HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 317, August 24, 1948Proceedings of . oard of C0" ,i❑:..overs 1.r.c 317 of Paducah au-uat 24. 1942 :.t n ..eCular 7:eetir.- of the =oard of roraminsion�,rs held in the Connicaioner: I Clmr:.:or at the City Fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.7.:. on AuCust 24, 1940, Sayor tr( i "\.m presided and upon call o: the Poll the followitiC answered to thair namoa: Commissioners .;bell, Allen, :iarnin and ':ayor Pro Ten Johnston (4). rayor Peak being absent (1). i ":inutes of the previous mectinC •:aro adopted as read. t)n Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of Laren i:. Jones, 'David C. 3o�7ers and Vivian 7. 'oCera for permission to connect a threo-fourth or one inch water Piro line to a 27 inch water pipe lino privately oanod by Lorcm ". Jones alone "inerva p :lace to provide ::ate. ocrvlce for domestic purposes to one residence to be construeL-e IyI o7 Lots C and 7 of :,lock 0 ,'inervo Aare Addition, be received and filed and that the i authority sought in said petition be Granted subject to the limitations and conditions e::presned therein. nothing contained in the CrantinC of this request shall be construed as a _varantee of pressure or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or its Comm- issioners of 'Dater ':;orka, and nothing in the granting of said request shall now or IIhereafter be construed as an obligation or aCreement on the part of the City of saducail I, or its Commissioners of ':rater :7orks to purchase or acquire said water line or any part) u thereof or to maintain same; no such obliCation shall arise should said territory •r:'rere said privately ovned pipe line lien be annexed to or ta'.:en into the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the 1.302-1, lana, Contaissionera Aboll, Allen, 'tannin and ::ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Comniosioner Allen offered motion that the petition of Jesse 3. Clark, and wife, lanche 1;. Clar:c, residinC or.::ovckanp i.oad adjacent to the Oars Road outside the cor o.•ate limits of raducah, ::entuc::y, for authority to lay and construct a vwator line f., _... :urrose of providin,^ water service to the euildinCo located on the property Petitioners be received and filed and that tho request in raid petition be ;ranted In accordance with the terms set forth thoroin. <t is un•'erotoo , howevor, in Crantinv- the privileCe souZ,ht in said petition r the City of Iad cal: nor the Corn;iaaionora of ater '.:'or::a shall be oGllZated L0 uy said pipe :__a or any part thereof, and no such obli,,utloa shall ce contained nlicd fl,=14 the territory to be served b the :water line to to '_aid _,. •eca0stad be taken into or :Wade a part of the 11ty of 1 t ::•': the petitioners n1.., au' cr.'.e for :nater n arvlco r- Leal f.r aster ,:ervicc to conau,;nra outside ti:e !eta to :1r rules nC r- ^.❑ p: the Cit _ ;o., _:; :o.ca �r• h-'rc•inafter city of iadueah or ^o, onr3 as Ll watt 33 i'..inners o; • .. - : - - ,. ... .. .....: Cae ... r:y :ciao ( : 1:-1, . 7f the _ ". .. .. , _. _.,. .. ... ...... . ..:.Len, Proceedings of Cup of Paducah resiflifInt: in tno 7usband Road outside the corporate limits or laducah.1 rccoivod nn.'l filed onJ t' -.at the request contained In said petition be su'Z.1oct to all the conditiono, and limitations named in said petition, it beinc cirically that neither the City of inducah nor its Connivaioners of Alter s -unrantoo pressure or water service throu,-h said pipe lines and that nothin., in t:'c �rantln� of said petition shall be construed nor., or hereafter as an obligation on Part o^ the -Ity of .