HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 31, March 25, 1947NO. 31 Proceedingi o :card of Con -kiss loners CitypfPaducab. "arch 25th, 1547 "a"O. ou:ajdj the Citr 1,1mit;j of j,aduc or c..ncd water line of, f,endron Co crani '--QtOr A:;-locitition stmt to -Mid Petitioner as in said Petit'lon to ic -ranted an to %hc t.at0 1, th. however, that in grant ln,,es -,t In .;alld sou j t a I "Pil h no"' the loners vs a.,, , to,. "Or"S Uhrtll L -U nll-i r.0 suet: r)j 1 1. anon hut l.h territory to Le served L,.; .,.e ..a tar line 111tOoil madl,� al' the It I.- tr. -3,.,;.1 thht 4'erv'" &" rets cr')T- hlre*fter water rvir. n all reapn,:t.; Std —einafter HU Ata 7 lost no Repular L:eetln,� of the board of Comnisaloncra hold In the Comm o r :hamLer at the City fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.?% on ;,!arch 25th, 1917, mayor Beaton p-,,c--IIcd and upon call of the Loll the follovilri-j, Answered to their names: Co-nmissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ",illiams and Wayor Seaton (4). Commissioner aims bein7 absent. '.,*.Inutos a,,' the previous meeting were adopted as read. 1-ubllc Liahility Commissioner offered motion that the Certificate of insurance n,licy-Renewal �'-nnis Larkins shov;ln. the renewal of the public liability policy issued to Tennis F- Valeria Larkins And/or the City of Paducah for a period of one year from "arch 18th, 1947, as required under the provisions of an ordinance adopted by the -card of (,omyt.i3s loners on �PptcmLe P4, , 1 , 04" 6, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens, Comnl3sloncra !III-riedlander, Johnston, '.7illiams and L:ajor Seaton (4). lay 8*1 rain on 11 Commissioner '-Villiams offered the following motion: It appearing from North 8th 3t 11 instead of Ii information received by the Commissioners of .rater �.OrLs of Paducah, Kentucky that on water main i Ij 3eDtember 11, 1945 authority was .-ranted to such commissioners to lay a six inch water IJ :rain on :worth 8th Street from Terrell Street Southeastwardly a distance of approx- !mately 400 feet; and that said main has not been laid; and that the Commissioners of 'ater ;orks have requested that they be permitted to lay an eight inch water main instead of the 6 inch water main above referred to; and it further appearing that the territory which trould be served b;� jald 8 inch water main is in the vicinity of the I proposed construction of the Magnavox Factory, I move that said request be -ranted; J an d that the commissioners of ',star "'ork3 be authorized to lay an OlCht Inch water main on ;.orth 3th .street 1'rom Terrell Street Joutheastwardly a distance of approximate:4c0 feet instead of the six inch main authorized September 11, 1945. I further move khat the adontion oj- this resolution and the Cranting of the request of the -ommic3ioners of ;atcr �.orks to considered as an agreement on the part at the City of Paducah to pay the fire hydrant and water main rentals as provided in the franchlae on the Pipe line referred to in the request. .3uch rentals to Lc.•I n whon the water nnin has leen laid and water provided for On said section of !:Orth Cth trent. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, rommlosioners 1,riedlarider, Johnston, n 'Illinns I)ffered notion that the petition of J. F.. :jaya, "a"O. ou:ajdj the Citr 1,1mit;j of j,aduc or c..ncd water line of, f,endron Co crani '--QtOr A:;-locitition stmt to -Mid Petitioner as in said Petit'lon to ic -ranted an to %hc t.at0 1, th. however, that in grant ln,,es -,t In .;alld sou j t a I "Pil h no"' the loners vs a.,, , to,. "Or"S Uhrtll L -U nll-i r.0 suet: r)j 1 1. anon hut l.h territory to Le served L,.; .,.e ..a tar line 111tOoil madl,� al' the It I.- tr. -3,.,;.1 thht 4'erv'" &" rets cr')T- hlre*fter water rvir. n all reapn,:t.; Std —einafter HU Proceedings of "o­,--A,-.,._=1­,1n City of Paducah "arc`' 2.5'!' • [hinC in the -ran! In- of thia petition shall obli,nte the Clty of Faducat its '". :i:::;oners of ,'later :oras to t-uarantee water ressuro or service, ind said ta:• service ms;; ba di::continued throurh said Pipe line or any part thereof at any -vhen in the judgment of the Commissioners of "utev '!'or s the furnishin_ at' water to t•c petitioner or his successors in owner -ship of the property owned by him may interfere in any zisc :vith the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the cerrorate limits of the rity of Foducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comnissloners Friedlander, Johnston, "iilliams and trajor Seaton (4). r, 7 ^ommi:rsioner Johnston offered the folldw.'inf, motion: John C. 