HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 301, July 20, 1948:fa ter line
Carrs :road
'rater line
Coag. --tr-•et
'.y Ave
NO. LCrl
Proceedings o/ : onrd of Comminalone rs City of Paducah July 20, 1947
At a Perular :.:ectinu of the Loard of Commianionars held in the Commissioners?
Chsnioer at the City :all, Faducah, Rontucky, at 7:30 P.::, on July 20, 1948, :3ayor Pro
Tem Johnston preside^; and upon call of the -oll the followinC. answered to their names:
Conr..issioners Abell, Allen, Flannin and F.ayor Pro Torn Johnston (4).
:inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of Uvil B. 2aylor and
dfo, Stella Taylor, residinC on Oaks toad outside the c-vporate limits of Paducah,
.lent,;cl'y, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing
nater service to the buildin3 located on the property of petitioner be _^occived and
filed. and that the _oe.;est in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms
set forth therein.
It is understood, however, in grantia_ the privilege sought in said petition
neither the City of Faducah, nor the Commissioners of ..later '.±orks shall be obligated
to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained o7
be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the crater line to be laid
under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paduc7
It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service
at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the
city limits and subject i7 all respects to the rules and ro-rulations of the City of
=nducah or its Commissioners of ':rater .orks which may be now in force or hereinafter
:othinr in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or
Its Commissioners of ';rater :orks to Cuarantee crater pressure or cervico, and Bald water
service may be discontinuod throu"h said pipe line at any tame when in the judgment of
the Con-niasloners of !'rater Jorks the furnishinL of water to the petitioners or their
successora in ocmership of the property owned: may interfere in any wise with the
adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of
aaucah. .adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor2niocionors Abell, ellen, Ha:nir and
,.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (=).
Commissionor Allen offered motion that the petition o.f^-eorCe Duncan and rifo,
3arriett Duncan residlnC on Cook Street outs=ido the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentu k
s^.? `hi rp,Il ion. of Leo Culp residinr on Ventuol:y Avenue outside the corporate limits
of !'a''•,ca'. , �•;nt�.c'cy, hnvc a ;thority to connect to a privately owned 'mater line for the
.later service to the building located on the property of on id
r^c^i•.cr'. ..n,l filed and that the request in sale: retition bo ^runtaj in
rcr :,i a tea te:'rn set forth therein.
in rrantinC the r•;ivil,�,-e son -ht in zn. ,..l petition,
p :a': ^a::, ':n: Com7ai.sionars of ilater or;:a shall be obll:-ated
Sto r,ny , .:l. . .;epf, an? no such o::I_'-anon a.`.all le contulned o:
:to 'r"; nerved lin,;
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Proceedings of o,' d of Co-;:iL :, _onern City of Paducah July CO, 1948
of the Cor.: izsionorn of iter ::or:cn the furnishin.- of orator to the petition^rl
t. oir successarc in o ^gars!tip of tl_e property owned may interforo in any wise with
aGocuate supply anr', cistributlon of water inside the corporate limits of the City
.c'mcnh. Adopted on call of the 7oll, "oas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, 1-annin
-,,-or r`ro Tem Johnston (4).
c Dt. - i Cornissioner F'.annin offered motion that the 5oard of Commissioners receive and fil
Clot the report of the Police Department regarding the installation of a street li-ht at �
21st and 111ruger Streets.
He further moved that the City G�anager be requested to have said street light
installed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Hannin
a nd 1.:ayor Iro Ter.. Johnston
Judge Conaissioner Abell offered motion that the expenditure of '27.50 to purchase one
copy of the 1948 revision of Carrollrs Official Fientucky Codes of Practice for the use
of the City JudEe be approved, and that the letter of the City Tanager dated July L1,
1948, be received and filed; this amount to be charged aSainst account ;;3,173 of the
p 19,:3 arportionmert ordinance as later to be amended. Adopted on call of the
.gas, Conmis3ioners ::bell, Allen, 1:annin and :.'ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4).
',om:.issionor Abell offered motion that the letter of the City 2.1naEer recommendin
. certain amendments in Sections 17 and 18 of the ordinance regulating the sale of
alcrholic beverages be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
^ormissioners ^11, Ellen, Hannin and !.Payor Fro Tem Johnston (4).
