HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 331, September 28, 1948NO. .:1 Proceedings of ' 0ar i of co-^Iaa104ers City of Paducah ::^•r ," .",r 20• 194^ At n RnCular t'cotin- o_' the :.oard of Commissionora held in the rommiasloneraf Ct nbcr at the City Fall, enducah, %;entucky, at 7:50 P.::. on September 23, 1948, B'nyor ;•a Tem Johnston pre3ide-3 and upon call of the Poll ti -.e followin,- aasrered to their ngmy n: Commisalonera Abell, Allen, Fannin and 1.'ayor Fra Tem Johnston (4). :,:aynr 'aa}t vein- aLnent M. NNN!I ''inutes of the arcvious meetin- -were adapted as read. 'ater line V 1 Cettmiasianer Allen offered motion that the petition of Cor.try Vau;,hn and w1fe, l rr n^ea ':laul-hn, rosilln;- as Cook Street outside the corporate limits of Peduc.�h, entucl:y far authority to lay and construct a _rater line for the purpose of p.•ovidin,; :rata_• c^•vice to auil'inr- located on the property of petitioners as stated in nr,id I Fetition be received and filed and that ti:e request in said petition Le granted in accordance -rith the terms set forth therein. It in uncJcr tood, however, in grant'_nC the privilo�To sounht in said petition nelthlor the Citi a_ :oducah nor the Commissioners of ,tater :works shall he obli!-ated to cuy said ripe line or any part thereof, and no such abli.^ation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the :•inter line to be•laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. it is further understood that the petitioner ::ill subscribe for :•rater service at the f rates nor or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limit one. subject in all respects to the rules and rertulations of the City of Faducah ar its Ca- is^inners of ':later "forks which may be no: In _arc(- or horenfter enacted. ';othin- in the -'rantin- of this petition shall obli-ate the City of Pa lucah or its �I Cpr ._csianera of '7atcr C'or':_. to :-uarantee rater ri•cesure or cervine, and said water :31:'vice may Uscont_nu :•a::- sa_d c_p: line at any time '.r:on In the ju•a-^pont ._. ti'e ^a. .i aianers of the furninhin,- of water to the ;etltioners a• . in .-.n-�roa-i- tn^ property o'•:ncd may interfere in any •^Lae rich th^ t, in -1:1= tie carparatc limita of the Cit;; o ;'a 'sea:.. t: a: ^o..:;:laaion rs „tell, Allen. '-nnnin and '::a,tar Fro cr. T n 'or^i a L..,. Johnston offered motion that thea_ :oars1 f C ammisalone.•s _ cc and _-tier the an. nl-Fen '... ?arcley, t'rs. rlau!!ine *Lens, secretary of the :. ':�',le J. „•„• :n,.- smith, .,_..... t; _ :an. J n Shernan Casper 1�'r: agc.r•e +Fe ,it;: of F9ducab of their c ^r..;r:!; a�slator.co in tr.^ ^a F^e_r.' ir. • petition in the r. .,:: Trnnomicsion .�x^ _ i i la; -In- p' 1 be tn i I Proceedings o City of Paducah 31-210`111i21' 213, 19/6 71-1 offrod tho followin- ri»tion: I move that the Rooter Of 2 zo IIId,- ..:-:,aIl�lvn )nrloy—n,0 Clvl! 3(IrvLce as of -;eptember 28, 10 3, •.'1111ch "n t? is a1,o jit.* qnn,:c-• and headn of clepnrtmenta, be rocoivnd, the r,jnU4,n no -nn pnnyin.- qfTi,,'9v1ta of orinloyoos rn'. the 'Uty '11easurer oince wl,.en .uch employees have :)�-:!n con omploycd the nitnn _+'ed. .','oz)ted cn ca:1 of the roll, Yeau, ALell, Al lon, 7,rn1ri and Pro *7em J-hnstin (4) 37. 3-71-T*.:H:R 28, 1948 07: :*.