HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 310, August 10, 1948-- Proceedings of _ - - `' -�"` c Citg of Paducah -1 11:'L 10, 19.48 At a 3ogular :' etin- of the --card of Commiaaionors held in the Commi:,sioners' II .........r at the Cit;, Hall, Faducah, l:cntucky, at 7:3o F.::. on %,u,uat 10, 1943, I:ayor Pr ¢ 1 bnston p•er.ida:i and upon call of the Roll the followinS anaworcd to ti:air names:I :Izzlonoro ,L -all, Allen, :?annin and Itayor Fro Toni Johnston (4). ,11nutes of the previous m-etin� ::ere adopted as read. nc % Co=..ios!oner Allen o'_'fered notion that the petition of 3....-rlair for per- mission to connect a 3/4 inch line to the 2 inch line of Levi r,%nner and others so as to furnish :rater to one residence Icnorm as Lot 9 Block 13, Rowlandtown Addition, be received and filed and that the-eeuest petitioned for theroin be 7ranted. It is understood, ho:r?ver, in ,ranting the nrivile_ge souvht in said petition neither the City of Paducah, nor the C=risaionora of ;•rater .":orka shall be oblicated to `Au;; said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obliCation stall be contained �.. be impliee he-eafter shoul•� the territory to be served by the ::eater line to be laid t:^',;r the authority !-:rein recueoted be taken into or made a part of the City of ''., c a h. It is furt•r•or understood t`:at the petitioner r:_ll otvbscribe for :rater servcce ates g or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers nocutoide the oil _ _ta any. subject in a'_1 res,ecto to the rules and roCula tions of the City of raducah .. its Cossiscionera of '.:ate±• :'or'ss which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. :'othin; in the -rantin_ of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or ;issioners of ^;ater .:oris to Zuaranteo water pressure or service, and said rater :._71^.e may to discontinued throu.-h said pipe line at any time when in the judg- -t Of ro•c-.ina!oners of steer l:orks the furniahin,, of water to the petitioner or :ccosoora in u nership of the property owned may interfere in any mise with the surely and distribution of :rater inside the corporate limits of the City of Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners dball, Allen, Iiannin and _n John3ton (4). ^,c^:icsioner 'snip offered motion t hat the petition of Lo±•on Jones, . _. n:,! rrifn:, Cra ^oli;:htly, and T. .:;a'.lar nml wife, Lucille :;alley, for -._t, ._ la,r -onotruct ::at^. nine linea fai• tho pur.-ase of ;ras.•iin. ^ntor to _ .1n^ lora ..n ..:a ..,noct!ve rroporty of :....ColiZhtly a:;.1 Ifo, nn: Lucille l;allor, be r'lcoived and riled and rct'tioc--anted in accordance :rith the torna let forth in ,-ar.-e.st:; _.. ,atin„ the privilege sau,.ht in aair. pot!tion �^ ; ,•::ca", n_:nioners of tater Tor:cs shall be awl' -sted jI tr ':uy nal 17ins nr ar . - no •±uch oL; ination shall Le contained .. .. a!ned er 4e 9.a �., f.�. ^ter at ;r `. - served by the water line to be laid "!"'t o: tbo "ity of ra uc ..ai..,r,;•i;, :'orwater service t na, rers outsile the j n; ,>^ the Clty of f _,. Myrein•,rt�,r NO. I Proceedings of n' ^ o' ''- "'=OnPI's City of Paducah Av-in t 10, 1043 and distribution of rater lnoido the cdrparate limits of the City of Faducah. Adopto,l on call of the ::0'.1, yeas, Cortuisainnera Abell, Allen, Un-nin =1 '"ay or .ro '_'on Johnston (4). ofer Ccrr- Commiasionor Lannin offered motion tln t the City of Paducah approve the transfer lot to ....:'asscy of the Fist. rear half of Lot ;;-3051, .n clock '.a. 20 in Oak -,rove Cemetory from T. �. ire -O:;e -arcllaae ✓ _blephones Prohitited streets, etc. Refuse Coll- ection Order "lec- tion ! wairlei_h, (a sin -le person) to Ti. ... :•:assey. i He further moved that the City Clarlt be authorized to make the proper notation on the Cemetery Register. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commis a loners :+bell, p .;lion, ra^nin and ;.1ayor Pro ':'em Johnston (4). rorminsioner Allen offered motion'1iat an ordinance entitled: "A:I OPrJI:::1r!^E 71 ACCEFPA;:C?r 0i7 T;z�'s GID OF TrL ?L-:iftiY A. PETTBR SU�FLY CO1Mk"r.:.-ti c'Oi? 7tiE T i-iC:.A3P. C ' 1000 _ ••"r 07 TAROT;.' Y IRn 1103E FO THE SUI: OF .;1.24 PER FOOT, TRE FURCEASE 'ICE T=: :'ri: _ � PMD I:I CA:;"-: P'1MCRI-I'IC T'U' u^: C AND rONDITIO?:3 Ui DER "":ICH ..."r?. .....L .. ..�T':O-tT_- ..0 T=: -.._,: OR, ,,:E _`.A'0 PRO 10,1, TO ..AID If03E", be adopted. Adopted on call of Roll, 'rear, Corrnissioners Abell, Alen, Hannin and Payor Pro Tem Johnston (4). / Commissioner Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitled; AN ORDIVA:CE v ro^•_- -mTrrr, 7,:E INSTALLATION OR USE OP TaL: P:T0:ds3 C:I F :Y STRa^ET, SIDEWALK, OR Pu-.T.1C :76Y OF uOSE `YL2IESS.L,!i, LP^, OCCUPATIO'I On 'IF,ADE, FI:{x:!^ 7ZE PEaALTY FOP, ANY VIOLATION TFSREOF, A:;D FROVIDIffiC A -EVERAEILITY CLAUSE", be adapted. Adopted on call of the Roll, areas, Commissioners Abell, :.Ilan, ;Iwnin and !,:ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4). "ayor Pro -em Johnston o'fered motion t hat an ordinance entitled: �r PI L TION LY 'Ifil' gUALIFIED VOTERS O PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO : C TIO:I DAY, lCVE. 32 2, 1040, TO DETE Ii, rHETH-I R Ti CIT", _L L0::.,3 ( AID C1,7_1 ,.:.:OU:I^.II:U " . 95,000, AT A'1 ,0- , 0: it _....._-. .,. .,., .'t..,I:�IaG _...,., TO AC:.'IaE L. .�_a.,E, .. ::i,S , 07L0.,.... R.iT_ E il',I, C".. _..1 ......_ . ...:... : .ii i .'. J...,!.V;. ,_...1-:.,t. . - ..... . _....., �.. ._� Iii nr7 ..�. '..- ...D> a ..... ... ,� I ,JUE; d :l v O' _ L ?AID F?0'. :!D t . CIN 0 remain on file for public innrect ion ono i1) r:ec:c in the l* 'I'l be put upon its ,ins'_ - .::a a. !.')at on call o.^ the '1 an,] Allen (:;), Teas, Co-- __,:ioner ';.Innis ar,:l :'a;or .notin I i Proceedings of City of Paducah 10. INC .7 iL --7 be introduced :Ifile for c.u'-,Iic inspection until the transfer of funds as herein providel acn nub 11 - shed as reqi,.1rod by lav; and shall be out upon its final passage Lost Commissionora Abell and after such pu�;Ilcstlon. on call of the Poll, 'Naya, Allen (2), Yeas, Comn:issioner Fannin and '."syor Pro Tem Johnston (2). COM=i3aionar Abell offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A'N ORD.E-'A:xt rc•77?77^:' Z, A' 01 RDIXA:,CE ....TITLED: 'A:,' ORDEIA.'CE FIXING THE AiPPORTIO'.'IZEI'N'T W 7 02 TIT CITY OF PADUCAII, KENTUCTY, FOR TU YEAR 1948 AND APPROPRIATIITG 7" -... -, 0- 7!F GIVf TO SUCH PURPOSES I , *.'IIIICH ',7AS ADOPTED L 11 TI:U, 27. 1943; A'?D T. -M 'MA NZ'ER OF A:,'.OUNTS 7- :,Cl- :T::;. 7-7'9MI SAID OI[DI!!A:,",E, A;,D 3FECDTII3 T11.% ..-_L ':_ U3ED", be introduced and remain on file for -iblic ins- ection until the transfor of funds as herein provided shall have been published as required by la,.*,, and shall be put upon its final passage after such publication. Adopted on call of the 'loll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Fannin, an3 'Yayor Fro Ton Johnston (3), Conmisoioner A" --len On notion the n-etinG ac'Ourned. /: 1948 A 71yor 1rVrem ^Ity'Clerk.'Commissioner