HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 245, April 6, 1948NO.—:.: i� Proceedingsof. of Corm is a lone ra City of Paducah AS;Lil F I J4S ,.ater line or. : eidcrnan aosiaairp., t the _oard of Comm2ssioners hold in the Coamiasionera� a _:eCvlar :.:eetinr of Cia:hxr at the City ',.'all, Paducah, nentucky, at 7:30 P.il. on April 6, 1943, Ka,lor Frotem Johnston presided in the absence of 1.:a.;or leak and upon call of the Roll the fa'to*min_. answerod to their na es: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and i:.ayor Frote.n Johnston (4). ::lnutea of the prevloi.rs mcotin;; r,cre adonted as read. Co:r^issloner Abell offered tho followin;:; motion: ':,00dford i.: !rtha Shelton, owners of property located at 3019 'Ussissippi Strcot, W. E. Shelton, a.:ncr of proport3 at 3017 7ississippi Street, Etta i.:atheny, owner of nroperty at 2304 Leiderman, ;dra. 3.? Alsbroo'rs, o,. -,-nor of property at 2310 eiderman, :'vs. Charlea avid, owner of property at 2316 ioidcrnan, Joe N. Sanders, owner of property at x320 Leiderman ,avenue, Lawrence Yullinax, owner of property at 2400 Eelderman Avenue, M,o. J. B. 1dcCarty, ormer of property at 2412 beiderman Avenue, Mrs. A. L. Carrico, owner of property at 2424 15e1dex man, Glenn Jones, ormer of property at 2404 Eeiderman, J. T. Campcell, owner of proper! at 109 Feiderman Street, ',Silson Estes, o•rrner of property at 2909 1issis32ppi Street, :lormon Tate--, owner of property at 2912 i,:ississippi Street, u"racle A. Cook, owner of i property at 23C9 Leiderman, Gertrude Eater, owner of property at 2321 Leiderman, Ray Lewis, ovnor of property at 2406 Eelderman, Burnett S. Carroll, o:rner of property 3t 2416 F.e'.rlermEn avenue, 1,:ason }I-rindley, owner o" nropertj at 2900 i.:ississippi, Thama::on, ormcr of property at 102 ?eidernan, Henry Rol'crtaor., owner of property on Old ::a:ficic .^.-ad, ;.A. Schsridt, o::ner of a_•onc;°ty on Old 1..ayfiold Road,Iiclen L. imitl: owner of proport;; on Ola J:ayfteld Fioad, ..ikon Sstes, owner of one vacant Lot ;p7, Lloc} 1, on 1Lississippi Street, ':ikon rstas, ormer of one vacant lot- }%9, block 1 on ,.:isa- i�'3lppi Street, file with the 1.:a or and Loard of Commissioners a petition, reprosentin;- that each of the above nomed parties is the owner of the respective propert;,• referred t in Sr—l-' petition; and said parties petition the Mayor and : oard of Com;;rlaolonera i'or ,ie extension of an 2" main slop T.:aJfield load from the end of the exiotinZ: main on ::u"field Food to Leiderman 3trnet, thence on ieiderr:an Street to :.:i„aissie•pl Street; x,ith a ' renin on Yisala3lnpi :;tract, ;rom Leiderman atroot to -Jth 6trect, a total :ildtance of a rroximate].; ^9n0 foot. Petll icne.? il,')n ;sten, owns two vacant lot:, an a:r: , :nc: 1 :+nd han ;laid to the ,aducah 7.atc• -,:•'•.. lollarc -nc ;allnr and P.A-11t canto, Lei:z ar rr7 ... ,caw from the rormlct_on ._ _ _. aai- ^:a r.- ..-... ... .,r.:inr:e;icnt tilt rtar ::,mks trst salt Ond petition co:c, w! +;erg rs;z -... ..: ... _ ,_.. •,� Cc ..ia a j,q ir._ , tc. eaa r.' .,e e .... _ wlt•h a '” ;:ain on Ciao'.:::;:.. total 'llatarca t g,: NO. Proceedings of City of Paducah ­` 2 19-1n !on ?1113 Cart of :rant and ::iter nail roriL,-.1, as pi-ovieled In `ho �n referred to :n the petition, said rentals in,! ,vater :­vidod for on said zact !on of 7i c.ain on ;:ajf d,:ld i ond to itreet; thence cn Stroot, to :1z;;1�.'I --I Street; thence on ':iusiozinpi 'Street, from -t, to 2�t'� :;treot. on call of the Roll, )(cas, Commirsionors 11, Allen, Carlick nr=; --n. or ---rDtem Johnston (4). "onnissioncr hil-n offered motion thst the petition of Lorna K. Jones, for fo conn-�ot a ^ne Inch water pipe line to a '1 inch water pipe line ov.,ned by ­nes on,5 located alone- -;unset Avenue no as to provide :eater service for a rur.