HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 288, June 22, 1948NO. 99 Proceedings of Board of Conmi3sionera City cf Paducah .lune 22. 1948 At a ReCular t:eotinr of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Car,"iasioners Chsmtar at the City Hall, Faducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.", on June 22, 1948, Mayor Pro Nm Johnston presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names; Cor,aissionors Abell, Allen and Yayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). i.:ayor Peak being absont. 'Unutes of the previous meetinG were adopted as read. ` rater line �% , Commissioner .Men offered motion that the petition of Lorem M. Jones, T. E. e^nnect to liinerca Flace :ell, Jr and wife, Georgia L. Bell, for permission to connect a one inch water pipe line to a 2' inch water pipe line owned by Lorem M. Jones from Minerva Place in a Westerly direction approximately 600 feet and from thence to extend said one inch line into the house occupied as a residence of these petitioners, be received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition be granted subject to the limitations and i conditions expressed therein. l Nothing contained in the ,ranting of this request shall b e construed as a it guarantee of pressure or water service on the part of the City of Faducah or its Comm- issioners of ?rater 'Xorks, and nothing in the grantinU of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Paduca or its Commissioners of ;later 'Works to purchase or acquire said water line or any par thereof or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory N where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or taken into the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). a Com issioner Abell offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive an In file the letter of the Board of Equalization for the year 1948, in which letter the bo rd advises that certain errors were made while copying the valuations into the assessment books after they had agreed upon the amount of such valuations, and requests that they be advised concerning the manner in which exonerations may be given. He further moved that if the cirrections are made on the assessment records by the Board of 2qualization, that the City Treasurer be authorized to accept such corrections and to exonerate accordingly the tar, bills involved. Adopted on call of t o 'ell, •leas, Com^issioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tom Johnston (3). n.:J' _v i3sioner Abell offered motion that the executed copy of the lease entero -ae ^p _.,•:o betwe,r. "ichaels Art Bronze Company, lncirporatod, and the City of Faducah on Jane 10, 1G4,8, Said lease providin.7 for the rental of 200 'U -Co parkinC. motors to the City nf Ia'31;ca!:, ane'. also the rorformance bond executed by the ;.:ichaels Art Bronze Com cony, :r.a^ ^.ra*.n'?, as nri•icipsl, nad by the :;ew York Casunity Company as its su2oty, a !e3 Junn. _ , _3473, :;e reccive;1 an' :fled.-.dopted on call of the Roll, ''lcaa, Sasicnera :.ce'_l, 611^n an: :a; or ^o:n Johnston (3)• .,ell offered r.. !inn _Prat the:,card of Commissioners receive an! t^O letter of _^ al, Jr. •gate.. Juno 14, 1943, in which he submits an "0. ''0 or rchize of the fx', onreola o1 land owned the ! I ''-•.', .... �,-_. ..._..-..-...- :.r 1_. :13t.^..rirlisoa +u:g g'nnrne streets, to^other with tor .. ..:e 18, in •which he a::[n1to h 1 a .laws wI*•,h fir. ,.. ':t^d on Ca:1 of th0 nna ?x.?, ,nc. rn,�n r te _; * _ .•r _. crT, n iotanatin {3) 1 No. 289 Proceedings of _oard of Commissionera City of Paducah Juno 22, 1948 (Z )A Resolution VI Commissioner Abell offerod motion that the Resolution of the Executive Council Central Labor union-J.B.i' of the laducah Central Labor Union requesting the Board of Commissioners to appoint Froelnnd Co=issioner I Joseph S. Freeland to serve as Commissioner for the purpose of filling the vacancy hcreated by the resiC..nation of Edward Carlick, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Telegram Commissioner Abell offered motion that the telegram dated June 22, 1948, from G. H. Parker roof over�G. H. Parker, Manager of Kentucky Inspection Bureau, to the City m=anager, in which he alley ware- I houses 10th j urges that the city not increase the conflagration hazard when passing on whether to Z: -,: y Ave permit a roof over an alley between two warehouses in the vicinity of 10th Street and Kentucky Avenue, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Comm- issioners Abell, Allen and Y.