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Minutes Book 21, Page 214, March 30, 1948
NO -- Proceedings Of City of Paducah 1,:,,rch 30, 1940 ::o in f % ConmIrsionors hold in the Copuninslonerst Kentucky, at 7:30 r.*-'.- on arch 30, I946, 7:!ajor In the absence of 1.'5jor leak, and upon call of the Roll o ins-.-.-er--,d to their w4,!es: ;.:embers ALell, ,llen, Carlic,c and b:ajor ,-_costo:: es of t�: previous un r::-eLin- visre adopted. .ut. Cor--iionioncr Abell O_fered :,Dt..jon that the :,oard -.f Commissioners receive and y he purpose of determining 'orvoy mode -Qy him f - or t ;ane -rlr report of a i -, 7or%in.7 meters should be inztallod In city of aducOh. said containing- a that 250 additional parkInC meters be installed. on call cf the Roll, Cormaiss-loners nbell, Allen, Carlick and T:ayor Tr,,4s7. Johnston (4). Cornis3ioner Abell offered mallon that the -oard of Corrinisaionera receive and file t1c 5onplemental Contract entered Into betwoen the City of Paducah and I-lary �z,,i—nja :iielue, doin^ bunincus under the i''irm name of the Paducah mus Company, on —i,.,ch.5th, 1949. Adopted on call of the E.011, 'fees, Obiaminsionero Abell, Allen Corljcl,:, ani '-ayor Protem Johnston (4). cc-,,miosioner Allen mIfered motion that the i-.oard of Commissioners receive and file ';-e opinion of the Court of Appeals in the action of Paducah Automotive Trades so0ciati on and others aCaInst the City of laducah viherein:tho plaintiffs' motion fn'r �j te:7porary inlunct:o-i to restrain the City of -Paducah from onforcin:: the -';'.-,)nn a' the license ordinance vno overruled. Adopted on call of the Roll, ,Ilen, anl :�ajor Proten Johnston 14). 'r timt a Rej,lutlon entitled: "A C rUTE, .-,'0 A Z ;—D ,3opted on call a, the ;:all, ions, D- :rotent Johnston (4). --t the letter a!' tho -overtime rn- in i Johnston (4). u -e letter of t;ie Clt; t% for use of space at 1 01- the 1,011, Ceaz, Ou, ..i1m;1oner f w t11: c t 13 0i Proceedings of o^r 3 if Cor;-lior' on.,�'s City of Paducah —ch 30, said Lud;-ey ahnvtin, is itemizrl fors Lhe annrop,•lations recoranendcd by the CIL;; r m i. r. rn,c, f.r ;pant of current exrenses ami foperanent improvements for each departn:,L.n, ai ,j •division thereof for the fiscal year 1946 with comparative statements in parallel columns of the a_.Lropriations and expenditures for the current fiscal year, the aggro- ( rrlatlono oral expenditures for the year preceding the current fiscal year, and the increas:,s cr decreases in the enprooriations reco=endod for 1948 as compared with os1nom31_t:-es in 1947. 1 further move tYat copies of the aforesaid Lud-o* to printed and made avalls'.l U for distribution and that s public hoarin` be held on Bald 'uudrot at the roi!ulrt mooti P rf the -oard of :on-!l3nion:ars in tt,e 13th day of April, 194B at 7:30 P.:. in the r^ -a s -Toners .^anter nt t e Ci+ ;:ill. ,_dopted on call of the Poll, v+as, Con-jins- :j .'2nn, cn-!.".... -. .. ';,._, :-rotert Jphnstnn (4). I i m p'. I* Paducah, Kentucky ;larch 29, 1948 Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissioners.. City of Paducah Paducah, Kentucky Gentlemand As required blaw there is transmitted herewith a propos y ed, budget for the calendar year 1948. It is composed of four parts,;_,,. :• as follows: (,< (1) Statement of Condition of General Fund as of december 31, 1947. (2) Statement of Revenue for 1948 Budget. d`• (3) Budget Comparisons and Proposals for 1948. (4) Explanation and Justification. The total of recommended expenditures for 1948 is ;681,839.95, which is an increase of ;,76,650.22 over total expenditures in 1947 of 605,189.73. The principal items.accounting for this increaae,• which are offset in part by decreases in other accounts, are as follows: (1) Salary increases in 1947 (2) Property revaluation (3) New fire truck and other fire fighting, equipment (4) Repairs and improvements at City t.:arket (5) Three now trucks for-itrect DepartmQnt (6 Floodwall expenses (7) Three new police cars $38,000 .~ 13,000 8,700 8,500 5,700 3,500 ,300 .;.79, 700 ' The recommended expenditurca are based on estimated revenue of 681,839.95, but to attain this figure new ordinances will be neces- sary as follows: (1) increase semi-annual alcoholic beverage licenses before July 1 in accordance 'wit'h proposals made in Oocember, 1.947, as follows: Retail package, from 150 to ..200; retail beer, ,rom .;.30.00 to '37.50: end wholesale liquor from 250 to '075. This would duce about '.2,500 additional revenue in 1948. (2) ?ncrense fines for ovor-parking on rarking meters from 50/ to ,1.00. '.hie mould produce about ,1,000 additional revenue in 1.948.• (3) lncrcaae rents in the City Maraat by an average of 1?4: 'It:±a would pr^,Iuoe. about ;500 additional rovenue in 1948. (4) Increa.s0 charges for openln,-, groves in Oak Grove Cenetery 1,000 additional vuvvinuo in 1:048. (8) Frov±de for .Lratt.11nr.L.n W' ^50 additional parking, m4ters ataa `centra: Luniness diatr-Int to produce about ;1>,500 additional f. i"tre estim*1td of 1948 revnnui- Egon: real and porsonal property and h. �n,htse teres 13 Lased an a tax rata oi' „'1.385 per ;1G0. lois is p3 'o�e }hap•:tna '.1.40 rat. levLo7 in 1947 to provide a one cant lcivy ++kkILJ*'.* pattelon fur.: cf c,ity r:r.•f:loyees otter than pollcomen and "ire - Soh ordence with the recently eracte d ordinance. and an s one-half cant levy for the iublie Library to f..^,r na lar' Increases. r J t provide about J The extent of inflation and it:^rtaeey.11vi r.g casts ar. •9 tt:e fact that ,tier city employees have ieeo:ved salary increases would seen t:, justify th=, moderato ±r,:ra,scs trot fain s'. would perm±t in the follox±ng salavioa; 7 .. NO. 11L Proceedin6s of City of Paducah MA Head Librarian 1,165 per month Children's Librarian 125 " First Asst. Librarian 100 " Second Asst, Librarian 80 it u Janitor 70 If „ Fart -time Librarian 40� per hour This proposed budget will provide for a minimum of governmental services and the most urgent projects. here are many other worth- while while undertakings that could be well justified, but limited revenue makes their exclusion or postponement necessary. For example, the five days per week to clean, repair and maintain Street Department has only 29 employees working eight hours a day streets, alleys and sidewalks over the entire city; this number compares with a force of 25 employees working nine hours a day six days per week augmented by convict labor when the city limits extended only to 25th Street, and people of the city seem to expect more services from this depart- ment than formerly. Each citizen with a ditch to be cleaned, sidewalk to be repaired, Qtc., seems to think that immediate action should be taken ori his or her request. The fact is that the city will not be able to rive the services desired until a more adequate staff and equipment can be furnished in the Street Department. This been but the Board omay efind dplaces get swhere adjustments shouldlbe mad;.ared as carefu las itle, would be desirable to reach final decisions and adopt the annual apportionment ordinance within the next three weeks, neapectfully yours, VICTOR C. HOBDAY 7 - City Manager Proceedings of City of Paducah 1� CITY OF PADUCAH Office of the City Manager i STATEMENT OF CONDITION OF G-LNERAL FUND AS OF December 31, 1947 , Reaaurces• Cash: Citizens Savings Bank -100,445.78 500,00 Patty Cash Fund Total Cash ;;100,945.78 Other Resources: Accounts Recaivabla on Froperty Sold 259.03 2 II09.60 Property Purchased, Stated at Cost ' 55.91 Other Receivables 8: Advance Payments Total Other Resources $3,124.62 TOTAL RESOURCES X104,070.40 y Liabilities: Current vouchers payable „14,464.12 4 47.10 Other accunts payable , Eriployeo's rayroll Deductions ' 711.81 Due Other Fiends -Interest on Voted Bonds 6.92 69,098.59 Undistributed Collections natured Coupons (not presented for payment) for which the City Treasurer is 832.50 Fiscal Arent Total Liabilities ,89,351.04 r° q0 -neral Sund aurnlus: •'�� Unliquidn ted Surplus 43,124.62 Cush Surplus 12.F44.74 Ta `a l :;urplus 1S. 7156 TOTAL :.IAh:LITIFS E: 3URPL'JS Proceedings of City of Paducah CITY OF PADUCAH Office of the City !ganger STATEIMT OF REVENUE FOR 1948 BUDGET Source Revenue 1947 Estimate 1948 Increase Decrease TAK-7' (h::rent year, real & personal prop, (1947 ratet $1.40; 1948 rate $1.38ej) $275,683,84 $307,133.00 $31,449.16 r'riur years, real & personal P""'), 10,002.82 8,000.00 2,002,82 Franchise (1947: $1.40 1948: $1.3821) 73,164.73 69,240.00 3,924.73 Pcil 73209.00 8,887.50 1,678.50 Tobacco 298.64 152.66 145.98 Bank Shares 768.72 866.05 97.33 ranalty, interest & advertising 7,089.76 5,000.00 2,089.76 L LCr 'SES j:,. i.