HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 184, January 13, 1948No.
Proceedin6s of of Cormiss ianors City of Podocoh January 13, 1998
At a Regular '.:eet1nC of the ::card of Comminsioners held in the Commissioners'
C! -amber at the City Nall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 F.M. on January 13, 1948,
.. ;or leak presided and upon call of the :loll the followinc answered to their names:
Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and ?:layor leak (5).
"dnutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read.
Com-nlssioner Abell offered motion that the letter of the city manager, Mr.
... Victor C. Hobday recommending that an impartial firm of engineers should be employed
_.r t e purpose of making a survey of the flood wall pointing out all defects therein
before the project is accepted by the City of laducah be received and filed, and that
the Picard of Commissioners approve the City 'ZanaGerls recommendation and that he be
recuested to cohrinnicate with engineering firms and determine the cost of making such
a survey. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick,
Johnston and Yayor Feak (5).
Act re- Commissioner Abell offered motion that the board of Commissioners approve the
titin' oft
•:acnncieo amendment of KRS 90.350 in order to provide that vacancies in the classified services
of the city shall be filled by competitive examinations in the same manner as origins
appointments, but that any employee of the city who has been in the service for five
;ears or longer shall be entitled to an additional five points on his oxamination
(.-rade, and that a copy of this motion, together with the amendment of ?LRS 90.350 be
mailed to Senator Henry :7:ard, and a copy to each of the representatives, Mr. Charles
:urnley and ?:'r. Fred .'.'organ. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners
Aller., Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5).
✓ Commissioner Allen offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and
file the notice of Col. B. E. Talley, of the United States Engineer's office, that th
_..r.�l '_rsnectior of the flood:vall preparatory to tte assumption of the responsibility
.r the maintenance thereof by the city has been postponed until ?.'arch. Adopted on
ofthe Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and ?tayor Pea`c 5).
✓ Cora:inaioner Allen offered motion that the report of the
police department
t c? t? -e rcrort a:tine -cord of 'ark Commissioners (colored) for the year 1047, be
col l.;-'
o,^,tcd on call of the Roll, Yana, Corrilssionors Abell, .,llen, Carlick,
�j ..taaiorer Allen offered motion that the Loard of romeisaioners ran oat
nr,+:or er.trtivas curnley and :,:organ to urge an arcrdment of
egaalirstion of assessments against property for taxation
ages zi ^ecan*? clr,ss, tLe rrrcndment to provide that tte ioard of
ar.;; date durtni: the year in which property is listed for
'!rat day cf January in the next succeeding. ;ear, tut no
r r.nt ,r... ,?ate, 1-f-- tno l IK"1.1 :seat. prior to t, first ''on;lu�
ry, n^et'n- nr,a:l to fixed 0:r •l;nanr.c,, i 11L•Ci:ar move that a r.apyl
m!, c- to . natar to 'eprnner.t:rt':.vca ,rnlay�
.... _., .>es, , ,. - _.:ni :r:er:. Abell,
csrnn and Vs or ;aa''4 ).
✓'7 that thn rity 'JaneCcr'r.
:. delinquent licenae
r _ ... ut the City Amager „,,,,.,o:•S�<:d to
NO. 165 I
Proceedings of � ,d f rj _v ., l nn9 City of Paducah Ja,; nuar13, 1948
;,ct re- comr..et-
.tIve bidding
i7sterworks Sys
City use surpl
letter Terrell
Cenetery Lot
"rs. Jessie
•ond- John
Conmissioncr Garlick offered notion that the coard of Commissioners recommend
the amendment of Section KIS 89.590 relat.inr, to competitive bidding for materials to b
furnished to or work to be performed for cities of the second class under the city
manager form of government by providinE in such amendment that competitive oldding
shell not be required under any contract f=•r professional services, and that a copy of
this motion, together with a copy of the amendment recommended, be mailed to the State
Senator and Representatives from this county. Adopted on call of the Roll, Leas,
Commissioners Abell, Allen, Garlick, Johnston and +••ayor Peak (5).
