HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 250, April 13, 1948Proceedin65 of c^""'`""' ^^"^ City of Paducah 1J4II ^:n ter ,fain Bridge .. .._,_.:_+i:� 'Lt, 'Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kent•ccky, at 7:30 o'clock P.tt. on April 13, 1948, Vayor Protem Johnston presided in the absence of Nayor Peak and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carllck and Mayor Protem. Johnston (4) . Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Abell offered motion that the petition of R. R. Timmons, for B el9— permission to connect a one inc�i pipe line to the service line located near the inter- aLIA- /Z__ section of Bridge and Bethel Street, Paducah, Kentucky, so as to provide water service for domestic purposes to one residence to be constructed on Clark's River Road, locate on the northerly side of Clark's River Road approximately 600 feet from the city limit l of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the authority sought in said petition be granted subject to the limitations and conditions expressed therein. Nothing contained in the granting of this request shall be construed as a guarantee of Pressure or water service on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of '::star t':orks, and nothing in the granting of said request shall now or hereafter be construed as an obligation or agreement on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of :Vater :5orks to purchase or acquire s_id water line or any art thereof or to maintain same; no such obligation shall arise should said territory where said privately owned pipe line lies be annexed to or taken into the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and Yayor Protem Johnston (4). 'Nater "sin Co7mni3sioner A len offered motion that the petition of Yrs. Delia Park, residing Lindter,7h J 2t. IT, on Lindbergh Street outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky for authority c I to laz and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water service to ! b, .the builain�'located on the property of petitioner as stated in said t,0;Lt:-911 J1B ii received and filed,and that the request in said pett.t16n.be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, ho::eber, in granting the privilege sought in said petition neither the City of Paducah., nor the Commissioners of ',.star Storks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid un^er tY:e requested authority herein be taken into or made a part of the City of Pnduca it is further ur.!erstood that the petitioner will subscribe for ureter service at, the rates r:or, or hereafter prescr'Led for water service to consumers outside ;;:a city limits and nub.'nct in all r^.ppects to the rules and regulations of the City of Pr, -,:ca:•. or _a :'r, L_..ioner Of ter :lorkp whin; rray be no:^ in force or hereinafter e:.nct -Il . 1 'n t:a± ,rn:. .. ,. ...ls petition n}roll ot,li; ata the City o!' Pnducai; or i _tp _:crop ci ;rater to z�usrnnt,+e wator pressure or service, and said wnto]l .envies :cny 1,6 :i3^!:7.t:: ff ... said pipe ?inn at any time whon in t::e iudgmunt oS cf ..r ter .;r'<:�. t-r,.� of nater tc, the petltlonar or her i successors rrr<ern,.1p of ti:, property r..r,t;ed may interfere in nny wise with the adequate _ ora _lstrUutioc of water i.nsi:iG Lt:e rcr •arnte Hairs of the City of _n :c'.: f th, ::o;�, Yens, ;o�.issi neer_ dLell, bllcr.r •? , Carlick Proceedings of Posed of Commissioners City of Paducah April 13, 1948 /77A'A i � Commissioner Carlick offered mot: ion as follows: Ira J. Wrather, Ronzy Wg7sR A/y/S�nN ST 1 $r Bnker, ,,".'rs. Gladys Jayce, Edna Chambers, Freddie Bundren, Cecil Reed, Arthur Nathls, Ila��,gy Carl hay, Hobert E. beeper, McX.artin, Wdley Ycore,;or, Herman ?:cCoy, Yarvin ?'c Gregor Grace L. r+agner file with the ?".ayor and Board of Commissioners a petition, represents g that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the streets mentioned therein; ands parties �1 said/petition the mayor and Board of Commissioners to authorize the laying of a G" water main along Division Street from Bethel to Hughes and along Hu.,hes from Division Street to a point 279 feet North of Sowell Street, a distance of approximately 1000 f et. It