HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 197, February 17, 1948NO. 197
Proceedingsof pard of Co_,isoionora City of Paducah = L'•'uary 17th, 1948
, J7r..Inc.^.
At s ;legulsr .'.octinC of the Loard of Comminsionera held in the Commissioners+
Chamber at the City ball, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:;50 P.M. on February 17th, 1948
-ayor 'real( presided and upon call of the Roll the follov:ing answered to their names:
yh Com:-niss_aners Abell, ..11cn, Cnrlick and b:ajor leak (^). Commissioner Johnston being
p absent (1).
/ :3nutes o_^ the previous mcetin7 were adopted as read.
Commissioner Abell offered motion that the bid of the shell 011 Company for f;
sale of 'iet^rgent 1,otor Cil to the City of i'aducah for tee four (4) montha period
berinnin_- ':arch 1., 1948, and the bid of the ..^,tandard Oil Company for sale of gasoline
and motor oil for the same period, Lo received and filed. Adopted on call of the
loll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and Mayor 'reale (4).
i Commissioner Abell offered motion that the letter of Fred K. ?:adrey rocuest:ing
Inn extention of time for removal of the brick from the Cld Allard Property it 3rd and
I :'adison street be received and filed, and that the contradt entered into betwoon the
City and the said Fred K. Madrey be amended by attaching a rider thereto, said rider
jto be in words and fiCures as follows:
"The City of Paducah and Fred K, P,adrey, the parties to the attached contract
dated December 3rd, 1947, hereby agree that the time for completinZ the work
of razing the building described therein shall be extended to June 1, 1948,
and except to the extent as modified by the provisions of this rider, said
�I contrsct and all of its terms shall remain and continue in full force and
"Dated this the 18th day of February, 1948.
II City of Paducah, Kentucky
t7itnessed by
...a jor
Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and °;ayor teal,
Commissioner Abell offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive,
file and a7prove the ^ublic liability policy issued by the Fidelity and Casualty Comps
of _ork in the ran^ of the City of Paducah coverine.. wort done Ly the caducah :'cerin
".says, Inc, for s periost of one year from February 12, 1948, torother :vith t he Lind in
the s+.^ of 11IOOO.CO iaaued b,✓ paid comesny, which }.end and insurance policy are re-
.:•ed an•1er the provisions oC an ordinance adapted by the F.oard of Commissioners on
C^.l,trr..Lar ^4, 1946. I.dapted on call of the Roil, tons, Corp. isnioners Atoll, Fllen,
rarli^.i: and :.'nyor Pea:t (4).
moo_ isaioner Allen offered .notion that the -oard of Co,,m.i nioners receive and
l:anaCcr recommendin, the repeal of the provisiono oil the
. ••, ,.7".^.^.i;3Pa of the police departmant oldest in mint o?" service have
..._:*.s on :a:ich they ;:ill be erxployed.
^crani notion that the ':bard of Cn% _.,..sonars reco^.�:cnd tpl
.. _.. r,." an net. under •::`.a1ch n:iy cit., the socarn*.+. cle:ps -
,.._ .. _ stu':•s to .•cps:�• r r �.;, ny si9ev�a114 numb
- ;, ! S ` i ..., urn , c:c+dr p • .,peps
re r �s t cY a IJ t
.,ave a leen rJ r n.at Lre
� :: .: ,.:: '.:' •, . ': .. .': •". ,..z+: -,:^ ':� ^.' E,. .. �. •.... 6 L.. 1nlr~*, ' f7 -G t.�*rl=oR
ilobputlry 17th. 1943
Praceedin8j o _9 of Paducah
M011311 that an ordinance ontitlad; "A:.' ORDI:!AIXE
o,.' Z: r -Z' 7 :,V1 TL --,'D-. 'A: ORDI-:A:XF jI ESCRI I.T(; WE RUL,—S AM
.Z.,':C_'ES I:' THE FOLIC DEPART'.'r-'N' OF Tl,,,E CIT! OF
:7 "1. :::-2 Or ASSIGN"MT OF POLIC-E:'o-.4 70 SHITSTS ';! SAID
7A- 7- 7 '..;AS AT,- 71.1) L( T;!E rOARD OF :`11 !7OV:,.T:5ER 11, 1947,
7 7 18, I947", be adopted. Adopted or, call of the Loll
-jo, Allen, Garlick and T:syor ?eak (4).
