HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 328, September 21, 1948Proceedings of ic. '. n "' City of Paducah :'212 .:_ Lor 21• 1`14,'3 :lar :"cot n, of the -card of Cor-;iasionera hold in the ConmizrIoners' .it _ City i'all, Paducah, :Kentucky, at 7:30 P.',. on September 21, 1948, :a::or Johnston presided and upon call of the :loll the follo•::In_ answered to .,, -o,-•-issioners Abell, Allcn, ;annin and ?'ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). -.ink atcont ('_) :lautes of tie provious m"tin- .:ego cdopted as read. JCo-^irsioncr Abell offered :notion that the petition of Y. . Pertha Perry residing sten ^oad outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky for authority to c,^n?ct to a privately owned one and one-half inch crater pine line for the purpose of rrovidin:_ crater service for domestic purgoses to the buildin,^ located on the rospectiv property of petitioner be received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition be Rranted in accordance cath the terms set forth therein. It is urlerstood, however, in f-rantin- the privilego sought In said petition neither tie Cit, of Paducah, nor the Cor , issionors of 'later :!orks shall be ot,ligated y sold pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall .e contained 1i^c? he:•iafter should the territory to be served b, the water line to be i :r.' _ _ carity heroin requested be taken into or made a part of the City of is further underotcod t!•at the petitioner will subscribe for water service at t!c rates nor; or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the _nducah and sub+qct in all respects to the rules and re-ulations of tha city __ _ .. :,7:nissione­s of t'atcr "!orks w^ich nay be now in force or hereinafter enacted, in +:. -ranting of this petition shall otlirate the City of Faducah or i, : _...._ .. of ':ater .:oris to F-uarantee rater pressure or service, and said water r .. _ ... ..- :lacontinued throu h said pipe line at any tine when in the nt of zrc co: --.issioners of .rater ';oris the furnishing of ,iater to the petitioner _in o-ners'.rip o" the property o,'nod mai* interfere in any :Ise with t; ^e;ly err'. rt_•ibution of ,tater Inside the cor-)ovatn linits of theCity nr`. on call ,f the i:o', Yeas, Commisoioners knell, Allen, [:annin : 17n, I .. .! t` -n fn11o•.,in tcan: S hove that the ':oerd of Csr ontcr at.. ott.ern ,•eq:.r-,ating _ '.-_zt1 17th „treet near ',,uthrle fit, nn': the %r2 nr tt2 installation of ruch street 1i7ht•. loo•tested to have such street " .. .. r:: _l )r the Roll, 'zeas, Cc:... Conmisaloners receive and ;eCracRen Circuit Court In ti:c of al., r.°:iv!' lt1•r; ent csa NO. 320 Proceedings of —1 ^ ':'='' City of Paducah :,ontnr. ,cr 21. 104£3 Fannin and ?.ayor Pro man Johnston (_). ra--- _.a.�✓ ^o=•assioner Allen offerer: motion that the '.card of Comr.iaaioners receive and file the executed Copy of a permit Frantinr to the Standard 011 Company porenisston to ennstruct a perranent seal for closure at Station 67 { 73, Section L-1 of the Paducah 1. Adopted on call of the 3011, yeas, Com:ciaaionoza ;,tell, Allen, i!annin 'Irc'. 'a,ror ?ro Ter Johns tan (4). _r. 'h o rIssioner •.annin offer ' motion that the genre; of Cern.ias!oners recel.vo a. -1 the inter ..^:epartncntal memorandums rerardin installation of street 11--hts and the City !,anauer be requested to have li,7hts installed at the followin!, locations (1) Intersoction of Hu -hes and :owell 3trects (2) Cn Coder _Tare in front of 260 Cedar Lane (3) On :Z. Forest Circle midway betr;ecn Sycamore Drive and ^:allaco Lane Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Conmissioners Abell, Allen, :.Tannin and Mayor !ro To /Johnston (4). lire ✓ Connisaioner :annin offered motion` hat tho petition of Tlud Smith rosidin- at the ?o^; interuection of Kenton Road and Oaks Road outside the corporate limits of Paducah, i -cntucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providinC •.nater service to the tuildin^ located on the property of petitioner be received and IIfiled and that the request in said petition bo granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. i It is unlieratood, however, in granting, the privilete sought in said petition nc!t:ae. e City of Paducah nor th., rommissioners of tater or'a asnll be ocli -atsd to buy oaidpom+ i - pe lino or any Hart thereof, and no such o::__t anon shat._i >•a contained nr cc !arlied hereafter should the ter.•ito-'y to be am•vo:: ai•.c aster lino to Le laid ...-.__ authority heroin requested be ta,,en into or made a ^art of the lity of Paduc It is further understood that the petit.ionor ;gill sutscrite for water service at the rates no".,., or hereafter p-escribed for water service to consumers outside city '!earn ane! sub+cct in all rcn-ncta to the rules and re_1i:lntion3 of the City ,_ ..,,Jucat or its 171):rniasioners ^f 'i:atc- :or!cs w;drh naybo naw in force or hezcinaPter enacted. !n the '-•a^t!r,-• this petition shall oLl.jCato the r,ity of csducst: or to ruarantec ester ,•_eso'u•c or oervico, and aaid rate through said pine line at any the •siren in the jud%:r:ent of - the furnishin7 of :;ales• to t1 -.c �atitionera or their ^(!:•ty or!nod may !nte•_forz- In nr, .,jttt the -'')r, of water inside the corro=^.`0 1!r:1ts of t'- City of ens, C". A" .al Proceedings of j' "'='" City of Paducah_: '%''or 21. 1948 __-at t! -2 Court .circ in "cCroc'ccn County, `•:cntucky, and counted .._.. cast at the City �rinmry Moo t1on held in the City or Paducah, ,^ _ .. 17th, 1943, and !,wrol, -cry fy that the folloi•inc is a correct of rates cgs` for :..-_' canidatc. City co:-icsiorc_ John 7. lackburn ,eceived , 1307 Votes Joseph 3. :�eeland Received 1040 Votes ':eor�e !,. :Tannin. 3r. Received 1348 Votes :;e, the undersi7,ned Election Comnissionero of ::cCrac.'.;en county, Kentucky, do certify the above to be true and correct. Given under our hands this September 18th, 1948. H. L. Coker Commissioners J.T. — nal, Jr. `arkley Graham" Yayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the _card of Commissioners receive an file the letter of Guthrie F. Crowe, Couunlnzioner of :'irhways of the State of ?entuck -:xpressinr arpreciation "or the city's cooperation b, pormittinC. the state police to exercise police col.:cra within the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. .,:9opted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Karnin and ;:a,or Pro .'ohnston M. On motion t4ie meetinc ad;ourned. l:d •_rte O 1943 l� i At IT. ,nor r�e-a•em otal