HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 339, October 19, 1948r• 1'. 7f Cor.nioalon.)va Proceedings of. City cfPoducah .,t a of the -onro. of Comialasioners held in the r. ;0, tt•. 10--lucah, "ontuelcy, at :30 e P.7'. On October 10th,13;0, . on pl—nieW _,rr' upon call or the ..'oil the follov.,Inr, answered to t.heir n-,: Abe.11, idlen, Hannin and '19yor Pro Tan Johnston 17ayor 1,eak LelnC i. :'mutes or the previous neqtIn- viero adopted ao read. "bell offered motion that the vc-ort of T!r. Victir C. h. the Chief of :ollca and maul 7"olland, a Captain of oilcc the installation of a street 1_1-p.t at ti— Inter - f 20th and "o.91hin7ton atrcots be rocoivo,2 and filed, in -A that the Cit; spa-ep c3 authorized to have I 11-!!t installed vt t'.,at location. adopted on call o! the Roil C,=nissioners Abell, illen, !!annin and ',7ayor :10 Teri Johnston (4). .r.: Connianloner Abell offered motion that the letter of the vcderated ;,hop ;rafts T.3tt 7-_ C r a t f 3hor 13ra,ts of the 1111nois Central Railroad Shops requestin- that "."-.e City Officials fulfill Uineir -z) tion unrl restore tus service or operate 3ame until tee dispute is to ttic,.r.j a,, off a p ")r n3lo the Franchise now held by the Paducah -Fun Company for failure to wive service to t!:., Public of Paducah, -Ky." to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, _,reazi, onr dozioners i1bell, Alien, Hannin and ?.ayor Pro Torl Johnston h Cormnissioner Allen offered rintlon that the letter of T. K. '.7illiams, SLzperin- '=3' tcrrlent of the Illinois Central aiiroad Com,any, requc3t_1n,, the amendment of the ordinance to permit the use of a flasher !L -ht at the railroad orviiiin,- at Oth and Clay �.trectn instead o' the .2.rinjo, rnent 0: 3 fla-r:an at that location, received and filed. op tc -d on call of the Roll, f2aa, Comniasianars Atoll, „lien, *.annIn and !,z or Pro Ter Commissioner Allen offered the foilo-vin,: notion- It appeara from a letter fjiej witar that pursuant to a request of the 7=r3ny, that they have arprnved and recon-nonlad the installation of t", fire v1u:-s ,n ,ec,c3on --treet. One of t!npse fire plu,-3 to ,e installed s^p,o.i�sta ly �L I fact enjt of 313t Ztreet flnr� one fire plug t-) ,o Inntn1l,­! w,proxlr^,,toj.: C,�n feet ,,.jt of c13t tra, t. _-,7: '73, that the. lei r t, -qt the Pa0,1101h Ab t e r i-o-1-:3,hi, ;u -h In n1u7"', on the 1— 5n ar-'ea- _rt-lon of t! .1 h to to City of Paducah 12- 12'L, Proceedingsof � �` !' ,� — .,, ........ mat!e the n­­-'ntmnt: 191"') a.­,,oln' vn, a —1;-C of ­o7::-,ir.jionars an 'ctol.or 'I, 1:)43 unci havinZ: r'oclincd to an,)"'fr Nro,)n In order -at t!;3 f1rat moetin_ n date as pl,ovicie,.1 I.:- o.Qinoqvc: and .�Xtats 82 C!-�­ ��oquires the In!nadiate a.-roint7 ,.ent or 9 t Loard; and ne the i"'layor if the City of Paducah, ;.entucky, Is disaLled and una(le rfnrr. tt.a lutles of his office on account of an illness, I, 3txart �ohnstnn, as ',*ayor Fro Tem of the City of radiicah, d') her Lj qPpoint -.7. "orris to 3-1.,e as the third mom!_,er of the _'oard of Equalization for the i 1,�,vby 'irccte W. i _;. arris, -oZTc t1nat the three nambers novi appointed, J. lroi7 r:,,o.t Vls e-qy (.,.n`: t.q'cc the oath of office required lmiv, am 'hoirron and :;ecretary :ran omonr7 themselves and proceed vjith the n' zl:i,, valuatlonr a' property for taxation pu".•roscu. SiEn cd : :;tuazt Johnston on:,r .-,nnin offered notion the Acrointment mnd� 'c:-. "r. Stuart Johnston, -im, u^'._ ..,rich '.....?"orris 377ointsd to ocrv: as the third menl_,er of the 17-1 -)n for the year 1949 in the ploco on,!. steac', of Chas. Ro,.vlinz-S who df - 7, -'rv.- his arpointmgnt on Octo-i-er l2th, 1940, Ile received, filedand -­ that the same be spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the i-Isionera iMen, Hannin and ;,'.ayor- Iva Ten Johnston (4). 'em Johnston offered -n,)'Ion that the letter of ::ugh Edwards proposinz city over tie o,.,inership nni operation of the cases of the Paducah ws %n' file,]. A6opticZ an call of the Rail, Yea3, C1.)n!:ii,,:;_`oners n, .5� -,'a..,-nr Fro 70,m Johnston nffn".,! n:�tlnn that the letter of O.D.('.ardner, Secretary an T,chnhavd, advial :Ity tt-') cc) 11, th 9 NO. Proceedings of ^ar ; :o::m'_aei %on^rs City of Paducah r ^r 13, 1-8 _ar - �r .. _ .•gin I _., ianer "annin offered motion that the "ayor I3•o ism be authorizo8 to a,_ -In of .a?ucah a labor-monagemont committee to w composed of ter. c,ualneaa and ten labor leaders, said corimittes to serve on a fact ly ts'ce •whatever action it ewy deem acpropriate for the adjustment of t^e disruto _c', has arisen '-�etwcen the Paducah 'us Company and its farmer as •'.ell os any diaoute which may hereafter arise botaeen labor ani: no -^ •,nt when the �7enersl welfare sad interests of the citizens of Paducah ore 'fected. Adopted on call of the Poll, Year, Commissionero Abell, Allan, I',annin and "ocn_• Pro -ems ,bhnnton (s). On nn!nn the m^otinl^ ar�?a,r• .ca. l��y�l•�_•:c ,o ^_srionar tom"-