HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 27, March 18, 1947NO. 27 P►oceedingsof 'oard of Cottlasion^rs CityofY'oducah :'arch luth. 1057 .'a ter ma in on 3enton And Oaks ?oad And entucky ,tree' At a ReCular ?:eetin; of the i.oard of Commissioners held in the :om:mlz;alOncr ' Chamber At the City 3011, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:-30 o'clock P.!. on l..nrch 13th, 19:7, a;:or .;eator. presided and upon call of the '.toll the following onawcrod to their nares: Commissioners !'rledlonder, :,illiams and l.:ajor Heaton (5). COMILIaloners Johnston and Sims Leine absent. '.`mutes of the previous meetinv_ were adopted as read. Commissioner :7illiams offered motion that the petition of Carl Iiamilton and others, residing on and near the Benton and Oaks Roads and Kentucky Ntreet outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct :rater lines for the purpose of providin,7 water service to the buildings located on the prop- crty of petitioners be recoived and filed and that the request In said petition to granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, that in 7a::tlnF the privileges zounht In said petl'aion neither tho City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of '.,titer ,:orks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligatlon shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served t,i the ^rater lln to to laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outs the city limits and subject in all respect to the rules and regulstlona of the City Paducah or its Commissioners of ';ater Yorks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. i-0thin7 in the _,rantiriZ of this petition shall obligate the Cit;; of Faduc, or its Coriniss toners of ';star 7:orks to guarantee water pressure or service and said water service pair be discontinued throuCh said pipe line or any part thereof at any %en in the U' :9ant o: the Cminiaslon.rs of ..ator '.:orks the furnishin•- of .rate: the cetitionors or their successors in ownership of the property owned by inter.^are In an;r :rise with the adeqtin to aupply and distribution of water c;morate lir:lts of the c1t;1 of Faducah. Adoptee] on call of the ?;ell, ';171=111,.;rs, and .a;,Or Jcaton (3). Co:r..:.lo .nn r rrie•dlander offered tho' follo•::ln , :Iot.Lon: .,alley J. nadZett 1'r• rtson, :.arl;:o Robertson, Siillism Corbit T.olaon, Clifford Jorkins, Chart, G. "filo :rite. 'i':e i'a or *%d board of Commissioners a ;.otaior., rarreaentlnC tha arr:lea i:; tho o::ner of the rss,ective ?x panty :aforved [;a a r.: r:•ir. ceid _ arty adjoins the street sntlored t ^rein; and said on + ::a,':;• r-nl .onrd of Oamsi:x;lonars to au*.horiae the layiii.: of a 8' ca :.fizzle %r.rlef. !r „ io'call ��Lrc•ot to feLr^r il.stanr.o rorc_x+t.ely Lf) .zet. G a -, tarp, nn'?ersn,-1^nt > ; t".e :-oard of r,.. :nr_cs rat ss _ ar.;' ; t.l'. LGn-.r,.;:, in.i ^lth tt• f: Proceedings o/ City of Paducah _'arch 10. 1547 i iurtF•, r move hint the adoption of thi3 reap ution and tie mranLLng of the reques, contained in as id petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the Cit y o Taa_so tp ray fire hydrant and water msin rental, as provided in the franchise, on the Rine line connectlon referred to in the petition, sold rentals to beginvihon said water mr,in has been laid a^• -i 'rater provided for on said Lizzie Street from Powell Stre t te-..Lscr >trmet, a total distance of approximately 450 feet. