HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 192, February 3, 1948NO. ' Psoceedinas of °'' Commissioners City of Paducah February 3, 1948 At a 9ogular t.feoting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Comm.issioneral chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.,L. on February 3, 1948, :Tor Proton Johnston rresided in the absence of Mayor Peak and upon call of the Roll the follo:in:- answered to their namea: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlic% and '.4a^ar Froten Johnston (4). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Colored men ✓ Connissloner Abell offered motion that the letter of Curlee Brown, Preuident of th r.olice Force letter ,urler. Paducah =.ranch of the ]iational Assodiation for the Advancement of Colored People in ..r own which he requests the appointment of trio colored persons to serve as members of the police force in colored sections of the City of Paducah at all times be received and tlpd filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, :Men, Carlick and qp ;rayor Protem Johnston (4). Act Group V q Commissioner Abell offered motion that the Board of Commissioners submit to Senate Insurance y amp. Henry Tard and Representatives Charles Burnley and Fred Morgan two bills for intro - ,;it duction at the 1948 Session of the Legislature, and being a bill to authorize cities of the second class to establish a group life insurance plan for its employees by appropriating from the general fund an amount not exceeding 50% of the premiums to be said for such insurance, and the other being a bill authorizing said cities to provide such group life insurance benefits for employees of boards and commissions, an amount not exceedin,7 50Z of the premiums for such insurance to be paid out of the operating expense account of such board or commission whose employees aro bonefitted thereby. He further moved that a copy of this motion and a copy of each of the above menti bills be nailed to Senator 7:ard and Representatives Lurnley and Morgan. Adopted on call of the ?loll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and Mayor Protem f ,'ohrston (4) Cor..:issioner Allen o`fered motion that the coard of Commiasioners receive and Nile the f ollo:-.in- reports for the month of January, 1948: Oak Grove Cemetery, 12riIn7 Hass, City Physician and Building Inspector. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, s.^.a::,ec ` .. ..._•'lssloners Abell, r:llen, Carlick and h:ayor Protem Johnston (4). .:_len offered motion that the financial report of the Paducah ,Pater ^rt _Ac Amber, 1947, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the ...._.,s loners Abell, ::11 sr., Carlick and Mayor Protem Johnston (4). l' . y:;!cner filen n :,ered '._. f02107r1110 motion: I move that the coard of Co.__ the Connonwealth of Kentucky for paosaro '7C r^_latin^ to :ho skip of real proporty in said amendment that ;.hen a tr•�n a its treasurera written notice of but if it i n 9 NO.- l v" Proceedings of -o-,rd -"rd of Cn-,iasi nncrs City of Paducah ^bruar :+ s. lJ4d i' Reject bids ✓ Commissioner Carlick offered motion that the City Manager's letter of Lots on ','.ash- in.�ton ,t. rtw.January 29 giving inforzation as to the amount of bids which acre submitted when the ^9th :• :;sFtz; i� lots on the south side of Yashington Street between 29th and Hahm streets were offore far sale at public auction be received and filed, and that all of the bids submitted be rejected. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Curlic:: and i'ayor Protem Johnston (4). V 3;o^art of folic I[ayor Protan Johnston oi'fered motion that the police department report Dept. Jan. 19^- Ifor the month of January, 1M, be received. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and i..a•r^r Protere Johnston (4). "em bar Health Yayor rroten Johnston offered motion that the letter of the City T'aaCer Foardlling attention to the necessity of appointing the city member of the Paducah- rCity Cracken County Eoard of Health to succeed 7ayne C. Seaton, former Mayor of the of Paducah, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, ieas, IpI Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick and tlayor Protem Johnston (4). T- loading Crani Yayor Frotem Johnston offered motion that the coard of Commissioners Alley btw. 2nd 2rd is receive and file the letter of h+r. Victor C. Hobday, the City ?.?anal;er, with reference to the request, of I..r. 2. C. Robbins for permission to install an unloadin- crane in the alley between Second and Third streets runninr, from Kentucky Avenue toward Ereadway, and that the request be granted upon the condition that the said c.C.Robbin obtain and file with the Board of Commissioners a policy of insurance protecting the city against all liability which may be imposed by law upon it for payment of damages �+ to property or to ?.ersons as a result of the installation and maintenance of an un- laadinr crane in said alley, such policy to be in such amount and in such form as may be approved by the City ;,:onager. Adopted on call of the ?toll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, nilen, Carlick and ::ayor Protem Johnston (4). rellrquont Commissioner Carlick offered motion that a Resolution entitled: :rsuronce N Licensr- "A RE3!`LUTIOii AYRIORIZIN: THE CITY b;A::AOER TO EMPLOY A DELINQUEtd^_ IiISURANCE LICENJE Collector CCLLECTOR FOR THE CITY 0 PADUCAR, KEUIUCKY, TO LAKE COLLECTIONS OF 'K NY AND ALL h I'.13URA':Ca LIC3:iSE Tdf. AND PENALTIES THEREON 7JHICH ARE PAST DUE AND UNPAID; r"RESCRic;:: W TF =0TIE3 0: S.111 COLLMTDR, AND FI I?Irt THE A':OUP:1' Oh PIS COI:PF113ATION", to adopted. d an rail of `.he Noll, -ieas, Commissloners Abell, 411en, Carllc:c and :La;or .Toter: Johnston (4). Cr. ..a*.i^r. tt- maetinc adjourned. A!'Fa � fpm"