Comissioner Garlick offered motion that the letter of Adrian H. Terrel
Attorney for the City, with reference to the legality of the assessment of taxes
against the properties of the waterworks system, and the question as to the riE.ht of
the city to have paid into the general fund the surplus derived from the operation of
said system, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commlasioner
Abell, Allen, Garlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5)
Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Loard of Commissioners approve
the sale of the South one-half of Lct 26, Block 2, Mausoleum Addition to Oak Grove
Cemetery to lira. Jessie Pulliam for the sum of :$1c0.00, and that the City Clerk be
authorized to execute a deed of conveyance to said cemetery lot. Adopted on call
of the Roll, 'leas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Garlick, Johnston and Major Peak (5).
n Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the hoard of Commissioners receive
file and approve the continuation certificate of bond No. SY-145639 written in the
name of John Quinlan and expiring January 15, 1949, which bond is required under the
provisions of an ordinance adopted bj the Hoard of Com:.-aiastoners on September 24, 1946
Adopted on call of the moll, Yens, Commissioners Abell, .,filen, Garlick, Johnston and
Mayor Dealt (5).
^t '^-- v Commissioner Johnston offered notion that the Board of Commissioners a^prove
AC .in- city '+^r.
lepislation providing for the appointment of on actiaG city s:anarer during the city
::armor+s absence .rom the city or his disability, that the suC ested legislation to
taaen up with Senator Henry :.'ard and Representativea Burnley and Liorgan, and that a
cop; of the act providin• for the appointment of or. actln4 city manager be trans-
mittyd to each or them. Adopted on call of the Roll, Zeus, Comml:sloners Aboll,
A len, Garlick, Johnston and Mayor Peak (5).
'.,c r, n:; Cornissioner Johnston offered motion that the board of Co^m;issloners receive
utd file 'he letter of the City '4anager in which he called attention to the supplement
. a^ nt entered into between the inducah bus Company and the City of Faducah with
t-) thq scren39 in rates for a period of seven months beginning Saotember 1,
9 Shat t. ger :-mange with officials of the Gus company a donfcrenco
,, ,,r.,lnent of the at*rreement so to t,ua fares which shul
u• rrr:nehi;,. i nr1:x'. call Otthe Roll,
. .. ... �.... .. .. .. .... a, ..•.l^ Jolt ..a �! .. .... .. :c:+.. (::).
✓ ty :!nraier, r. Vlctor C.
. are IPJIrc•, t:.: puplic genorully ...
tel to proceed with tt..e ..
lssioners Ate' -I, ,,:len, Carlic: ,
Proceedings o/ nnr'd of Conni. sinners City of Paducah Jn nunr ; 13, 1948
•nbscr 11,a idayor o fered motion that the City 1.7anager be authorized to subscribe to the
1, 0:1 Yo nacement ..nzo-rn Uon Service offered by the International City ',4unagerls Anacclatior
ce 'M,.e subscription fee therefor being MO .00 per year, and that the amount of the sub-
scriptLon be charged to the proper account after the adoption of the apportionment
ordinance for 1948. Adapted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commiss•oners Abell, Allen,
Carlick, Johnston and Mayor Feak (5).
Ac' . re- ✓ %'syor Peak offered motion that the Eoard of Commissioners recommend to Senator
._ Henry '•.srd and Representatives Eurnley and Yorgan the passage of an act relating to
the publication of ordinances in cities of the second class, this act to provide that
no ordinance be published in full tut that an abstract thereof be published in the
official newspaper within ten days after its adoption. I further move that a copy of
the act referred to be mailed to our Senator and to each of our representatives.
Adopted or. call of the +:oll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allen, Carlick, Johnston and
Payor Peak (5).
lo'f: on? I;ayor Peak offered motion that the letter of the City I'lanarer recommending the
...t: •t:n J.
Ct Auction sale of the property owned b� the city on south side of Washington street between
29th street and Yahm street be received and filed, that the City ^•anager be authorize(
to proceed with the sale of the property at public auction, selling the property in
two parcels, one parcel to consist of lots 4 to 9, both inclusive, and the other
being lot Vo. 2, but such sales to be made upon the condition that the city shall not
be obligated until the bids are accepted and an ordinance adopted authorizing the
execution of deeds. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Abell, Allem,
13arlick, Johnstcn and i.:a.ror Peak (5).
Cn motion the meetin: adjourned
ADOPTED -4 1548
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