HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 187, January 20, 1948i 187 Proceedings of"Oa5d of Comr:ilssloners City cf Paducah January <,0, 1946 ' '.ater Ya in "ennessee St At a Regular Meeting of the ward of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 P.!.,. on January 20, 1948, 1.'s.vor Peak presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and tayor Peak (5). "'.inutes of the n^evious meeting were adopted as read. Commissioner Abell offered the following, motion: Everett Thomason, William halls, Emmett Boll, `,rs. W. E. Lampley, Yra.•Bertha Davis, .file C. Spears, L.L.Peck file with the Payor and zoard of Commissioners a petition, representing that each of the above named parties is the owner of the respective property referred to in said petition and that said property adjoins the street mentioned therein; and said parties petition the ;".ayor and Board of Commissioners to authorize the laying of a 6" crater main alonC Tennessee Street from 25th street to 26th street, a distance of approx- imately 475 feet. it appears from tie endorsement by the Board of Commissioners of the iaducah 'Water '.orks that said request and petition complies with the franchise provisions and requirements. I, 7HEREFORE, MOVE that the petition of Everett Thomason and others named herei to received and filed and that the Paducah later ;forks, through its board of Commiss.io ers, be authorized to lay said six inch main along Tennessee Street from 25th Street to tot Street a distance of approximately 475 feet, so as to provide water service to the lot ai,-utting along Tennessee Street from 25th Street to 26th Street. I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the _•equest contained in said petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the ;ity of Paducah to ;ay fire hydrant and water main rental, as provided In the franchis , -n the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin hen said rater main has been laid and crater provided for on said Tennessee street vom 25th Street to 26th Street, a distance of approximately 475 feet. Adopted on r.,ll of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and S!ayor Peak (p). rain X Commissioner Carlick offered the following motion: Ed. Knight, Linn Hill, ;ro. Victoria 17i -•^ins Yarvin A. McCoy James Bur ess 'Fillia r 1 L ' , C , m o e, ,•rec Ashlcy, t'.rs. Etta Cole. Jack Thomasson, Rufus Gilbert, Im•rraham Harris, ;Willie Alboy, Albert !'croy fila with the 7a;+or and board of Comminslonorn a petition, repreaonting teat each of the above named parties is the orm or of the respective property referred r. avid pot=tion ar:�: that said property adjoins the streets mentioned therein; and W-arties netlticn the Mayor and ward of Commissioners to authorize the lafin, of main clan,, %flora Ltreet from Tull; Strect to Erin, ,street and on Ewing ;ilson 'street to .;owell ;treat, a distance of approximately 840 feet. .t a-r:eara :rom the endorsem«nt Gy the Io:ard of Commissioners of tt•.o paducuh s that sale: re,acst and petit Lon complies with the franchise {.rovislor,a and reg ,ire_�,nts. i, •:'FzifEcO :, •3 that Life r.etLt_:n of ..•„^.t at;;l others parsed harein t.e ^ ^eive'i ur.': the ?ad's^ah, !r,ter fW,)rks, ii:rr,:;r. its ioard of C•smmiusionens, ;l treet : rom _, . - - gar, a '1ai� ;LS'Oat t0 .s,'gla, tuS %'ce of uo•�. r +ti rax1- �. Into ubutting alon;- (;ilson -. Lr, ,.et ..:... Gilson Street t ariail Proceedings o% 2arC. 2f '22-2112 2122ers City of Paducah January 20, 1948 e I further move that the adoption of this resolution and the granting of the request contained In said Petition be considered as an agreement on the part of the City of Faducah to pay fire hydrant and dater main rental, as provided in the franchise, on the pipe line and connection referred to in the petition, said rentals to begin wher. said water main has been laid and water provided for on said Gilson Street from Tully i I � Street to Ewing Street and on Erving Street from Gilson Street to Sowell Street, a dis- tance of approximately 840 feet. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, ,.11en, Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5). rrnn-e 'eotivg Commissioner ;Well offered motion that the TLayor arrange for a joint meeting with ',atcr f _o, of the Board of Commissioners and the Commissioners of the Faducah Water '.Yorks for the purpose of discussing the question as to whether the surplus accumulated in the operat- ion and maintenance fund of the water works system should be used for extensions and improvements or should be transferred to the general fund of the city and, if all of i said surplus will not be required for use in making extensions and additions to and Improvements in the water works system, the amount thereof which should be transferred to the General fund. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5). _utter "Er Commissioner Allen offered motion that the letter of the City ;tanager pertain ng Arend Sec. 12 Lice pe to the amendment of the occupational license ordinance by fixing a lower minimum lic- ordiralice ense tax to be paid by wholesalers be received and filed. Adopted on call or the Rol., Yess, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and Tbayor Peak (5). :icense Commissioner Carlick offered the following motion: The Veterans of Foreign t -.pt 1On G ;r^i ;n lars having applied to the Board of Commissioners for exemption from the payment of a 1 license tax for the privilege of giving an exhibition, show or circus in the gymnasium at the Til hman High School on January 23, 1948, and it appearing that the proceeds fr m said s:ow will to used for civic purposes; I therefore move that the application of the Veterans of Foreign 'Ears be a-,-ro*red and that they be permitted to conduct said exhibition or show on the aforesai date wlthout beim- required to obtain a license. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, / Commin^inners Abell, .11en, Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5). t.-r:issioner 43rlicl, offered motion that the report of the City of Faducah l ^.7V ,a1n .,asion w!th reference to the operation of the Veterants Rousing Imo,ject i... tr.,: ^carter ends:- ?: cember 31, 1947, said report boirG more ape cificall y referre•+ al t;r. Title ':puling at Paducah, Kentucky, be received and •'^ Camniasioners Abell, Allen, Cni•lick, -•;r' PAt tl;o .lard Of COrmtiasioners rOcaive,� Polley lnauod by the .,tate F,utOc:ot:Fle, Lr.lsn ar.!,:r 't:,: Pit,; Oe Tadt:cah, t:•roviding con_ :�,.... ... si`.. tii«. ;•1's,'.Sn.c; operatlona o; tt:a said per :'a ._ _ , Jr,r..',ry S:rt i; also the Certifl- e.r: ler- r. ;t: ti :,OLOCIs pubtic of .andev"'lo-;S•.:a Sn c:,natruction ..rn>•. .. .. .. -, .. ... tae 139ae�5 �., - . 1'di3 ar, , .. teC to f roc. A -n ar!c J)ur.t of NO. 0 Proceedin6s of and of Comot—ioners City of Paducah Tn. u,,n"Q,_9 Q1.1,1 ■ Cemetery lot transfer from 17rs ^.F.Crayne to i'..'i.Jsc•.son Sirs. H.T.Rivers Rev. Custis Fle cher, Gus smith 1!ospital Comm/ lectric Code Cacur-ationsl License Crdins "ectior. 12 Ane (12t Amcn!anent Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Board of Commkasioners approve thas transfer of Lot 45, Section 1, Cal: Grove Cemetery from S:rs. T.B.Crayne and her husband T.E.Crayne to II.Y. Jackson and his wife, ars. 1I.Y.Jackoon, and that the City Clerk be authorized to make the proper transfer on the Cemetery Register. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allem, Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5). Mayor Peak offered the following motion: mho terms of office of L:rs. II.T.River , `-Irs. Sidney Loeb and Rev. Custis Fletcher, as members of the City of Faducah ::unicipal Hospital Commission having expired on December 31, 1947; I move that 'Ars. H.T.Rivers and Rev. Custis Fletcher be reappointed, that Gus Smith to appointed to serve in the place and stead of Mrs. Sidney Loeb, all of them to serve for a term of three (3) years, so that said Commission as now constituted shall be composed of the following members: (1) Robert Leek whose term expires December 31, 1948 (2) Charles Hatfield whose term expires December 31, 1948 (3) Dving Gilson rh oso term expires December 31, 1949 (4) IN. J. Pierce whose term expires December 31, 1949 (5) Mrs. H. T. Rivers whose terra expires December 31, 1950 (G) Gus Smith whose term expires December 31, 1950; and (7) Rev. Custis Fletcher whose torr expires December 31, 1950 Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiosionors Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and i:a yor Foal: (5 ) L:ayor Peak offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION Ai'PROVING THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODs OF 1947, STANDARD OF THE NATIONAL BOARD OF FIRE UtdDERYli;ITE FOR ELECTRIC (RING AND AFPARATUS RECOi.A'.BtIDED BY 411E NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIA C A1D ADOPTING 411E PROVISIONS OF SAID CODE WINCH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN AS AND FOR THE RULES, REGULATIONS AND MINIMUM STAUDARDS FOR 4iIE INSTALLATIOv A11D MAIUMNIANCE Op EL:C4R1C '.:'IRING AND APPARATUS IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the hall, Yess, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston, Mayor leak () Commissioner Allen offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Aid ORDINANCE A.':ET:D1'10 SECTION 12 OF AN ORDINA110E ENTITLED: 'AI! ORDINANCE FIXING AMID REGULATING .._. T_,ICE71-3E TAF.ES, AND MANNER AND FORM OF GRANTING AND ISSUING SA:.'ON TM VARIOUS Ov2USINE33S, TRADES, OCCUPATIONS, PROPESSIONS, VOCATIONS A:;D CALLINGS I:: 'hdE ROVIDING PE':ALTIES 'TOR NO!!-PAYLiE:lT TI MOF, ANMD CR .0:: ___.:...... ..... .....: r_„ IT : NLA'NFUL TO ..;;GALE I.^. ai:Y XCH Llllirs CI•' I:USINESS, VOCATIONS Ai;D CALLItl,S 7;I ,iOUT FIIiJT PAYI'M WE ICE'ISES AS FF?QVID;;D HERE::I; REF'sALI1:G ALL 0? DhlAt:CsS Ii: SE!WABILIT-v CLAUSE', ',:;ICI? :'iA3 ADOPTED by T cECEkBER 23, 1947", be adapted. Adopted an Bail of the :Zera, ...... ;cors Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston. and Liu jor ,-ea;, (5). yon i ai :: that an ardinanco entitlad: "AS OhDis„i;C ADOPTItiG r 1.947, STANDAHD :.: :;.t;_O::AL :;CARD Or uli(E UidDER- _.:A :').;AL :1RE PRO- ; ■ NO Proceedin8i o/ "' `issialers City of Paducah January 20. 1948 i ^cn Corumissioncr -bell offered motion that the City :•.anager having; been authorized auction sell at publle auction lots `;os. 4 to 9 on ;iashin ton 3trect between 29th Street and aohni Avenue as shown on the map in the office of the City cbTinocr and to roll all of said lots as one tract, and it appearin_- that a better price mi,,ht be received if said lots are offered for sale separately; I therefore move that the City Yana Ger be directed to first offer for sale at public auction the aforesaid lots ;as. 4 to 9 separately, that he then offor all of said lots for sale as a whole, and that he report to the board the highest price obtainable for said property. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Corlick, Johnston and 3,.ayor Peak (5). "^ for Bayer Peal: offered motion that the sum of ;50.00 be appropriated for the pur- e r99flR �clacan0� chase of an ad in the monthly publication known as The 1.9heelsmans Magazine published br the Propeller Club Fort 85, Port of Paducah, Kentucky, the amount of said appro- priation to be charged to the fund appropriated for "Donations" and under the appor- tionment ordinance to be adopted in the year 1948. Adopted on call of the Roll, d 'Leas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and tlayor Feak (5). On motion the meeting adjourned. 1948 APPROVrr— fp �ayor Cti y Clerk-"� to