'Posey having r ! s r. analied to the City treasurer for a refund of ?7.00 for building permit ,i7226 obtained on Febr•tary 1^th, 1947, art? 1t appearing that the sold John C. Posey does not expect to exercise the privilege conferred under said permit Ly constructin a building•, at HCl ?entacky Avenue. 1. therefore move tint the City Treasurer bQ authorized to cancel said cermit and to refund the fee for some to John C. ropey. Adopted on call of the Roll, ? Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and t.:a•yor Seaton (4). -.Hewn / Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners ?,cwcr ^onnec- receive and file the Agreement signed by C.F.Haws in consideration of a permit granted t tor. to him by the City of laducah to connect to the comi,ination sewer in the intersection of 8th and Furnett Streets. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ?111lisms and G:a_ror 'Seaton (4) ,ell lot to� ✓ Commissioner Priedlander offered the follosing motion: 'ar: i:a`%ins 711?'r_'KEAS, on rebruary ?5, 1948 the !card of Commissioners adopted an ordina outhorizin^ the sale to Flanch Clue for the sum of ;30.(0 Lot 17 in lock 5 of the re -survey of :locl: 4, :'ineral '.ells Addition, said lot being located on the ':eat aide @ of "Hier ;treet-, and, J the aair? :•;lanch L1ue paid .,,10.00 on said lot Lut has failed arid refuser? ,_ _. l:alanne of said ,>urchase price; and, rl iro^.:cans ton of'£erod to nurchaso avid lot 1'rorr the City for .ofcre .rove that the ^Ity Treasurer do directed to refund to Planch " ..nt made I/ her on said lot, and the Corporation Counsel in _1:rected to .re nre for introduction at the next meeting; an th, cn)e o;' as1! int to earl iiop;tlns for the sum of .,30...0 cash. p17., gra, Cc;r:,inslon^_rs Friedlander, Johnston, .allia:ga ural a 7'_d not Ion: 7 . ...... At-., _�. .., :.oru•d -,f r:a:.i::alonera Ix;uac' a rr.otlan ' T7'3 c ._..i:r „-,.fntly, ,'or tt•e awn of • r.. a .. ' # _ _. 'I,^tor art: antt:orLln i{ "1eI d ? _tncu t� a ••, ani++•: AN 'ie:f,U_i, it is rteuir-! tt'irtr ■aparate dse,Ss of •mrve>srr.�, to /-. .•- ., ... .. -.,i ;•:1Fr a lir..:. Post Yet out of t rLlswea2 ezrrer of n,..: . ..Hyde i _ lot out of :arat as td let. U Proceedings of i said of romnisa loners City of Paducah ;,arch 25, 1947 It is therefore ordered that ul:on tho execution by :L.H.Hydo and Eu_ -one cutler e of an frreement csneellin.^, the original deed executed to them jointly, that the City Clerk be authorized to execute separate deeds of conveyance to said cemetery property. �!Adopted on call of the Poll, -less, Commissioners ?riedlander, Johnston, .':illiams and "a -or Seaton (4). Attorney for :ayor ;eaton offered notion that the letter of the City '•tanager recommanding Alcoholic Be 1. A�iniristrato the employment of an attorney to serve as the Alcoholic Eeverago Administrator • '"�• I letter of the City of Isducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roil, Yeas, Con7issloners Friedlander, Johnston, '7:illiams and lrayor Seaton (4). Report o: L% yor Seatin offered motion that the the Report of the Loard of Equalization Loard of aualization for the year 1947 be received, filed ane spread upon tie minutes. "REPORT OF c0ARD OF E'wUALIZATION OF THEE CITY Or PADUCAH i I! The Loard of Equalization of the City of 'isducah for the year 1947, respectfully submits to the Loard of Commissioners of said City the followin. report: The Board has compared the real estate assessments for the year 1947 i(1) with the plat Looks of said city and as far as it vias possible to do, has caused every parcel of real estate in the city to be assessed for taxation. (2) The :oard has increased or decreased assessments on like property in order t^ make all assessments uniform or has placed a true value on all property. No assessments have been chan.ged by erasure, and all chanEes in assessments have Leen mode in appropriate columns provided for that purpose in the assessment books, and in ink of a color different from that used by the City Assessor, has been aced by them. The f•oard has completer) its work of equalizing assessments and a proper -ntry has been made in the assessment b:o'.: shoeing each and every increase and decrease made by them. (3) All complaints made against assessments have been heard and determined. (4) The city Assessor is directed to prepare for the Loard upon the assess- ments sho,.n in the assessment book and upon the assessments entered by them in said coos, a statement shorting the Gross assessments of real property and of personal property, and the total of both, and the increase or decrease made by the =oard in the total assessment, Ly each member of the Loard of 3qualization and filed as required under the !:revisions of the Kentucky ;revised Statutes, 92.440. (54 The _oard hos remained in session as loni; as the business of equalizing nosesni:ents has regaired, and by the unanimous vote of Its members, has formail,; cdjourned as of this :ate, F..arch 2, 1947. ((i (f) The Loard wishes to express its appreciation for the cooperation l;ivon them !'isa !.'ab_1 vroutman, V y t're Clty Assessor, in all natters pertaining, to the aasesa,ent of property. '"Iss 'iroutman gave the Loard invaluable assistance and "' O,?rves to be co,.rmFndod. L (7) i-• testimony whereof, era have hereunto subscribed our names this the srch, 1947. :,ode iarton, CIle Irma n George Laker, Clerk r N. Rawl Inja, �lhrerlff r ninllzntion of the ^.ity of Paducah, NO. Proceedings of City of Paducah Mirch f5, 1047 "arch '5, 1947 yososzarfs motsl or. 3e,91 _state Improvement Increase t:; foard 328,305. ecrerse " W, 5,075. rense by Foard 323,910. !'EAL SSTATE A: IMPROV! -t Z�;T.3 (_'DLL RATE) :15,918.500. 'otal on Personal Property 4,456.475. oard 170,495._ TiTY 71 HATE) 4,626,970. T-4 .:`,ZMAL ?ROFOVKC (1-VILL RATE) :20,545,550. Dord's cross Incresne on Real '..state �-- imp. rer3o- nal Property 3rosS Tnerease, Total -oar,!vs Eros !ecrease on Real "tote 323,305. 170,495. 44,480. 5,075. 494, 405. ARY ATE (...LL IATE)-30. 15, 918, 5C 4,62G, 970. i"OPERW (F,;L-11 -iATE) ;:20,545,550. RATE) 65,390. 384,300. 203,293. --oard of Eqializotion .-n,je 7n,tnn an Zheriff ;cr, C a v!,. 11 Comr.i.;-.3 ioners Fr, ledinnd r Johnaton, -.1111ams nn ✓ -.n 01"for.—I -.ot !on that the letter of the lion. john S. Cooper, 7 1r, -n h I c h he o a rz the scrvIcC3 of his office In facilitating anj 't j 01 Ard 3,-encics of the iladeral CovernmetiL, Le Of the ROIl, Y Os, Comml-,slonors eriedl&rder, %t; the letter of the 'aducah n In t1v3 amount of Q:"Ur "'n :nf-Ir'! .,f' receive andi NO. Praceedinssof-1-1 o:' In!,IS0101101's CifyqfPaducah- "arch 25, 1-1Z/ L.r',11l lo,;:; o!'rnrod motion that an ordinance entitled: 5,%, 's L 'Ti' AT 209 .;OL-1J 7.,.11:7 '1' 11; 'f Ob ZADkXAI, A--'.13 02 U-, A., A -SaO GAR LOT iOlt EiZ 1047, -;T-'T.;1' !.,:IWITAL W - Pi.!', I-Ort "AID W; --i O�-t :,2 rj,p,, '111 7'.ICOTE A7.D r�r�'LIVMI i, LTA.;Z TO Ce adopted. Adopted on call :the T:ol I, 'less, ro,ininslorior.- i,'riedlander, Johnston, li,-.ms and -aror .;eaten (4). Alcobol is Commissioner 'XIlIiam3 offered motion that an ordinance ontltled: 0' D1:;­;cI Z;--0TI0:S 24 OF AiI ORr1N.':jC-11 E:.`TIT'-M: I.:: L. P!:; 11111AT!7?0 Or LICET,-'JhC".. ;7-JLI:T�, DI.;IEj -;!!:C, '.:A:;U AC7-i:..: D : wli,1.1:10 IN ALCOHOL C ALT :.RAGES 1-17E 1.�Z CITY Or PADUCAH, KISNIEUCK Y, UND0Z MID YURSJAi;T 10 a X 0-, ,',LY OF ME COI7;ON.,EALTH OF KENTUCKY -i]):IPIMD AT ITO REGULAR SL i0.. 106k IALCOH^LIC BEVERAGF COUMOL LAIXI , REGULATI,;: WE Ll-i Ov• LLLi:: Y, 7.INE, BEEE A) OTHER ALCOHOLIC APIC MALT FEVERAG-!�; -- -0, IDL.. I iY ALCOHOLIC ELIVLRAGE AD;'l.,IJTRATOfl .'0 LE Ai 101:. '-U TO -D7.'I':ISTCR AND ENFORCE ','HE 1 RO% 131ONS HFhEOF BOR CITY C!. THE I-UNII::FT:ENT ;OR T.12 VIOLATION OF THE PROVISION,; HETHOP; A-M EEFEALING ALL OIZINWICL laID PAI �T.; C.-' OMMAN'C Ej IU CCINI'l-ICT ICH ;Az' i.D0F1':;D i:'[ TITE LOARD OF 0'1 ';.'Af 14th, 1940, A:-Tj A--T::DLD O'.T 3rd, 1946", be ad-pted. -)pted on call of the Roll, Yons, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 'alliums and -n:-or ea ton !,:e 'a yor Zea t7,n offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "A. c. j;, I !::C -.:P, FLAT 0. s7 -;UEDIVISJO"i 0'., P.'C)P,-RTZ LOCA::--D AT T;.-7 A JO:,'z:Z; 3TREET4 I:,- F.iDXA11, NENTM-C, '.-.'-IrH &3 ACCEPTED L f 830 r01.2fEjSIO.'q L'r Illu -,IN -L RE, ORT '-,OPTED 0,1 ..:ARCH 21, 1947", be opted. Adcpted on call of the Roll, Yess, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnat:in, .11lions and Noyor Seaton (4). Anticipated g Commissioner Williams offered motion that the Statement of Anticipated Revenues Revenue II submitted by Mr. Chas. A. Williams, Honorable City Manager; said Statement showing the estimated revenues of the City of Paducah from all sources during the f local year 1947, with comparative Statements In parallel columns of the taxes and other revenues for the current and next preceoding fiscal year be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the poll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Will lama and ?Mayor Seaton (4). ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1045 1045 1946 1946 1947 Anticipated Collections Anticipated Collections TAXF3 current Year Real & Personal 249175.71 P39227.97 293703. 00 283528.03 287G37.70 Discount-17urrent Year -5000.00 -3094.02 -4000.00 -3766.813 -4000.00 Franchise 57673.-1-3 03156.60 73000.00 70157.19 68924:85 Prior Y'.8-3 22000.00 13491.31 20000.00 16085.12 15000.00 ToLacco 430.38 4350.38 1'`81.69 381.70 300.00 i Fen -, I n t 9 Adv 11000.