HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 19, February 22, 194710 Proceedings of ,card of Commissioners City of Paducah ticbruary 22, 192-V' Notice of Socc is 1 Ree ting Notify L.R. ?Towson to ! c^ntinue we of appraisi F. U. on Yar 1, 1947 Itayor&s lett to L.R.Howso "ayor's lettd to r.?'.:'latt i 0 At a Called I!eet:n^ of the Loard of Commiaalnnoro held in the Cormnissioners' Chamber at the City Uall, inducah, Fentucky, at 11:00 A.W. on February 22nd, 1947, Payor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followinC answered to their names: Commissioners Johnston, Villioms and layor ,7oaton (3). Commissioners Friedlander and Sims being absent. r'.ayor Seaton offered motion that the executed copies of the "Notice of Special Meeting" to be held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City hall,rebruary 22, 1947, at 11:00 A-74., be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Re 11, leas, Cocnisaloners Johnston, 1.7illiams and Mayor Seaton (3). Commissioner Williams offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING WAYNE C. SEATON, MAYOR OF 'IHE CITY Oc PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, TO NOTIFY L. R. KWISOI'I, TIIE APPRAISER APPOIN ( D BY THE C ITY OF PADUCAH TO APPRAISE TIIE ELECTRIC UTILITY :;'C",TSI: OF THE KENTUCKY UTILITIES-COI,'FANY, TO CONTINUE ON MARCH 1st, 1947 ME 'tCORK OF APPRAISING SAID SYSTEM., AIM TO COL7PLETE SAID APPRAISAL PUR, ANT TO THE ORDER OF THE L!CCRAC EN CIRCUIT COURT ENTERED ill THE ACTION OF THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ET AL., VS. KEA'T"JCKY UTILITIES COMPANY ON F3cRUARY 19th, 1947", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Johnston, 7,'illiams and btayor Seaton (3) I:ayor Seaton offered motion that the copy of the letter written by Mayor Wayne C. Seaton to L. R. Howson, on February 22nd, 1947, as he was requested to do under a resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUT'HORI'ZING WAYNE C. SEATON, MAYOR OF THE C1`11Z OF PADUCAH, KEN"UCKY, TO NOTIFY L. R. HMSON, THE: APPRAISER ArFOINTED BY THE CITY Or PADUCAH TO APPRAISE TFE r-ECTRIC UTILITY SYSTE::. OF 7"AE KENTUCKY UTILITIES COtI!PANY, To COis VaTus Oi: ::ARCH 1st, 1947 THE ".9ORY. Ob' APPRAISING SAID SYSTE!4 A'D TO COMPLETE SAID APPRAISAL FURS:;A'.' TO THE ORDER OF TILE MCCRM—I li CIRCUIT COURT ENTERED IN THE ACTION Or THE CI'PI 0 PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, ET AL., VS. ICE:iTT C-, UTILI'PIES C0yPANy ON FEbRGARY 19th, 1947", be received qnd filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissionersiohnston, 'liilliams and Vayor Seaton (3) Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the copy of the letter written by I'eyor 9ayne C. Seaton to R. Ia;. t"att, President of the ;'.entueky Utilities Company notifying- him of the adaption of a resolution entitled: "A RE.:CLU''I0:1 AiMCRIZIL% 71AIIE C. SEATON, ..,..'.i 'dc CIVY O.PADUCAH, PO NCTIEY L. R. H04'SON, THE APPRAISER Ai1OINTED :IE CITY O:' PADiiCAH TO ;_r"TF;IC UTILiT'1 3ISTEi*. OF THE KENTMIf UTILE , . : , TO CON'fdf'UE . '•• A: PP,AI5ING SAID CIRCUIT 1547", revel.,. :•.. Ldoptcd on call o: C:na:nisa Lonors Johnston,il'.iar.. .r.on (3). i ",• �`!� .S __1;i47