-aducah to buy or maintain sai4 pipe lines or any Dart thereof. —.a water oevvico to 'oe furnished shell be permitted only In accordance with all the rules and re:--ulations no -'i in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and con3uiptIC oi rater by persons reziidinZ: outside the city limits of Paducah, .'Cntucky, and said service may be discontinued at any time when in the judEmont of the Commis3ioners of '.rater orX3 the furnishin- o' rater to residents outside the City of Paducah or throu-�. the pipe lines referred to in the petition Interferon with the adequaro zu-plyln.- of cater to nprsons inside the City of Faducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, I 17:-,ionor3 Abell, Allen, Hannin and ,.ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). -:v-/ I o=...i3aioncr :tannin offered notion that the petition of Ddla Dunbar, R. A. Feast Orlcll rife, Jennettc _east and Lorem. '7. Jones for permission to connect a three-fourths ii or one inch -.--ator pipe line to a privately owned water pipe line of Lorom ". Jones slon, ','incrva Place to provide .,,,&ter service for domestic purposes to one ros'101ance to be constructed on Lot :To. 6 and :forth one-half of Lot :.o. 7, Zloclk 1, '.:inerva Place .'.�.'7--on and to one residence to be constructed by 7t. 1. -cast an :.'Ifo, Jeanette :bast -c, :n7 -half o^ Lot To. 7 and Lot :io. 8, -lock 1, 'Unerva Tlace Addition, r.nl '!led and that the authority sou. -ht in said petition be granted subject to linitat'77i7 and conditions expressed therein. :'othin- contained in the rrantlnC of this request shell be construed an a -uarante au e or rater :;crvi�-., on the part of the City of ',9L-.ucih or ita Commirs-Tonors of a_r '.orbs, snl nothin- in the`ranting of said request shall nor or hereafter be con - .z! rn o..Ii.ratlon or ozreenlont on the part of the City of 11P.-jucall a,, its Corj.- to rurchane or acquire unit'. water line or any part thereof or no r"_'rh 0 li*nt*on nhnll arise alioul�i :3aj(1 territory -A.cro --aid 'f) or taken into the corporate lirlIt3 of the .7r,11 of, ,:021, Youn, Commissioners i.bell, Allen, ::oC.ona '_,Tocnan havInC a,.r, ntnln' Clair. the -I nn the OldcWall' at �'n' an.r ::­,)advl rn':or "IZI, LilC' ;Pith 11 ca tho ci"410 t,tlaral NO. X13 Proceedings of -201's —City of Paducah ;u­vo t 24, 1048 il filo 1 0 Co=nlasionor Allen o.fared motion that the City —inmror be authrizod to cause ,01.1,ictlon -U,d by ow! in tho name of the City of n-lucah such suite as lie may bolleve fcos necc-sa,•y for co­_:ct.'on of occupational license taxes payable under the license tax r -1 of Co-ninnionors on December 23, 1047. _iduptod on call , m: 'oll Yeaa, .,"-,all, Allen, I.annin. and :-.a.ror 7ro Toni Johnston a Cnri,^irsioncr Allan o,fored motion t }rat tho 'oa:d of r:!cciv,- an:; i the .4u.lZmewlt rendcred b:, the ::cCrac':c.'l :c an co:�.., a- Circuit Court in the act_,n of :sducah, :',entucIcy, va. '.rs. Catherine .. ;.:Oody, at al,'.:herein it '--c?r. adjLdCed that certain portions of public alleys runnin- throu,;h the block of ­­.inc. bourlod on the northeast cj 32nd Street, on the southeast by Central.:venue; on tc-3 -,,,uth,.,,,Qst by 33rd street and on the nortlivicst L'y "The Lranch", be vacated, closed �Uscnntinvod for use as public alloys; and that the Loard of Commissioners also receive and file tIe dead under which 7'rs. Catherine C. ;.body and her husband, ::.v'. "oody and ".1111am P. '..'ooldrid,,e and his :rife, Lucy .Iooldridi;o, have dedicated to the City of laducah certain strips of -round in the afoilesaid Llock for use as public ii alleys in consideration of the n.,_-rncm.