-onco t� one residence to be constructed on lot 01, block C, be received Mod and the authority sou,7ht in said petition be granted subject to the limitatioas tm,! conditions expres.,ecl herein. 66 :.1othin- contained in the granting of this request shall 'je construed at, a or water -arv-lcc on the part of the City of Paducah or its of and nothing in the wanting of said requent shall no,,,., or cinrtr-ze,1 qr an oi.11-ation or aEre".ent on the part of the Cit;; of Paducah i z],ncr3 of '.7ator '7orks to purchs3e or accuive said water line on any part _ntalr rare: 110 such otli,ation shall arise should said territory where )rned pipe line lies be annexe, to or taken Into the corporate limits &dacah. Adopted on call of the Noll, Less Connsissionera ;,ball, illor, :rotem Johnston (4). 1:,):i'donor Carlick offorec the folla-aing, motion: '.rs. Ella 1ao ',!soon, located at 821 Leil.crrnsn Ztroet, ':rs. Ludie 3. Lon,,, o,,,.,rer of proper 1 1. ..r UL rmri Street, '.,. J. Lawrence, ovener of Property located tt* L-1-1-1,•, .In 7.- :'olotte, 1%*jr.or of rronorty Incated r 707 Lei!_-3m.9n 'troct, r one v,n:,nt let -nest ;m -n -1r, ownor o:' one vacant Lo Loy the T,:a,*:or an-' .,oard a: -vc named -,n­t_o_, In -h NO. Proceedinsjof City cf PaducahApril G, c- t at the petition of T:ra . T,1 jr, ','o ::anon, and othora, co .ca sna M:)(I an! that the djralj '.ator throli,-h Its -card ofCouunisaionol-3, n .-.-afer i,.-zin alone LQibernan ft-om the existln,! train on ion if e;-.tcnde(l, a listnnno of w,pro;-Irn,.toiy 1300 !'Oct. In 7—. t! n " t...,t of the Paducah *a tor con tn iChoir , latter rated r Cor .. -.,riisslon to la,., an additional 120 feet of C" water naln alonj an alley from Leiberman to ZwinC bo wanted and the iaducah ':'later I'lorks, throur.11 Its "card of Conmissionors, is h^reby authorized to w1tond a V water main alon- in fr:)m tIn end of the proposer] main alon- a lley:,cio-�vrfian to the end of the cKl�t- in on Ewin-r- Street, a distance of appro.n1iriately 1220 feet, so as to eliminate two "joad ends" and Improve fire protection service ig that vicinity. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the Crantin'. the request contained In said petition and in the letter from the Paduor.Cl !.star ..o k dated April 6, 1946, be considered as an a_-reement on the part of the City of Podlcah t, !:ay the fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided In the franchise, on the ri-p3 line and connection referred to in the petition, and letter above referred to, rentals to be Gin .,;hon said water ma'n han Laen laid and water provided for on said Leiberrmn Street and alonC an alley from Leibcrman to Hwlnz Street, a tanco of 9ppro:-.ir.mtoly 14CO fact. adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, -'Dner3 Abell, '-Ion, Carlick and i..ayor Protom Johnston (,!). :.eno Commissioner Abell offered motion that tho Loard of Cormninnion- -.,,o receive an,'. ..ornhard �elesse file the release executed by 1.71sa Rona rernhaad In which she ac' nowled.- ,an receipt of "150.CO in full 3etticnont of her claim against tho City of ?aducalj. Adnptod on call of the ;car, Gom=iss-loncrs t.c11, I-Ilon, rarllcic and ',,'ayor Protem Johnston (4). Comminsioner illon offered notion that the Loard of Cominiazionera receive and 1045 file the financial report of the Paducah 'Neter ',"Or1c3 for the month of February. ,mteon cs]1 of the Roll, f-3nr, COmllti3alonnrs AL011, Allen, Carlicic and "ayor Johnston P). :,.o -,Iforad motion that the 1-.0aild of Commissioners receLvo and Company for —!i1:iiiotj tr) installs SO gallon h of ,altos 'P. raeL, ami that . n,n,'!jtjon t 1", ',r' - n of th,, tnnx be a npi-ove V L .1 �1* . ,lopto,] -r.call a!' ll -:o ^arllck ,o:i.. :r.Oti0r, th-1 t 1 0;-, n in t. -h 1 c h t; NO.. Proceedings of `^ City of Paducah Aril 0, 1948 �t..e t1 --at after the above mentioned ordinance has Leen adopted n, .._wino of thQ _,nccilallon of said contract has teen Hivon that the City :•onaror _ nc-ntlation 'with t:rc .:en`..ucl:y Utilities Company one o!:tain their proposal of cul:i e charted for :urnishinp• of clectric current for operation of t _ _, uns if the city s' ould re willing- to entor into a rew contract. Adopted cw'..7 ......