�iiess Alcoholic 72,325.45 120,000.00 47,674.55 Beverage 25,790.00 25,460.00 330.00 Automobile and truck 22,386.98 24,000,,00 1,613,02 Kotorcycle Dog 79.30 1,292.75 8040 .70 Penalties 1,165.88 325.00 1,500.00 334,12 967.75 07HER Fines L'arket House Rents 41,1969.48 3,202.38 40,000.00 3,200.00 1,969.48 208 Cemetery lot sales Burial p emits 2 18 ' 3.00 2,471.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 183,00 Property sales & rentals 6,803.13 1,200.00 471.00 5 603,1,3` Street Department 597.31 600.00 2.69 Electrical Inspection fees 2,028,00 2,500.00 472.00 Building.permit fees 3,937.65 4'000.00 62.35 _ Parke Parking meters 10, 294.94 9,314.o3 12,000.00 17 250.00 1,705.06 7,935.97 City Scales? deigning fees Parking fees 835.49 622.30 800.00 650.00 35.49 27.70 ta.cellancous 4,695.72 3,000.00 1,695.72 CASH SURFL'17 26,970,72 12,594.74 14,375.98 MUND 7r"7 -& 613,183.02 672,438.95 93,053.15 33,797.22 additional rr,,:-o requiring rmv leaiolation: Alco?:oli- licences Fires {:: ,r-_•.._-:. -::• only) 2 500,00 2,500,00 i'arke' :-,uac _._ray 1,000.00 40C.00 1 0000 400„00 E.rldn j:�nte.-3. Par:!it:;.:�.�cr:, 1,000 CO 1,000,00 4,51iO.GO 4,5oo.0o Total additional revenue 9,00.00 9,400.00 Grand totals 1.613,163.02 ;;(81,838.9: 102,1:53.15 $3),797,22 Proceedings o! City of Paducah NO._ i' h C I TY OF PADUCAH Office Of the City Mdanaoer APPROPRIATIONS AJD EXPENDI'URES FOR 1946 ACCOMPANYING TABULATION OF BUDGET COMPARISONS AND PROPOSALS FOH 1948 ACCT ?IO ACCOUNT BUDGET EXPENDED "- 1946 1946 GENERAL GOVERNbJENT 100 :O1 Salary of Mayor Salary of Commrs N1800.00 $1800.00" 1 103 Salary of City hlgr Salary 6000.00 4533.36 6000.00 4533.36 105 of City Stenog Supplies -Adv -Etc 1965.00 1965.00 l.G Telephone £ Tolegraph 232.00 180.00 433.41 !C7 Subscriptions £: Dues 594.00 175.77 li0 111 :eater Rentals WaterIdG IRentals 48410.00 375.50 48470.19 525.00 525.00 Totals I 64039.36 64278.03 "INTEIIANCE & IMPROVEMZNT--CITY HALL 200 201 Sslary- Janitor 8: Pireman Sal -Elevator Operator 1087.36 1087.36 1022.50 201-A Extra Janitor & Elevator Operator 450.00 202 1022.50 203 Repairs to Bldg -Boiler -Etc P.iisc Materials "& 1355.00 404.40 1542.13 2204 Fuel .. Supplies 1300.00 1443.94 205 tater Rentals 960.00 1003.44 206 Repairs to City Property 109.00 107.11 750.00 1103.19 Totals 7033.86 7714.07 300 ASSOCIATIONS & DONATIONS 301 Friendly Homo -'Shite Friendly Homo -Col 1800.00 1800. CoC0 303 t:others Club 600.00 600.00 304 Oattlement Houso 600.00 600.00 a. 307 Pauper Burials .1500.00 1500.00 310 Parks-fhito 600.00 500.62 310-A Swimming Pools 15875.00 16304.25 312 Salvation Army 5820.00 58G2.31 314Parks-Colorod 240.00 240.00 315 Red Cross 4500.00 3603.95 316 Sundry Donations 500.00 500.00 322 Ve tcrans :?pus in_ 1'ro jec t25.00 25.00 4000.00 991.46 ' Totals 3'0C.0.00 32527.59 LEGAL DEPARTMENT. 400 Salary -Carp Counel � 401 East Corp Counsel 3265.00 3r^65.00 702 Sal -Legal Stonog 1370.00 1370.00 403 404 eta tlonery- stamps- Etc 850.00, 822.94 465 Suits & Claims 100.(.0 7. 46 405-4 Legal JOrvices 8000.00" G8-14.13 Lack Tax COI!OctiOna-Pers Prop 5237.50 5407.6,9 .00 655.24 Totals !O 18822.50 18372.46 5�0 PINAN"CR )EPARTt.e:tr" Salary-TrnaOurar %0 51Z -.alcary-Auditor 2665.00 2605.00 � 504 .'„lard-Oity �.lk-2tc 1610.00 1600.00 r 5.•6 Sal-.Machina O rotor 2401.50 2343.37 I t 3a1-Clk-Iris 1ar.r,t cr 13^,0.00 1370.60 �' 2 i �a;-Tx, Clks T a ^t 1610.00 1370.,)o 1610.00 SCG , o mka la uy rtr rlvrls t 157• 0.00 ?365.30 I z J at T c „naeasrr 18''2. 34.00 13.. ...8 nas:�asora r'lork Sal 976.25 -"a r. Assessor 5"2.50 875.00 _ •�ra{nrx+ Of :.�ualialtiOr. 1007.50 1807. 0 - r. roa tar.-.,rappl lca =`:Sre :-�ulr�rent 8"2.30 .'•000.00 835.00 "216.2£1 I 1 vertising 600.00 1046.12 4350.00 4294.170 NO. ..c .^._. E IProceedings of City of Paducah o 516 518 Auditing Expense 62300.00;,2300.00 Contingent Fund 518-A Family Service 12371.46 9020.47 518-B Electric Plant Board 8750.00 5060.00 9102.45 4452.51 516-C Emergency Flood Control .00 519 Electrical Inspection 1230.00 .00 1311.02 521 Municipal Housing Comm 650.00 610.00 Totals 58552.96 54614.15 cUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTTAENT 600 601 Sal -City Physician -White 2545.00 2545.00 602 Sal -City Physician -Col 1790.00 1790.00 604 Dog Inoculations Incinerator Expense 490.00 456.00 1105 Drugs & Supplies 746.50 300.00 746.50 240.55 608 609 Incinerator Expense McCracken Co Public Health 240.00 19.79 612 Special T B Fund 4000.00 500.00 4000.00 500.00 613 614 Repairs to Bldg Sal-Watchnan-City Dump .00 .00 615 Health Center 264.00 3140.00 264.00 3139.53 Totals 14015.50 13701.37 POLICE..DEPT 700 701 Sal of Chief Dal of A sst Chief 29115.00 2703.80 702 702-A Sal -Dir of B of 1 Sal 2197.50 2117.50 2197.50 2117,50 703 703-A of Clerk Salary of Captains Sal -Lieutenant 00 6352.50 .00 6087.50 703-B 703-E Sal -Lt of Platoon 2017.50 3915.00 1935.00 3915.00 703-F Sal of Capt Detectives Sal -Lt of Detectives 2117.50 2117.50 703-G 703-H Sal -Sgt of Detectives Sal -Desk 1957.50 3755.00 1957.50 3755.00 704-A Sgts Sal -Police Class A 5632.50 5629.85 704-B Salary Police Class B 40437.50 30527.59 705 705-B Salary City Electrician Sal -Pat .00 2137.50 9603.27 2137.50 706 of 9;gts S ;.laasures Sal Police Judge 1241.75 1241.75 706-A Sal -Judge -Secretary 3250.00 3250.00 707 Salar;�-Jailer .1000.00 1000.00 708 708-A Eq uipnent & Supplies Photo Equip -Finger P supplies 1877.50 5000.00 1843.05 5023.75 709 :Maintenance of A utos 250.00 177.52 710 Maint of Radio Equip 21175.00 2972.66 710-A Sal -Radio Mochanic 305.00 227.22 711 Gas 2. 011 150.00 62.00 712 713 Traffic Lights & Signal System 3400.00 400.00 .3451.00 714 staticnory-Stnmps & supplies Fccding Prisoners 730.05 194.63 732.12 715 TrnvelinU -_cocns^ 1.140.00 1525.15 71r Yn!r.t City Ja it 150.00 150.00 718144.00 71 3 Offlec `%pence-PoliceJudoe 205 00 159.53 720 ;t.. ;.ar:a ng -Paints & Frushas .ial.nry-Dog Catcher 52 .84 307.52 86.09 1592.8400 16„4.59 TCTAL3 99688.59 98713.09 FIR$ DEFAR TMENT 8C() ..olnry of Chief 801 Sslary-Gnat Ch1e: 29115.00 2965.00 8O? Sal of 5 ,"Ptairs .50 2172.50 8ov 'irutenants 100448282.51 10.164.27 +1-, u!tcncoard Operator 6087.00 6087.00 Sn,ory of 1,ochnn!c ?557.50 511.75 ' 57.50 -3 Fires,+,en Sal- acs 7, ^'Srr-.:: 57010.00 . 56651.50 .00 239.20 1:100.00 -A If .;restom 942.03 _ 7SS/oC P_59.39 451«O0 08.23 u Proceedings of Pa 812 Laundry 613 Lights -Gas e: Telephone 814 Fuel 815 Maint of Bldgs 816 Tires 818 Trav©ling Expense Totals STREET DEPART!.1ENT 901 Sal -Superintendent 902 Salary -Clerk 903 Salary -Foreman PO4 Sal-'ttchman or Nite Mechanic P05 Sal -Mechanic -1st Class 906 Sal -Mechanic -2nd Class 1406-A Sal -Gen Repairman f-07 Sal -Flusher Operator 1'")8 Salary -Repairman �,J9 Sal -Machine Grader Men 911 Sal -Truck Drivers 912 Sal -'teams ters 913 Sal -;lite Cartmen 914 '!ages -Laborers 914-A Sal -Part time watchman 915 Purchase New Equip 9l6 Yeint of zquip 917 Gas -Oil, Grease &.Kerosene 918 Tools 919 Materials & Supplies 920 Forage 921 Lumber 022 Sewer Pipe 923 Asphalt -Cement -Road Oil 924 :later Rentals -Lights -Etc 925 Machine Shop & Elea Welding 926 Repairs -Cross Croek Bridge 927 Asphalt Plant 928 Special Street Oiling Totals E.;G??JEERING DEPARTME11T 950 Sal -City Engineer 952 Sal -Chief Draf tsman 952-A 953 Sal --instrument man "al-rhi•ef of Party 954 Sal -Rodman 955 Sal -Secretary 91-6 Naterials & Supplies 957 Telephone & Telegraph 956 Sal of ChainmRn 959 Car Exm;nse .".. to la SEWER :)«PART.".+E!1T 975 Nagoa of Two ,..:;n 075 Gas -oil -Oren.; 077 !atermis & Sapp! Len 07:1 ^r,ira t; Bqui 079 t:^ .:,.atnls-:'lush Tonka 10 TCr nn ea t of.33 No._ Aa/ R :297.00 X305.97 ll40.00 1087.98 372.00 309.25 960.00 936.86. 240.(,0 40.00. 150.(0 83-75 95146.01 93532.00 2485.00 2485.00 1490.00 1490.00 18.37.50 1837.50 1490.00 1490.00 1850.05 1843.36 1544.30 1509.30 1603.35 1500.08 1918.60 1898.62 4640.10 4569.47 5180.15 5094.74 7693.55 7385.38 1356.65 839.85 2713.40 2688.56 9460.95 9602.24 853.78 853.78 9656.00 9853.97 2355.00 2632.67 3600.00 3722.79 225.00 225.87 300.00 344.10 408.00 231.35 48.00 .00 100.00 101.13 3000.00 2519.39 192.00 176.05 66.50 66.50 1875.04 1860.08 300.00 296.71 .00 .00 68452.92 67138.49 2545.00 2545.00 370.00 370.00 1.557.50 1557.50 2377.50 2325.50 1430.00 1430.00 1202.5 385.00 1202.50 ? 