appears from the endorsement by the Board of Comrr,issioners of the Paducah ';;ater Works that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and i requirements. I therefore, move that the petition of Ira J. Wrather and others named herein II be received and filed and that the Paducah Water 7;orks, thm ugh its Board of Commiss, n- era, be authorized to lay said six inch main along Division Street from Bethel to Hughes and along Hughes from Dvision Street to a point 279 feet north d Sowell Street, a distance of approximately 1000 feet, so as to provide water service to the lobs I abuttin3 along Division Street from Bethel to Hughes and alon3 Hughes from Division I Street to a point 279 feet North of Sowell Street. I further move that the adoption of thiE resolution and the granting of the request contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Paducah to pay fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided in the franchise, o the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to bogln idien nid water main has been laid and water provided for on said Division Street from Bethel t Hushes and along .Hughes from Division Street to a point 279 feet North of Sowell St., I� a distance of approximately 1000 feet. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissio era Abell, Allen, Carlick and Mlayor Protem Johnston (4). Lease Jo'rn E. Greif✓ Commissioner Allen offered motion that the rental agreement entered into between Fixe Station Space, I is the City of Paducah and John E. Greif, under which a portion of the space in the Cen-, i' trnl Fire Station was leased to the said John E. Greif at a rental of ';15.00 per month, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and Nayor Pro tem Johnston (4). 7on:l of Dn11ay eros Cor_missloner Abell offered motion that the bond executed by Dailey Bros. Circus rircus I" so principal and the Fidelity and Casualty Company of Haw York, as Surety, said bond bei. n,- executed pursuant to Section 56 of the license ordinance of the City of Paducah� be receivad ,n,l filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,Yoas, Cornmiasioners Abell, A'lcn` -arlick and Mayor ?rote^: Johnston (4). ^sen ;. Sullivan C r.rr.;i:aicncr Abell offered motion that the letter of Owen V. Sullivan, th9nkin„ le ttar-t:-:anks F tac 2onrd of rO=i::aicnors for :an opportunity to appear at the last meatin.-• to 71sr.Lys n hoapltalbber.eflt prp,rn^: for cSty employees, be received anti filed. Adopted o-11 roll of .:::a ;;ell, Mesa, Comr,isal oners ALel1, Allen, CarlicA and ]rayor F:'ot .'c.hn3tDn (4). Cur',,l Per -!t ,'c7 _.38iG.ncr Allen o1fore9 ,motlon rhat 'he Board of Commiaaloners receive and filo '1m Nei i;ore No charge t1ie lettr:r rf .. .,. Snclaon, ,,.lef of' the rlrry !�-eartment re rests * r , q . n;, t,:a t a Luc it+� er.•rit to la3•_e3 for tie ]ntermer.t o. J1.^ `:eiwhbord without charge; that the request ..ty '2VnLe1.rer to a„ti,c.ize to 1 sue said permit. Adopted on c911 ... 1e Iiriil, ,l?93, 7r,--,17SiGn5r7 ;,tell, .,'_len, Carlick ant '%ny A). or rrotem .ehn3ter, NO 5 Proceedings of 10.•11 01' Tmn sot n r" City of Paducah April 13 194P. ?ark•r,, V Com=nissloner Abell offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and fill .`eter Lids filed the bids of six oarkin3 meter companies which have submitted offers for the sale of 250 additional parking meters for the City of' Paducah in accordance with the resolutic of t'e board adopted on Yarch 30, 1948, said bids in amounts as follows: Karpack . X71.50 Dual. 70.00 Miller (Duncan�Company) 68.53 Y.. 'i. Rhodes 67.50 I. ogee -Hale 61.50 .Vico . . . . 58.50 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yoas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Garlick and Vayor Prote Johnston (4). _�end3-71urned V Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Inter Departmental t:emorandum of Henry Collins requesting permission to destroy certain bonds which have been redeemed and cancelled in the years 1945, 1946 and 1947 be received and filed and that said Treasui be authorized to turn all of the bonds listed by him in the statement attached to this letter. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick qnd 28ayor Protem Johnston (4). Report of/ Commissioner Carlick offered motion that the report of the Board of Equalization Board of quelizstion . for the year 1948 be received, filed and spread upon the minutes: Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and G.ayor Protem Johnston April 10, 1946 Ron. Victor C. Hobday, City i:anager Hon. Gene Peak, Mayor . and Board of Commissioners City of Paducah, Kentucky Gentlemen; :.e, the undersic;ned members of the 1948 Board cf equalization of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, submit the following report on tax assessments with detailed report attache hereto. There is a gross increase on Real Estate and Improvements of $473,120., and a gross decrease of3 385. Personal r?roperty was increased ~197,015. The total net increese Cade by this Board on all property is ;666,750. When we be.;an our work, the assessment records showed an increase of .;,1,021.835. over 1947, therefore, the total increase made by the Board and the Aasessorls office for tie year 1948 is 41,688.585. The recommendat'on made by the 1947 Board to equalize all buildings in the downtown business sectione was carried out by this Board, as the previous Board had equalized the land assessments, and in each instance, the manner of acceptance and approval by o the taxpoyors A n r3t gratifying to the Board. re heartily recomrond a revaluation this year on real estate and improvements, and that t^e revnluntion be made by local poople. "e :•i+h to co+.-er.fl the �ff:clent help and cooperation as accorded us by the City Assessor and her n3a.ntonts. Respectfully sulmitted, Board of 7qualization .;vdo Barton, Chairman r,eoryo -yrd, r1heriff Clerk April 8, 1940 tal on 'Ull ;:ate• ?reps rt' a22,234,1.35. i ..47 .c*;al or. cull s -::ate ?r ps:r y '20,b45,550. j %tsl _n -crease for 134�_ 1946 :"ctal or. _,:ll :ate erc srty Lease Tick 3 Proceedings of -e„ra nd co„minalonnrs City of Paducah April 13 1946 SEAL ESTATE k- I::PROVER°L.PTS 1947 Total 2i 15,918,580. Gross Increase by board ;;473,120. Gross decrease by Board 3,385. Net increase by Board "'489,735. Increase by Assessor 242,785. Total increase for 1948 712,520. H 1948 TOTAL ON ;TEAL ESTATE ° IL:PROVE!.E:;TS 16,631.119. PERSONAL PROPERTY 1947 Total N 4,625.970 Increase by Beard w 197.015. Increase by Assessor 7792050. Total increase for 1948 976,065. 1948 TOTAL ON PERSONAL M OFERTY 5,CO3,035. S U1.4<ARY TOTAL ON RF% ESTATE & IMPROVEMENTS (FULL RATE) $ 16,631,100. 11 " PERSONAL PROFaRTY '1 11 5,603.035. TOTAL ON REAL :STATE, IMP. & PERSONAL PROMRTY ( FULL RATE 22,234.135. TOTAL ON REAL FS TATE, IIGP. & PERS-NAL PROPERTY (SPECIAL RATE) 96,740. TOTAL ON BA11KS (SPECIAL RATE) 433,023. TOM ON TOBACCO (SPECIAL RATE) 101,775. GRAND TOTAL FOR 1948 (VARIOUS RAM) 22,867.673., BOARD OF EQ U`,LIZATION Wade Barton, Chairman George !':. Byrd, Sheriff C. N. Rawlings, Clerk s,/ Commissioner Carlick offered motion that the least- entered into between th City of Paducah and Tick Bros. Incorporated on April 6, 1348 by the terms of which said Company leases from the City of Paducah a portion of the lower part of Kentucky Avenue at a rental of M20.O0 per month beginning Tray 1, 1948, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and ?Mayor Protem Johnston (4) . 3evaluatlon ✓ Mayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commissioners letter !:Gtail 1'erc4nnts receive and file the letter of the Retail Merchants Association, dated April 13, In which they endorse the plan to reassess the real estate in the City of Paducah as outlined by :!_. 71ctor iiobday, City Mana6er. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, ^ox�i.^,dieners Abell, Alien, Carlick a nd i,!ayor Protein Johnston (4). V°.fait letter Yayor Protein Zohnston offered motion t4 at the letter of Vrs. Ilu:!h Croune 2,3. C^Oue h ✓" ,xprass!ny n^:prac!at'.on for porn,iaalon ,ivon the 'Tuberculosis Association to park t ie !-Bay t:^it or. ';roadway to r"olvod and filod. Adopted on call of the 11011, 'teas,.=!t5sioners Ate11, All^.n, Carllck and Yayor Protom .ohnstan (4). 8avalua:is: ,Man Vayor Protn.m Johnstnr, offored motion t]rat the Board of Com-11:+31oners !!ot!.7 y ' recei re an! f! la t -o re; ort of the :ity : n;;n er with reference to the plans Sni bated frr reveluatlen of real catate !n Paducah for taxation purposes. Adopted on cal_ ." t'.