'o,inionion-,:;'len offered notion that an ordinance entitled: "AN, C::=._AtICE
77 AME C-1- TO ....Tai, CC:-.-.2ACT.3 '.71TH Tils STANDARD OIL CZPA,NY
C_. .--7 A FMIOD 0:7 FOUR (4) '.1ONTHS Z1CGI':'M1-, T!A_RC11 1, 1948, A:ID PROVIDI:T -,:IAq
;'-AI.L EE 2.1.11DE UPON THE TER'.*S A.,D CCNTDITITONM SET FORTH 1rj_;7.r1EI,V', be introducel
and remain on -'Ile for public insrection for at least one (1) week in the comrieted
for -i in which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Fell,
Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and 14ajor I.,eak (4).
n Commissioner larlick offered motion that D. 3. rh meson, 31ner of property
A j
located al- 20.01 Adams Street, Violet R. Jaclkaon, owner of property at 2905 Adams street,
?able tle Farham, owner of two vacant lots, numbers 13 and 14, on .;dams street between
^:)'h and 30th street, 7'.A Felker, owner of property at 2000 Mams Street, R.G.-Hammock
owner o property at 2909 Adams street and V.V..7ise, owner of property at 2835 Adams
otreet, f 'I!,-: ,,ith the Mn -or and Eoard of Commissioners a petition, representin- that
qnch of th- above nori.,)d Ttirtles is the owner of the resDoctive pror-orty referred to ir
:.fi:O netitlor; n,:c" sn.` 2rtics nctitIon the :.:a"yor and Doard of Commissioners for the
of n V1 water rain on Adams street from the end of the evIstl.nc main on
cel 'o Z;)th street, a distance of a,proximately 800 feet.
letiti,)ner qoble F3rhnm, o%4:ns two vacant lotn on Adams street between 29th
n;w_c^_rr 1,3 and 14, and has paid to the iaducah '7ntev thirty-six
-,Ie T:flllty Tax of one riollar and el -ht cents, inin,, the minirium charge
f --r r of two years from the completion of the loyin,,,; of said
ra r
the vnlorseent 1c, the Doard of Commissioners of !he
t! -a* an',! requ,!2t rn,! .,qtitlon comply with the franchise provislors
').7.T'holjpson, and o,
to I." D
No. 19J
Proceedingsof road of Coy js,,,ior.,rg CityofPoducoh' n^^brunvv 17. 1948.
I does of convoyanca to said cemetery lot. Adapted on call of the ?loll, fans
jP ro: •Iissloners Abell, Allen, Corlic!c and Ea.or "Peak (4).
Cotnmissloncr Garlick offered the following mot Lon: The office of the city
..et•+r of the iaducah-!;cCrsc'con County Health Department bein vacant as a result
If the expiration of the tern of office of ':gyne C.:;caton as 6:oyor of the City of
1 inducah;
'+ i love that Victor C. "obday, the City .anarer, be appointed to serve as a
H i
-:^:niter o: the Paducah-r'cCracicen County f:ealth Department so that said donnrtmont as
na•a created shall be composed of Grady .:. Steuart, County JudSe. Victor C. tiobday,
City !'anager, and the three licensed physicians residin in l'cCrac%en County
s^cointed by the 4tate bard of Health. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
Co::missloners Abell, Allen, Carlick and ;:ayor Feak (4).
Tease :pace Shop Commissioner ^srlic'c offered motion that the letter of the City i.iona er
Central vire Sta.
Jahn E. r!reif recd ending the leasing of a portion of the space in the shop of the Central Fire
';"tion to John E. ,reif at a rental of .;15.00 per month be received and filed and
that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at the next meetinH an ordinanc
providing for the rental of said apace until January is,,, 1949 at that rental. ;dapt�
^n call of the !?all, 'Inas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and 'ayor Peak (4).