36...79 30.00 21.25 1250.00 1250.00 300.00 300.00 11447-.50 11364,51, 5.171.(,0 :423.G9 1 8.00 183. G9 15o.00 149.30 50.00 ..4.00 7.94 5883.00 5808.44 5C71,2.50 5876^.50 60.00 .00 228.17 237.55 59050.G7 59000.05 A Proceedings of of Paducah i OAK GROVE CEMETERY 1300 Sal -Superintendent x1610.00 w1610.00 1.301 Wages -Laborers 6923.30 6420.43 1303 Yaintenance of eq uip 48.00 .00 I 1304 Maintenance -Bldgs 300.00 .00 1305 Gas -Oil -Grease 150.00 131.72 1306 Tools -Materials & Supplies 960.00 747.77 1307 Lights-Fue 1-1-1a ter & Telephone 171.00 146.05, i Totals 10162.30 9055.97 MARKET HOUSE � 1400 Sal -Market Master 1837.50 1837.50 s 1402 7'aintenance of Bldgs 24.00 .00 ;403 16aterials & Supplies 24.00 7.40 +' 1404 Lighta-Plater & Etc 144.00 120.47 " 1405 Repairs & Improvements 24.00 .00 Totals 2053.50 1905.37 CITY SCALES 1500 Sal-71eighmaster 1022.50 1022.50- 1501 Maintenance £: Repairs 192.00 ,00 1502 Fuel 1503 Supplies 24.00 25. 39.00 37.0606 Totals 1277,50 1065.41 WHARF 1600 Cost of Barge 3094,00 3091.82 1601 Salary of ;lharfmaster 3.00 320.00 1602 Cost of Operations 125.00 190.81 Totals 3539.00 3602.63 INSURANCE 1800 Ins -All Types 1575.00 1459.80 1601 Bonds -All Employees 1100.00 1574.51 Totals 3375.0 3034,31 1900 Streets-71hite ;Say Bridge & alleys 18000,00 16120.96 Totals 18000.(0 16120.96 RIVER31DE HOSPITAL 2040 Riverside -Charity Patients 15800.(,0 16137.f34 10.3 Social .7orkor 425.00 e • U9.-7 Totals 16^25.00 1051.,^ .i1 2101 I^.0 -h 11 Depta 510.00 I 2100 i ht Lulcs-.11 Drpts 300,n0 i 113.00 112.46 Tntalo 623.00 62..•16 2270 irir ,:� 2_Air 2 •, .:^r t Ban n 2200 T_nterest-:,irport Bonds 5415.63 5855.62 ''mala 5415.63 GRAND ^.GALS 5"11063.80 n ;;64a54.i<. NO. Aa3 Proceedings of City of Paducah YY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CO L'W Y Y Y Y NOWN NNN Y Y 0 800 OW (719aaGnp�Y000SNpaW_ aD F7 n ^J O] C �r y (}yOj.�. C 7 pNe h C'�0 M H Y• 'OyOy c~J H N•a�* HbU n n P9 MA R� 'a) M"01 doh ,O O c+�•�G+ �o �•N �r0+m 1 0 ,�•" . NcmrwaR.9 R. t ae won .Ya �waayom E= o•ro o' p C1 �•� yf°m I y� pr 0 v�my YH �°] C av ap a�'wp a (0 � � µ O y cJ m ryC iy N N I •a'b• CA m N � p n p N 7 �� N� 7 a -r7 Ca' 0 N a N N Y w •rya m m Y G 0 Olu "gg1 O qY N rot 7 w• �i c+ M• O 7 L9 b ro C- Y W m N%i aYli YW NO.Y ro YO C '. 8�$oON��� $ wo 40N7O8 Ogg$gSCU ,1 N nog W Y N n0oo oan $ ,1 a m� o o ogYo0O w o 0' SU tl ki H H m K C YW b -`W Oa N Vl V Y W •' N Oa Y � 0 y � Wap D\ V l N a0 W W m 0• a0 0 W C:' P V' O a/i •-1 N N �] O Cvi N v O� Y p, Y W O W Oa N Vl 0 Y C' W C Vlan -0, Y O a7 lloj P N O O V aA V O O -•1 F Vl0 �1 C 'Y ry l 0V 1 N O N p O�10 WYYO VO W W v O C an 0 an paN Oa C- N Oa�Y 000 m O ' -JYbarO� � W m N Vl W N N OXY Y1D 1Ai U C' V I N N��ppjj Oa ppW N�vvi0000 00 aoit a CNp N 8-§ vUtpO Y Wats " P00800 aON �y N 4 0 m y' �0 �0 00 00 OPa Cj A j 0000 O 000000 og 8 O gob OO � N OOOO 00000 p i F+ � � � VaDYW �j1W W NVl W v NO�V m N• A Q'C NNN 00000`" 8008 po$ ti « 008 08 8§ Y � WaI]YC tb -8.5- 8 �ma >� Sgg$gg�gg 8 SSg g8 Y a, Y 0 0 0 0 ✓ 1 n 7 cn m ro u y a0 O O W O�afi C a/a O—I` b•.1N'p Vl N a7 N W V : NVl Oa : araY O�VI a� G 1'x:11 . C�Vaap L:'—lW O fj W O n) a0 `O a0 O N Y NWN an .^ OJ N c+m Y a0 ;] p r 1� M m p • '< O h fj n ❑ro • n ��11 NO. Proceedings of City of N N N N N N N NN N N N N N N N N Y A gyp' Ww,WWW NYY YYYY Y ♦O Cm vP W O Ql ViW NOW�n TONON 8 'y p h pp fi h R m H M'pi o �i0+•ry MM0 gA O•�mdC N {+ A .�'9J N •odo °�x•� p{ Fa'•°C N O O �! �.� m m ti �• A � m tcOD y�yry CJ `Gyo Ham+H4 y .O N7' •� �� H N y 'i O. F� C c� m� G 7� YCv "°1 ry N C M`0 w m I S�NCC tp y' m O m y O O_ W I Y K O N N M N Gee N I N C Y 3 m b .m w M � m O � 7 O m m m ra ••a� W N O N O, Y YN Y NDN VIYN �..i ooy N O t`Ob N O O m�00 Y 000 VI Vi V1J �] �M 00 O.WN Vel OW JCOW V1 fb JW O.nS VIJNNN Co O OON080 \A O O 00 VY0�0H0 p' 7 N N Y 0, Y YN O Nr-" Y4L Y� �.,•m . o`a� �n�nr-� W W m a0 MIAW C SCOa JV1Vi Ac. NW O� J 0, OO�W J c* l'iCY N: S N W J J OJN AO V 'Y N m °' C Ym 8V10 ONY Y0000 y J;v8n oNO ;Yn ;On WoJ0 WOoY 01 O �nNo Wvt o�O"0Ow OO88 8888•08.Ya�•0.J8G- w0O�000 8 8885 8 8N 8(! 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CJ {qw O }V Y I n a 7 ~ 10 rn v of ` tv cj � m L.O. '0 W On C, 0 t° 1 Proceedings of City of Paducah C C�t W W WN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N A W0,10 10 F+�P\iiW OVI;�w CC'O bVtN CW NFN-'OCO" n •=1 4 N � O (AaOK aA CO -,-r y1 �1n0 e:���ta re tnr c,a 5n r' p 5 Y• p w O 5• a w o H �C �''` m �• c 7 t] ut h O W O Y- Cp F+ G pp m N "7 O p� N F+ Yp FEJ b�+ I O f+• N G I �<< b� tS. N 'C Vwi �� 'U N to W O I w O i O N fD yw � yN� •�<ky9 @ p pV'1 ) cr N l0 f0 Cl (D w (wu 4•-y� 2] y � ' •p f1 6 4' y N tD H '�G 7 b N Y' & w m 1 '7 rr p N w N O 1 v' b W O N 9 ip. h fD Y• O y ry W yO �+ ts N G• N .pf w � I er M Y f+ ct c+ N Y• O O Cu 7 H p 1 1 O� N NW H � N V lei\ NVtN 1-+N W NO Y N N C N pO N \N+iN CNO O \-+t m OCOO Ot�-� ��O0 Ol � Bovlo o � m 8\n�o88000$v\\n omNomo 00 CT � NW N � N Vt NVIN GNW N� N NN^N N O �) NCOV CW C N Vt W Q)\OW NO C�"Y C WNW�O N VL VWl (D Vl0\ylt0 �NNV�lN V")L N\O -~�1C VO1. O 10 WN ONWN\CO' :1pO 0 N P N N W N N \p VR N !_' p) N P G'• N N W (: V t N V l^ N N W 0O \v 07 V CQ N C H W O O O )+ W N V t O O V l N b N Y vt VI \OWCC.p V1 Vt0001�CN C NN 1-N � 000.o�noSoe000000�080o aN 8 0000 g oin in ono 0 o 0 Y, 0000 0 0 0$0080g08no88b'0000$OSoog o H 4� w 0 P r •.~w N T r- w ��N PC"N NV q F7 O IJ vp-wa, Vt NJ- h+W F+ JI N VI C.00VIN `y �ttplll Vi OGVLO O N UOC -L'Cn00V'\N0 ao N:Y O t. G 9 O aSBS a 8 0 8So$aSSaS38SSoSo�BSo "may O �p N N G W y4, N i1j nfb f✓ vNCW O>4+N CWF-�NVLOW Oft � b V� O N N -J CVO N� W O N v O V t N O G 1�• 'A � m •�ViW a 8q'0 �V707 Vl 00 �1 fTWW0 fit) I < p V .1 N rJ W N N 'u 41 fn . D qC1 f1 L1 W C - tl I y A h N No.— -..1 7 Proceedings of City of Pad -�i-ti N•J'ivv ppc. j-ggwp N W00 4-'� C n J=•N IP+i F'�O vi0C�t0�c0-rnAt-m� 0000p X0 0 w H 7PJ �'i fE G. 0 c a N Oi+ m Wl-C'�i a, O. O,m O T Y N N O O O R O y H 4HaN n7Ooc O '�d• Wo N�• T�hm b<Y�an • a�� OYGH-• • m a H w O YaH. 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I i,010 000 ,, 8SO0vyiS VC 0 0m0 NV wEEilI - U p0oo8Oo OoCo± 0 0 1n p V100 0 C'M "i o003gOo 0000 00 00 -0 I I n ca' v] ti w CL J AVL G -YJ H O W O O� Psi O : V w t!1 � N !i• � I N U W ViO V1 CS W U H W O) O 1= N nn � kl L C1 I'1 fl tT N H �i w C.: • -.i N W N W k.. �i f0 O h O 1 M 1� ii H li �i IA c. ry NO. 3 8 Proceedin6s of of Paducah N�-�a� WN mrnrn �lw vii vii twit w �O�+J���� ry o Arl�1W � v [A O O M "c- H CL w w o �n C G W I9 N Y• O M w O .- o w C' w O .n o C N N M• eF K m O a ti Ic-w N Y• o wN�o �+ y ryry 7 �� [Nil O 9 W O 7 w ft H N S O 7 yy H O S ''0 N I O N• Ni W N Z' CO N ' G h 'm7 7 5 a 3 W m b n p, O 1p�, y O J O• N H O N N N N p'7µ •.1 �y � O wO�IO Vi OW w lRN � 7 CW CC'•N BOO Vi F+ cam+ m V•'C � aC G m �'i W - A WNo c C m V• WWW rn P �•+ N gN w �o � Cm00 m m � v [A "c- w w o �n o wl-'C .- o w to rnN .n o =� N N Ow c•arnN a ti Ic-w o wN�o O 008'0' O O S O O S O 0 S 0 S S O O I O 7 tR Y N N N N !•� •.1 l.a N. � N � O wO�IO Vi OW w lRN Vl w m �O CW CC'•N BOO Vi F+ F'W �l GAO vt W - A WNo c C �o � F'O rn P �•+ N gN w �o � Cm00 m m 47 � A m N vt N p M 109 •.I IO N Vl LR N Y Vi N W Co l Vl W N V l Vl o W 0 W W Vt P Vl V W O�0 cl m w oow 0 S S SSS S SSS S SSS S S S SSSS y � 5 YO• w N N N Co N Vl N �•..� I n � �M �' N�NN ..O m �1-t , O W `�pvtF C O` VI''IN CJI 0mm v 8— S O L-" Vlw Ow T 7 S 8088 S OSO S 800 S p 88808 �°oMM 8m C t�wt W 'S i U P - m o a S O P CYC C W S N yy m p W g1 r� W OV W O P vl mNV •�10>O R � Vt S O N N p�1•+ NOO O rrn DpDp$ C� v P w N yW i+ aEnw nd W h lu f1 O t� O� i t i'Y• ro m� h w Proceedings of _city of • rnmrno.mo•o•yyo++•rnornm�1o.+i•c�im.iirn �O~o D7NNN-~tel vin vt vt�n �n v�v�vi �Y Cg A L'"WWNNF' M_a OO�VIW YO�O OHO OOV O� WH_01mOivw_ WF••��10�VlW fi'W �] tY0 rr ci NnyyS'wtipp�,, cmi .{.m.. iw,. �ry'N^wiol~•+.G �• x 'p1 m M 6µ wµSNm wF+oom� a � F+. "f [*1 ry '.