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). C.A.:71111ams�� Commissioner Allen offered motion hat the letter written by Adrian H. Terrell, assesament letter Mr. Attorney for the City of Pad,icah concerning the controversy botween Mr. Chas. A.S71111an Terrell and the city with reference to the validity of the assessment ngainst his property ,is well as the assessments against property of clients represented by him be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tan Johnston (3). ^as F: 011 Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and Bids receive file the bids of Standard 011 Company for the sale to the City of Paducah of gasoline and oil for the four month period beginning July 1, 1948, and also the bid of the Shell 011 Company for the sale of oil to the City durinC said period, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor pro tem Johnston (3). Release fin;- COnmissiongr Allen offered the following motion: The City L:anager having Woodall gond reported to the Board of Commissioners that the Y.ing-Woodall PLOtor Sales Company has ?elivered to the City of Paducah the three now 1948 Plymouth special deluxe four door sedan automobiles purchased under a contract entered into between the Fling-'.aodall 70tor Sales Company and the City of Paducah on `:ay 21, 19,10, and that said automobiles were delivered within thirty (30) days from the date of aald contract as required by tl p its -revisions; _ therefore move that victor C. Hobday, City t.:onager, be authorized to execute for and on behalf of the City of Paducah, a release of the ;:ing^-7loodall Motor Sales Co^party as principal, an! the tinited States Fidelity and 0uaranty Company, as its 311rety, from all liability under the bond executed by thein for the faithful performance Of the rmoviaions Of the aforesaid contract, and that said bond be cancelled. Ad,);.te,J On call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and i/ayor Protom Johnston 011cy t� bonds .?handler Cqm:i::sib^1,r Alien offered mOtion that the Board of Co^::-iasionera receive, file _ m.ECwardLi ac,! e _ o 1;,. __.ry ;lief iasuod by the Coal Operators Casualty ^!ompuny to 71.R. 1ia3a c:i: ... 1nrah, i'01 ICY 1.' Lr -C-10130; also the liability policy i.a:ru0j Cy the ...,-. ,olt; CG.^:,,nn/ +'> Sheia ... iAun—i and the City of induCali i'o11o.. -• ._ G: _.... r•an;"-rlt. of the ':ew .'-Itr,rdar-m ^,tOuslt;; Comr•any t.0 t, .^.iry .. .:7114 L;aue.'1 to '.:.?..,town: 1,130 tho !I ,:;rr•ny t.o be at:tnbf:od to an", to _ - .. , .... .,•? ..was ^.emstructiOr. Company. 9:ptod, , ire Tom ohnoton (Z). i t a a•.--attcd by •tay:;ObF ;sill ts locate", at tt. r;Crth II -re-; s1, col l ;f tLe Fall, (Z )A Proceedings of- '- p" `'-''' °""�'" City of Paducah June 22, 1048 76 a ✓ L'ayor Fro Ton Johnston offered motion that the three .attached reports relating to street li,hts be received and filed and that the City :?anaror be authorized rn to request the Kentucky Utilities Company to install street lights at the following locations: JI 30th street and Broadway On ',Conroe Street midway between 32nd and 34th Streets Fern Street at 6th Street Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tam Johnston (3). Clpinion of ✓ Mayor Fro Tem Johnston offered motion that the opinion of the Court of count of : Preals T ^ase Appeals affirming the ,judgment of the ,'.:cOracken Circuit Court in the suit instituted by the City of Paducah and others against the Kentucky Utilities Company to require s i conpar.y to comply :•lith the provisions of the electric franchise ordinance be received I and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and ;Mayor it j Pro Tem Johnston (3). 1"ack Inter- j Payor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners national ','ire Truck Contract receive and file the executed copy of the contract of sale entered into betc:reen the ;,'nck International '.'otor Truck Corporation and the City of Paducah on 'ay 23, 1948, a together with each of the exhibits referred to in said contract and attached to it, F said contract providing for the sale of a combination pumping engine to the City of Paducah for the sum of y13,894.76. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners d Abell, Allen and I.+ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). lc«tor *'?Sayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that the letter of Adrian R. Terrell, "orrell _`_1✓ :•aca cy in Attorney for the City of Paducah, with reference to the procedure to be followed for c coc^i'_as:or. I� j; the filling of a vacancy created by the resignation of the commissioner, Yr. Edward Carlick, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners ' Abell, Allen and Mayor Pro Tam Johnston (3). f. Com=issioner Allen offered motion that the letter of ?s. Chas. C. Rieke, date Juno 10, 1948, requesting a permit for the connection of an eight inch pipe to an ex - _stir._, nowar at 22nd and :ildred ,treota be received and filed, and that the question BL.9 to wir ether the ;ranting of the permit will be n^ejudicial to the interests of the Cit of a9.cah be referred to the City i'anager for a rarort. Adopted on call of the Roll, leas, Corr-assioncra Abell, Allen and Y.ayor Pro Tam Johnston (3). "n.,. -or ;_o Tom Johnston offered motion that the City Tanager be authorized to cut rat to ;ielcliffo, the attorreyf or I+:rs. Beulah Mathis, an offer to pay t her the e+.