(Y) 8344.51 9000.00 9301.5.3 8000.00 1-0119 7500.00 7402.50 7400-.00 7191.00 7400.00 Far-'& Sheres 715.60 ?15.06 679.82 679.02 600:00 Totals 342405.57 340574.37 400244.41 384000.56 383862.35 :. 11 r -_1;.S E3 cccuratlonal -'Inze 74':0 r .:0 81!i54.86 83GOO. Auto & ;� r1t) ty,1416. 44 97000.00 ..,uzk :.,ctnias 21c,->i.orj 1:944.20 22000.00 217,25.47 22000.00 Dog 71cenae3 7CO,r,O 652.00 7CC.30 1131.20 i2O0.00 W,t.; Fike 1: vtrcycle 14.0030 4O . OG � 250. 1v 723.65 1000.00 1�35.50 3000.00 NO. :5 Proceedings of Coard of Commissioners City of Paducah March 25 1.94 Fanalties-Licenses 1200.00 912.45 1000.00 1427.57 ,1400.00 6:arket rouse Rents 2200.00 2618.46 2500.00 3112.22 3000.00 Electrical inspections 600.CO 866.50 1000.00 1967.00 12000.00 Totals 99950.00 107186.12 111250.00 125802.70 129640.00 1800.00 POLICE COURT & ETC 1102 Corminaioners Salary 6000.00 1112 City Clerk -Salary Fines & Cost 18000.00 22042.00 23000.00 39193.75 25000.00 1199 Rentals 960.00 872.00 850.00 937.50 1900.00 Oak Grove Cem-Lot Sales 1200.00 3050.00 2500.00 2157.00 Secretary - Salary 2100.00 Oak Grove Cem-Burial Pemmits 2000.00 2592.00 2400.00 2011.00 1273 11500.00 1500.00 Swimming Pool Collections 6000.00 6786.00 6500.00 8934.91 7625.00 9000.00 wharfage 24.00 24.50 25.00 .00I 1440.00 .00 Street Dept 750.00 223.30 250.00 1559.45 Total Legal Department i1000.00 'disc. Receipts $- Refunds 10000.00 5477.60 29840.27 25816.88 1500 3500.00 City Scales 350.00 370.62 370.00 849.25 370.00 Parking Lot .00 .00 .00 .00 13350.00 800.00 Parking Meters .00 .00 1000.00 .00 Tota'_ , a-Isnications t.: Utilities .00 Cash Surplus .00 .00 12000.00 .00 26970.72 Totals 39284.00 41438.02 78735.27 81459.74 70540.72 .700.'-0 Totals (Grand) 481729.67 498298.51 590229.68 591323.00 594043.27 "'e-: orery Fersc-r, Parking Meter Surplus e_ -::ages 5%0.60 X2450.00 Farking Neter 1947 Anticipation 4550.00 $�3I75�3"2"'i Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners Receive, file and spread upon the minutes the budget prepared by Mr. Chas. A.7Jilliams the City Manager for the year 1947, said budget showing in itemized form the appropri otions recommended by him for payment of current expenses and for permanent improvements for each department and each division thereof for the fiscal year 1947, with comparative statements in parallel columns of the appropriations and expenditures for the current City 1:anagers . BudE.et :' and next preceeding fiscal year, and the increases or decreases in the appropriations recommended. I further move that copies of the aforesaid budget be made available for dis- tribution and that a public hearing be held on the said budget at the next regular meeting of the board of Commissioners on the let day of April, 1947, at 7:30 P.q. in the Commissioners Chamber at the City Hall. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Williams and Mayor Seaton (4). GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 "a yor-Salary 1800.00 1102 Corminaioners Salary 6000.00 1112 City Clerk -Salary 2100.00 1161 Adver;7ising 400000 1199 Election expenso 2000.00 11.00 Total Loard of Commissioners ;!15900.00 1203 City Mannger-Salary 5000.00 1'20 Secretary - Salary 2100.00 1?.59 Travelin^, Expense 50.00 1273 Office 3uppliea 475,00 1200 Total City 7anagara Office 7625.00 1308 Corp Counsel -Salary 3300.00 1315 Asst corp Counsel -Salary 1440.00 1320 1 ac retary-Salary 168.56 1300 Total Legal Department 4908.56 140E Clains t: Judgeents 0000.00 1500 Contingent Fund 3801.04 156 Telephone t- Telegraph 982.00 lE57 ?:a ter 40550.00 1.158 Li^ht P. Power 13350.00 1073 :ce _100.r,C 1'"tA Tota'_ , a-Isnications t.: Utilities G0302.00 17CO :n$11rar.ce & i":nd 1-reaiu s 46'.0.00 1800 vunlcipal Ortanizatl^.n ':es 400.00 i ZANCE 2105 City Treasurer -.._lacy .700.'-0 21F7 Deputy Treasure:a-.'Mary 4440.00 :145 "'e-: orery Fersc-r, e_ -::ages 5%0.60 No.__27 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah Marnh 95. 1947 2173 Office Supplies $3000.00 2190 Office Equipment 4035.00 2100 Total Treasurers Office $14675.00 2214 City Auditor -Salary 1680.00 2228 Bookkeeper -Salary 1500.00 2262 Audit Expense 2000.00 2200 Total -Auditors Office 5180.00 2313 Assessors -Salary 1960.00 2325 Deputy Assessor -Salary 1200.00 2326 Ed of Equalization -Salary 780.00 2346 Temporary Personnel Wages 300.00 2373 Office Supplies 700.00 2390 Office Equipment 1425.00 2300 Total-Assassors Office 6365.00 2416 Delinquent Tax Attny-Salary 1890.00 2467 Professional Fees -Bk Tax 4200.00 2400 Total Delinquent Taxes 6090.00 2596 Prin on Funding Bonds 39000.00 2597 Int on Funding Bonds 17612.50 2598 Bank Charges 200.00 2599 Int on Temporary Loans 