- ::c'.1, •ieas, C ---amnio hers Acell, Alien, .arlieka ne' ,`ayor Frotem Johnston (4). No Proceedin6s of heard of COmmissioners City of Paducah A; ro 13. 1948 -or cation. Vayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the copy of the r tter of Sarah co °card of ✓ i i .-lization Thurman, the City Clerk, addressed to the Board of Commissioners dated April 10, 1948,] 9r, DN to,Lecher with the copy of the letter written by her on the same date to Mr. :?ark Scull, i Superintendent of the Board of Education of the City of Paducah, and a copy of her certification as to the total value of all property in the City of Paducah , - ct to taxation in the year 1948, be received, filed and spread upon the minutes. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and i.:ayor Protom Johnston (4). Paducah, Kentucky April 10, 1948 it Ron. Mayor and Board of Commissloners City of Paducah .entlemen: i Cn April 10, 1948, I delivered to ':r. hark Scully, Superintendent of the Hoard of Education of the City of Paducah, Kentucky, a letter enclosing my certificate show the total assessed valuation of all property in the City of Paducah subject to taxation for school purposes for the year 1948. This information was certified to the Board of Education pursuant to the requirements of KHS 160.440. You will find enclosed a copy of the letter I have written to Mr. Scully, toYether with a copy of the certificate. Very truly yours, Sarah Thurman City Clerk April 10, 1948 6:r. ;ark Scully, Superintendent " Board of 7ducation rity of Paducah, Kentucky Dear Sir: As recuired under the provisions of KRS 160.440, I am herewith enclosinG my certificate showing the total assessed valuation of all prop;rty subject to taxati In the City of Paducah, Kentucky for school purposes in the year 1948. You are requested to file with me pursuant to the provisions of KRD 160,470 a cop;; of' the school budget for the year 1948, this budget to show tho amount of ...eked for current expenses, debt and service, capital outlay, and other r expenses of the schools during the year 1948, also the estimated total will be received from the common school fu.td and the amount that - to be raised by local taxation, including the rate of the levy raise such amount. aty �.snagerls budget was filed with the board of Commissioners on atxl your tud,-et should be filed as soon as possible to forestall the of dPlay in the levyin; of taxes for this year. Very truly yours, Sarah 1hurman City Clerk. C:: 0:' THE f -, -:I,: ''CKY i of the ;ucah, Kentucky, do hereby certify %r) rsport of the 'Board of �;qual:zatic tiie notal asnensed �t ;:xntior for t�:e yaar 1 of zation. i o f• a:�rl; the � i NO. 255 Proceedings o% 30ard d'oomnlsslenera City of Paducah April 13, 104E Street 1 10th & Saunders A;;reorents rit Fanks-S ecuri ti it : ayor Protem Johnston offered motion that the peti tions of the Rev. L. S $11cs, r and others, askin; that a street light be installed at the intersection of Saunders Avenue and 10th Street be received and filed; that the matter be referred to the r City Yana3er and that he be authorized to install said light if he finds it is needed. Adopted oncall of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Garlick and Nayor Protem Johnston (4). ✓ Commissioner Carliek offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION s AUTHM.IZING THE C11l OF PADUCAH, BY ATL-, THROUGH ITS lelYOR PhOTELS, STUART JOHNSTON, TO ENTE!; INTO AGRI EY.ENTS WITH THE CITIZEN'S SAVINGS BANK AT PADUCAH, 71E PADUCAH BANK A::D 'CIE PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK, PROVIDING FOR THE PLEDGING BY SAID PALS OF DIRECT AND FULLY GUARANTEED OBLICATIONS OF THE UN. ITED STATES OF AMERICA AS COLLATERAL S�,(UiilTY FOR THE FAITH UL CARE AND PAYMENT OF ALL DEPOSITS MADE IN SAID BANItS AND OF ALL FUNDS li ENThUSTED TO MIEM, FIXING THE P9:OUNT OF SUCH SECURITIES TO BE PLM -GED AND FEESCR1BING 77HE TEMIS AND CONDITIONS TO BE CONTAINED IN EAC:: OF SAID AGREES BUTS", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and i.Sa or ?rote Johnston (4). On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTED AP PROV I' ayo _ roro tem City Clerc