-: of `150 in full sottlenent of her claim for damages as a result of Injuries relved in a fa'_1 on e si,lawalk on Au-ust 5, 1947. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yana, ^,o►:micaionern Abel, f.11cn oral '.e?or _ro ^.m Johnston (3). a or rro Tem Johnston offorect notion that the Loard of Commissioners roceivo an -4 'Ile tie -otter of the City anager,,atec! Juno 18, 1946, with reference to the a:ai+`-raL a..: q.;irnrl to 1..^,n.ur 1'nr employaant of tomporary peraornel ^,he ^he^._-.. In the f.aaea.^, .•+s o."ico, and that the ;n arc: of r,•.-. ,ve „�.'�-, of the %ty :'ann;:nr ti•.al. nt sono time later in a:.d preaent to nn r::inaneo ;roviding :❑ - , 01. '1Ptn,! on call of the an t.1 7. No. 391 Proceedingsof rcard of Conmisslnners City of Paducah June 2C. 1948 i� THAT FURCHASES SHALL iso ;ADE UPON THE W!17-iS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH HEREIN", be introduced at a regular meeting of the board and remain on file at least one neer, for r. public inspection in the completed form in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and 1.:ayor Pro j;n Johnston (3). � Close Alley v Commissioner Allen offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "All ORDItlAilCE 32nd St, Central Ave. 33rd Street PROVIDING FOR THE CL03ING OF PORTIONS OF CERTAIN PUBLIC ALLEYS 7.'HICK INTERSECT THAT & The 'rrandh I' BLOCK OF LAND IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH BOUNDED ON THE _NORTHEAST BY THIRTY-SECOND STREET, 0.1 THE SOUTHEAST BY CENTRAL AVENUE, ON THE SOUTHaEST DY THIRTY-TIIRD STREET AND ON THE NOr .TITNEST BY THE BRANCH; PROVIDING FOR THE ACCEPTANCE OF A DEED OF DEDICATION TO A Ii PORTION OF 1S?E PROPERTY 1-7ITHIN SAID BLOCK I:! ORDER TO PROVIDE A ;PACE OF SUFFICIENT SIZE ?OR 7`HE TUP.IIING AROUND OF VEHICLES 1HICH EATER THAT PORTION OF THE ALLEY 71HICH j IS NOT ORDERED TO BE CLOSED U?:DER THIS ORDILAIICE; AND AUTHORIZING THE CORPORATIO?! II COUNSEL TO INSTITUTE IN THE "cCRACKEN CIRCUIT COURT A SUIT FOR THE PURPOSE OF LEGALLY 1 CLOSING THOSE PORTIONS OF ALLEYS ORDERED TO BE CLOSED HEREBY", be adopted. Adopted op call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and 1"ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Sell lot to r 1.%yor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN 02 DI?IANC Alvio :atson AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO ALVIE WATSON AND HIS :7IFE, NARY G. 71ATSOIT OF A LOT LOCATED I AT THE NORM EAST CORNER OF T7lELFTH & CAWWELL STREETS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUC' ) AND AUTHORIZING THE 11AYOR PRO Tr -j: A11D THE CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEED OF CON111,7 ANCE TO SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and ?..ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). Adopt btilk` I 74ayor Pro Tem Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Ordinance Code REGULATING T,1E SALE A -ND DISTRIBUTION OF :4ILK AND ?MILK PRODUCTS IN Tim- CITY OF PADUCAH I j z�Y ADOPTING THE 1939 EDITION OF THE 1.1ILK ORDINANCE AAD CODE REC0:.71,2,'.'DED BY THE UNITED STATES PUBLIC iCALTH SERVICE, TOGETHER -VITA ANY A? -1 VENTS 0:3 REVISIONS WHICH HAVE BEE?! OR ',TAY HEREAFTER BE ADOPTED AND PUBLISHED BY THE UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SE9VICE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AIM REPEALING ALL ORD'I'NANCES I9 CONFLICT H RE3IM;ANnJ FIXING THE PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION UEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on ca 1 of the Roll, Ycas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and 1•:ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). BoWea IndustrlenI--,'Commissioner Abell offered motion that a Rosolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION fro-- taxes ::fE?.'P I?: 'rRC:.' ?'.UNICIFAL TAXATION FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS THE 1-1ANUFACTURING BUSINES AND F OPERTIEs O^ TTM BOa713 INDUSTRIES, INCORFORATFD, LOCATED IN THE KATTERJOHN -':IL'INfi AT 101c J :•'"3S0?l 37"EET M PADUCAH, KJlT'UCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Holl, icas, Commissioners Abell, Allen and Y.ayor Pro Tem Johnston (3). enre t!r.a of, ;'!ayor Fro Ter Jchratnn offered motion that the next rogular meeting of the n^-xt nO: ,. 1% +nnrd of Cormionicrer3 'o ^ a tnoned and that said meetino be held on ,:ednesday, Juno Z'^th, 1948, at 7;:% Adnptod on call. of the Roll, Yeas, Corr.;iss!anor3 Abell, ",r nr 1 r Ton Johnn ton (L). n __,t!o.. ti -e +c t.. , ad:ourred. i „ocm!cc_nnor i