HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 313, August 17, 1948.-ator line ?ln :;tr. ,t NO. .'113 Proceedings of oa'-',I of aommi: oionero City of Puducuh t 1'!, 1348 At a heCular Voc tin`• of the -card of Corgmia,ionera held In the Commir:rionero )t the City Nall, Paducah, Xentucky, at 7:30 P.M. on au;ust 17, 1343, Mayor Fr ....a Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the follouinC answered to their names: Co:m-lasionors Abell, Allen, :Tannin an -1 !'ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). o:ayor Peak boinC absent. ///Ii I'inutes of the previous neetin._• :ror.e adopted as read. j Oomissioner Ab --I1 offeree; the _'ollo•:•in` :-anon: T. S. Iiarmon, ioyd / I!yl� Elizabeth "armon, Carl ' ^urian, Darnell Cutton, T. 7. Lamplcy, :.'c.:c ill, Don I�I ",1•mon, C'1aI'1C3 L`o;;r1, file with the ::ayor and -:card of Commissioners a petition, roeresentinE that each of the above named parties is the o,.ner of the respective II property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the streets men- tioned therein; and said parties petition the -ayor and =card of Com•::isslonera to authorize the layinC of a G° :rater main slonC, Elm .street from 24th ltroet to :_'Lrd Street, a distance of approximately 5^0 feet. It anpoara from the endorsement by the :oard of Corm[issioners of the Paducah :'tater "arks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and requirements. I, 7HEI BOR3 7011E that the petition of T. It. Harmon and others named herein I� be received and filed and that the Paducah Yater :oras, throu;Eh its 'pard of Cor._missio. - II err, be authorized to lay said si:x inch main alonC Elr.. 3trcet iron 24th street to 23rd Street, _ r?iatance of approximately 500 feet, so as to provide crater service to the lots abuttin along am .Jtreet from 24th street to 23re! streat. ur, hor novo that the aGoption of this resolution and the Crantinr- of the request contained in said petition be conaidercd as an agreement on the part of the O1' Paducah to pay fire hydrant and mater main rental, as provided in the franc i on`the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to be^in ,,hcr said eater main has been laid and nater provided for on said --ln Jtreet from 24th Stro-t to 23rd :street, a distance of app:•oximately 500 feet. Adopted on call of' the I;oll, Yeas, Comxrissionors Abell, Allon, l.Ia❑nin and I`ayor Pro Tern Johnston (4). Commiaaioner Abell orfored the follo:ain_ motion: 1 rrovc that the petition of 7'121er and :3 fe, ^pal D. ".illcr residin^ on Lenton goad outsldo the corrorat a::cah, .nt::c7;y for aut"ority to connect to a privately 0:7ned ;rater line for :rotor service to the buile_n�• iccated on the property of sale n.ra t r_eci;: .n,: `ilea and that the rocucst in sa1C petition be {;ranted In in ^rantin^ the +•iv?e t «y .:_ Co^r:ia in s ei' -:,ter a ; e lief na, as ^nf sn. .10 :1 uch a: i^attaa shall t.e ed--"oftPr 3-101-1 • 0'r. 1,ry t') be served by the eater line to ! _ rnaa�iatn.^. .._ n inks or mndo n ;.art the Cit;; ^.. . . 1 aubscri: nervino at t>:a tt:: 'ity lira NO.— IProceedings of-- ' * ' __ ' -1 . �. ) ..; —City of Paducah—_:.i t 17, 194P -'n row v! —1: 11*1Y ln.(;r;'iro In any with n,z-,-I:, and dint-v­,ution of water the oar irate lImIt3 Of the City of !Ir -ted oI call Of tho Roll, Yeas, com-ni:inionor3 Aboll, Allan, 14innin and ir^ .,)hn.qton (11). J, 'len offered motion an follovis: Dr. J. :. 'Ailoy, o­.-nnr ')f I?n,7 = Ohio 3troot to "C" Aroot' a distance of !-hQ :'n:,o, n, -lourd of Comminaioncra a petition, :7*-. J. -nailey, In the o'::ner of the property referred to in said :tion; and said party petitions the ::ayor and :,'oard of Cormninnioner3 for the exton- sion of a — eater main alon^ South 22nd from Ohio 3troot to "C" Street, a d1.9- tnnee ,f a-.prox.rmtely 7^0 feet. poti-ioner Dr. J. :,. Eniloy, has raid to the Paducah arks one hundred and twenty-six dollars plus the Utility Tax of three dollars a !,-,t cents, bein7 the minimuhi charge for seven vacant lots for a period of ram the completion of the layins, of said nater main. It appears from the endorsement by the "Oord of Commissioners of the Paducah .7ater "'oris that said request and petition comply vilth the franchise provisions and r. rccuiren.ent3. 77LRIEFORE, '.'0VZ that the petition of Dr. J. N. 'alloy, be received and filed a.. that tho Fadumah r,star ­.'crIcs, throu7h its -Ioard of Commi::sioneri, be authorized to 1� ectend a O :rater main nionr: 3outh 22nC ;trect from Ohio .3trect to "C" .;treat, a dis- larce of ..imatcly 700 feet. — ',,rtho r move that t" adontf-on of this :•esolutlon and the :rantin,7 of the request contnincrl in nald petition be considered as an a.-rearient on the -,art of the -Sty of to ray the fire hydrant and i,:atar main rental as provided in the fran- ­izO, on tl,c line and connection referred to in the petition, nsjd rentc1la to '.':!.an 201- crater main has ':;can laid and .