^c`-'• : ^ j/ 7•:ayor Pea% offered notion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file
: le`ter vritten b, the C_ty L:anger to ?ay =1nc'c on February 12th, 1948, said
letter• constituting; tae at;rcement ',.at-, -eon the City o^ iaducah and the said aa,; Black
with reference to his use of the unopened portion of ?:ashington street tet -ween 31s1 -
street end the railroad. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell,
Allen, Carlick and Y.9yor Peak (4).
River Terminal 7ayor callc offered motion that the letter of the City ::.anarcv datod :':iruar•:
. ,,port
17, 1948, to -ether c;ith the letter of 1r. J. D. Leeler, Vice Fresidont of the ::eade-
Johnson ^orminal Corporation, dated February 18, 1948, said letters contalninT a
report with reference to the ndv.taability of construetin,,: a river torminal at Paducah
:'entucc?, be rece'ved and filed. A:loptod an call of the Roll, Cane, Co^r•.iaslonera
17,,.-issioncrs ;::,ell, '.11en, Carlick and t::a,;ar Peak (4).
G .ar .'.^^:r ;:bell offered motion that the :anrd of Ce:<.:.±c:;:opera •.u•Ze
' and %enresentatives Charles 1, iurnley .:n to raze
.nva nassad at the 1J48 session o :oly an
^ `r .•eo:;i.,c the publication of ...
aa -(i ntu7it reror_ sa ,'nl aurin the
payees,ar:thorizin .,
r ...,. .. ^i .c:.n; erl •it. m vouchers "a"
,. i. .,, .. '1' -.. �'nro'r .Iri pia na; L.. ,•
ly to rer,,.iz at fir ._:n.nctiana;
... .. _ - _. ... ... ., f �.. it a .�t, ] ..,• ;,
,. ! t _. �: •arra . .. i
Proceedings of City of Paducah '0 OL
),) - .cjje(j III under -,7j2jch
;,!o, San OPV 0' 1,c L_
n ":'S l,'dopted on crall. of
is ppovj�jod in ti -..L-, motion. A
orevo Allen, Capllc'c and 7ayor Feak (4).
offol-cf' —Ion that an o-,dinrnce entitled- "A:T
;,77 C ITY,
FlFjT 'ITE-7AL c- r-,,: .,-,AR 1948 AS oFC-
le in""c!'luced !�n,.l i-innin on file for public insrec tion for at least
f c -all be put upon Its final passal
e. z the completed ni-.i in ,,.,hi h it a - all
I -P ted on pall "' the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, .;Ilon, Carlick and I:ayor Peak (4).
CcmiL.Issioner Abell offered notion that She applicqtIon of .:orman Bronstein an
Sol EronsF tein requesti --cv'nZ an exemption of their business and properties on �th cath
o'rTet botzeen Jefferson and ::onroo Streets from all city ad valorem and license taxez
.'cr o rer'od of five (5) years, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,
V. a c Co-mlorionQro Abell, Carlick and i,njor Peak (3) Conmisslonc-r Allen "No".
Commissioner Carlick offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESCLUTIO
X 0:
AM "DR' A'l BRONSTEIN 'MT 1T0 2T;. 37: STREET TET.7-=1
7:T:; 7'.T7:'S CIT? 07 PADUCAH, M, :Y", be adopted. r.d.
oted n
-all of the Ycoz-, C-3,i-iissioners Abell, Carlick and "ayor Peak (3), Conmi3sioner
Allen ":.o.
�'arlick offered motion that the Board of Coirinissioners receive
_n-! file the a7flinition of the -Irlene Cas Company, Tneorporated, for permits to
t__all r 477 -,,qllon unrlerZround tank on the property of Reeves Lar.'.ond at the corner
1_a,nl '13r'c Street, and a IqOO Callon underground tank on the property of IATrrar
X14 7orth -Cth Greet, 1,hat the City Y.snarer and the Chief of the r1re Be r.,ar t-
t-� rn'.e an investl7ation for the nur7ose of (lotermining r,hether it
.:!)I ba Increased bj, renonn of the in.qtnl.latlon of tanks In the
rates or innnranoe will lt.o affectod In any va., !I said
to the ol
-n !l "he 7oll, Ylan, Cc-.