HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 306, August 3, 1948Proceedingof ' -" ''1"' o City of Paducah u us t J, 19.3 s At n : e„ular ':-etinz: of the Loard of Commisoionern held in the Commiooionera' :cer at the hall, Iaducah, ..cntucky, at 7:30 Z.". on Au u3t 3, 19!0, i'ayor Fro n presided and upon call o£ the Roll the follo:rinr• onswerod to their names: _. ._..acrs Abell, Allen, Fannin and F'ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). ?Cayor Peak beint; (1). "inutes of the previous m•,etin_- were adopted as read. ",airr line '� Connissioner Abell offered :notion that the petition of Jessie James Hines and it of aadu wife, ,•tie 7aris pines residin;^ on Cook itroot outside the corporate 1 m s ca "entucry for authority to connect to a privately owned water line for the purpose of furnishin- Nater service to the buildinC located on the property of ..aid petitioners, to receival and filed and that tto requests in said petition be granted in accordance the terms set forth therein. ry 1,. is uni'erst"d, hovrever, in izrantin,the privileC.e sourht in said petition, neither the City of Paducah, nor the Corriisaioners of 7iater ': orks shall Le obligated tc buy said rice line or any part thereof, and no such obli.r-ation shall be contained or bE Implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the .rater line to be laid under the authority herein reopested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the pctitiner er_ll subscribe for rater service at t! -e rates nor.* or hereafter prescribed for vister service to consumers outside the city 1i -its and subiect in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of ,aducah ^r its Commissioners of Mater ',orka which may be nor.* in force or hereinafter enacted. "othinl in the rrsntin of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or rim r,insionero of later '.,orks to ugrantee water pressure or service, and said water oercice r , _..cant.inued throu.7h said pipe line at any time whon in the judtment of ^o-riaciorers of "a ter :7orka the furniahin., of .water to the petitioners or their rs in o:ners, _• of the property o•.,ned may interfere in any ;ase ;lth the ado - .an; _ ion of ^.rater irside the corporate limits of the City of Iadu ^a11 of thn .;o", Zeas, Con riaienera Alell, Allen, Iiannin and i.:ayor ;ro Th, :;1:en n:? ._ so tion ' !;.q 1. tha petition of E. I,. ?Alla; her and l^ilei ja ?;er r iiia on the Caka Goad outside the corporate limits of luduca to a wster line privately mnnod for the nur".osc of rricn t, al•ar..- located on the property of petitioners Le re - r,, cat in Bald petition be granted in accordonce vrith ah. :. In -rnntin ti:. eri,,,ilet;c sourht in said , r, rn of ,ate: Forks shall be o'cli a ?-art t-.- ... nn ... nh 0rl i,,atIon shall ::e c- l 1. 0 .rater line , .-art i E NO. 307 Proceedings o 1122d, of CorLnireinno-•s City of Paducah 12221st 3, 1948 Y or t}`eir auccccaors in or:nerahip of the property :::ned may interfere in any :iiso ri th gypP the adequate supply and distribution of v:ntar inside the corporate limits of the City „9t of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiaaionora Abell, .dlen, 3annin and I.,ayor Fro Ten Johnston (4). ":a^.er Line Commissioner Allen offered motion that the petition of Richard F. L-rown and Oaks . ^ad ife, Lenora D. Lrorm, residin' on Oaks ..^,0ad outside the corporate limits of Paducah, 7:entucky, for authority to lay and construct a `later line for the purpose of providinc water service to the buil in,- located on the property of petitioner be received and filed and that the request in said petition be Cranted in accordance with the terms oe forththerein. It is understood, hor:ever, in `rantin, the privilege sou`ht in said petition Ij neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of :later Works shall Le obliEate.. t it buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obliration shall Le contained or L implied hereafter should tie territory to be served by the ,,later line to be laid undo,, the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for :•later service j at the rates novf or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the �'t:les and regulations of the City of i Paducah or its Commissioners of -Ater ':orks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Rannin and t:ayor ?ro 'am Johnst0, (4). ter Co. Commissioner Allen offered ;motion that the r'inancial. Report of the Paducah ..o --rt June 3^^2 ! "star "•orL-a for the nonth of June, l:) 10, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the 7011, Yeas, Cor.",issionera ^.bel'_, Allen, 1_annin and 7.hyor Pro Teri Johnston (4). o t/ Cor_missloner Allen offered motion that the notion adopted at the m0atin: of July 20, 1943, diroctinC the Corporation Counsel to prerare an ordinance providin- for the nu_`chase of 1000 feet of ''ultex fire hose fron the Eureka Division of the United lista: :'i'-ber Company at the price of ,1.50 per foot be rescinded, and that the r•ounaol p -_spare and submit to the -cart'. of Com•-lasionera an ordinance -sizing the acceptance of the kid of N.onry a. Fetter ';apply Company for the sats of iOCO feet of Tarrot hose at the price of ;1.24 per foot. Adopted or, call of the roll, 'Colla, ^07•-i3:;ioners „bill, Allen, P.annin and Z:ayor iro ^em Johnston (4). "•in-ta offered motion that the letter of tha City dated a Ju -.0yaes ih Cak Grove Cemetery, be reg --:ed and filed. =eas, Commissioners Abe 11, ..ilea, .