-1 W Y• K d O rrhe� M b apwp 7 V ('(ppf ' m A p G ro N tt 5N m L O. 7 V•Y• �`Cy � N G N <` 'O i f� �' ro O 1 �''V � �7Cy � �RN CL m m {byµ; � 6G . I H M H � N `G qE ry Pi � •�Ny W � � •O c0 i+ c+ w J G G W i+ O q1 N Y R W • N �y 1 �± � 1 'G � N 01, � fi m w vm, a � � mr w00 " M H 54 R II w w N M of N m m P in Olt-' A ro 7 I N ��•• � VI w �W � W CVL O W V1C' F+ O� p OmbNNVI CO O� VIOOW 8 � �]Vi�1NOViN W W C' /-� N I� 1••� .1 �1 �1 �t •.tON W W O� O�Vl Vi00V1 VI �1 � "j µ -�.1N 0 0808 8 00000080 8 00888000 a a Ol NNNNNNN ID O�i� i.a� N O N W W C'VlOW V1�F-+O� ViWNW O OCO �DNNOi CD O� W F+ N1-+ F•i��1 F'Y v�* N rnW mQ`NHPP OWN O,C OV ulOvI VIIOp O 00000/00VI �O C'NO 0 �] Ol 111 Vi CO N-OIOC O O-�1 �1 I m I O IFFY w v 1•a� N0•W0 NO0 �N 1O0 NNO .NOC W 4 INJI ~ N ! - NW N rnWNFig p0 P,6 C1OOpO8p000000 CCD' 8 88880888808 0 DCbo OOOCVi 88So88800 M a W OI N NI•+Nryy V•�l O0NNIOWN QI•JW C'01-� —8800LO 00088v C,.Ww WO WN N ,Ni (NbC� ��0� 0 O oV O 000o000oOpOOpp o 800000000000000 vt vtw0 •0 `�. i+ N rn c N N N 10 N N N O) C vl ..iN �jEtc-�c-o�r�m �w m� ON� IJl.li. rnvlN '0 o O 8wo�-9 m i Vl � NW p OInVIp Vl Vl00 8 C`Cn�O 0000001-�00 pVt C -'H WHO OO�DW OWW O.O �•,� U c+(o O'TO v C Yi 8 4 i N 17. �N• 4 N NO ^ 30 Proceedings of City of Paducah O•VICW N N� NN N NNNN N NN�N NNNN N NN (7,0, <W� OC 88888008 Y- UVmiH%AClyi)C�W�.N 010 by J'1 bK � ObIC�'O UJ �Gpryw W Y Y W N p �+ pp< �HFH� 11W yw�• A F� w—d ON H f r cn Nc, toyGOm-+C �? 49 X� O A N N S F+� � 7 /+• ~ O Y 4+• p� n o N t70 � C) OX O A� l7 O w ��-++ O W �•) H rt Hyy T. H )s) N µ'Q OWrap qW N'Wf F� py. m V• 7 7 ro O W n A a N C W '��7+ y •Cyy Al W W C W Y• W y •w ry •p er Y• s N W I Wp A H W b tJ La 5' C, uwy � � �e�p,�aa � gSF.w.W N•� G'9 w��•yw o+55A0 oa��oW n 0 � Y'rO_ w W W 1 �w W y Y• Y' O N y y 1 w Hol 1 •Of 7 N Y• � • W W 7 N u Y• u C u W k O •^)Np.ON U O° C'� W �1NGVtNb mV WNN H P Wv�JW VI m N NOON D`Vl W NbVlp+t0 �1NVlT Ub N `O •.1mPly P9 C' O�VtPV1L�0b�)N N-p>W y�b.J �j' �p•O 0 p. s O V) W O O O O V t vt : N b; O V l •.) N: � �'� N oWONmo S> CIO 00, 0 503000 ==000 "* e ppO W Vl ViN O.O F) N 1 -'WN W - �1NGVi1-'mmV WF"+N -bR N bmVIWWfT C N WC'bND`ut Nb CO•.)NVi O�Pbm C'Y• b bO�WVtO COiooi N W NW mN p1O N NO•F�mVil-�-�)00 ONmNO.OVmi0000� 00 u J ,O W N W ONG (TVl N OO.W NW O•^J WVlCO�O�O )OJO W OVlW W Sb F" -J bNOtT_b V1Nb O pO Sa O b OpOOviSO pUp 001-Vli-+O� bb0000 yp O• 8 500 SS b 00088085 O+N mTI-+ 00 y m 0 -c. �o.8 �O m88 �7 W M N •.) N W N O V C W W m W G V I`N m O � ,W N 7 a yON Pvi VL 001W -00.v Wp Vv�t G-•C•PO�aPmi-+N F) •4 aro �N ((0JJS o O OOVtOS OV100F+V) ON Wb O� 00 mAo 858 88 58880.8800mm, 0U )' Vi W •L.YP ' ' _m F+ l,)N AN O.Nv" NC"NVl lH! L`.b VNn�l W m W Wim'") �`O '•L�o OmSN mO. Vl00 pO0 S.e O C H :J)W r] � � N :� • u G �+ rn I �) N ty 15-5 u M w No. 13 / Proceedings of City of Paducah C C I T Y OF PAI?UCAH i Office of the City tdanager EXPLANATION AND JUSTIFICATION a. i OF 1948 BUDGET (Note: The account numbers refer to those shown on the left column of the tabulation accompanying this report. Unless otherwise stated, the requested and recommended increases in salaries are the result of ordinances adopted in November and December, 1947.) Acct. Nos. 1101-1112. Salaries fixed by law and ordinances. Acct. No. 1159. The General Assembly was in session January - !'arch an necessita 3 -several trips by members of the Loard. Add- 4. j itional traveling may also be req uired, and „100 may be inadequate. I Acct. No. 1161. This item has been reduced to ;,2,500 follow- inz passage of a i at the recent session of the General Assembly which requires that only certain types of ordinances shall be publish- ed in full and others may be summarized. Already approximately ;:1,125 has been expanded from this account for the publication of lists of delinquent taxpayers,.ordifances, notices, etc. The new law will f reduce expenditures only for about one-half of 1948, as the bill did 3 not include an emergency clause and it therefore will not become.•% effective until on or about June 18. (This is a provision of the State Constitution). Acct. No. 1169. The a mount of ;366.61 is a delayed bill for a?•' expenses o c y e ec ons held last year which was not submitted until this year. Acct. Nos. 1203'& 1220: Salaries fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 1259. Explanation above under Acct. No. 1159 also applies to t s accoun . Acct. No. 1273. Based on past years` experience and estimate of quantity or stationgry, stonographer`s supplies, to. to be used. in 1948. Acct. No. 1290. This includes funds for a typist's copy -right (upright s anc acc -on typewriter to hold material being copied, which is n great aid for accuratatyping), a new desk for the City Clerk, refinishlnF the tap of the Secretary's desk (about ;,10), and a new ltmeo`raph machine to replace a 20 year old machine that would nct glue service unless inked by hnnd every 50 shoots or so. :he T;pist's copy -right and mimeograph machine have .been purchased. The i:imnoraph machine was purchasod last year under tie 1947 budget which provided funds for that purpose, but through failure of the vendor to submit an invoice before the and of 1947 it was, not possible to charge the expenditure against the 1947 budget. Nj- 1308. Salary fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 1400_ The suits known as National Cast Iron suits.~' are Payr, ,n o c y over a four year period, with the last paymet3t dui Ir. 1940; thy: amount due in 1948 is �5,b00. To this amount has be on ad:ed ;,1,2Ci0 for other suits and claims, based on past yeara` ; experi,cr.o, tut cf c -,urns this could be high or law as there is no socurnte bs:a for raking such an astimato. 'y Y' 6cet. No. 1PG0. he excess of anticipated revanuv Over the total �f e ^•r c.i: i -et accounts is shown in this nccount. The xm�unt ar.;nlc` L. lnrcer, as th,)re w1il us.;ally be many expenlituroa !hot carnct c_nar.tic!,:ated. cr.t.;:o. 1n56. Ansad on rash, years` oxperionce. sand on past Yonrsf expvr!enao. Proceedings of City of Paducah Acct. No. 1658. Based on past yearsr experience and the probabll ty that some of the. -many street lights that have been request - ad by the city will be installed by Kentucky Utilities Co. There are a large number of these requests not yet filled that have been made during the past two years or so. Acct. No. 1679. An increase is recommended for this account to permit installation of five electric drinking fountains: One in Fire Station No. 2, one in Fire Station No. 5, one in the Police De- partment in the basement of the City Hall, one on the first floor of r the City Hall, and one on the third floor of the City Hall which would also serve the second floor by an extension. Most of the total of ;692.50 expended in 1947 was for cooling water and it is estimated' 1 that about X450 per year can be saved by using these five electric drinking fountains. Although the expenditure would be larger in 1948 than in 1947, it will bring savings in succeeding years. Acct. No. 1700. All insurance agents carrying insurance on city property and Mir. R. L. Lusk, adjuster for insurance companies, served notice on the city that the amount of ?211,200 formerly carried to cover all city property was inadequate, and that the city as a co- insurer would incur great loss in the event of a fire of any conse- quence. Surveys were made by specialists in this field and by the City Engineer and Fire Chief, and based on their recommendations re- vised policies have been issued increasing the total coverage on all city property to 5450,000. This explains practically all of the increase in this account. Acct. No. 1800. The requested sum of. ?x582.50 would pay for membersh p rees in the -following organizations: gentucky Municipal League, `360.00; Management Information Service, 100.00; National SL.fety Council, 115.00; International City Managorsf Assn. ;.15.00; International Assn. of Chiefs of Police, ;10.00; .Civil 3ervico Assembly of the U.S. and Canada, 50-00;. American Public '.orks Assn., ,.10.00; American Society of Planning Officials, „10.00; National Assn. of Assessing Officers, ,15.00; National assn. of Purchasing Agents, t25.00; 1.unicipal Finance Officers Assn., ;20.00; National Fire Pro- ection Assn.., ;;'10.00; and National Institute of Municipal Law Officers „42.50. The services and return to the city from membership in these organizations would justify an expenditure of this amount, and at the earliest practicable time such memberships should be taken. However, in exrectation that the board will wish to eliminate expenditures that can be deferred, only those considered most essential are inclu- ded in the recommended figure of ;;475.00, which will pay membership fees in the Kentucky Municipal League, tdanagemcnt Information Service, and Natienol _2afety Council. The city has in tho past also paid membership fees in the International City 14nna_gers Assn. and the Interrational Assn. of Chiefs of Police, but thoac are organizations ccnoosed of individual officials and there soema to be no justification in se'_ccting these two officials and not ns int such feon for other cir,y officials in the organizations listod above. The Fire Chief has b;en aiying :.10.