HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 195, February 10, 1948NO.__-
Psoceedinas of Eoard of Com-nissaoners City of Paducah i,ebruary .10, 10;8
I At a Regular Veeting of the --card of Commissioners held in the Commissioners'
Chamber at the City +fall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.D. on February 10, 1948,
;'ayor Frotem Johnston presided in the absence of Mayor Peak and upon call of the
�Roll the rollowlnr annaered to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick
i and ra:.or Protem Johnston (4).
..inutes of the previous meetings were adopted as read.
Tater petition Connissioner Carlick offered the following motion:
Benton ?cad
I. I move that the petition of Joe Lamb and wife, Annie Lamb, residing on Lenton
Road outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and con-
struct a water line for the purpose of providing water service to the building locatet
fi on the property of petitioner be received and filed and that the request in said
petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein.
It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition
neither the City of isducah, nor the Commissioners of '..star 'corks shall be obligated
to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained
or be imnlied hereafter should the territory to to served by the water line to to laid
under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of
It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for crater service at
:he rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service t- consumers outside the city
limits Pnd subject in all respecto to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah
or its Commissioners of aVater :Yorks which may to nor; in force or hereinafter enacted.
:IothinT in the Crantin,- of this petition shall obli•ate the City of Fadueah or it
Commissioners of .rater ;corks to .-:nrantee water pressure or service, and said water
service may be •iscontinued throu•-h said pine line at any time when in the judgment of
the Commissioners of ;.ater ':7orks the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their
successors in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wise vilth the
nde,:uste sl,cply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of the City of
;od,:cah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, CpmmissLoners Abell, hllon, Carlick
"ayor Protem Johnston (4).
';rrcissior-er Abell offered motion that the letter�f '.:r. Victor C. ffobday, the
"•1 t:,, 71nnrrr, in •scich he advises that :+r. Ray ylack hsa rocuestod rormission to use
ortion '•ashin^t.on Ctreet between 31st Stroet ar;i the railroad for
L or,t^a^.t:., enuL�ment, be received and filed. :ed In call 3f the
illon, Carlick and I,:a:nr ,.•?t. tin (4).
f .:"ion that the Cit•
�. , ... .,. 'r• Ray* ..lack
hi.n, ....
• ..... _.• i !.:, ti ;;I r A C un3rY<ned iortion .,;'
Of iti3 f` )Ntrt,et lfW
.. r- •,r ,.._ 0: as ,
Proceedings of "' °''' City of Paducah ?dCxuar;✓ 10, 1948
;1•,:;,:. ;,11 ^ra.i r:,tia; that t_e Loard of Commissioners recoiva the
art Yr,o :lr ;x,nrtment _ . th^ mon`h of Januar;✓, 19?8. Adopted on call of the
J ell, Corrtiasioners bell, „Allen, Carlick ani 'Majorlvotem Johnston (4).
issianer Allen offered motion tl•nt the letter of Fred C;eon;o, Proaident an
Ceecretar:' of tt:e ?.C.:�.R. Colored 'cmployeea Jcrvlce Club, request'_n- the
cInt.?nt of '.e•-ro policemen, be received and _fled. Adopted on call of the Roll,
_.ns, Car_ i aloners Abell, Allen, Carlick, and 3,:ayor Protem Johnston (4).
pct levy Comaissioner Carlick offered motion that the board of Commissioners approve fol
license 'taxes
an franchise passage at the 1948 session of the legislature of the Carmonwealth of Kentucky an amen -
spent to KRS 92.280 in order to enable all cities to levy license taxes upon the fran-
chises and occupations of those persons, firms and corporations who pay ad valorem and
franchise taxes assessed by the Department of Revenue, except that no such license
fee shall be imposed upon a person, firm or corporation who conducts a business or
follows an occupation un3er a franchise which has been purchased from such city.
Adopt^.d on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and T::ayor
:Totem Johnston (?).
::.—.,n � Commissioner Carlick offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive
-„ ,uton J
c n act and file the:iesalutian of the Paducah Central Labor Union, dated February 5th, 1948,
,Wove rn:r. tE=
4ff3irs recor^endin to said board a leolslat'_ve program for 1948 and the policies by which
It should be guided in the conduct of governmental affairs. Adopted on call of the Ro 1,
Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and :.:ayor Frotem Johnston (4).
^r.ir. ;:o„rdy'...ayor 'rratem Johnston oi'fered matlan that the Board of Gomml3sioners receive
r.iri_ and file a communication from the City PlanninC and Zoning Commission requesting that
the sur.: of ;10,000 be included in the budget for the year 1948 for the pur;:ose of
having a Taster Toning Survey made of the City of Faducah. Adopted on call of the
/ Roll, Y:as, Cor ,.iss=on.rs Abell, Allen, Carlick and Mayor tratem Johnston (4).
_rci✓ _.. ::toner Abell o .fered motion that the letter of the Loard of :ark
_:! _.__.,,,r, rc (.hite) recommending the appropriationo to to made by the city of
.<.aintenaa e of public parlts In the year 1998 be received and ti:at
rca,estad t^ ive his consideration to the rec.onaacnuat:ons of sai
c, bud�,et upon wliich tho a.,portlonmcnt ordinance .or
ata a:. i on ca_1 of the ;,oll, Yeas, Commiautoners ;:bell, Allen,
:ia::::t c3: -. ,,. c. r.cr ,.: 1':n c_fored notion that the "-card of Commissioners receive the
V Y rt1., Jc•% La�::re and Z..:.Paxton, Jr., menbera or tho Car.=,
..,..ra ..alvat'on army, requestine. the
e .yo: .., ... , ,l, ')0 in the year 1948, and that
y arn13, .,., rac:; _n„n•,int an :*!Kan preparing tie
�r> c _11 _e Luau T 1,1- tod or, call of ho
r.t:uton (e,).
salt fare ns.a .•. ion: vat. , , n_i: b :c....... .10"