­nt of the City of Paducah to close the alleys described in the aforesaid jud.-ment. Adopted on call of the ?oll, 'feet;, Corluli...;jlloner. 7n r- th Abell, ellen, 7.*annin and I:nyor iro Tom Johnston (4). Co=.isc,oner Allan offernO rr)*­oh that the rezi-nation of Tt:ndy .7nith as a ,eoineon "ousinz: Coi-ni Of the City aFoducah "unicipal sated Au,-.u.qt IC, 19.,3, ,,,a an accepted. Z0pt0d on call of the Roll, '--eai, Co­­dscionoi--_ i.tipli, 11-n, ;:a: -,n -in and :-ayoz- '210 Tom Johnston (4). C` cy ConIssionor :annin o7'arad m _.- motion that the Onrd of Coi%,�nizialon _•a receive, f.1j.- and ar:.rove the Coz—octiid COrtifientc Of InMu'ancO D91"lled by the ,arl:alty romrany covering the period from January 12, 19•i0 to January 19, nio, ',II0tcct_!r,,' tLe City of :educate with respect to work Zone by :,,. C. Jennings. AZopted .:a 11 aril ,.�:a call Of the 7107.1, Ycas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, ; :Ini yorro 7aln Jahns t: M. .'I,o "am Johnston o'forod motion that exoneritiona ?:o_-. IZ,_CS to ­c^Ivel n:i,,. filed and that tile a Ou n a on nald exonerations. Dns have chccicd ani! arc '110 t: a accorl"In nn belief. n c d City _ no vc, '.:k In ntw t:: t;. Proceedings of 7-2 of Commiao ionera City of Paducah "C"t 24, 1093 Tayor iro ^em Johnston made the following apPointtnont: I hereby appoint l"illiam "aril,] Creer, Henry ', hitloer, Freston Kennedy, arl Lovvo, :;ay Jacobi, Downy :lyre, ,.. •^o ':henas, ,.Ts. John '.:i^'.cloy, ':'red I:n:•fan, Louis I:irchoff, Rudy i- fierce, IrO ;tcrl nu r„, .. ;reen and Fran:. Gholson to serve as mombers of the =fro Preventio and or inch co:- :ittec to 'rav r,harge of the grogram and odtleatienal r -I -n in fire p• cvention and f iro protection wore Burin^ the ::'self of October 3 to tl c: a'.�oint 'rillian _a•-r.,^,on to act as Chairmnr of oaid comnittae. r, =_o _bhnston mado the follo::.rinr„• appointT:ent: I hereby a�aoint m C. the Cit of Feducah I:uric_pal cousin- Cor17iosion to _... x Tandy .:nith .. n __si ned 2,urust lc, 1943. .^,irned: Stuart Johnston "ayor Ire Tem i' Com_;i^lions^ .:bell off red mot:.on that the Board of Cwa issioners approve the actioi If' ^,tuart Johnston, :a,vor ?ro Tem, anpointinC. '.iilliam Larson, 'scold freer, ifcnry 1 tlo;v, P:•eston ^ennedy, Fart Lovvo, Ray Jacobs, =e++oy "Payne, Oeor o Thomas, i.irs. Joh *','I ,' -.-,,y, `red I,.orZan, Louis 'Circho£f, Rudy Pierce, Lars. sterling -lery, R. V. r..ien and to sovve as m=x;bers of the :'ire revcntion '.7celc Committee and also his _....'nt of :illisn Lamson to servo as Chairman o; said co:^nittce. Adontod on cal e” -o",I, .eco, Conn'saioners Abe -_l, Allen, 'tannin and :'ayx, .1i•o Ton Johnston (4). ..Loll offered the folle•ain,; motion: I move t!iat tl.e Board of COmm- a ?rove the action of :,tliart Jot.nston, .:a;ior -ro Ter-, a:pointir. :;uyno C. :._ __ t:: "_ e vacancy created on the City of Paducah :'.unicipal ::ouc n- ComzsisoIon _•ash natinr, o: .. Tandy .,:-ith, so that said board as now constituted l com-%osed of the tette:,_ members: (1) lone ?safe, ':a o_• and officio member (2) u....I:unal, Jr, .chose terra esDiroo July 22, 1210 (3) -.,nco :.oscott, .:hose tcrm,..1:11 1900 { C) lcuis 1-.cr t, Sr. , ,:hose tc. ;a 71 . ��'.,, , 1.07"1, ...,G t:) Caton :.:oao form o4. iroo 00-y , ^a'__. ell, ..,cac, : ...Inner. ,,,oll, ix1lcn, :'annin an!'. Iaycr !Ire _n ca entitled-. "A 1 i 3 n:it n i