(,,0 a year from his own funds for membership in the ":+ticnal ?_rc r:•otcctive Assn. Either all city officials holding rc3pan31blo 1,o3ltions should be enrolled in their respective profess- ional organizations at city expense or all should pay those fees from their o+rn funds if they wish to be menbars; the former would seem to be preferred, as the bonsfits will accrue to the city. Acct. No. 191;0, 3alari^3 fixed by ordinance. Acct. "o. ;105it'a recommended fi^uro would provide for e hly:)0, cff oc Live 1:ay Y. 'nil kind of comps Cance j a 115ty that a department hood 3hculd po3scsr w d ill draw a much IPT salair? than this n privato er..ployr..ont,, r,r.the city must ltPCte with other amploycrs in recruiting and holding employes. `.r. lftlin3 hfis rad a number offers esns1derably In :..rccss of his 91 Asa r.t 3eaar; of 47.10 rrr -.rrr: tut has cont7nuad on Chu job 1tl y t• se through t!; irs F:ia tion of a new asnn33ine rind tax ding sya ..:. that f.. starts will probably l:;an l:r. Collis;, and p-rns'rc.:s other d•,;.art Ent heads unless pr:.per salary adjustr...;r.tn ar ..,:e. A'' `4. .,,lary fixe-) by ordiranc.. 1% 1547 lata: ei' ;6,U::'!.:?'. wds ex •_•;).x1 an th which should b4 [w:. �.r 1d43,'an lner ase of aL ut l v. No A-313 Proceedlnss of City of Paducah , i+ i Most of this increase Is accounted for by the recent increase in salaries, and the remainder is explained by -the fact that Mr. William Gatewood, Deputy Treasurer, was not employed until about August 1, 1947, and therefore only about five months of his salary appears in the 1947 figure. Mr. Gatewood's work consists of doing the cityvs purchasing, collecting delinquent property taxes and business license taxes, and assistinG In other operations in the Department of Finance. Acct. No. 2128. Salary fixed by ordinance. Anct. No. 2146. See explanation under Acct. Pio. 2127 above regarding this accoun in 1947. The amount of ;;100 recommended for 1948 is to cover Faducah's pro rata share of the cost of obtaining data from state income tax returns that will be invaluable in equal- izing amounts of license taxes under the recently enacted business license ordinance. This work is being done by the State Department of Revenue under the sponsorship of the Kentucky ,'.:unicipal League. Acct. No. 2159. In making collections of delinquent property taxes an us ness _cense taxes, and in carrying out other duties,• it is necessary for Ftr.Gatewood, Deputy Treasurer, to use an auto= mobile. Since his use of a car is not extensive enough to justify a city -owned car at his complete disposal, the cheapest and most practicable method of paying the expenses of his traveling while on official business is reimbursement on a mileage basis for use of his own car. It is recommended that such reimbursement be at the rate of 5g per mile up to a maximum of 25.00 per month, and +200 of the recommended figure of '300.00 is for this purpose. The remainin '100 is to pay the expenses of sending 1•2r. Gatewood or another Deputy Treasurer to Frankfort for about 10 days to check returns made under the business license ordinance against state income tax returns. w Acct. No. 2173. Based on past experience - for stationery, record books, tax biln, and other office supplies. i - Acct. No. 9190. The requested figure would provide funds for a bookkeeping machine 3,000); two legal file cabinets with locks, required for returns under the business license ordinance (;150); a check sirninrr, machine (.,^50); an installment payment on the coin cortin; machine for parking motor coins (.;150); and an allowance of 75.00 for minor eq uipment and price increases. All of these items arc covered by the recommended fi;ure except the bookkeeping machine, and it 13 excluded for the reason that delivery cannot be made until next year even though an order is placed immediately. Acct. No. 220"2. Eased on past experience. j AcctNo. 2313? Salary fixed by ordinance. Acct. No* 2325. 3slaries fixed by ordinance for two clerks to assi3 t eCity Assessor. In addition to salary increases, the .' ? increase for 1948 is partly explained by the fact that bars. Pearl Sanders was on half-timo during most of 1947 on account of illness, and after an improvement in her state of health she was placed o:. full:,, tin•; work early in 1948 to give much-needed assistance In the City 4.3saa3Cr+3 offico. , Acct. 1fa. 2326. Jalaries fixed by ordinance. ncct. No. 2370. The need for a complete revaluation and r:ossossm:n o: roa, estate in the city has been discussed for years and th,refnre a comprehensive justification of this project will not be Ottcrpto,1 tcre. In briof it secams to be the mosm ur�,ont problem Wore t%;, city an! a solution should not be delayed any longer. An yxpert in prn;,,rty nppraioals has eat muted that the job can be done in about six months fyr approximately ,35,000, by usin^ local peraennol cc;aoysd 3 t^.r._.vrary tics±a to do moat of the field titin -S: and with tha co^^,ratl,a ar.d r,dal e r,' local real aatato agents, contractors, arcn1t ct3, etc. 'Ih.ia plan should @e a satisfactory middle Lround Fet•:vecn th, tIck.`rs two aztremea, (1) do the whole job vIlth locril 1<:•, and (2) nava the whole job done by a 1.11m cd' speeiaiiet3 li: Of l a In ,'rem n man vrith a raputatA"r, imp s;:rrico n tr•.3 field, and he has agreed to defer ons -half n next year. Tho r c, m;n:9F,d figure of bas :i:n that !'cCrock,n County will want to partlr,ipa1s tc NO... Proceedings of City of Pod in this program and share the coat on a basis of relative tax rates; that is, since the county's rate is 50y1 per :,,100 and the city's rate Is :1.50, the county's share would be one -'fourth of the costs. Acct. No. 2373. The recommended figure is based on past experience. Acct. No. 2390. The amount of '300 is for probable future needs. Acct. No. 2 416. Salary fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 2467. Based on past experience. Acct. Nos. 2596 & 2597. Fixed obligations resulting from deficitsincurred n prior years. Acct. No. 2598. ?his account covers handling charges made by New York ban%3 for retirement of bonds and paying bond interest, coupons. Acct. No. 3104. The recommended figure would provide for a monthly salary o 5.00 effective May 1. The explanation under Acct. No. 2105 above substantially applies here also. Acct. Nos. 3110 - 3134:• Salaries fixed by ordinance,t Acct. No. 3146. This account would permit the employment of tamporary porsonnc in carrying on the work of the Police Depart- ment. In the past it has been necessary to have miscellaneous services performed but no appropriation existed for this purpose. Acct. No. 3159. This account covers all travel by members of the Voilce epartment for returning prisoners, attending meetings, etc. Chief Block is a director of the Kentucky Peace Officer's Assn., and meetings of the board of directors are held each month. Last year ho attended very few of these meetings and it is believed that he should attend as many as possible in 1948, as the exchanges of information and experience at such meetings is very helpful. Acct. ,a. 31644his account covers infuries to police officersOf ncurre n line of duty. It is difficult to forecast such expenditures accurately, but ,200 should be sdequate if no unusual injuries occur. Aect. !;oa. 3173 - 3177, Basad on past experience for auntlies, to ar a a 'n sory Toes regularly used by the department. A cc t. !,o. 3178. Based on the number of signs and paint needed to mar par- n,; zones and to paint speed limits on hard aur- fvice streets, additional posts and signs that will be needed if more p::rn ne meters arc installed, a traffic light control to keep the light at 9th & Lroadway and 9th & Jefferson burning all night, and ore traffic light to be used as a spare whenever one of the old lights nsw In use must be repaired. Acct. !,'o. 3179. Based on past experience.. If more persons ere jai]: n inerensas, r•nd it is phobabla that more s:ntcr.eas will be laid nut" in fall instead of being paid off as finQn. rric: lncroasea will also cacao this account to Increase. Acct. ?;e. ";85. iosod rn t exncrienco, plus ;100 far a apociel. goner[. ;r t a moat b•, installed .in the newest Police car fcr ,:r.l.er operct!on of the tw^,-way r,,dl,; ,Iynt()m. T'186' L•anad In l:.at exp..,rlonce, plus ;300 for tett^r as oma .1pe D desk telr;rhone sot needed to put the T -:..c thx sy3t• •^ in ,;ark!n-. condition. Anctf 319G "t: r. r,,. .dad S' ,.,r. ;,h 1, f', t• ti[. ra. c ss•: :. .a n+:.. .:s<� "or the r..! r .,r l o! , - . r rr r M� a--:rsorvic,ble. , t• NO._.