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ysaa, Comniosionors i�3edla::dor, 7,1111ioma and :fe.yor Seaton (3). -� C=r!i3nion-r '. illiaria offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners receive, .-rove and file the public liability insurance policy issued by the Connecticut In- demnity Company to J. R. Gray and/or the City of Paducah, effective for a period of on year from "arch 13th, 1947, toCather with the bond of the said J. R. :ray executed by the .-I-lelity rind 7e?ooit Company of i.:arylsnd as surety, in the amount of ;.1,000 dated "arch 13th, 1947, which bond and insurance policy have been executed and issued as required under the provisions of an ordinance entitled: "A:,' Oil'I)Li .-CE TO A61c:'iD Ai'1 E:SSI'LED: 'i::: 07DI:;I:N^E REGULATING THE DIGGING, OPGNIIG OR _XCAVLTIiG I!: Aia ,,:1 1_37, ALL-nf OR OTR"R FUPLIC 17Af Oi TR': CITf OF PADUCA',, i:E:-,E: A ?I:M:^ T__ .::AL'^e :0: A:!Y VIOLATION THEREOG"', which was adopted b.; the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Com.issione s J Friedlander, '.,illiams and I:ayor Seaton (3). titer --ainCommissioner ',7111ia:ns offered the following motion: Earl 7,yatt, Cecil '.7urth, enne^ar_o :t: .>th "�,rcr .7yatt, J. L. Jones, 3. ii. Venable, J. C. ':urth, file with the 2.:ayor and Board of 7-.>nnissioners a petition representing that each of the above names parties is the ((( owner of the respective property referred to in Bald petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petition the l.:ayor and Loard Of CO=issioners to authorize the layin., of a 6" water main alone Tennessee Street fro 21th Jtreet to 29th Street, a distance of approximately 425 feet. It arpears fron the endorsement by the Loard of Commissioners o! the Faducah nier ':or;cs that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and ep ;ire•-. .,. "-OV6 that the retition of Farl "yatt and others named herein be lei t.i:a t Up Paducah rater ;:orbs, throu.^h its -,pard of Commi;,sioncr' , ;•.i 4o Lay maid ni-r_ inch main along Tennessee Stroct from 2?t1i Jtreet to 2)t s ;tr^ t, a .,r a::eo of arnror.!r:atcly _^5 feet, so as to provide water service to the ^ al?n•- ' rn• nsee :tri -et .:•err• £:'.th Street to ^9th ;trent. +hot ti -i^ a: :;.on of tl°is resolution and the !-rantrin,- of the :. .:tion r.oni.:_erl as an ap;rec:acnt on the pant of the .,tcah .. .. �.-%.:�s.•. ......,r main rental, na provided in the n e ,r.f.r^e;i to in thn Petition, said rentsls n tear, :a<f ari Rater ,:rovided !'or in ;mid Tennessee .;tryet, a :iatar_r.e of a-lroximtely 1f, feet. aa, -lis .. 215,culer, ..illlu ai ua: i:a;or ;eato:l (; ). J n_.._,._•._ .. :.1::., of erect !not_on t=a, oar,i qt' Cocsniaaigners r cu! e a 7 Rt7 i zritton :,y Adrian . , me12, the rorporat:Lan 1, „jiael, 'en _a4iSy Ar.tuartal 3: , ,, ir, w;,leh r !e ., a1d J. ':ussall •i an ion as to :lnIn- !^,e atora(0.n, e 4ter,9ed :... - ;n -Arts in that l i--_ - ' = - _ .. •• .. .. _ _ _,-. .. --:.Lar•.. , NO. 29 I Proceedings of. `oard of Cormiaalonera City of Paducah 1'nrch 19th 1947 oast itadlr.