HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 157, November 18, 1947No.. 1S7 Proceedings of Amami or Commission—a—City of Paducah N,—b— IA, i a47 I At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners hold in the Commissioner Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. November 18, 1947 1 payor Protem Stuart Johnston presiding and upon call of the roll the following answer ed to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and •Nilliams (3) Commissioner Sims and Mayor Seaton being absent (2) ;later ;sin On Elmwood / Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the petition of J. W. Burnley Avenue and wife, Anna L. Burnley, and "t. P. Perkins for permission to extend the privately owned water line from a point in front of the residence of Earl Penis on Elmwood Avenue along Elmwood Avenue a distance of approximately 150 feet to a point opposite Lot 5, Block 10, Johnsons Maplewood 7brrace Addition located outside the city limits of Paducah, Kentucky, be received and filed and that the request petitioned therein be granted. It is unddrstood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said II petition neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Water Works shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be l obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water lines I to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water ser- 1 vice at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for:.water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City it of Paducah or its Commissioners of '.Yater Works which may be now in force or herein- after enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the city of ii Paducah or its Commissioners of Water W orks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of ;Nater Works the furnishing of water to any of the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property owned by them may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distribution of rater inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. A dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and 71111iams (3) City Managers letter Commissioner Friedlander offered a motion that the Board of Commissioners recommending work / recommending week of Street Dept. receive and file the letter of the City Manager/that the work wool; of employees in and Cak ,rove Ceretory employees be reduced the Street Department be reduced from 48 hours per week to 40 hours per week and that the hourly rate of pay be so adjusted that each employee will receive for a 40 hour work week the same amount each week he is now receiving, that the same hourly rate of' pay be applicable for ovortim,.e work up to 45 hours per weekp and that time and one- half :ompen3atlon be paid for all hours worked in excess of 45 hours in any work week; t;.at the work reek of erployees of Oak Grove Cemotory be reduced to 48 hours per week a,d the hosrly rate of pay so adjusted eh that acttmployeo wi:l receive the same amount each week he is now receiving, and that time and one-half compensation be paid for each hour worre! in excess of 4ii hours per woo:,; and that the Corporation Counsel ' be d!ru^.ted to rrapare :or in'.rodietlon at th-i next reEnilar mootini; an ordinance for ..•- •.:rpf:le :. ^arryl.n', aa!: recor..;endat!ons Into effect. Adopted on call of the ro_1, Yeas, pC !39_Cner3 ::'!ed:ander, Johnston and Williams (3). 158 Proceedin6s of HoRrd of .oIrm"S nnera City of Paducah November 18, 1947 Survey in J Commissioner Friedlander offered a motion that the Board of connection J with estab- Commissioners receive and file the letter of the City Manager, with reference to lishment of refuse collet- the plan he wishes to initiate in order to obtain information as to the number of tion syste,. citizens who would be willing to enter into contracts for refuse collection service if such service could be provided by the issuance of revenue bonds for the establish- ment of a system; and that the board approve the plan which the City Mnager has recommended. Adopted on call of the roll, yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnstonl and 71illiams. (3) In;rease Inv Commissioner Williams offered a motion that the letters of the City retail beer license. l,.anager and the City Alcoholic Beverage Administrator suggesting that the license for sale of beer at retail be increased and that the Corporation Counsel be author- ized to prepare for introduction at the next meeting an amendment to the ordinance increasing the license fee for the sale of beer at retail from $60.00 per year to $100.00 per year,be received and filed . Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Williams (3). Bond Young / Commissioner Williams offered a motion that the Board of Commissioners blood Plumb- in7 Co. & - receive, file and approve the Surety Continuation Certificate of the American Geo W Matt- Employer's Insurance Company issued on behalf of the City of Paducah, Kentucky in erjohn & Son. favor of Youngblood Plumbing & Heating Company, and the Bond issued to George W. Katterjohn & 3 on, as principal, in the sum of $1000.00, Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, as surety, said sum to be paid to the City of Paducah upon a breach of any of the terms of the bond, which have been submitted for approval pursuant to an ordinance entitled: "All ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DIGGING, OPENING, OR EXCAVATING IN ANY STREET, SIDEWALK, GRASS PLOT, ALLEY OR OTHER PUBLIC WAY OF 7HE CIT�C OF PADUCAH, AND FIXING THE PENALTY FOR ANY VIOLATION Tr.E.REOP" which was adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1947, and as amended on October 22nd, 1946, and June 17, 1947. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Williams (3). Request to Commissioner Williams offered a motion that the Board of Commissioners close alley,,, between 5th receive and file the letters and plat with reference to the closing of that portion & 6th Sts on Parr. Avenue of the 26.5 foot alley which runs 129.94 feet west of the west line of North Fifth Strait between Fifth and Sixth Street, as shown on said plat and which letters and plat are identified as follows: (1) Letter from Waller, Throlkeld and Whitlow, Attorneys, to 'b. Victor C. liobday, City 7.%nager, dated November 13, 1947. (2) Letter from The Texas conpany to y.r. Victor C. Hobday dated October 30, 1947, (3) Letter from Illinois Central Rnilroad Company to the City Yonager, dated October 20, I947; (4) Lattor from Ray Tl:nmons and his wife, Odell Timmons to the City Ys noger dated Noiocbor 13, 1947 and (5) 'Plat showing location of allay proposed to ' be closed. It wsa fur ter =Oved ttat the Corporation Counsel be requested to Frcpare for introdaction at the next regular maattn; an ordinance providing for the c:calnF, of sa_e a_ley Froviied t!•:e Fartlas benefitted thereby ugroe to pay the cost Of Fstllst.in: acid crdi^.arce and tt:e costs of court to ba inr,urred In the suit filed for the F,;rpoaa ,f rarr;lnr; said Ordnance into affa^.t. Adopted on call of the Roll =tss, Carsclssienars :r iedler.^er, Jchnstnn and '41111a.ms (3). No,__ 159 Proceedings of Rnnrd of Cnmmi—1 aners City of Paducah November 18, 1947 ' sale of unredeemed Cpmmissioner Johnston offered a motion that the letter of the City Manager dogs at city dog pound. City Manager' in which he advises that if the Board of Commissioners has no objections, he will letter. i arrange for the sale of unredeemed dogs at the dog pound to the Pittman -Moore Compan or other laboratories for use in the production of serum and vaccines, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and 'Xilliams (3). City Manager's letterCommissioner Johnston offered a motion that the letter of the City Manager relative to transfer) Of funds. dated November 16, 1947, relative to an ordinance providing for the transfer of funds from certain appropriation accounts to other appropriation accounts be receive and filed. A dopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and lYilliams (3). City Alcot.olic Bev. !j Commissioner Johnston offered a motion that the letter of the City Manager Adrr. authorized to., appeal from the ruling dated november 14, 1947 and letter of Mr. John D. Driskill, City Alcoholic Beverage of the Alcoholic Bev: Control Board. Administrator, in which they recommend that the City of Paducah prosecute an appeal from the order of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board if said board refuses to sustain the City Beverage Administrator's order under which the license of Mrs. is Philip Ritchie was revoked, and that the City Alcoholic Beverage Administrator be authorized to appeal from the ruling of the board in that event, and that he be given the authority to file in the Franklin Circuit Court an appeal from any ruling of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board when in his discretion such action is re- quired for the enforcement of alcoholic beverage laws, regulations and ordinances within the City of Paducah, be.received anfiled. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and 'vjillisms (3). I, Salary increases for:/ Commissioner 171111ams offeted a motion that the Board of Commissioners all city employees r receive and file the letters of Fire Fighters Local No. 168 and Police Department Lccal No. 1096 and Paducah Police and Fire Protective Association in which the Corporation Counsel ke directed to draw up an ordinance for said adjustment as requested and include all other city employees on the same percentage of increase. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Williams. (3). Ordinance arceptinr offer of IChR to t/ grant 1:-a3r..-ent. Ar...end Zec t ion 2 j rolice tnlority rrdi .arse. Conmisaioner Friedlander offered a motion that an ordinance entitled: A:i CP.DINANCE ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF THE ILLINOIS C'n'.:TRAL RAILROAD COT"WIT'L TO :?ANIT THE LICENSE A::D FER1iIS5ION FOR THE CPI'Y OF PADUCAH TC CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN: 1, 30 INCIf COYLI::ATION :3E',-1eR PIPE LINE OVER AND THROUG 1 ITS PROPIERTY RUNNING FROM A POINT 'WE:;T C `LCC :.CY STitE_T T07ARD TcRRELL 31RE?iT FOR .':TE :LT;POSE OF PROVIDING POR 11VE PLANT OF THE MAGi;AVOX CO:,.PAiY AND AUTHORIZING TILE MAJOR A:;:)CI'!7 CLxitZ TO _...iF.i! :::TC AND EXdCUTE FOR AND ON BhriALr: 0^ THE C17Y 0? PADUCAH .,.. O'E._. ... ,'IIT . ...,ID !GiLa0ATb OCNIPAN:f, SAID AGREEMENT COJTAINiII:, TUE CC::DTT 0.-3 AND CO'+'c:;AN:T:; ;,..:;LR 'i1}iIClI ZVlf LICENSE AND FERML(3S10.": SHALL PSS GRANTED" be sdcyted. Adopted on call of Lt e ;:all, 'tori, Co.::miasioni,rs 'Friedlander, Johnston and W.111ars. (3). C rc:isaiorer Jchnston offered a motion that an ordinance entitled. "AH AVE. __... .,..,._G; 2 OF AN CRL.GA:.CE EN:T17L;): "AN: ORDINANCE PRE9CRIDING a'OR. Ti. r'NLLING OF VACANCIES Ii: THE POLICE L'EPARVIEN:T OF 1:-` .. :AD'.:CA", f.ENTl;Cfid; ...C.IDIS9 7;i lA:c: No. 1+l0 Proceedings of Board of Coc^issioners City of Paducah November 18, 1947 Extend City ;.units i `rriedlander, Johnston and ?Williams (3). Commissioner Johnston offered a motion that the letter of Harold L. Sullivan and Parker Bray requesting that their property on the north side of the Elandville Road adjoining the city limits be included within the corporate limits of the City of Paducah; that the request be referred to the City Engineer for an accurate description of the territory proposed to be annexed; and that the Corporal Counsel prepare for introduction at the next regular meeting an ordinance proposing that the city limits be extended in order to include the property described in said letter. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and :4illiams. (3). On motion the meeting adjourned. ATOP7--D .'���}�p.2 S , 1947 APPROVED T.?A fuff