HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 209, March 16, 1948NO Proceedings of- ­' " ' '" ipn'" c City of Paducah ch 1 19;8 ter 'ain O: ,r II ci_ _ �_ .,,a 2pard of Coiminsionarn L. Id in the C:::,: .___•.a:,_..' Chsnit,r at. 'ti .t:; ..., _1, :n 'ncah, .:nntucky, a t 7:30 P.1% on :.larch 13,th, 1:)45, !`:roc ica:: pmol '.:con ^all of the Goll the .lollop:ink answered to t'hair no: ,.., Corniaoie,:.^s ....11, =_'Ion, Carlick, Johnston and ba;!or Peal: (5). _•n.rtaa of t.P.c previous msotinC. -ere adopted as road. V/ Corr:i „bell o.fered the fol.lorrin„ notion: I move that the petition of J. I- v:dish and :ifs, Lonnell English, res idl on Oaks Road outside the Car: JY':. limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a enter line for the purpose pf providing water service to the buildinJ, located on the proporty of etltioner be received and filed and that the req,,est in said petition be ;.ranted .in accardanca :.,,ith the terms sat forth therein. It is understood, however, in grantinr- the privilero sou -,ht in quid pot'_:lou neither the Cit;; of :aducah, nor tte Cocmnissionera of ..ater :7orko shall Le otll,atnd to Luy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such o'.ai`ation ohall L•n, cons.::in• 1. '�-c 1r•nlicd heresfter should the territory to be adrved :, ti:e crater line to x undar t".o authority horcin recuested be talaan into or made a part of the City a` .aducah. It is ;Luther understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service the rates nwa or hereafter prescribed for :.rater service to consumers outside the cit.; limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of -&,b;cah or its Co-n:ioslonors of .later .:or':s ::rich nay be nor. 1n force or hcroinaft.- anacted. ..athin_ in ','-a Cranting of this petition stiall o:.ligate the Cit;; of :'udu^_ah or .ltr Co,lyissioners of dater ':forks to -uaranteo rater preasu:•e or service, and said water service m^ Le 11ocontinued through said pipe lino at any time when in the ,'.z•1-r.•n of the Co nisoioners of .rater ..orks the furnlahin._ of :eater to the petition - air aver ::,)ro In or:nership a' tip ni-,port;; owned r..ay interfere In any ^ nI. nnf' .11st:ribution o:_,o n- In;;idc• the ... _ _ .. ..... .,.i,ji ?:1 ,:1 0411 �. ,-� ...... . . ... . :a:'•:7i..., 0.^.... .v..�._�f .. �.�I"r _ oil of :'9red as '_ur. t :i ,ard :], - pr.^_ X011, .,llal, ...'-- Proceedin6s of City of Paducah c': 1 1^_<G nn h o., ^ - n cr bed ou_ th. 1Lth _ „_,�t•.,'.: ,,nc ortnia, Cl:;urnan Cleric '`car,"a - 'rd, Jhcrii'f __.,_oner +:cell o.:'.. ton that the :,ort os the i`c ^art rt for t telt.:. iI.,C1. idopted on on of the iioll, Zeas, Cota: laslonoi gin, ''nrliev .- _-:n a... .-n!or :-ea% (5). i r a. .. r • .: n•._or. -1 at +ho _oard of Commissioner:a receive and f _ Ler -111f -._ : -... - ,:'an;; dated 7arch 3, 1943, said letter beinZ a notic in- ^o:. e;;t-and for a ter:+ of five (5) years, be"innln_ :.:aj 1, _.., na ,r*a .n Cro ert,, ..:acriied in the _,incl lease entered into nn,! tt.- .,i' ., finln;; -,orin::r+- on :arch .^-1, 1933, purauant �r. Tat data ;; ::;k.l be :>I:a^rn in Cr31nnnno -oo.: 9, z:c 1C.'O ct :oo.: at na e 371. ..:anted on Call Johnst-n and z:o;;or Peak (5). her Carlick o: °Prod :rot lon + at '.ho letter of r on reeuestI th to inclurle in his bud Tet for 1948 nn a::,ronrlatioh to the nur :_vers '_ of trr _oy :taut: of America, to received and filed. -.lopteC on ^a .l of the tiz, CoT.:iiacLcn.r�I :.'Doll, Allen, Ca'. -lick, Johnston and ::a?or Pea: (5). Co: r.__ _'one+ r,. .,.. _ffercd motion that the :oard of Co=asaior-ers a -,,.rove fl11. - ._ •;ter, loto: to T.a ia sio fo_• the aof ,'1C .00 ^'n CLsr, lin k orenan .;t to Charles t:a::iolin oret::en ,treet3 to Alex an:k incz 5 CO ^.rl to C :ennte dc_,.,. i.e ;a.; . r.__ . P,, lot-. _en,,rs AbD'1, ::l len, Cr., Tolcnoton __t Ik.o _oard pi' In. =venue n, +�•. � ... t .. .. _ '1 the NO.. Proceedings of. I - ' .." —1 1-, City of Paducah . —1, 1.-, - -.-11 1 C' :c:Ln Z, TO r3. "IT !all of the Roll, Yean.. :'a,;Or Ycs'.c (5). Com�,izc;l o ner Allen a f—er ed the fell oe,,i n.,7 mot Ion Jones has evade application to t' -c :oavd of Commionionri: r !,)notruct an addition to his tobacco prizinz house a a ou a I oc t. d �n , tract t "on ;Areet, bo.,;inninr- 1M 'cot wast of the no-tiv:00t 01.3,TI-Ir of ...1, izl -vo- 7 o o:-.in,'ton 3tre c t, fron n-- .10 feet on ','' a hin,ton Jtrl- e t I, n,1 n -no" tn5."orm r:iCth to,.,mrula -:cntuc1--y ..venue !CC 1'qot, said bull 3 c^n':,l 1;,,--'C; feet in area, havLn-.: a vioad floor and the sides bpin� - Iran; and, 3 It anpearIn, that said bullelirC will. nit be located in a con Ce to ea of c t,! t,nd It's erection at that location not cr.30 tl a hazardous nndltion of nny '-.ind; and, It arlpearim- that under .lub-section " of Section 404 of the cage as smsnded under on ordinance ad,):)t:od 4pril 10, IW,11, the ':a; -or and soavd of II hove tho au hority to increase in excess of 5000 sq. Pt. tlyz) arca on -:hi h sack a b -til in rinj :.c ,nstructec1 lvtlen it In not located in & con�antec; area, 10 not over stories hl—i, its construction does not. create a hazardous connition; �: �: I., ot the reciteat or the raid C. G. Jones 1-o �Vante,.J. and It at be to :on31:ruc,. an ad,.11-11.lon to 1•i7lrl, hsuse at tl,.^ rkluiva in-:ntlon, o al,'Itlon to onvor an a -ca of -lot I -lire r. n . ...... L L i 'M 1: 1^. OV L; GSI 4pLEv,�s