HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 325, September 14, 1948Proceedingsof 722 c 0f Cpc ianlano^a CitycfPaducah ;ent^o. h. 19^:C :.a .ierv_re .et•ition n ;,::ular :. . tin;; of tt:a ioard of Comhisaioncra ixeld in the Commiasianera' at the City -,:all, Paducnh, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.". on September 14, 1943, A;o ?,. ':en Johnston presifed and upon call of the Roll the follo::•in3 answers' to _ air names: Com-.io-loners Abell, ;llon, '.tannin and L:ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). .oak bean- a'asent (1). of tl,, nrevious meet'nr er,e or ,rtes'. ns oad. _.. _...._. 11 o_"fei•^r] :na`ian shot the petition a`_' Loren. ... Jonas, _^or por- i_ '^n ^ct four throo-fourth inch or one inch water pipe limos to a 2?, inch ^lay ling or:ned by Loren Janes and located 1110117 Junset Avenue so as to ?ro- rvice for ;iamoatic purposes to on^ resideneo to be const:ructe:i on each: of .n.c, 1:3, 83 and 64 :'lock C, Sunset Court Addition, be received and filed and the authority aau--ht in said petition be granted subject to the limitations and conditions expressed heroin. Nothing contained in the rranting of this request shall be construed an a !uarsnte of pressure or :eater service on the part of the City of raducah or its Commissioners of "'ator ­.'orks, and nothin^ in the Granting of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an oblirrstion or sgreement on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Mater "orka to purchase or acquire sair'-tater line or any part theree or to maintain same; no such obli`ation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or tn'_on into the corporate limits of the City of Pa,..`:cah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, ''ennin n^.d "aynr F<o Tom Johnston (4). :ayor :ro Yen Johnston offered tt:e followinL motion: 1 move that the '_oard of r!".niosionera receive the petition signed by Viola Childers and others protesting against the discontinuance of the ^uthrie Avenue .',us from oporating on Jac'cson, 28th and Schmidt Streets. further move that said petition Le referred t0 the .-aducah lus Company far consideration. Adopted an call of the Rol.1, `Leas, Comnissionars Abell, Allen, -11:11 sr^ :'ayor zro 11c7, ✓ohnston (4). ro "enc Johnston offered the follo^kin,; motion: T .-.rove that the board of retition ol,ned by T. iyde and oth�srs proteatinf azainst n r::ro 'uthrie Avenue Lus on Jackson, 26th and Zchmidt 2treet3. *hnt said petition be referred t0 the ;aducah Lus Company for nn pall of the Roll, Yana, Co^ 11111 :xera �Lell, Allen, :nn that the _oar9 rf 7c xir. nn:r:s receive and —Ito.,c:, into ..et:;cen the C`.+; inducall or, .:aana tn th.. nniu _ :a,•^P the r1—ht, : ca:. a::nnry nn`n _ .. .. n; iadq of *.!':e �t tta Ohl, aivnr c ox iaaion^"ra ..-, .. ). to^L'ce the Proceedinv of ^^"'w"" ' ^ '"" City of Paducah ":•r 14, 19•±8 :•^nsfer on the ce:cotery records by showinZ7 that the said Luce Russell is t:e o: n^r of the north ex -ha' -f of Lot 33 in :;cction "C" of said cemetery. Adopted on cal o^ t':c :Toll, .__ Commissioners Abell, 6ilen, Tannin and ::ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). a ._ss'oner Fannin offered notion that the petition of J. Dowdy and :rife, •, rcoldin� on f ars oal outside the corporate limits of Paducah, i.entuc¢y, to lay and const: act a rater line for the purpose of prDvidinP raster cer ice to t^^ located on the rr operty o_" pet_tioner be received and filed and that ti e ,on to -ranted in accordance '..'ith the terms setforth therein. recaest in said peti' It is understoo,l, however, in E�•antin_ the priviloCe souf;ht in said petition neither the Cit: of Faducah, nor the Commissioners of :'.'ater Works shall be obligated to buy said cine line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained oi be hereafter should the territory t^ be served by the vator line to be laid under arity herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of _Uducah. It Is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for rater service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for vaater service to consumers outside the 6gp City Li^its and sua97ct in all respects to the rules and regulationa of the City of P Paducah or its Conminoioners of ':'iter 'forks which may be now in force or hereinafter .meted. ':othin.