100.00 2500 Total -Contract Debts 56912.50 PUBLIC SAFETY 3104 Police Chief -Salary 3000.00 3110 Asst Police Chief -Salary 2250.00 3121 Captains -Salary 13140.00 3122 Lieutenants -Salary 8280.00 3132 Sergeants -Salary 9750.00 3133 Jailer -Sola ry 1950.00 3134 Patrolmen -Salary 38360.00 7000.00 - for salaries of 10 patrolmen to be ass 3159 Traveling Expense 200.00 to maintenance of parking meters & tra 3164 Medical Expense 300.00 violation half time 3173 Office Supplies 100.00 3174 Gasoline 3075.00 3175 011 & Grease 425.00 3176 Identification Supplies 175.00 3177 Radio Maintenance 300.00 3178 Traffic System 185.00 3179 Jail Provisions 1600.00 3185 Xachina Parts & Assess 2025.00 3186 Materials & Supplies 1000.00 3191 Machine Equipment 1500.00 3100 Folice Department Totals 94615.00 3204 Fire Chief -Salary 3000.00 3210 Asst Fire chief -Salary 2250.00 3221 Ceptains-Salary 10950.00 3222 Lieutenants -Salary 12420.00 " 3223 Switchbd Operatora-Sal 5670.00 32.24 Mechanic -Salary 2310.00 3235 Firemen -Sal 52920.00 32.59 Traveling 3apense 100.00 3200 Laundry 310.00 3264 Medical Expenses 100.00 3273 Office Supplies 48.00 3274 Gasoline 416.00 3275 011 L, Grosse 91,00 3280 m re Alarm Systen 500.00 3285 !-Inch Parts P, Accessories 1500.00 328, !'aterinla & Supplies 2051.25 3291 I'actinn Liuir„ycnt 3200 mire Dept Totals 95436.25 3311 Alcoholic Admr-3slary 3317 Bldg Inspector -Salary 2100.00 3368 Electrical !nap. Fees 1325.00 ..373 Bldg Inapactor-Office jupp 25.00 3::74 06a0line-1-ldg 1napector 48.00 :370 To•al inspection D:pt 4414.66 3459 ;slice Jnd^e-Salary 3250.00 Sacretary-.salary 1110.00 -473 OZ.ice ,,.plies 200. G0 340{ ^eta!ialice Judge Office 4580.00 39 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah March 25, 1947 PUBLIC WELFARE 4166 T. B. Fund -Health Center 500.00 4167 Health Center -Operating App 4000.00 4192 Health Center -Building Lease 2369.67 4100 Total Health Center 6869.67 4200 Parks -White 24186.00 4300 Parks -Colored 3935.00 4440 Dog Catcher -Salary 1440.00 4463 Inoculation fees 450.00 4479 Dog Provisions 75.00 4455 Machine Parts & Access 200.CO 4400 Total -Dog Found 2155.00 4543 Incinerator Laborer -Salary 834.00 4544 Dump Watchman -Salary 264.00 4583 Incinerator Fuel 20.00 4500 Total Incinerator & Dump 1118.00 4600 D6nations Family Ser9ice 7500.00 Friendly Home-,'hite 1800.00 Friendly Home -Colored 600.00 Mothers Club 600.00 Settlement House 1500.00 Salvation brmy Sundry Donations 50.00 Total Donations 12050.00 4745 Social 7+orker-Salary 600.00 4759 Social Worker -!,ravel Ex 75.00 4764 Charity Cases 15000.00 4765 Pauper Burials 500.00 4757 Charity Physicians Sal 4440.00 4784 Chemicals & Drugs 240.00 4700 Total Charity Cases 20855.00 PUBLIC PRCPERTY & SERVICES 5141 Elevator Operator -Salary 1110.00 5142. Janitor -Salary 1110.00 5143 Fireman -Sal 420.00 5182 Cleaning Materials 200.00 5183 Fuel 1000.00 5187 Bldg Repairs 500.00 5100 Total -City Fall 4340.00 5282. Fire Station -Cleaning ;tat 483.60 5283 Fuel 350.00 5257 Eldg Repairs 1000.00 5200 Total -Fire Stations 1833.60 5300 Old Peoples Home 500.00 5482 Cleaning Materials 10.CO i 5483 bu'_lding Repairs 225.00 5437 Fuel 15.00 54:A 110tal 5... Dept Pldgs & Asphalt Plant 250.00 55 7 %ar%et :.'aster -?clary 1850.00 5536 Materials t. ;upplies 10.00 5500 Total Market House 1900.00 LF44 Tharf+cater-Salary 9CO.GO 5083 'Wharfs jol 15.00 5Efj7 Wharf Repairs 185.60 5•i CO Total=:hnr" 11GO.00 57C7 waigh:aater-Salary 1110.00 5773 C:'f ice Suppllea 25.00 57:3,.', Fuel 25.00 57^O Total -City Lea.le9 1160.00 5805 Cenetery-Supt-Salary 1830.00 °893 Laborers 7045.00 5374 •aaoline 125.80 59-75 011 P, -reaee 15. GC "c3 F.eating uel 120.005885 KaChiae Farts a.: Access 225.00 58Fe kateriais i 4.U;pliea 275.00 5867 Plda Repairs 539i Machine Equip 1-,O.f;G $300 I 73tal-Cerater7 9-1-15.00 E P►oceedin6s of Rnerd nr rn=is ai anera City of Paducah March ?5 1947 ' PUBLIC WORKS 6106 City Engineer -Salary 6119 Chief of Party -Sal 6120 Secretary -Salary 6129 Instrument t.:an-Sal 6130 Rodman -Salary 6131 Chainman-Salary 6159 Traveling Expense 6173 Office Supplies 6185 Machine Parts & Access 6186 Materials & Supplies 6190 Office Equip 6100 Total -Engineering Dept 1'6207 Street Supt -Sal 116219 Foreman -Sal 6224 Mechanics -Sal 6228 Secretary -Sal j 6236 Machine Operator -Wages 6237 Truck Drivers -Wages 6238 General Repairman -Wages 6239 Street Repairman -Wages 6243 Laborers j 6244 Watchman -Wages 6273 Office Supplies 6274 Gasoline 6275 Oil & Grease 6281 Paving Materials 6285 Machien Pts & „ccess 6286 Idaterials & Supplies 6291 Lachine Equip 6200 Total Street Department 1 6343 Sewer Laborers -Wages 6374 Gasoline 6375 011 & Grease P 6385 !dach Pts & Access 6386 .t% terials & Supplies 6300 Total -Sewer Department PUBLIC PROJECTS 7100 Yunicipal Housing Commission 7200 Veterans Housing 7300 Electric Plant board 7400 Airport 7500 Belt Line Highway Grand Totals 2580.00 2430.00 1290.00 2010.00 1500.00 1320.00 300.00 200.00 75.00 95.00 15.00 2520.00 1890.00 3522.00 1560.00 7500.78 8805.00 1702.30 4754.70 12267.50 2501.28 25.00 3360.00 840.00 3000.00 3300.00 898.00 6000.00 175.00 40.00 50.00 150.00 11815.00 58446.56 6416.00 600.00 3000'.00 8462.00 5415.63 2166.00 w 591043.27 Acct No. Account Budget Expended Budget Expended 1945 1945 1946 1946 GENERAL GOVERINMENT 100 Salary of mayor 1800.00 1800.00 1800.