-_. "5- Proceedings of City of Paducah it Acct. No. 3191. The requested amount would provide for the. purchase o rce new police cars, a car to replace the Buick used by the Chief of Police, a used truck for Capt. Troy Clark, and a new motorcycle. However, only the three police cars seem to b urgently needed, and ;2,3(70 may be sufficient, making• allowance for sale or trade-in of the cars now in use. The three cars now in use are in i very poor operating condition, for police work, which requires the highest type of p^rfornance; they are two years old and other cities have found it is more econonlcal to trade in cars at the end of one year, thereby eliminating excessive maintenance costs that develop in the second year. Acct. 11o. 3204. The recommended figure would provide for a monthly safary X00, effective May 1. The explanation under Acct. No. 2105 above substantially applies here also. Acct. No. 3210-.3224. Salaries fixed by ordinance. Acet. Nos. 3232 A 3235. Acct. No. 3232 is a new one created by the salary increase ordinance passed in November, 1947, which established new positions of Engineers at '5.00 per month more than salaries of Firemen. Acct. No. 3235 for 1947 is therefore comparable with both of these accounts in 1948. j Acct. Nos. 3259 - 3275. Based on past experience. A cc t. Pio. 3280. The fire alarm system is very old and antiq uated and maintenance costs are high to keep it in oven fair operating condition, and its present condition is probably less than fair. The req uestod amount of N1,000 is needed and can be amply ustified, but on a basis of inadequate revenue for all requiremed is recommended for 1948. Perhaps next year it will be possible,„ e;y t500 o give it a thorough overhauling. 3 Acct. No. 3283. Eased on past experience. W �+ Acct. No. 3285. The recommended figura of 4,740 will cover the following spec x c items°requested by the vire Chiof; 1500 ft. 6f 22" hose, complete overhaul of Pio. 2 and No. 5 fire trucks, three 2�" hose jackets, three hose clamps, 200 ft. of 3/4" booster hose, two,- 15 lb. CO2 fire extinguishers, and.8 tires. The additional 1000 Shi. the requested figure is the average total annual expenditure from" this account and if provision is made for all specific items requires . this amount can be eliminated. Acct. No. 3236 (includes 11o. 5282 in 1947). Based on past experience. n oervase Is a own in'thin acco,m as hose purchased d In 1947 was chnrgod to it. Acct. No. 3287. Based on an inspection and recommendations r "r. by -e t o rr,n�Fiuilding inspector. Acct. Yo. 3^91. The requeoted figure is one-third of the purchase pr ,c o two Y gallon fire trucks, and the racommondcd fi�-'irc is on -th.rd of o price of one truck. With limited rovonue, the only r..cacs it purchase seems to be on a leasing basis over a poriod of thl ,)s y cnrs. A^ct, ae. X311. Salary fixed by ordinance.. Acct. 3359. cased on past experience. i ;415 L 2420. Salaries fixed by ordinnnco, --" 07 11M—Mute personnel for the City il.r, nick or on vacation. F:-ac.•) an phot experionco. 177 (rrd l:c,. 4144 in 1947). For thu P;,at aavor:,l U11 y n con r iution of .4,500 of the city-county health depattnent. the ,•artment is )),out ., 000 puf ar, the -.,dorel ,�• and atnto �ovvrnmonts, and f oduceti.on, ao it is arparont that the n'. Io Portion of totfsl costs of thio dop,rt- . •-'.h is crn,ni^:ous in '�n :,pinion that a full Proceedings of City of Paducah time director of this department is urgently needed, but on account of the constitutional limitation on salaries of public officials it has been imnossible to employ a competent person. However, the State Attorney Gcncral he,, ruled that Health Officers aro not subject to this limitation, in accordance with a recent decision of the Court of Appeals in the case of a professor at the University of Xentacky. It appears that a competent director can be employed at a salary of ',7,000 per year, but it will be necessary for the city and county to oay the increase above the resent salary of ;4,500 on a 50-50 basis. 1The increase of 625 in this account would be the city's share of the increased cost if a director is employed for the Mast six months of 1948. The health of a community should be given top priority, and it will be a sound investment if it is needed to secure the services of a competent dirccto:,. The I,5C0 shown in account No. 4166. for 1947 no longer is paid to the Tuberculosis Assn. and is expended by the Health De1rrtmcnt in order to obtain Federal and State matching funds, and accordingly the whole amount is shown in Acct. No. 4167. Acct. No. 4192. This is a fixed amount payable under the lease arrangement tarso purchase of the Health Center. Acct. No. 4200. The requested amount is based on a detailed estimate 0L' woriat must be done to prevent excessive deter- ioration of the park properties and a new truck to replace.,a 1935 International truck that is also too small for park purposes. The recommended figure is lower as a rosult of eliminating :x500 for beautification of South 10th street and reducing the coat of rebuilding the road in Noble Fark by having the Street Depart- ment do most of the work. Acct. No. 4300. Tho recommended figure includes requested amounts odor tho careta:cer's Salary, „3,300 for 6;000 man hours of laborers at.55V per hour, ;.300 for repairs and supplies for truc'ss and a power m oit•er, and „1,500 for "merchandise essential for park use," but it excludes a request of x3,200 to surface two tennis courts With asphalt, on the grounds that limited revenue makes it necessary to dafer such projects. Acct. N 4540. Salary fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 4443. Until August 1947, an employee worked full time to Pick up an urn dead animals. After that month his c•maloyment was discontinued and the Farmers Tankage Co. was allowed to carry away dead animals in the city, thereby making it possible to close the incinerator. However, it was soon found that on employee must ba available on .undays and holidays and while th- Dog Catcher is sick or on vacation to pick up dead animals, and this account provides funds to hire a temporary or part-time cMplayce at ,.3.50 per day of duty. Acct. No. 4453. This account has been eliml"am od by the nus erec', ure vt oc ve January 1, 1948, of having„tl'*terinarians issu: ac_ 1lcenaea and collect their inoculation feos'direct from Ii Acr.t, Nj. 4474. Granlin! used by the Dog Catcher has b• ah"rirod r:g:_na. n police flop:ptment's appropriation, and it , will more acc�:ret:cly rofl-,ct functional costa to provide an truck. 4479•sed :n Gat exporicnco and an anticipated ;r .