^ in the -rantin- a_ this petition shall obliCate the City of Paducah nr its Co-missioners o_^ 'rater "iio_''.ra to-uarontee ,rater pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued throu„h said pipe line at any time ^:hen In the ;u ept of the Co:.nicsiorers of '. ater :or»s the furnishinL of -water to the petitioner or t. cir successors in c,.nership of the )roncrty owned may interfere in any rise with the adprnate supply and distribution of rater inside the corporate limits of the City of fatacah. .I�-nted on ^all of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioncra ;bell, Allen, Hannin 7.,o ^ern Johnston offered motion that the City C'anaccrts letter of 1,4-, to,ether with the letter of ;u-.ust 31, 1948, and three accompanyin; ^nts received from 'rally '. Stewart, the County Jud,,e, recommending qn �rriatior. of :1500.00 :; the City of Faduca!: to match the countyfs o^ r,nns a•a�un' "or the -u.^:ose of providln,; funds necenssry for aper- le, r ,:- •, ^nt the - ._ . ';on ^aunty Airport for the Berm in ler of the _... ,. -i ea71 of the !,all, 'fear, Cor_ai:•s'_^acts hat the letter of th .^,t so the !.:erc ha t: ., - • �,un ..pinr•ham to a^; o.ar r..r, .. arra: to aru' to r^r. Clty :a,lucai; ar : :dill ro Waller ras=h z.3 �” Proceedings o . --rd of Cornmi^ainner3 City of Paducah September 14, 1s�48 "!as "_cans ation 20Ti T3 T Lff A:T A'_T_:;'Z Iii THE REAR OF 241! .,MZ. P; 0.',' iEm ' :E GOUT '7 :ff iAlll' AVENUE; AIM (2) _;OU;.'D2D C.: EEE __J'DE•,TF.'.L _,'0:Mr x.ETME­ 24TH AND 25M Z",'REETZ; 01: -'E T;7_7 !Y AVENUE A-0 0l1 T::_ JCUT:` 7 IARK. ,.V..':! E, A TRAIL M 0:'. AM: !RoPzRTZ 1.7ITHIJ SAID AREAS rOR O_.' Z. jl:,CH IIIA -11,71, AS A RLISIDS�!CE, OR USING T':: -7A'IE AS wUCIII EIMER 77*'.1'71-.:7'L Y 01, T :07;0.T_Y, -'-:OV1D1:,M FOR V70LATION 'FHERSO?", be adopted. !donted on call of the Roll, Y�oa, Commissioners Abell, "Alen, T"annin sn-.1 1-:Gyor iro I -err Johnston 4). I,, ':ayor Fro Tem. Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "k, ORDI:!A.'.CE Ar,_RC!'7!1AT1!;Z; T11E SM A - .1 OF -1500.00 to the iladucah-YcCRACKEN, COUNTY ATRrORT CORVOTZATIOIT FOR PAYI'E'.T OF THE EXPENSE FOR THE OPERAT10i' AM IT.'.PROVE1'-:Z,',TT OF M.E IMU'lCIPAL AIRPORT FOR 7� ':.,TDER OF THE: YEAR 1948 AND AUTHORIZING UIE TRANSFER OF SAID SUI.; FROMI VHE AUROF:RLATIC:7 ':ADE TO ME BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR E,)UALIZI:"G TAX AJ5&;-!L'aENTJ DURING SAID YEAR ._­"'_ 0 -DER TO ?90'.IDE FOR ME PA' MMYT CF U OFZRAT::ZG AND 1.*.FROVSi.:E!1T 7-UIENSE 0SAID AIRPORT", be introduced and remain an file for nuLlic insrection until the transfer of funds as herein provided shall have been published as required b.,, law and -hall be put upon its -final passage after such publication. Adopted on call of the 'loll, Yeas, Cornissiorczn! Abell, Allen, llannin and '�ayor Pro Te. m Johnston (4). :,'Ayor Pro Tem Johnston o fored motion that a copy of the Intorveninp Petition of fr City of Paducah for permission to intervene in the proceedings before the r-ederal Commission wherein the Mexas Gar Transmission Corporation is askin,-r for a Certificate of Convenience end i:ecessity for the transmission of r -as, which pipe line would mike possible an adequate supply of natural Cas to the inhabitants of the City of Faducah, te received, -filed and arcroved. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and !.ayor Pro 7bm Johnston (4). In :,-otlon the ranetinp adjourned.