-•'.ai.n and ,r ii•o - ;yet:ion that , to 0a,,i i . _ .. . . .7'•O. nn, a^., ills^. the , "�:•r;r Le 1 . - , ._'. .... .. .. ?';` .. •e doh.;:, r•;)• 0 - ^tc n Furch n'j L' acid city . ,. ..... .i .. fid' .e 1eC +•e6 -. - ...'...�: i�n.rJ receive Proceedings of City of Paducah '= us t 3, 1040 rte'? on call o_ the :oil, Yeas, Commlosioners Abell, Allen, Hannin and G:ayor rro Tom t1 fro Tem Johnston offered motion that the City i.',anngerla letter of ,. 10.8, recom :ondln an n ^roprlat3on to pay V,,per m31c and n maxirnun of ,25.',C certain city omployees for the use of th^ir own cars on local city busines , acd. adapted on call of the 73,oll, Yens, Cor.,mias_onors nbs11, ;11r_n, _ r0 'ion Johnston (4). _,o Ten Jos_stca offered notion that the City '"ana,:eras letter of lectionJuly 20, 1949, recormending that a veto be held at the General election on ::ovember 2, 9/, ;'-ctersin•s e:het!-.er ,100,000 in bonds shall be issued to finance the establishment of r::micipsl refuse collection and disposal system, be received and filed. Adapted on of the Roll, Yeas, Commiasioners Abell, Allen, i:annin and Payor Pro Ten Johnston (1). Xayor Pro To,: Johnston offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners recei e file the letter of J. iolk Erooks in :vhIch he requests that the City exempt the -ndluxah 7aseboll Association, T-ncorporated on the cost of the buildinG permit in the ._`ruction of Vne 2aseball Park. 'e further moved that the Building inspector be authorized to issue said _._.. _ -?r­_!t ::ithout char in,- the fee for same. Adopted on call of the -loll, Yeas, .,z^^, ::7;e?l, Allen, Hannin and Payor Fro Ten Johnston (4). - =or =ro -em Johnston made t' -e folloti:-n^ n-rointment: t__rs of office of .,.E.(Jacic) Colo and am CrsiE as no:,i:orz of the City 'lanninr end Zonin_;or.-I�rion having expired, and the I.'ayor, Gene Peak, Navin- asked ne to rc-a joint the some p=.roans to serve as members, _ hereb:r re-arroint ,.nd .;3 ^rain to serve no members thereof, so that said City lanning and ronin, ^n: consti' --'311 be composed of the follo::in- members: :-officio member ( ) n'-In"r and -x-officio !-,ember ( ,Naso terra expires .:arch 1 1950 :•chose term expires ':arch 10, 1952 „� r! expires Fare 10, 1052 10, l0d_ , cut c:he continues e-arraintnent has been made cal Onurt ry :;3-ned .unrt Johnston 'a-^ a,-pointvint: r�•_.�tn,,. .. ^t^, _ ......�.:.- ,. ti'c1• the :sd•zcn" 'al^in io ^ak havin.. rile" _Lo 1 t. r.-n,-^-irt Sr, ..ion for a :109 urn I n,the folio". -in - 1'c }I olio7.in-:'r}, , 1050 NO. 309 Proceedings of of Coit^.iaa Lunar: City of Paducah l.u' uat 3, 194a n -Y Smith, � r•rcintno:�t roved Cemetery t� ^1 oyees reduce number I _ire :rose accept bid of Tetter -upply r,0 to the a_ proval of th.n . card of Corlmiasioners I hcreby :'e -a; : alnt ,. Tardy ;alith 11 0 to serve is a nemter of the City of ?sdncah :.unici_ral i:ousln- Comr;isnion for a further I' term of four (') years, so that said board as nov constituted shall be composed of the N fol'_o^•in- ::embers: I (1) ^enc ra::, :.:ayor and ^.rofficio nemLor (2) T. L. ;.:anal, Jr. whose tern expires July v2, 1949 (5) Lance Dorsett, :Those term expires July 22, 1950 (4) T. air IDert, 3r., .*;Iose ter.^. e-:rires J.ay 22, 1951, and (5) C. ^_body 3:mith, whose tarn expires July 22, 1952. 5ioncd Stuart Johnston T..ayor Pro Tom Commissioner Abell offered motion that the bard of Comslisaioners approve the action of the :.:ayor fro Tem re-aprointin- G. Tandy sc^.ith to serve as a membor of no City of Paducah funicipal :cousin.- Commission for a further term of four (4) years be`inning July 22, 1948. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commias loners Abell, Allen, :tannin and :'ayor Pro Tom Johnston (4). Cor^niasioner ;tannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A'.i '..!AVE DZr.0 :; 70,31TION3 I".i 7!-'7 C ...._cR'_ DE AR7-!E _ FOUR TO ,.....,.,AR E :PLO'Z:.:ETiT 01' „.;O:;Ar ::FiCY srS I:; at C5..;1 RY to adopted. Adopted on call of the Troll, Yeas, Cor.xa:nioners Abell, Allen :tannin and "ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4). Co-riasioner Allen offered notion that an ordinanco entltled: 7TF.O;;IL:i:.. •.--.. ;1CCEPTAT:CE 0! _.^77E LID C:T;5 -,T ... J 'Fri I JR^iNASE OF LOCO . _.iT OF TARGET _ I^_ :0.;-- vOR T 31A.: r..._., I" CAM; PRESCiiI:._:;G 71:3 'Fait:..,, „;IDfiv^TT T Dr'. ; ...:IC ..'. JS l�iJ Illi ^7.ORIZII;G VE ZA'_✓OR, 03 ?'rT'R :!AYCS PRO TSI,!, TC _. 3C;i Tri i. .'OP, ^__ -d --D HOSE", to introduced and remain on f lle for rutlic ircpoctian 'or one (1) r,-e'c in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final ^aaearo. Adoptod on call of the itoll, Yaaa, Com.isoloncra Abell, Allen, ':annin or .*'e lore Johnston (4). .n NIQ r.. etim; ad ournod. � _�'n r -..._