—Z 103ITIO': ::ZLD IT,: IrZ ECT 7 le -1 Lillian L. _nl-.,Icy ;ecrotnry to City ranaGer Docemcer 1, 10-'C 8. ".'ayor 12-2 nrah 7r.urmar. city Cleric ':arch 20, 1934 12-4 '6't t - -ow7non Eull!linz Inspector Cctober 1, 1915 12-5 .7 'E-Indfiel(l "arch -3ator arch 13, 1946 -a z - 1 an , .10 ishman ter January 10, 1332 -- 7erley 7014er -.1is r f mao t er January 23, 1947 C. T. 11, r Do,�. (atchor June4, 194G John elevator C, oara t-�)r november 5, 1945 Ernest Sloan Jnnito- October 1, 1046 77PS. Alta aur -roll Social ".7opker 'lay 20, 1046 Toy :u -ton Dump Jatchm.r. , .1 ebruary 1C, 1945 Victor C.bday " 0 City-nnar-er 3"3".-HF171? -7- :;`!' lintoi, C. "o-orla., —:77 2:3th 1,jjy C,:, "optori' cr, I,' Lillian L. EaC.ley is tart' Fublic- !I ty -.i teli Dod -,c:D1Ify T�-)oqvrcr ut rn ri -jnnlcro Doputy -anessor t City ,editor Julie i—o on't"Cooper Aul-uo cputy Juno 1, 1 iiine 1.1,14 t 1, 7c;'Ity onry Pol2lna PlIrtmont ?lead -cn,.,y r:Oilins T—E 25th C- ,eptcrj'z;cr, ;,zlymc R. .;tnwqrt :iotalv "U'l-lic "It y ln:-Ineer ;!Ovem*,ir 15, 1922 le of 'arty n 7.1,1rr,It —)n ."Arch 1, I3M12 an "arch 3, 1312 a Iw u w, -" Y 2 n"'a r�a n Januar,� 1. --.2" ant1-nad Proceedings o n'll"I 01, ro-:1ir n lone rs City of Paducah 2B, 1948 7 Ff j _f C 71 .. "I F . I - Anderson Department 1:ead T17 :11 1 C Anderson T*113 T.!E 28th DAY Cr -::_tenter, 1948. Ticnry Collins `rotary Public 7-ronn ,uperintendent Cle tobar 15, 1022 FDroman July 1, 1944 7-1)01:lC70-0 2, D-cpraLer 17, 1920 J. ".a te hma n Ccto'.or 2, 1024 'r :a tc i1mn.1 *..'ay 16, 1914 ^._n !'ec!lonio 1LIL. flazis January 27, 11,130 2nd. Closs July20, 19,11 nine O-oerator !'&vch 1E, Ie40 "a c 1-. 1 rie Operator April 14, 1930 ll -8 T'a c h 1 ne ODerator AIIL'Unt 3, 1043 11-8 :..a c hine Cpn-ator Jul,, 1, 1943 11-8 "attune (Inera tor '.arca• 13, 1942 il-9 Irrue'k Driver octol,er 13, .10,13 i1-9 .n Johnston Truck Driver 17.arch 20, 10; 11-9 .'abert -uradlay Truck Driver June 30, ID17 I' 11-0 -'Irvan T-an.,s ton Truck Drivar '.lay 15, 1947 11-9 C. E. Aurustuo '-',ruck Driver :ny 5, ING 1 11-10 Ralert ::6mphroy General 'repairman November 1.1, 1-114 11-11 17urton Fill Street Repairnan August 13, 11-11 L. Dry Street Repairman rstrury ].-,, 194.5 Arm Too J strong Street Hepairman. Aufu3t 14, 1044 :'artin Johnston Laborer June 9, I347 11-12 J. -7. lIandric'.:s Laborer July 31, 1944 11-12 14enry Johnson Laborer T.arch 9, 1023 41 11-12 7-VICI.0 ^30,1a Laborer September 14, 1944 11-12 Firdie .1horrell Laborer November 3, 1947 IC 11-12 James rrinn Laborer 'N'ovember 3, 1947 11-12 7.1illie Carroll Laborer Aw:u3t 13, 1045 11-12 Tommie :Tooley Laborer Au,-7u:3t 4, 1048 11-13 Curtis Dickir Senrer 7alfatenance ,',.pr 11 3, 1943 11-13 Janes Au. 7ustus ?" Seaov allntonnnce Pobruary 1, 1045 11-13 ':'Villar--' Gibson 30,.,.,er ' '�i'lntannnco July 2'-, 1940 ii -11, :�on ^reen :Iewor 1.,zintonance 1,*a"', 3, 194.3 .. "I F . I - Anderson Department 1:ead T17 :11 1 C Anderson T*113 T.!E 28th DAY Cr -::_tenter, 1948. Ticnry Collins `rotary Public NO. : Proceedings of—`!'! Citp of Paducah 2B, 1948 T-, I)p r.,7qDT7jj:::CES IN 1, NFLICT D 7' T 7; 1)7.7:' m -AT .;,',!D ::HALL 7`11�:! ..2':1_..,._.. T- T7iE OARD C." 7� 7; f.. L CD 7 1 D AT IT 06, 1948", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Cormnis3io.mrs 'Noll, 10len, Fannin and Yayor rro Tem Johnston Cn notion the meeting adjourned. —D 1948 AHR k", 0 corr. saner