HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 25, March 11, 1947No. 2`'
Proceedings of Eoard of Commissioners City of Paducah 6(arch 11th, 1947
report of :ire
year 1946
Letter of John
C. Posey
E1000 Damages
Plds Permit
'a ter line od
Mies Road at
11 At a Regular ;.:eeting of the board of Commissioners held 1n the Commiaslonersc
Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.f.i. on 1.7.8rch 11th, 1947
Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their nanen:
4onm,issloners 7riedlonder, Johnston and Vayor :Seaton (3), Commiaoionera ;'lillinms and
Sims being absent (2).
Ninutes of the previous moeting wero adopted os read.
Comliiosioner Johnston offered motion that the hoard of Commiss ioners receive
and file the 1946 Annual Report of the Paducah Fire N partment. Adopted on call of'
the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and ::ayor Seaton (3).
r Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of r.:r. John C. Posey in
which he asks damages in the sum of .,1000.00 by reason of the misunderstanding which
arose when a permit was issued to him for the construction of a quonset type building
at 601 Kentucky ;,venue for use in the operation of a launderette, Le received and file
Adopted on call of the Roil, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and r,ayor
Seaton (5).
Commissioner Johnston ofered the following motion: Henry Steinhauer, owner
of a house and three lots located on Pines Road between ;forth 32nd Street and a point
4,10 feet Zouth of North 32nd Street, all in the City of Paducah, r.:cCrscken County,
rentucky, file with the 'Wayor and ward of rommissioners a petition, representing
that the above named party is the owner of the resnective property referred to in
sni,l petition arc.? said party petitions the Wayor and board of Commissioners for the
extension of a " water main on Pines Road from Horth 32nd Street to a point approx-
imately 4C0 feet Louth of North 32nd ;treat.
The above mentioned petitioner owns unimproved property and has paid to the
Paducah ';star forks the sum of "54.00 plus the utility tax of .;1.62, being the
minimum charge for three lots for a period of two years from the completlon of' the
laylnZ of said eater main.
It appears from the endorsement by the board of Conmrissioners of the Faducah
7.bter .oris ghat said request: and petition comply with the franchise provisions and
I, ?.. . c C;?3, '.'OVE that the petition of Henry Steinhauer be received and filed
and that t'r;e iadreah ;rater ::orks, through its ward of Coarr.ion loners, Le outsprized
,�tnnd s r crater ^..ain along tines Road from :forth ZPnd Street to a point appror.-
::rvtaiy 440. fnni of :forth 32nd 3trect, no no to provide to the
on •Tinea Road.
ui•tter -.avn tLot tho ndoption of this resolution and the granting of the
ntr;ne' in Lai. f,ntition be considered as an agreement on the part of the I
ay t•e fire hy,lrnnt and water main rental, no provided in the j
, :,^ l. -'r.,; Aryl cr,nnnction roferred to in the petition, said rentalsnn I
" "a n hu:: r r: lold un:] Vater provi+led :or on quid ..nation of
of tn. hall., fens, COr"miaaionern .riedlurider, Johnston
eilsa:i r ,., i
.... �. :!.',t Cir. .pard of r'a:-rnissiouera receive
:r. ._'z Tran*a 1. :er.rrar
• �. ... ,r•adley, dated ;arch 4th,
r' �a 1"tter of ra'.,. ,ary ..4 t':, "r. ^!„rl^.s A. .,1?liumal lett(-:•
4^ „n r r'w 1
. 1'j .. .. n. radieY�a ^.?.tmr u. e.,.... •y 13.17, said
.. .._..aaC.: ._ete:•f wit't,
Proceedings of__2, of Paducah "arch 11, 1947
I further rove that the :Ittorney for the city prepare an ordinance
autho-i:in• the closing of a 15 foot unimproved street In the colored portion of the
ce -=tery `noon as Duaee .;treat which street 1 ;tendo `ron `cord Street to 'acil .,venue,
and that the area embraced within acid closed street be used for burial lots.
Ad2pted on call of the *toll, Yeas, Conr.issioners Friedlander, Johnston & f!ayor Seaton 3).
I certain, Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the Corporation Counsel be
lots Oak /
;rove for J ' authorized to prepare an ordinance providing for the sale of Lots ties. 1, 2, 3, u, 7,
' ,..'0 each ',
9, 10, 11, 12 13, lc", 17 and 18 in =lock 5 Addition to Oak ;rove Cemetery at the pric
of 75.00 per lot. fdopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander,
Johnston and "ayor Seaton (3).
-end of J.?.� Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the board of commissioners
Loan Co. '�; aFProve the bond executed by J. F. Riclmnan d/b/a Rict-nn Jewelry is Loan Company, as
II principal, and the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, as surety, in the sunt of ";1000,
the condition of the bond beim that he will faithfully observe the provisions of
-"IS 220.030 to 331.050, inclusive, and all o_dinances aril laws now in force in the
City of Paducah not inconsistent with said sections of the statute. Adopted on call
of the Roll, Yeas, Commlosloners Friedlander, Johnston and liayor Beaton (3).
Decline to '.'ayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners decline to accep
ln's 0frer the offer of "r. Fain '1. Kine to convey to the City of Paducah the triangular strip of
proper t; at
around at the corner of Thirteenth Street and the Cairo Road. Adopted on call of the
roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnaton and Mayor Seaton (3).
1.0.11 ^.ity Yayor weaton offered motion that the business at the City Rall be suspended
Cara�yta + at 2:C0 P.?:. on :'ednesday afternoon, l.nrch 12th, 1947, and all city employees, with
rhe ercention of policemen and firemen to permitted to remain off duty to attend the
j funeral services of ".rs. Alban '.71. Barkley. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'leas,
Con -.!ns loners Friedlander, Johnston, and lfayor Seaton (3).
;;ell lot to l.ayor Beaton offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "Ai' 07:DIIIAIICG