•. r of dogs in the hound. This account providas his amount co•iorn ropnira and parts for Cho requea Fed f 1gur•: was based on last yca 's V XF.r. i.a^ - 1 r.d tures !fist ye-tr in construction of nuP:r lir.. to it "It'll not ru•cur and ACC t. s v h-1 Y,.:,n troved by In tr.. :lsmon i Proceedings op —CUR of Acct. No. 4600b. The :nmily Service Society has requested that the or g na appropriation for 1947 of 1,,'7,500 be repeated in ' 1948, on the grounds that t'ieir case load may increase and monthly allowances for needy persons have been increased over those paid in 1947. The 1947 appropriation of .7,500 was reduced in December u han it became apparent that ♦.6,000 would be more than adequato. The increase Jn allowances average about 12% over thosepaid in 4 1947, and this,percentago applied to 1947 expenditures 0 14,936 indicates an incree;sc of about ;600 in 1948, or a total 1948 expenditure of approximately ';5,500. An appropriation of ';,6,000 would provide.a margin of about ;500 for an increase in the case load, which seems to be adequate. Acct. No. 4600c. Tho Salvation Army does a worthwhile work and deserves support. However, with limited revenue it seems that. the maximum which might be allowed is ;200. Acct. No. 4600d. The proposed recreational program of the McCracken C0un y hccreation Committee will no doubt be of real service and benefit to the community. However, limited revenue seems to prevent a contribution this year to this program. The city must also give con;ideration.to the fact that the Boy Scouts Council has served notice, and other organizations would probably do likewise, that if such contributions are to be made they should also receive financial support. It may be said that the city is not contributing toward the success of this program, but to say this is to overlook annual expenditures by the city of park. facilities such as the swimming pool, tennis courts, otc., which will be used and are needed for this program. After deducting income from parka of `;12,000 per year, the city will spend n net amount of about "-22,000 in 1948 "to provide such facilities. Acct. Nos. 4600a - 460011. Those contributions have b_en made regularly In the past .ew years and to terminate or reduce any of them would seriously disrupt the programs of those entorprisoa. Acct. No. 4745. Salary fixed by ordincnce. Acct. No. 4759. The Social 'Norker has boon reimbursed for using or own car at a rate of 5V per mile in carrying out her duties and the recommended figure is based on a continuation of this practice and post experience. It is further recommended that this basis of r..imbursumcnt be used for all other employees who regularly use personal cars in carrying out official duties. acct. Nos. 4709 L• 4765. Bnsed on past experience. Acct. No. 4767. Salaries fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 4784. Based on past exp-:rionco. Acct. `los. 5141 & 5142. Salarios fixed by ordinance, plus funds to emp oy su-iEuEes for ouch for two weeks vocation and two 'Nee•{s sick 1.3nve. - Aect. Nos. 5182 h 5183. Based on past experience. Acct. NI. 5187. Based on recommendations by :.r. Bowman, Uldinn ?nep,:c ,o' r•- Lhc 1947 figure was large mniniy on ^ccount i acv: t' it r inatnlled in tho hosting; plcnt.' Acre- ::o. &''i. Er.sOd on repairs to the coupe rccommendod by rr. Uc:;::::- : - T ?gip [nar)cc tar. Acct. 7. ;;lnry flxcd by ordinnnce, plus ;,130 to -nplay ^ sucaCit T --"r tr:o W,:,v^ :i;a .cation and two wuoka sick , .5,G0 T' -'r .—:y. Arct, ::a. L6. Th'o 1.nrko t Mss tar's cs tir;ato :f mn turials nr.d sUkrT� —'dci, s:;l.nly Cleaning raL::ri:•:ls, OF + %4x Proceedings of Pad acct. No. 5567. A contract for installation of toilet facilities In the City I'nr.xgt to comply :with the city's ordinance on food handling establishments was awarded latu in 1947 at the low bid of "7,975. An adjustment in the specifications will reduce this amount to about 7,825. The remainder of the recommended fiC,ure is to cover repairs estimated to be required this year by 1'r. Bo:vman, Building Inspector. i Acct. `1o. 5544. Salary fixed by ordinance, plus w78 to employ a substitute T or two weeks vacation and two weeks sick leave at ..3.00 per day. Acct. No. 5683. Based on past experience. Acct. No. 5667. The wharf boat is old and frequently needs repairs, n c . ra three months of 1948, _G4.25 has been expended from this account. Acct., ^,o. 5707. Salary fixed by ordinance plus ;78 for e substitute for two ;,ic, s vacation and two weeks sick leave at ;"••3.00 par day. Acct. Nos. 5773 & 5783. Eased on post experience. Acct. No. 5787. The building now housing the :1aighmastorts office is in such con ition that both Nr. Bowman, Building In- spector and Mr. Anderson, Street Superintendent, say it would be a waste of money to attempt to repair it. The recommended figure of .150 would provide a small concrete block house, as this is the cheapest type of construction for this purpose. Acct. No. 5807. Salary fixed by ordinance. 6cct. "o. 5843. Eased on the estimated number of man hours during, si9�� s t—ase laborers are paid on an hourly basis. In addition to on increase in regular hourly rates, in Novombor, 1947, time and one-h.^lf pay was authorized by ordinnneo for time in excess of 48 hours per week. The requested and recommended figure else includes '.800 for tempornry personnel to cut woods and grass. Acct. Los. 5874 & 5983. Based on past experience. Acct, 110. 5383 1s -o pure ase coa or a small camotery office. ect. "o. 5885. This account includes funds for pnrts for tar=e pOw-F mowers an< a dump truck and four neer tires (seconds) ._.r the dump truck. Acct. l:a. 5836. Based on past experience. No. 5397. Eased on recommendations by Mr. Bowman, ildlnc naptic or, ;at re,:airs to th_ dviolling of the Sexton urg•.nr,ly r.^!ailed. 5891. Funis in tgia account would be uaed for rebase �. r.n r ro .ry rrar,s cutter (18p) and n gasoline water for Pumping wr,t::r 1'r :c rr"vco (;30). The gasoline pump has _n plarch•:.sod r.t r:n unuaus7ly 1rw t!ruro through cooperation of Fir. ;s;r.;;rt.^. nt rr_ch. nlc, Sr. furnishing materials and sr. :.p. 5x93. Th,) r,;queated f 1.,,re would provide wG,000 n. •r•i ^n rr:. c.r„•_d by tha City .r.. t -� for tiro ',urcheao of abuttln6 tho cemetery c 7 tc.%! funds avn11ab1e; this f 70.18 befnro t•r,s prpdticin �. nAcunaary tofnr Proceedings of Cltp of Pa Acct. No. 6106. The recommended figure would provide for a monthly salary of `'.275.00, effective they 1. The explanation under Acct. lie. 2105 above substantially applica here also. Acct. No. 6117. The Buildipg Inspector works very closely and fret,n Zy costo with the City Engineer. His duties are closely related to those of the Engineering Deportment, particularly as he enforces regulations and decisions of the Planning and Zoning Commission, of which the City Engineer is a member. Both Mr. Bradley and 11r. Bowman have agreed that it is logical for the Building Inspector to be in the Engineering Department. This will enable the building Inspector to spend more time in the field, as he can be given assistance on officp details by the clerical staff of the Engineering Department if a clerk as noted under Acct. No. 6147 is employed. Acct. No. 6118. This account is based on past experience of the 2/3portion of Metrical inspection fees psyable to the Inspector for Jonuary-April and a salary of ;225 per month for the remainder of the year. This is in accordance with a recent ordinance to provide for a full-time Electrical Inspector. Acct. Nos. 6119-6131. Salaries fixed by ordinance. Acct. No. 6147. This account would permit the employment of a cicFrt ur ng a n_st six months of the year at a salary of ;150 per month. The Building Inspector has requested that n clerk be assigned to his office, ns it is impossible for him to remain in the office to answer telephone calls, keep records and take care of other office details and make ndequato inspections in the field, particularly as there is so much construction work under progress now. (He did not include this in his formal budget request after he was informed that his problem probably can be solved by transferring him to the Engineorin„ Depnrtmcnt). The City Engineer has requested an additional clerk to work on a back- log of about 3,000 deeds recorded at the court house th^.t have not been noted on the city's block maps, and this bnoklog will increase if additional assistance is not provided; the city is criticized by attorneys and oth_r persons wishing to use these records when they ore so much out of date, and it is important that this work be brought up to dote. Thus two additional clerks have been requested, one by the Building Inspector rind one by the City Engineer, and only one is recommended. AlthouCh the City Engineer requested that this Clark be employed on May 1, it will require some time after adoption of the apportionment ordinnnce to recruit a person under civil service procedure, rand therefore it would soon th^t July 1 should be nn nppropriate planning date for such cmploymrnt. Icct. No. 6174n. It is recomnonded that n uniform plan be -1doptad .or all city c. -,n ploycos who regularly use their personal cars on city business. Tho Social 4orker has bean rLimburaed at the rate of 5V per mile trnvolod, and this aeo:aa a proper br.sis for ..1_ such employcos, provided a mr,ximun of 25.00 p^r month is C•atabti;h In lin:_ w4th this policy, it is rococmvndod that the .flat l;;; -2r..