%,ster provided for on said section of from Thio to ,C" Street, S dl::tVlce Of 11pplInximately 700 feet. of the Roll, Yens, Comnicsioners Abell, ',Ilcn, Hannin and Mayor Pro rn:t -,n --annin notion as follows: Ill. T. nrfldford, :,on k*.reen, T. t C. ,rears. J. R. ;:pears Me :Pith the 7ayor and at each of the alove, nars:d parties cc t 1 r, r, referred to in naid petition a (I that a id "O'.101n, and naid parties ratitior. the .jor 17-71n:: of a " ':rater m r -'Jo main alon", �t t 53") f_ct. nf r rfiltla a nors of theUulucah '"U' VIP franchise provisions ani rind Others namel, herein t he 0 7: e u h Ito jearo of 0,m- h•1 -ng aim .3treet from 24th street ,o f"'t, TTOVI") wf.,tor Bar`::. NO. v1:J Proceedings of -card of Cote^ is r. iloners City of Paducah Aucus t 17, 1946 i said water main has been laid and water provided for on said shit Street from 24ti! btreet to 25th Gtroct, a diatnnce of approximately 550 fact. Adopted on call of the u9 -oll, 'Yeas, Cor-iesion^rs Abell, Allon, Hannin and :'ayor Pro Ton Johnston (4). ling �'i sor=issioncr ::a : a :i"_n o_rerc;i t%e follosinS motion: The Paducah Laaball Aasocia- ai 1"ia_'_ tion, Inc., o^mer of n:operty located aloe_- "C" Street from South 32nd Jtroet south, a distance of several hundred feet, file with the Mayor and ward of Commissioners a I petition, representing that the Paducah Lasoball Association, Inc., is the o.:nor of the property referred to in said petition; and said party petitions the t:ayor and =card of Cor. i-sioners for the extension of a 6" crater main alonC "C" Street from South f2nd Street to a point approximately 720 feet South or South 22nd Jtreet. IIFetitioner Faducah Laseball Association, Inc., has paid to the Paducah 'later Norka ono Ihundred and twenty-six dollars plus the Utility Tax of three dollars and seventy-eicht I cents, being the minimum char -e for seven vacant lots for a noriod of two � years from the completion of the layin^ of said water main. It appears from the endorsernont by the =card of Co-mmissioners of tic Faducah .'atr,•'.:ar'.a that ss i:? request and petition comply with the franchise provisions and requirements. ::0'.'7 that the petition of The Paducah 'iaseball Association, Inc., be received and filed and that the Paducah ';:ator '•tor::s, throu_h its -oard of Commissio ors, be authorized to extend a C" crater main aloe^ "C" street from .;ouch ^2nd street south, a distance of a-proxinately 720 feat. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the `rnntin of tiro request contained in said petition be considered as an a-rcement on the part of the ;ity of Faducah to pay the fire hydrant and :-rater main rental, as provided in the i franchise, on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said ro::tals to : NO. Proceedings of 'o` 'n 1' City of Paducah a1^us t 17. 10•i v ..•o Johnston o-ered t`.e followinC motion: 1 move that the letter of o" tho ':om^n'n Club requestin.- oorr,i-sion for the Club to eonduct an ant_cue o.-.."cithout nein, voquirn-' .o pay a liceroo fco .:c rocelvod an' fi It e':earn;- ,hat all of the proceeds recolvcd from the aa:id antique s",o;, :;ill 71aritaLle a d e9ucationaI c,-u•poses; furl".er move that the '.';Oman's Club and those partic:Ipatin in said show be •:er•rl '-cm 1_1,c ra,%nent of any occupational license tax impooed under the license tax _.... , for c')nluctin- said s',o:•r for a period of three days. Adopted on call of th o'.', _oda, Com:rissioners ,.bell, i.11en, :iannin and L',ayor 2ro Tom Johnston (4). J ;rgr ro ^em Johnston offered nation that the Loard of Commissioners receive _'c _.=ication iron the .City O FDCUC3h emnloyecs Local ;1116 affiliated _ 'In -ion oz' tate, County anr'. :;uniclpal cmnloycas A.F. of L. of :1 Of of .a' ca:'scoot _2oart. Int are mombors, in which they _..crease in .,:aCcs 'uo to the continued incrcaa.ino in livinz costs 4 :^ptcd on . _..._ o" :loll, Yeas, Comr:i oioners Abell, r.11en, ?iannin and :a; or Iro To Johnston (4). c:oh / s; -or .ro Tom Johnston made the follor:in ap^ointment: ✓ term of office of Dr. G. B. Donoho as a member of the Loard of Par'.c Coran- __ ❑ ! Lite) hnvirr, ex*aired on ::u_ust11, 1945, 1 hereby reappoint the said Dr. :• as a member of said board for a further term of five (5) years :;ii;ned: Stuart Johnston i i'ayor Pro Tem _ s_oner ':annin of_'ered motion that the =card of Commissioners approve the :-a;•)r .r-1 Ten by rearpointin^ Zr. C. ii. Doncho to servo as a member of ?ar' ^.0=ni^sioners (Wr Itc) fol• n further term of five (5) yearn beLinning L , 1p2a, so `hat said board as noir constitutc,l shall bo conposed of the o:;i rchgff ;v!¢ono term -_-rives Au,ust 11, 1029 `arlvs ,nlovelde whose term cxnires AuDunt 11, 1050 11, 1951 1, 1952, and -us t 11, 1953 _.n`ra Abell, Allon, :tannin and :.:oyer fro {ed;