_, ,... , Co:r.�sissLoners A -e 11, •Alen, Carlie`c and :.:ayor ;rotor.•: Johnston Comc:inoioner ^nrlick ozfered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A' : CRDI:;d:"CE ENTITLED: 'A:1 ORDINANCE FROF:I_ITING Z?E rAHlili;C Or :a,".' THE SOUTF JIDE OF THE I_VERSECTIO! AT tROAMWAY TO _.:7: A'�' ;iE!Tv`Ci:'r AVE:iUE, A':D rRESCRI_I::^ ":-iE PENALTY :'C•^"_i: _.,_C_ �, ..'iTOf: 'AS ADOPTED Li 'ME OA?D OF COi.:'.I33IO1! 3S 01 BARCH 30, 1949", Lo adootcd. Aeopted on call of the Roll, Leas, Commissioners Abell, Allen ..._ ,_.:: and :'n or Frotem Johnston (4). ::n•:or Proton Johnston. offered Motion that an ordinance entitled: "AII A; .-.-. ..., , _.._ . Ld_ _ .;UIDIVISIOF OF A PAROiiL OP LA:!D 0:7 Ilia ^ST :TIDE 371l _ 3TRECT, .._ilCi. .7Aj ACCSi'TED -f -.. CITi RLc'ORT ...:_ODfZD T_;! A Ra30LUTIO11 ADCPTED 5, 1945", Lo adopted. Adopted on call of the Goll, 'leas, Commiaaionerc ., 'Illen, Carllc:: and La,or =Totem Johnston (4). Co=issioner Carlick offered motion that the Board of Commissioners :rith- the motion pssse:'. at tra meeting of i'arch 23, under which motion an ordinance c7t•� ?d: 0 D1::;:.:C :. ._ ...- FOP, MIKE LEA3III0 W. OIIE (1) TYPE 85 tnIFLE CC.'.- iIti'!ACT:IRTN^. CORFORATION O� LG:; ISLAuD, I:817 -. 7-_ ..SLIVER'' 01° SAID PUTIFILIC EUG_INE TO, ,.AY 1, 1949, AT A RE:iTAL C. _^`.O'; OR ."::L ...,.T.:_ 2: ..AID LEASE 0:: :.:At 1, 1949, FCR A _., _._ ;.:7� A.; OF- 0:: iC ],..,...,,.,7 :iAID FU;::FI:i E;IGINE ON ILAY 1, 1950 0 3I3:, 0:: 31 6L: 01'' ILiE CITY .- .. ,i. L Z.-, C: C .. -.i -iC . . , C; .., �J ......:iIO - ^r 'i__. :ns intro9uced i'.. '.,r nno (1) .:c:. in Ito _-.. _ _... ; a ::c . Adopted on call of the "loll, I ic1: r.` 1•ratem Johnston (4). ",:011e.: fered cation that an ordinance en :`.l :•., C., . (1) 83 TRIPLE ^C:' :.. IJLA ID, i iJ Proceedings of 197'(3 n= nm eaioncra City of Paducah t+aril 3, 10'0 : o11n mot. .a:.'or :rotera Johnston offered motion that the -pard of Commiaaioners reco lvq ^a is anal file the letter of :tal Cole, ;resident of the Faducah Folice Lenartment, Local ::,. C 109&, in rhich the police department requests relmcuraomont at the rate of „15.00 per nonth to help pay for equipment, uniforms, otc. Adopted on call of the Roll, ioas, Com issionera ALell, al len, Carlic'•c and ;.:ayor Fro ton Johnston (4). Fotition. ';c �� t:ayor Frotem Johnston offered motion that the petition sirned by Louis F. rarkin.- meters on <nd r^e Y,'rchoff and 56 other owners of Luoinessen in the Luolneaa district on Second Street reouestin- that no parklnt meters be placed on either aide of Liecond street from i Jefferson to ErDadway or from Lrondva,• to Kentucky Avenue, be received and filed. Ad -) ted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, •.11sn, Carlock and :Cayor -otcm, Johnston (4). .att Commissioner Abell offered motion that the -oard of Commisnionera receive and Spur ✓.. racl: file the letter of the caducah cattery Company, Incorporated, roquestin-, percussion to construct a spur tract, throu;h the alley between :1inth and Tenth Streets bounded ar_•ison and Clay Streets, to ether• with t o blue print referred to in said letter, j art: that the :aducah atter:/ Company, Incorporated, Le permitted to construct said (JI spur track in'the alley along the route shown on said plot, provided said construction '.cork is approved by the City En,7ineer and la done in accordance r•:Lth the provisions of the ordinance relatin;- to street excavation and construction vrork. Adopted on call of Poll, Yeas, Commissionerer nbell, i-llen, Carlic'.c and 3.;ayor Protein Johnston (4). On motion the moetinZ adjourned. I AO":FT_J 43194£3 A, -F fl,or C , City 'Ucrk I'