HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 297, July 6, 1948NO. 297
Proceedings of ^pard of Com i— inners City of Paducah Julv G. 1948 '
At a Rerular :eeting of the board of Conmiasioners held in the Commissioners
Chamber at the City Pall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P. L1. on July 6, 1948, Mayor Pro Te
L Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names:
I, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3).
f i'inutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
:"ate^ line
I Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of 'Jilliam Zak and his rife,
r.ullard &
Dillard Sts
Beatrice, residing at the intersection of Bullard and Dillard Streets outside the
corporate limits of Paducah, P.entuelcy for authority to lay and construct a water line
for the purpose of providing water service to a building on the property of petitioners
be received and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance
with the terms set forth therein. '
It is understood, however, in rrantinL the privilege sought in said petition,
neither the City of Faducah, nor the Commissioners of ::'iter '.'corks shall be obligated
tuy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no ouch obligation ahall be contained
or ce implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line tobe laid
under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Faducaq.
It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at
the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city
and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah
its Commissioners of .Dater 1:orks which may to now in force or hereinafter enacted.
Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its
Commissioners of ":atcr ::orks to guarantee cater pressure or service, and said water
Service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time whon in the judgraont of
the Commissioners of 'later Works the furnishing of :cater to the petitioners or their
auccesaors in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequa o
and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah.
on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and t..ayor Fro Tam
Johnston (3).
'7v tor Tine
Commissioner Allen offered motion that the petition of Jamie C. b,ceman
23te3 Head
and wife,
:reemen, Jaynes ;:. Shaffer and wife, Aurelia Shaffer, Idrs. IToarldie Dick, Lee F:ayoa
and wife, 3rildred Hayes, and Doris Lucille Estee, residint- on Estes Road outside the
^roerate limits Of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and c onstruct a water line
I..-) Pu17r,0 of prow?in;- rater service to the building loented o:r the respective
r%. ':' r _•ioncra L-� received and filed and that tee reeuest in said petition be
_. ._ .. t,hc terms set forth therein.
in rrantin;' the privile;*e aou;"ht in Sind petition
the Commissioners of ':a ter '.:arka ..'hn11 be obi I,7ated to
ipe line . _ny rs,r« anal no a u^h oL41-, ation shall be cnntained cr be
1m^lied h:•reafter Sh.o;'r the _,.r];,ry t:n is served by the water line to to lnid under
Into or nitric a rurt ^:' the City Oi' l i'uCAh.
r nor wl!1 ;: Seri o for %ator a,:rvlco
.- :to rat... ...,• -. .. .2a`... .. :?` , r. L!o t;, Cnn:1u'aers nutal,le the c1t
.. ., - . - _.. .. r.ia� nr•.ts t... ^•_-: ;..i.. , - let na of tt e City Of lalucah
cr hereinafter onuc ted.
- I
:l ._ :•e thy, City Of :aducah or ital
_ .. ..
esS-„c or sar•.ice, nr.'', sold water I
- ._ .. _ ._... at ,': ,^. .i::e '.71.en in tt, j 1� nint of
_..r. tFn peti>!oners or tair
Psoceedin65 ofcard o' co_risai°Hers City of Paducah July 6, 1948
au^ceszors Ir. iership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the ade-
quate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paduj
Adopted on call of the !!oil, Yeas, Cormiss.ionors Abell, Allen and Mayor Ire Tem Johnot
t ; Com:-i?s loner Aball offered motion that the report of the lolico Department
,..__. the City "a^,ay _ re^ardin-, a street light at the dead end of South fifth Dtrcot
recclved n113 filed and that the City :.:onaror be authorized to request the Kentucky
'-til ities oa:cagy to install a light at this location. Adopted on call of the Roll,
Zeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and ".:ayor fro Tem Johnston (3).
^l_•a^.r Commissioner Abell offered motion that the F:oard of Commissioners receive and
file the bid of Beasley Marble & Granite Company in the sum of ,,42.00 for pointing of
t the joints of the mausoleum buildin owned by the '.,est Kentucky Mausoleum Company,
together with the bid of Sanderson & Hancock in the sum of ;;55.00 for labor and materii
for painting the concrete floor and touchinP up the aluminum border in said building,
and that the City :'snager be authorized to enter into contracts with the said Heasley
"amble & Granite Company and Sanderson h Hancock for having said work done at the
prices quoted by them, the amount therefor to be charged to account /5887 when there h,
been transferred to said account later in the year the amount necessary to cover said
expense, and to be credited against the sum of 220.00 owin,- by the City of Paducah fo
the maintenance and repair of said mausoleum property during the year 1948. Adopted
on call of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and :<ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3).
Commissioner Allen offered motion that the letter of the Jackson Harris Foat
'Io. 1191 Veterans of Foreign "ars of the United States of America, requestin- that
`.,cir property at 1710 Kentucky Avenue be exempt from the payment of Ad valorem tares
ce,;,innin- with the assessment due in the year 1949 be received and filed and that a
pM1 copy of said letter be referred to the Attorney for the City for an opinion on the
N question as to whether such exemption may legally be granted. Adopted on call of the
§§§/ loll, Yeas, Conzzissioners Abell, Alen and "ayor Fro Tem Johnston (3).
C^nPlan' Corricsioner Alien offered motion that the :.pard of Commissioners receive
.,cl. 7onfract
file the Contract of Employment entered into between the City of Paducah and A.
fill .
r,^^ U'ly 0. Keel for the prosecution of sults for the enforcement of lien.
r;i :t c. _ •rt; ❑..cur'_n;- the payment of ad valoreri taxes and public improvement
on call of the Roll, ':ens, Commissioners Abell, .Men and L:ayor
e.'........`1.07. that the c:ponditure of not to exceed
truck be authorized, this amount to ie
_-ortionment or:llnnnco as later to be
o" t'c.bell, :,lien and :..ayor
:cm jhnntor, os,,.._ _., o t'r:^. .osr,9 of roc,asnlonerr rncelve
ralicF ., tUlestc
...:.:utu:il Casualty
;a^l. ^ollcy t.'r.e City o:
j.,_ n r.t :1 s:' the :Zoll, Yeas
-*+-''.-f'�..�{- �%LLLaa.=<c.-:� _--- .-._._ Y.i:$'r--,•--�•-F.: �;.�'.. i.iLL�__—�
n (3).