-: of ?5.00 per month being p^id t^ the City Enp;.n_^r, 1`::•7•:r:: NO. _140 Proceedings of City of Pad from his personal funds, on nn assumption that tho city could not provide such supplies essential for his office, and it is believed that the city should reimbursa him for this exp:;nse, no the cloth has noir become city property. Acct. 'Io. 03195. Based on past experience, with an increase to provieo cr an icipated greater maintenance costs on the old truck used by the rnginecring Department. Acct. No. 6186. Dined on past experience of Engineering A:pirtmeni'----3der�capcnditures for supplies and equipment for the Euilding Inspector and Electrical Inspector would be provided in Acct. :is. 6173 and 1!o. 6190. Acct. No. "190. This r:ould provide „15 for the Engineering J.portmo for eToctrical testing equipment for the Electrical Inspector, and 142 for the following equipment for the Building Inspector; Large map frame (,,;20), throe smnll map frames (.32) a blue print file case (.25) - the foregoing oxpendituros have been nude by Mr. Bowman from his personal funds on an assumption the city could not provide such equipmort; and a filo cabinet (,35) and office chairs (:,50), which are requested by 1,:r. Bowmnn for purchnse in 1948. Acct. No. 6207. The recommended figure would provide for a monthly salary of 275.00, effective 1.ay 1. The explanation under Acct. No. 2105 above substentinlly applies here also. Acct. Nos. 6219 - 6239. Salaries fixed by ordinance. feet. No. 6243. galiries fixed by ordinance. Two additional laborers were req ues cd for 1948 to compensate for reduction in the work week, from five and ona-half days to five days in November,, 1947, but vrith limited revenue funds for these two laborers were notincluded in the recommended figure. Acct. _Jo. 6244 (includes I:o. 4544 in 1947.) Salaries fi by ordin^.nco _ar en u_ - 1me watchman and one part-time watchmacd In the Strout :)cpnrtmont and a watchman on the dump in the viclnjA y of 7brroll and North 6th .;treeta. Acct. :lo. U.M. 3alariea fixed by ordinance. et. "^ 62G4. This in n new nceount to cover injuries to in nc o c..,ty. 7110 lolice and Fire bepnrtmcnt3 have "counts in the past. !:r. Birdie Sherrill suffered a tr ''.r in Jciu^.ry, and the hospital and doctorst bills on - ,ry alone hoc resulted it; an expenditure of ;.203. .:ect. :!aa G27: - r2-,3 (includes Nou 6374, 0375 6385 6386 n l.n, ). cc37 on f -a' cxpur cncc,changes n 13 simply to reduce the numbur�of accounts., • 5207. ;er re;.nlrs reccmm;:ndcd by '.;r. Bowman on the -'Ihird 3troc.t and thu Strout Dopnrtment __ aw in use by th, Street Deprt- old. J•Inlntonnnce coats on ^: they aro fr.,quently In In this rccnunt would permit giro o: .3, 500 is Q ompeaod r! --r•, t•; , t- pini; ::ta r.inr,n Ind r:r c: Li 11 :ed �r lagh In . tt _-ry was ^� of the :w.ic iI , 1 Seng Proceedings of City of Padu �cc t. No. 7000. Funds in this account In 1947 permitted completion o. the veterans housing project, and none will be required in 1948. Acct. No. 7300, The recommended fl,urc includes the following funds for procce_61—ngs to purchase !Contucky Utilities, properties in the city. , 1,200 for, attorney fees, .500 for printing of briefs and court costs, and 412 as the remainder due L:v. L. R. Howson, City -appointed appraiser, of his contract figure of ..11,000 to m9tco this appraisal. The special attorneys In the Kentucky Utilities' case were paid 1,1,200 for their services in 1947, which was at a rate of J00 per month. If the Court of Appeals will Give a final ruling in this case in April, the legal phase of this case may be ended, but it is also possible that continued court action will be necessary to compel Mr. J. Samuel Hartt, appraiser appointed by the :,cntucky Utilities Company, to join with the city -appointed appraiser in filing an appraisal report, which should be the l3st phase of legal proceedings. Acct. No. 7400. This account covers the city's share of is 5,425 0 f tho-annumal—Enstallment to purchase the airport (McCracken County pays the sOme Amount), and 50," of an estimated cost of 5,000 to install 1 a now lifthtinr, system which is noodod to re- place the p-csont completely unaervicabla system. Acct. No. 7500. The State Hi,chway Department plans to complete--EEe—sec-o-n-c7s—ection of the bolt -line hi-hway in 1948, and this account covers the city's one-third share of the cost of neq uirinC, rights of way. Acct.'To. 7600, A specin 1-projoct in 1947 not recurring in LVb. The request for. funds to finonco a cormprehen3ivo zoning survey, thouCh no doubt well justified And needed, is not recommended for 1948 on account of Insufficient revenue. NO. ;' Proceedings of City of Paducah .-.:ten �'hzlon inn 'irt ti- nY t:- letter writ ten n n^,ait '31' -ndzv:,h, with rcfm ,ir-ee to the authorit, a - `Lon of fl a 1130 �c pjolje 1,1.'%la of the city few i f ra r V t :,,Iorted on call of the Poli, Yoga, Commissioners ;.boll, Allon, _rote., johnGton (4). c:lem lohnzton offered motion that the ward of Commi3jionors receive, —ove t":. -U'_-11c liabl-lit; jolicy Izoned Li the 7;nited :;tntea Pl` 11ty and ri .5.n- c- n .9 t ru c t I o n •.,; 7)r1k r' - n e t;: 6 !:c "ur tr i a from Y'a r c b. 22 194 or . ze.d en e9l I R, or the Roll, Y an , Ccrmisaioners Abell, Allen, Jo1,.nrt.Dn (4). .""Cll offered norinn tl,.ot a resolution entitle,'.: r) A C;: C--" T 1 .'.: T' i D. '.Si --,;:T 0-D 07: e A (C:71-3�� . ..3 12, 1942", L ''opted. on call of the Roll, Yias, Corimianior ro Abell, Allen, 1!ar21c!w.' ?-ot'en Jchnston (4). --i7oioner Carlick offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A F.E30LUTI:17 '.'D T7.' CT - TREAS RER OF TF- C!rC'O)-' iLDUCAH, "E.NTVCKY, f.-',DGC'AH, WE TSOPLE3 IIATIOMU _-A.1: C.' - OR LECURITIE, i..%T Mz- :;EIIOZITS OF 11HE CITY 0:, 3_CT1 ::A'. - Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycao, Commisaioners Abell, Allen, Carlick 'ohns to �to.i n (4). or -,,)hn_-ton'o"f,tred ...on 0mt a -1,jtjon ^n'C 7: 'I "esclutlon ent1�1,1 T UT z ..T'-.' 0Z FADUCA7' Adopted on ca*11 1'rotem `ontl' 1, 1 7ie and NO. Pr dings of loncrn City cf Paducah L-Irch ;�O, 1249 SAI. L:tASED", be adopted. A-lopted on call of the Roll, 999 Yeas, Com -,%1r:;.1, on,.)r.q Abell, Allen, rarlic'- and 1.:a;or cvoteir. Johnston (4). .non Cory iasloner Allen offered the follov.1nZ motion: 1 move that an o-dinunce "Al; -3AL1';n A:7 10 � 0:, -�T3_7ZT T� 170 J-;., T. 33.501' ;T r_ 1OLAT-ON A C,--:L-'L1CT 7" 0'::"_ M, 1940", be adon ted. Adopted on �all of I yeas. Co-nirnion-r.^ P_bn11,:.'_len, Carlick naF1 Frotem Johnston (4). CD: :iLs.oCnrlic% o—ered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDIIIA:r-4 E:71TLED: 1A.1 DEC: -432::G 7IFTEENT'ri STREET vi:O?-'. TEE, T TO 7H3 NOP, �: S7DE ERSE TjON AT :.'�.3F.CTiO!' AT - 7q . OF THE 1%T C ;'-9EFT, r, 7inFi 1C 2:: !,:,CC-`ED!:!3CUT111sRLY '1':E VIOLATIOJ T.* EO P I T. SAS ADI X -a, THE -:: .1,; :: a_ .E 17, 1941", be adopted. .'dopted on call of the !-xill, Yens, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and Payor Protein Johnston (4). Commissioner Carlick offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OIRD I ",A lz In to P' O,Tj PARKI',M 0" VE'11CLE_3 011 -1rTEE-7,* STRTZET T;4E SCUM SIDE Op N AT P70,1947AY TO =E NORTH SIDE OF THE IFlERSECT-ON AT XE,7JCVY AVE,:;' E, A77 7-:Z FSJALTYFOR VE VIO-TAT-rol; THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call Of the 7Ill, '2 -au, Comisnlonorti Abell, Aller, Carlick and .:n,!or Froton Jnhnnt-)n (A). :70 ter ;"11' C07:_nninncr Carlicic orf'ored notion that an ordinance entitled: 10 0' AN O-MINA:,CE EITTITL D: IAN CP,-,.Di'jjPj;CE RELATI',G TO 1C OF P7 - .,Ir, 3 M.=- TZ :M' -11Z C 11T1 O: PADUCAH; D_:� AM PROVIDI::, ..'..C_ C: 07 V_'1C.E _;E OF FA'j:::;11-DZITS ZOI'2"'; A:.D E7'Ovfri--:. 1 J' THIS _,21, 12i VICLAT.LON, wl6icli was a,i-:piQcj the : oard Of' 19116", he 'do!jted. a r,dop ted on ca Ll the Ro I, i0 as, and 1,*ayor Protein Johnston (3), C-D-r-miusloner A11_ -._'-nrton offered motion that an ordinance entltled-. "A:, ORDI:Ii'.. P;IOTS"' TI—'AS'--' TO A::7 A TA11CAL T I C., ::1.; 0 _FrC 0 UjF w be adnpted. Los on enlj ."Dtor,-. Johnatnn, Co:.:1 n onora t "J NO. ;-L; Prcceedin6i o City of Paducah DI"! 30, IC -4n 'r. -! fcrod not ion that an ordinanco 1: 0 u:)-: .CE 'D 7:7- 17 LOC�' ,:);�,TSTOI�' 0-; 1 P. T C 15, DITIOrT TO 7- C I-: C' KE:ITJC3,C' 7C'JAS ACCEM;D .-L:. - D 20N11IG :..L '-'E'O::T 0-) ED I';., A 3 20, 194a" 7 a "r -xC- ,'-nted or call of the roll,Conz Usaionera -11, dlon, Garlick 1,hn- it,n (4). e mectin- ad'ou-ned. AF'F:',O, Mayor C-'ty Clork