(:0 1800.00 101 Salary of Cor..missioners 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 6000.00 102 :salary o_ City :ianagor 3600.00 3G00.00 4533.36 4533.36 103 Salary of City .tonogrspher 1920.00 1920.00 1965.00 1965.00 10E ;upplics-Adv-etc 156.00 193.78- 232.00 433.41 1G.� Telephone & Telegraph 48.CO 71.49 180.00 175.77 107 subscriptions ;, moues 324.00 309.65 394.00 375.30 110 111 :voter Rentals Euilding Inspector 48240.00 48293.08 48410.00 48470.19 j .GO .00 525. 00 525.00 J ?b els 62080.00 62188.00 64939.36 64278.03 L/AI::7ci:6::CE 8 It; PN,OVc.!!aI:T. CIr'f HALL. SCO sal -Janitor A. P_reman 9,0.00 8.:0.50 1087.36 1087.36 201 Sal -Elevator Cperator 060.00 939.50 1022.50 1022.50 201-A Extra Janitor I Elevator 0 orator 480.G0 429.00 450.00 404.40 202 203 Repairs to Bldg-Eoiler-Cte '"aterinIs 600.00 333.50 1355.00 1542.1.3 j 204 Y13C 8-upplies Fuel 1008. UO 1306.39 1300.00 1443.94 205 :Sates P.Prtals 756. CO GC. 00 1114.43 06.39 960.00 1003.44 20'6 Repairs to City Prcpsrty 10.107.11 00 350.00 750.00 1103.19 Totals 4950.00 5449.79 7033.86 7712.07 X00 "'G1 Frienily do^e-+`hlte Friendly me-Colore! 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 1800.00 30; Vot.F:ers r,uc 600.00 COO.CO ;00.20 G00.00 600.(.0 600.00 ,',f_i .'cttle-•, ,t y.• .;ase 1:�CO.rlo 1200.G0 G00.00 600.00 o" s Facer z'nf±ala 6G().00 487.44 1500.00 1500.00 3C Farts -x _ a 14C:0.00 13C93.4c 600.00 500.62 ,.0-A .,xi-r±r..� ?��ls 'CC0.00 530.30 15875.00 16304.2E 3'-2 :ia; vat icr. ... may 4aG. CO :LA G.CrJ 5820.00 5862.31 240.00 240.00 40 PsoceedinS5 of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah March 25, 1947 314 Parks Colored 4000.00 3181.95 4500.00 3603.95 315 Red Cross 1000.00 1000.00 500.00 500.00 31C Sundry Donations 2600.00 2463.00 25.00 25.00 322 Veterans Rousing Project .00 .00 4000.00 991.46 Totals 31880.00 30842.15 36060.00 32527.59 LEGAL DE 'ARTEENT 400 Salary -Corporation Counsel 3240.00 3240.00 3265.00 3265.00 401 Asst Corp Counsel 1320.00 1320.00 1370.C.0 1370.00 402 Sal -Legal Stenog .00 .00 850.00 822.95 403 Stationery -Stamps -Etc 84.00 76.95 100.00 7.46 404 Suits Claims 3000.00 3006.27 8000.00 6844.13 4C5 Legal Semites 5000.00 3670.10 5237.50 5407.69 405-A Pack Tax Collections -Pers Prop .00 1101.88 .00 655.24 Totals 12644.00 12415.20 18822.50 18872.46 FINANCE DEPARTL:ENT 500 Salary of Treasurer 2640.00 2640.00 2665.00 2665.00 502 Auditor 1560.00 1560.00 1610.00 le00.00 503 Salary -City clerk -Etc 2364.00 2364.00 2401.40 2343.37 504 Salary -Machine Operator 1320.00 1331.00 1370.00 1370.00 505 Salary -Clerk -Imp Account 1560.00 1560.00 1610.00 1610.00 505-A Salary two C&erks 1551.00 1551.00-1- 1370.00 1370.00 505-B Salary Two Clerks 2280.00 2280.00 2392.50 2365.80 506 Salary -Extra Clerks 3000.00 2036.53 1500.00 1302.68 509 Salary -Asst Tax Assessor 1380.00 1380.00 1430.00 976.25 509-A Salary Tax Assessors Clerk .00 .00 962.50 875.00 510 Salary Tax Assessor 1860.00 1860.00 1897.50 1897.50 511 Sal -Board of Eaualization 750.00 750.00 892.58 885.00 513 Printing -Postage -Supplies 2640.00 2758.04 3000.00 3216.28 514 Office Equlpnent 120.00 90.00 600.00 1046.12 515 Advertising 2640.00 3620.58 4350.00 4294.70 516 Auditing Expense 2300.00 2300.00 2300.00 2300.00 518 Contingent Fund 7296.03 17469.09 12371.46 9020.47 518-A Family Service 4800.00 7811.66 8750.00 9102.45 518-B Electric Plant Board 7500.00 5418.24 5000.00 4452.51 518-C Emergency Flood Control 3600.00 4158.15 .00 519 Electrical Inspections 480.00 578.32 1230.00 .00 1311.02 521 1.'unicipal Rousing Commission 600.00 570.00 650.00 610.00 Totals 52241.03 64086.61 58852.96 54614.15 PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTIdENT 600 Salary City Physician ,9hite 2520.00 2520.00 2545.00 2545.00 601 Salary City Physician -Colored 1740.00 1740.00 1790.00 1790.00 602 C04 Dog Inoculations 504.00 334.50 490.00 456.00 605 Incinerator Expense-F.eeper 684.00 684.00 746.50 746.50 B08 Drugs & Supplies 396.00 237.98 300.00 240.55 609 Incinerator Expense XcCracken County Public Health 204.00 3500.00 521.40 3500.00 240.00 19.79 512 Special T F, Fund 500.00 500.00 4000.00 500.00 4000.00 500.00 =13 Repairs to Bldg. 300.00 .00 514 Sal-•7atahman-City Dump 275.00 275.00 .96 264.00 .00 264.00 815 Health Center .00 .00 3140.00 3139.53 Totals 10623.00 10312.88 14015.50 13701.37 POLICE DEPAR41'Z11T 7P0 701 Salary of Chief Salary of Asat Chief 2340.00 2940.CO 2905.00 2703.80 702 Zal-Director of B of I 2160.00 2040.00 2160.00 2040.CO 2197.50 2197.50 702.