^;� Com•nissloner -riedlander offered the followln:T motion: waltzer Furniture 7t1h St. btu:: a :• ° Ave Company having requested that a loodin- zone be marked off on the [-,:It side of mouth 7th Street between Broadway and Kentucky tvenue,- ( I move that said request be referred to the City I.Anager and Chief ofFolic I' for their investiEation and necessary action. Adopted on call of the Holl, leas, CorMnisaioners Friedlander, V.illiams and :.1ayor Seaton (3). Retain Alcoholic Commiasi8ner Friedlander offered motion that the City of Paducah retain an everare Admr. 1-1 Alcoholic Beverage Administrator, and that the City 1.ianager make an investi:ration and submit to the board his recommendations as to the salary to be paid to the Administratl employed ty him. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, '1:illiomn and Vayor Zoaton (3). ,y Indemnifying Commissioner Friedlander offered notion that the IndemnifyinE AEreement N A.,reenent Paducah F� Illinois Railro d executed by the Paducah 8 Illinois Railroad Company dated :'arch 11th, 1047, under the provisiona of an ordinance entitled: "Ai; O.;DIPIA:rE REO.;LATING ME DIGGIi;G, OYEHIN't OR EXCAVATING I:: AMY STREET, SIDEIALK, GRASS FDOT, ALLEY OR 01MR PUBLIC WAY Or TiE CITY Or PADUCAH, KEI.NUCKY, AND PIXIIJG WE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION THEP.EOel!, be received, filed and approved, and that the !::a or be authorized to sip -n said Indemnity ACreement approving•, the same. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, ':illiams and 1.'ayor 9caton (3). Request for Loadin• Commissioner V.illiams offered motion that the City !:;anaZer be requested to Zone 3/3 Ky Ave. btvr 5th t 5th make an investigation for the purpose of determining whether or not a loading zone should be established on the south side of Kentucky Avenue in front of the Office Equipment Store run by E. C. Oberneier and that sold loading zone be established if he finds that the traffic conditions are such as to require a loadinc, zone at that location. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, 77illiams and "ayor reaton (�). .rend Ordinance Connissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: ",alat`_nr Ca 6 A'D 9 0: ilI C:.DI;:A:;rE ial'IZ D: 'Ail ORDI::A:,CE __. , ;i.ti. _... ...:. .... :....1:..-,j]—AL3, 7i iI;;'1'iSI{'. .:`i „:;D l: sI: `P: RC,..1TS CGARGE:, IN OAK GRO1,E M %!'I C::,; '.:'i:;:ET01, JTIC11 :,AS ADOfS'-L COUNCIL Of THE CITY C. ....."..;: ..,i C: ER 23, 1909, AND A!,i-;-.MD 1- ...E r CAtiD Or' rC!,:: I.;:; 1ON R:; O.: MARCH 7th, 1944", bo adoptod. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Conniasionora r:cc"_ar.•'.er, ..illinna ,nl '.'ayor Seaton (3). ;eaton o:•fored motion that an ordinance ontltled: "A:. OjDlii,:.:CF. I ...A MR AND CI'I'1 •I•REA:3iI"ER 0. :1'7 Or FADUCM, ....:I _C ,..... ..... .. .i.-. , .... 1�<. .:AIC �II-: 0;; ......., .., ....., .... .... ,,,. I • .. .. - , ... +. ... tilt (`a 1l. OI• 01-3 ::Oil, Y`as, CorranisalonerV ,�-'r ln- ^r ,, .., .. .,. t. N',lnanr.c entitlod: "A:; L:iUi.,n2E -ALL F-1jrL,; ,'C'.t . .. .: 10, 11, 12, 11 s 1 NO, Proceedin8sof. `221 of `01--L'31090" City of Paducah :zircn 13th, 1.947 "ever jeaton o-forod motion that an ordinance entitled: "AK ORDINANCE DEGLARDI STREE7 ePO": THE NMR'111 jIDS Of' ViE i:v: XU111 SIDE OF TEE INTERSECTION 0? PAR.' AUNUE, AM i F': T- -ORTF SIDE Of 'rile, INTERSECTION OF PARK AVEi;UE TO THE (Y T:::--.;.,XTION OF PAL:.. 3TRZET, R-ECULAT71,1- T4!Z ZM.-E, :!D IRESCRIBING VIOLATIOU be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yce �'Dr.Tnirsionera Friedlander, Williams ani: I'ayor Seaton On mot --on the ncctinZ adjourned. AD" F T --,'D 2aat-,-,t, �2 5 1947 AiPROVED (;Ity rieric