Commiasionor Allen offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file
:Atha :or
cIpc', for taxes the affidavit of :.'rs. J. T. Ealthaser in support of her claim that her chedk for -96.,S
no pen. -nt
was mailed to the City of Paducah on June 9th, 1948, in payment of the June, 1948 cit
taxes actin.; by her, that no penalty or interest be charged upon the assessment for th
June hsl,1, 1.48, and that the City Treasurer be directed to accept from Vrs. Balthaoeil
a nen cheek in that amount for full payment of said assessment. Adopted on call of
roll, 'Zeas, Co-7is3ioners Abell,
Hannin and !.Payor Fro Tem Johnston (4).
:: iettor 7,nnisnioner Fannin offered motion that the -card of Comminsionoro receive and
f'__ the letter of ,.0.71essennuer, ;garage,, of rower, Tennessee ;alley Authority, with
reference to the limit of o1cctr'_c po::•er supply •.rhich would be available in the event
the city ncc_ .:es 1::e c:istr1hution proporties of the ::entucl:y utilities Company.
A,,Iopto? .... .,7'. t!;e Rall, Zeas, Corr.io3ionera Ah$LU, Allen, Hannin and !_ayor Pro
6 "
?rr. Jrh• (5i
✓ 3a� i , ir. ^,Sfered .pram that the letter of ':s. Cqrl Sachs, ,ocrotur
_ t,.. t.. ,1 .«a v<;, .ecao3t_.. advices of the City of Faducah as to the
ncecanary technical find legal por.:acnol
::oil Telephone Com^any fa. anIr.-
,..._-sion, :.e received and filed. Ad,,ptod
_. ..._ .. _ :'annln unci "syor fro ,em
.. ..3 _ •... � _ . . . _ ... .. .. ..,.. L .. lip 1. ,. +;.� ....jr'ah
n a, n.,.... ..,:.:7 . .
Z1() 3.
Proceedings of card of Com-:icsioners City of Paducah July 20, 1043 I
Alloy -Cut tre
s !/ Commissionor Allen offered motion that the letter of 2. Pslmer Jarics,
Attorney for the Cloussner "'osicry Company, requeatinl^ permission to cut two trees
in the alley which extends iron 28th street to SOth stroct between Clark and Jac!:aon
Streets be received and filed, and that the Clauasnor Hosiery Company ce permitted
to out the tree or trees which is located within the boundaries of the aforesaid alley
Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Corrmissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and ::ayor Pro
m Johnston (4).
-and-Ed ?,owns
Iayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive
„ San
file and approve the bond of Ed Downs Sl: Son issued by the :Fidelity and Casualty Compan
of New York in the sum of ;1000 dated July 19, 1948. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yea
Corninsioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and 7,7.syor fro Tera Johnston (4).
lire lose- ids
T'ayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City anger
:.^cept offer
o^ 7ureka
dated July 19, 1948, and the attached bids for the sale of fire hose to the City of
Paducah be received and filed, and that the Corporation Counsel be requested to prepay
an ordinance for introduction at the noxt rotular meeting which will provide for the
purchase of 1000 feet of :ultox fire hose from the Eureka Diviaion of the United State
rubber Company at the price o: :1.50 per foot. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commiscioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and ayor Pro Tem Johnston (4).
Peddlers -Use o
Commissioner 'rannin offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIN:.::CE
S+roots r/
FOR A`7 VIOLAT_ION TPEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Commissioners Abell, Allen, Fannin and ,`.'ayor Fro Tem Johnston (4).
wed lot to
Commissioner Ilannin offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:!
OF PA7['CAI:, ..:::TUCKY; A:ID AUT::ORIZIN'; WE T11YOR PRO MM Ai D TIS; CI'T'Y CLr tt{ TO : . _:_ .-_
A DEED OF^. ..: 'IA::CE TO 3AT_D PPOPERT'f", be adapted, Adopted on call of the Roll,
^as, Comni^aionera Abell, Allen, I:annin and I.ayor F110 Tan Johnn^ on (4).
Pro _cr. Johnston offerad motion tat an o Cn:rnce entitled: ".:. _......;+":-
17 13 AT1 07DT'I1nr. r".:D: '.. ..� .. r
_ .7 7j'I .I' -_
- _.. .. .... CIT'{ 0- PADUCA::,
: .E CO' ' O f 2ALTH 0T 1T
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