-A Za2ary of Clerk 2040.00 2040.00 2117.50 21111.50 703 703-A ::clary of Captains Salary of Lieutenanra 8160.00 8160.CO .00 6352.50 .00 6087.50 703-B Salary of Lt of Platoon 1980.00 1980.00 2017.50 1935.00 703-E Salary of reptain-Detective .CO .00 3915.00 3915.00 703-F Salary Lt of Lotectives .CO CO .00 2117.50 2117.50 703-H 3s lacy -Deck SFts .CO .00 1957.50 1957,50 704-A 704-2 salary Police Class A dclary-Police Class 43848.00 .00 30605.40 5632.50 40437.50 5629.85 30527.59 705 B Salary -City S_ectrician .GO 2100.00 13213.40 2100.00 .00 9603.27 7C$ -F, Sal-Fatrol.man of ?ri,>-hts & y" as 2137.50 2137.50 706 7r•.1:1_A Sal -Police lodge - Sal Judge -Secretary .00 32$9.00 .00 3250.(.0 1241.75 3250.00 1^41.75 3250.00 707 202sry-Jailer &40.(.0 18CO.GO 872.67 1600.00 1000.00 1000.00 7C" Eq•lipn^nt ,, :-upplles 2000.00 610.•15 1877.50 1843.05 7Cd-A Photo Equip -Pincer Supplies .00 b000.00 50'23.75 709 710 .•elntenence Of autos 2000.00 .00 3690.30 250.00 267b.00 1117.52 2972.66 71^-A Vairterance of -adlo Equip .al-aadlo rec:,anic 300.00 iC0.00 184.£:8 300.00 227.22 711 71.: ;as L 612 24CO.Go 90. GO 2430.60 150.00 3400.CU 62.00 Traffic L1rht3 1.: �1^nal yatea 45O.CO 4 2 4.28 480.00 3451.00 713 714 Ztatlonery-:asn,,s ,. �1Fplies Feeding 400.00 41JO.C�C 847.°.O 730.00 194.63 715 Irisonera Treaelin, Eypanae -10.00 911.09 1.4 t 0.00 732.12 1525.15 726 5'airt-�1ty tall 160.91 150.60 150.(10 Ile office Expense- Pollce Jug 144.00 1$2.16 9:.73 144.00 180.53 72_ St. Msrkln_-islr.ts ?• ;r%13hea 020.00 31$.:7 205.00 307.52 ^f0 'slaty -Dog `7atchPr ;y`'•GG U. fF.. 1:31.04 200.00 86.09 7C3 -G .'.al-3gt of Letectt.e3 1:.52.8 4 1024.59 .,,�j .GO 37:5.00 3755.00 Totals 51752.:0 82229.34 906„8..,-n ` ` `s8713.09 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah March 25. 1947 ' FIRE DEPART,;ENT 800 Salary of Chief 2940.00 2940.00 2965.00 2965.00 801 Sal -Assistant Chief 2160.00 2160.00 2197.50 2172.50 802 Salary of 5 Captains 10200.00 10200.00 10482.51 10464.27 803 Lieutenanrs .00 .00 6087.00 6087.00 604 Sal -switchboard Operator 5400.00 5247.88 5512.50 5411.75 805 Salary of Mechanic 2220.00 2220.00 2257.50 2257.50 806-A Sal -Class A. 'Firemen 46800.00 43652.50 57010.00 56851.50 896-B Salary Class B Firemen .00 4741.10 .00 239.20 807 Purchase of Equipment 3600.00 1085.72 2755.00 1711.35 808 !£aintenance of Equipment 1608.CO 1252.41 1300.00 942.03 809 "sintenence Fire Alarm System 240.00 8.05 204.00 296.47 810 11isc Stores R Supplies 600.00 618.81 765.00 859.39 811 Gas & 011 480.00 386.63 451.00 508.23 812 Laundry 300.00 275.05 297.00 305.97 813 Lights -Gas & Telephone 852.00 898.74 1140.00 1087.98 814 Fuel 372.00 365.79 372.00 309.25 815 Maintenance to Euildings 240.00 101.69 960. GO 938.86 81e Tires 180.00 273.71 240.00 40.00 818 Traveling Expense 60.00 .00 150.00 83.75 Totals 78252.00 76428.93 95146.01 93532.00 STREET DEPARTb;LdT 901 Salary Superintendent 2460.00 2460.00 2485.00 2485.00 902 Salary Clerk 1440.00 1440.00 1490.00 1490.00 905 Salary -Foreman 1800.00 1800.00 1837.59 1837.50 904 Salary-7.7atchman or nite Mechanic 1440.00 1440.00 1490.00 1490.00 905 Sal-Yechanic-1st Class 1760.00 1755.60 1850.05 1843.36 906 Sal-'::echanic-2nd Class 1404.00 1444.80 1544.30 1509.30 906-A Sal -General Repairman 1530.00 1518.40 1603.35 1500.08 907 Sal -Flusher Operator 1650.00 1827.35 1918.60 1898.62 908 Salary -Repairmen 4230.00 4352.10 4640.10 4569.47 909 Sal-?'achine Grader 'Len 3780.00 3756.15 5180.15 5094.74 811 Sal -Truck Drivers 6450.00 5817.65 7693.55 7385.38 912 Salary Temasters 2600.00 2112.84 1356.65 839.85 913 Sal -Hite Cartmen 2580.00 2558.05 2713.40 2688.56 914 Yleges-Laborers 8200.00 8570.00 9460.95 9692.24 914-A Sal -Park Time 'Natfhman 804.00 723.14 853.78 853.78 915 Purchase new equipment 9600.00 8963.92 9856.00 9853.97 916 Maintenance of Equipment 1500.00 1910.70 2365.00 2632.67 917 Gas -Oil -Grease -Kerosene 2808.00 3748.41 3600.00 3722.79 918 Tools 180.00 214.13 225.00 225.87 919 Materials & Supplies 360.00 391.11 300.00 344.10 920 Forage 360.00 408.95 408.00 231.35 921 Lumber 48.00 8.00 48.00 .00 922 Sewer Pipe 96.00 114.42 100.00 101.13 923 Aaphalt-Cement-Road 011 3000.00 1116.61 3000.00 2519.39 924 'eater Pent -Lights -Etc 232.00 178.70 192.00 176.05 925 '.'achine Shop-Eleetbical Welding 48.00 2.64 66.50 66.50 926 Repairs Cross Creek Bridge 204.00 69.54 1875.04 1880.08 927 Asphalt Plant 600.00 555.03 300.00 296.71 928 Special Street Oiling 1061.00 1061.00 .00 .00 TOT ALS 62225.00 60318.64 68452.92 67138.49 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 950 Salary -City Engineer 2520.00 2520.00 2545. 