-, i7.lon:rs *receive and Elle
-':.i n, De 0 9 chin;
'�hc !�3t_,tion st:�le! �Ity of _Iup_q�i, :',�ntur��,.y, v,. "pry r nda R I ke , (1 1
i-_ no t`e fae-jea'r '_un Con7ony, whernin tho Circuit .:,`)Urt is nokecl for
a 19rat ' )n n- tT er D. c,.. required t, maInts in a
m.otor rransp.rtatlon oy,.ter no - ovi2e(! In o,o, -us Franchlao inn. 2 and the
'U1.1 Contract of :"arch :25, 1943, and also for a nonflatory In unction to rao".1r3
the < nrlalit to .!Y:ncdintely -cotorc and maintain the bus transportation syotem Us
thereir, and that the "ittorney for the City be authorized to Institute and
prosecute a suit n ' -ainst the said Fary Deronda Rieke upon said ratition. Adopted on
Iicall Of the Roll, Yeas, Cor.miusioners Abell, Allen, ;:annin and '..'ajmr Pro Ter. JOhn3t011. (4).
Coo,., of letfc3 ✓ Commizsion^r Allen offered motion that the Zoard of COM.7.1133lonars receive and file
4-U;r- Jolinct n
a the c,py of the ral-istored letter vrritten by Stuart Johnston, the Pro Tela, on
^ctollar 20th, 194F to,. Deronr'a Rio!co, n,.,.,ner of the Paducah -us Company, notifyin_,
her tint the city of Paducah exercises its option to cancel the supplemental contract
25th, 1548, pursuant to the provisions of erection (2) of said Contract,
to:7cther with the return receipt rhoviin7, the recei7t of said letter by !:rs. ..:any
: roma Rioke on October 23th, 1:340. Adoptc3 on call of the Fell, Yens, Cormmission-
Abell, Allen, 1,annin anc! 7.ayor rro Ter, johnzLon (4).
Lc:1 lot to Commissioner 17annin ol',^rod notion `lint the Cornoratlon Counsel be directed to
John _avaCe prepare for introluction a* the next mcetln:.- an ordinance authorizin- the sale to
J)ln :avaf-a il 3 lot locotcl on the Lauth side ni' Cal.C-aell Street S -rat of 3Wi -,,treat
-.-!, '7 . ..17.5.0O. X25.-')0 of the purchase price to be paid in cash and the
•'-'qnce at t'no rate of =.00 per month .vith 5Interest.
Adopted on call. of the 1jol
Ysao, Com-niislorers Abell, Allen, lienrin and '.ayo- zro len Johnston (4).
Comnissioner Hannin j,'f^red motion that the ;"l of sale of the --ack- inlo_':-.,-,:r,r�i,
^ruck Corroraticli Red con the title to one (1) 1):-
an� )%, No. Le 7ecclv,,�
t' -cistilloner3 Allen,
no ROil, 7ull;l , -)m
:-'!on tl:at the jetl,
1— C,,nnnny, c recce.. ti:!it 7:i -f-
-A L:- t.or .,'n
1942 to
nn lin
ln� 1 1
1 is
Proceedings of City of Paducah
,n,,Utlona and covenan:j contain,.,.
of no effect."
qffirri in h1r; 17;i.:ar to the Paducah _110 Company the
"Gth, 1943 that the "City of I-a(lucnh e%orciao it.,
t`.e C3r.trC%Ct uh-cli you ont, red Into
on 23th, 1_0,0, unIcv In."Iich r1upplf'r-Orl'", I contract the
7z* -,!I-- o." '-o. :'otor :us -ranchiFe . 2 .-.ore amend -ad as rrovided therein",
a2.vise said Company tiat nuch
notice was riven pursuant to cctlon (2) of
contract. Adopted on call of the Goll, Yeas, Commissioners Aboll,
.H,.a nin and . *,.'El yor Pro rem Johnston (4).
7 t Co=issoner Hannin offered motion that the -oard of Comrals3loncra receive and
Me the Intor 7:erart^cntal '.'enorandum re3ar,-1 lnC the installation of a stro3t liz:ht
at t,e intersection of -199za and :'arkham. Avenue.
r, !va,! t,,st the City :'ansgor be directed to have a street 1 -'F -ht install,d
")7:,t:,nn. k6opted on call of the Roll, 719an, Commissioners Abell, Allen,
:=,:ir Pro Ten Johnston (4).
_3 Tern Johnston offered notion that the ..card of rornl:inionera receive and
-.,tter f 71. 'ion Dwlson, 3b.crIff of Docatur County, Tonners2c, and the lette�
,r 7r. J. C. -art-In, Chai-rnnn of t!:e County --cor Co=ission wirh reference
t- the revocation of licenses issued to rapt. while
oats in lonnes.jec and also the jur!Umart or the police court of
an employee of Capt. Ya,:er, .,wso convic: cd
at t -.c com-7Aonnry boat oporator! by Capt. Ya ' -c
that the clippin,z from -11.7r. Fartin'3 letter crintalninF runnin-
of the croc. 91aia instituted Ly the loestur County .-eer CorLmission a-ainst
-rt ;!a-cr -,r rcvoco* l,)- of his permit for the a ale of Leer in Decat
nn,' that the City lanaor Le authorize.! to
teat th- Jt;; I 'I u c u h -1x1ircis03 1 ta 0 1) t - on to cane
torr's of' whIQh 4a!I City -rinted to `fI?s
sa--%,, inat on t-) wr, the
zx` the foot of
fz'Dn t!_.. on 7-11 Jc _'d ice to
to remove his fr.,In
A,`,nptc,! an call of' the
Tom Tohnutnn