HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 204, March 2, 1948Proceedings of City of Paducah D.I o i,lissionora he!:! In the Coixmis3i0nerl -" at 7:3C P.M. on !,'.arch 2, 191, inj -?on ca'.'- If ti -.c 71,011 the follorin,:answered to their names: Carlick, Johnston and 1:ajor Poak (3). inut-n of the previous meeting v.,erc adopted as read. ✓/Co---Jssioner A)ell offered motion that the report of Oak Grove Ce.aetcrj for the 1943, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, :eau, C3I!Imi33 loner 3 --n, C Kayor Peak (5). Carlick, Johnston an,d .ilon Abell offerad motion that the '--onrd of Commissioners receive curd fi le Victor -,obday, City :.tanager and :7r. E=aett H. Lo-mian, Luildinr_ _r.,n-=Uno the smondnert of Section 1 of on ordinance re_,ul.ati'IG the instailst-lon, erection and maintenance of -.1inn and billboards. Adopted nn rn'l of Roll, 7e33, CIM-IiFc-10-1,ira '.!!on, Cavlick, Johnst,)n ('.- 1,:ajor ica',c (5). .,Ilcn o'forod inction that the letter of victor C. 1'0,-4ay, the City -anoCer, sfevenca to the payment of salary or pension to firdie 4iorrell, an street "Icnartment, who received an inj,iry on January 12, be received n �! that the City 11.anarer be authorized to pay the regular salary of said -:,.Floyee after the expiration of sic'.: leave earned by him at the date of his injury a -d ur`ll siich ti,;s as he is able to resume his employment. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissiorers Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and I.:ajor Peak (5). --,nyl —)-1c9ioner Allen offered motion that the Financial Report of the iaducah -iE ler 3rkz for the month of January, 1948, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the loll, Yeas, Con.miss loners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and :.."ayor Peak (5). C—i Ardrew ormiisiorer Allen offered motion that the letter of 11. T. Alston, President an r t -.)n, 3-ecretary of the Thorou.-hbred Club, requesting that ne_,I,oes be admitte( - at,:r!cntn the nd r 3h J,:nior Collc,,e and also be employed on the ?olice force 1� R 4 s t, 'awacah, be receivod nrv� fllcd. Adapted -n call of the o'l, Yeas, 1 Alen, -n and r , Carlick, Johnot nd 1,:ayor Peal (5). ',o -arlic" olf-cred motion that the re,ort of the :slice 1943, be received. Adopted in call of the Sall, Yeas, :len, Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5). -!,'L= that the application of the 3tarliard oil r 7- i :,ort Barrell floating roof to cic wIthin its l Streets In Paducah, ',-.ent!ic'y, 10 received condition that all structural trr Adopted on call of the Roll, W4 I.:ayor feak (5). V I'- Victor C. Cit..- ;--fr7 I 'nnvect; q 7� 205 Proceedingsof'-onrd of C1=:i.33'_oncra City of Paducah !,:arch 2, 19?43 toxes-n^ .'_IscDuttpZ ..aror Peak otfored motion that the Cit;; :aniC0r's letter of February 28 wetter CLty '"'r ' recommcndin'- that the City of pnducnh authorize the pa;rnent of taxes without permittin discounts as it is now authorized to do, be received and filed, and that the Corporatl Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meetirr an ordinance providing that no discounts shall be allowed for payment of any taxes before the same shall becone due. ry Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Ulen, Carlick, Johnston and i,:ayor Peak offered :notion that the board of Commissioners receive and file the letter of Henry "ard dated February 28, 1948 and addressed to Major ,salt in which II he sets forth his reasons for voting for the amendment to the city manager law. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and �I :'a•or peak (5). 7." Cornissioncr Carlick o:ferod notion that the letter of Henry Collins, City T_easurer, �ottin� ^_rLh offers he has received for the purchase of the property 111 e M ' to accri'ce.l =p'. 180 jtark .venue in Ltterbac'.c Addition 1. received and filed, that til -0 rd. Loard of ;:rt:ainsioners reject the bid of ;100.00 submitted by :.:arvin !orris, authorizo the preparation of an ordinance roptaling the provious ordinance under vthlch the o`fer of James P. Ford visa accepted, and authorize the attorney for the city to nrecare for introduction at the next meetini an ordinance acceptinL the bid of :.:rs. I�nadie Dublin in the stmt of „225.CO for the purchase of said property. Adopted on call of th= loll, 'Yeas, Commissioners Carlick, Johnston and ilayor teak (3). ?lays, ,om::lasloners Abell and Allen (2). Ji l �I :'ayor .ea'c offered notion that the ioard of Commissioners receive and file tli lute. %%­rItten to 1,r. Victor C. Hobday on February 25, 1943, Ly `.... L. R. Howson, appraiae: a;r.ointed by the City of 1aducah to evaluate the electric oystcro of the ;entuc:- .':Lliilea Company, to_ether with the letter of ",. J. Zanuel ,. .tildresaed to "i-- L. 7n -.-:con' 'a`ed : c- r`.ary .'5, 13:3, 0116% o; said letters pertaLnia;, t.:) the att1.t,. e i'r.s said J. jaclucl :'aria .:ith 1•oz,wct Ln continuIR_ _.. sal .c -t ler, :.hrelkeld and '•hitlow, ::nd ;;drLr r. K. Terrell, attotm , s for tir.: ii ectr1; :lent _pard and the City of I:;:A,cah In the rrocooding now pon:. _. In the .'.u;•t of ,;•n^ala st;;l�fl "Kentucky ULLlitiea a a.inst the City of iaduc:a: ^ro, an irvnst:i-ation of the lac; a1r3 ef,vise tLe -arc o:' Clty of iaducah to rcc•;:r. ;.he L! -lea Comr,nny iy 7+r .:r Of injunction by Navin: .,ho suit L ::artt r.1, , n: _11F v re„ort';.ith the 1-oard of 1 r :.domed on call o: inn t^r, and i:n for :'ca:.c (5). L 'J:red mot.iorl thaL tale letter 3f t III .. �., t:••rn+.^tit to 1.. - i Proceedings of City of Paducah C': :: . _.._._ 11, 1947", to adapted. : dopted on call of the Roll, ..tcil, 311sn, Car13c_: and i.:n F'sak (4). Ca^uaio::lonor Johns to r.r ::L.sion^r Jc!=tan o`_ored motion that an ordinance entitled: "A:; 0!iDl`Ab: n^ CLT C0:ZFA7Z . ., nT.... r.1" -AL7 77 adopted.—ont:ed on call of tho ';oil, --as, e.Lell Allen, rarlic'c, Johnston and i;a;or Pea'.; (5). _._.:-loner Johnston o £orad motion that an ordinance entltl^d: "r.': C:Ji.:;,.^ _. Or --' ClTL C, InDUC: A T, _':� 'T: A i 03T' I. ;?ACS 1 T .... (.1 .00) '-:C'_LAi r� F_.. ...1 - _ ..... ...._..., .. 41 L L ... _. ._ 3..r. 433D e adopts... n ^..':1 _. 'all, _ .r;`_saionsrs Abell, Allen, Carlie'c, Johnston Pon':: a^, ger than an ordinance ent:itlod: "+s:. C^Dl: .,. _..._.. I . :D: 'A': 2'. D-- A:D Lhc "all, , Cn;:..rt.•_.i�r., ::� ,,.ali, .- __. _, - - t �,•:?:..,.Ace :.nt_.;1 .. .-,�. .. .. _..._ 50 S'; _70C'' 20, .,lien, Carlick, Jc!:r t .. .nc: ar