00 2545.00 952 Sal -Chief Draftsman 2220.00 2220.00 370.00 370.00 952-A Sal Instrument Man .00 .00 1557.50 1557.50 953 Sal -Chief of Party 2340.00 2340.00 2377.50 2325.50 9E4 Sal -Rodman 1220.('0 1411.70 1430.00 1430.00 955 Sal -Secretary 1140.00 1140.00 1202.50 1202.50 956 Yeterials & iupplies 300.00 294.14 385.00 362.79 957 Telephone P, Telegraph .00 16.25 30.(.0 21.25 359 Salary of Choinman 1000.00 1000.00 1250.00 1250.00 353 Car 7:xpense 150.00 150.00 300.60 300.00 Totals 10890.00 11092.09 11447.50 11364.54 SEY1^R Di:Pw:T'EJT 975 tln,ca of Two men 3256.00 3345.65 5471.00 5423.69 575 'tea-"il-rraaoe 132. G0 113.99 128.(0 183.08 377, Luter4als h 3upglles 120.00 72.83 150.00 148.39 07'1- Fepal a to Fouipmer.t 24000 10.38 50.00 45.34 379 7a ter Rentals-Flunt, Tarts 24.00 11.43 24.00 7.94 Totals ,556.00 355;.13 5383.00 5808.44 1CC,; C lPUBLIC l ;.tijr.t z^irr,l,al £< /r.t 0n ending Lunde Tr.t-_-ank, Liens 53033.75 53693.75 5:?762.50 5876!?.°,0 '['runs ;, 0. G0 CC 0.00 .00 1602 of Femtttances 174.26 174.1.1, 218.17 237.55 TC 7.; LS 53928.01 53&68.01 53050.67 59000.05 1300 41-3.p tinter. ant 15?0.00 1560.1,0 1010.00 1610.(0 1301 '.'apes La�orera 6504.00 E6Cu.19 6923.30 6420.43 1303 i'a!r.tacu;.^e .f .:;:!prat., 48.00 .GO 48.00 1404 aintelar --1':a - 300.LO �,4.(O 300.40 .00 1:05 las-C, tease 120.(0 103.12 i .,0.00 .00 131.72 130c" 0015-!-'at?r!als § sui;pil�e 480.'0 460.7b 9:0.00 747.77 13L'7 hints-ru?1-lar,?r-T?lapYmne 148.00 118.21 171.00 146.05 ".btale irl.O.00 350 a�2.30 10102.30 9055.97 No. 42 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah_Lnrch 25. 1947 MARKET HOUSE 1400 Salary Market ?.'.aster 1800.00 1800.00 1837.50 1837.50 1402 b;aintenance of Pldga 95.00 21.92 24.00 00 1403 Materials & Supplies 48.00 4.92 24.00 7.40 1404 Lights-::'ater & Etc 120.CO 122.24 144.00 120.47 1405 Repairs & Improvements 24.00 21.00 24.00 .00 Totlas 2088.00 1970.00 2053.50 1965.37 CITY SCALES 1500 Salary 7eighmaster 960.00 960.00 1022.50 1022.50 1501 Praintenance & Repairs 600.00 87.59 192.00 .00 1502 Fuel 36.00 23.80 24.00 25.85 1503 Supplies 24.00 11.31 39.CO 37.06 Totals 1620.00 1082.70 1277.50 10,35.41 17HARF 1600 Cost of Barge .00 .00 3094.00 3091.82 1601 Salary of 1.7harfmaster .00 .00 320.00 320.00 1602. Cost of Operations .00 .00 125.00 190.81 Totals .CC .00 3539.00 3G02.63 INSURANCE 1800 Insurance -All Types 960.00 398.56 1575.00 1459.80 1901 Bonds -All Employees 2160.00 1633.37 1800.00 1574.51 Totals 3120.00 2031.93 3375.00 3034.31 1900 Stree ts-Whiteway Bridge & Alleys 18000.00 17170.47 18000.00 16120.96 Totals 18000.00 17170.47 18000.00 16120.96 IIVERSiDE !!OSFITAL 2C40 Riverside -Charity Patients 18000.00 16723.22 15800.00 16137.84 2043 Social Vlorker .00 .00 425.00 409.27 Totals 18000.00 16723.22 16225.00 16547.11 2100 Light Fulbs-All Departments 48.00 .00 113.00 112.46 2101 Ice All Depts 480.00 468.00 510.00 500.00 Totals 528.00 468.00 623.00 612.46 BONDS & INTEREST 2200 Principal -Airport Bonds 5000.00 5000.00 2200 Interest Airport Bonds 235.63 255.63 5415.63 5565.62 Totals 5235.63 5255.63 5415.63 5565.62 GRAND TOTALS 522790.67 526390.30 598GG3r80 534354.12 Commissioner Vlilliams offered the following motion: The Commissioners of 'cater 7iork3 of the City of Paducah having appeared before this Board and recommend Lone Oak the execution of a contract with the Line Oak dater District for the sale of surplus Vlatar Contract water at the c ityvs twenty-four inch main near the intersection of the Faducah Lone Mayor 31pn Calc Road and the driveway leading from said road to the reservoir at a water rate equal to the regular metered rates charted by the City to consumers within the city plus an ael7ltional twenty per cent; and it further appearing from the contract that the 3610 of such surplua water will not interfere with the furnishing of water with adtllm to pressure to r_Itlzon3 and residents of the City of Paducah, I move that the , 1:ayor be auth.orizerl to execute said contract for the city, his signature to be att'atoc! ty the City ^,ler::. It Is un!erstood teat the ity of radur•W! shall not be obligated to rain - Lain any pipe lire of said Lane Cok .rater Siatr.'ct or to purchaso same or any part t^.'roof in the ev.)nt 3a."! territory 3;.all ba Snror;�orntud luto the City of Paducah. Adopted On call 7f the Roll, leas, Com-13310nera F'riellander, Johnston, Nilliama and Y.eyor Seaton 541. rn mOtien tt:e cs+etin.? adjourned. ADCi: EDf y.._� /.z 6-._1�•;7 A:PROVED