HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 151, November 4, 1947?40. 1:U Proceedings o% Board of Commissioners City of Paducah November 4, 1947 Mater rain Berber Road At a Regular ',Ieeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioneral Chamber at the ;ity Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 oyclock P.M. on November 4, 1947, "ago,^ Seaton presided and upon call of the itoll the following answered b their names: Co=issioners Friedlander, '.alliams and Mayor Seaton (3). Commissioners Johnston and p Sims being absent (2). Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Commiasionors 'Nilliams offered motion that the petition of J:11.Rayburn and wife Geraldine Rayburn which petition has been approved by Thomas T. Clark, and wi3e Ethel E. "lark, Alva Scopes, Herbert H. Seigler, Roger Christie and wife, Opal IT. Christie, A.T.Tindall and wife, Eva L. Tindall and John V. Mullinax and wife ''atsaeka i:.ullinax I' and Nannie Mae Heflin and Wayne Heflin be received and filed and that the regiest in said petition be granted, provided, however, that nothing in the granting of the request in said petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of "later 'forks to provide service or pressure or to maintain said pipe line or any part it thereof, and in no id se shall the granting of this petition be construed as an obligs- �i tion now and hereafter on the part of the City of Paducah or its Commkssioners of Eater ';Yorks to purchase said privately owned pipe line, and no such obligation shall be claimed in the event the territories served by said privately owned pipe line or any part thereof shall be taken into the corporate City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, ";illiamd and Mayor Seaton (3). Parkln;z it 2nd St Commissioner 7.1illinms offered motion that the letter of the City ,'.'anagen, B1:7ay-Jefferson 2 hours v relative to a survey made in response to a reT est by business firms on forth Second Letter P.:gr. Street between Broadway arra Jefferson Street, be received and filed; and that the Corporation Counsel be instructed to prohibit; the � prepare an ordinance ng perking of motor vehicles on North Second Street between Broadway and Jefferson for a per'od longer than two hours. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners FJi edlmder, jWilliams and ::ayor Seaton (3). i 'rater Cc Report / Commissioner 7lillisms offered motion that the Financial Report of the Paducah Sept. 1947 P —iter !"orks for the month of September, 1947, be received and filed. Adopted on cal of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlonder, 'Nilliams and 7rayor Seaton (3). Location of Commissioner Williams offered motion that the letter of Kr. Victor Hobday, the sdlltloncl pari!n meters City ":rnager, In which he recommends the streets on which the one hundrad addl t!onnl rF!rk;n, meters should be located. be received and filed, that the P.oard of Commi-aione�s n..prove the recommanaations made by the City Yana3er, and t^C nt the orporatlon Couzsoll be authorized to prrpnro for introduction at the next meetinZ a. ordinance estab11shl t^o additional psrk1n7 mater zones In accordance with the City :'anauor'a rocommondat:n;: :.,:opted on call of the A.o;l, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, 1:1111fims and Aleyor .'sate n Soft Drlrka r� ^_orr_issioner 7.Illlnme offered motion that the letter of AdriaH n . 'Ferrell, 1 Stations letter•tttorr:ey Attorney for the ity, 'c!th rafarence kn thi liability of the Oity to refund liceraa fc`s TF1 i 1.7 fill!n; 3taticr. afnratara for tho privilege 01' sellln; soft drinks, be j rece!vai and f11ed. Adopted or: Call of the no:l, Ycaa, rexnllaa',oners ?rlodlouder, an,1 7ayrr `eaten (3). sports Oct. Poline apt irspr. felir Ce-rlsslarer .1'_llsr.: offer,: mation °sat ?he followln:", report3 for the month o!' w Sr. Paas 0^sober. Pi57, __. rarFlve;; lliin Inapectir, -01 '!a ;earnDr.cpa, ;.J.Paas Ailptei of; rgj col;, 'G•..rsi;siener3=rlealender, ,;1111,,x9 and Yuyor ,eaten 15'<` Proceedings of Foard of Commissioners City of Paducah November 4. 1947 1olidsv / lov. 11, 1947 Cor,,.issioner Friedlander offered motion as follows: November 11th, Armistice Day, bein.; a legal holiday, I move tlL9t all city employees, with the exception of the me-zers of the Police and "Ire Departments, be granted a holiday. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cornnissioners Friedlander, '..illiams and Mayor Seaton (3). Pond _c Lia- Commissioner rriedlander offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive, bility policy ^.hasta!ne i ; file and approve the public liability insurance policy issued by the Fidelity and rabecker l ^hsrles T. Casualty Company of New York in the name of the City of Paducah covering work done by 7dwards Chastaine 1< Habacker for a period of one year from October 23, 1947; also the Bond I in the sum of 72000.00 of Charles T. Edwards with the t:'sstern Surety Company of Chiceg'' Illinois, as Surety, dated October l6thh, 1947, which bond and insurance policy are required under tie provisions of an ordinance adopted on September 24, 1946. Adopted j:1 one all of the roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, YWilliamd and :payor Seaton (3). Speeding Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the letter of the City s nager fines letter fgr. recommending the amendment of the traffic ordinance by providing a graduated scale of fines for speeding be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, :1.1111ams and Mayor Seaton (3). Fzrcln3 on Yayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE TO 'r'y Ave 3rd to 4th- FURTRER REGULATE THE PARKING 0.. VEHICLES ON I LIMUCKY AVENUE BET.7EEN 3RD STREET AND 4TH 1 hour ✓ STREET IPI THE CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRESCRIBING 'fill P:MALPY FOR VIOLLTION THERSOF AND F.E?EALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT TH7RENITH%b a adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, •`,illiams and i.Iayor Seaton (3). Par't'n-, on Mayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE TO FURTdFt No 2nd St / 9' :'ay to Y, REGULATE THE PARKIi4G OF VEHICLES ON NORTIi SECOND STREET BETWEEN BROIDiYAY AND JEFFERSON Jefferson IN T B CITY OF PADUCAH, KENTUCKY; PRISCRIcING THE P:sNALTY FOR BTOLATION THEREOF AND E?.'aALIN3 ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Doll, Yeas, Corc"Sssioners Friedlander, 71i111ams and b!ayor Seaton (3). Approve Plat ✓ Vayor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Al ORDINANCE APPROVING 27th k !'onroc TE PLAT OF THE SUBDIVISION OF PROPERTY LO ATED AT Ti£ SOU'TH'AEST COLNER OF 27TH ANI. 1 YONROE STREE?S IN THE CITY OF PADUCAH, CNTJCKY, ,WHICH VWAS ACCEPTED BY THE CITY AND ZO:JI"G Cot"WISSION BY ITS FINAL JtEPORT MBODIED IN A RESOLUTION ADOP'T'ED 05 OCTOBER 17V. -I, 194711, be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, 71111and and :'ayor ?eaton (3). Approve Fla. :ark Ave b'_w ✓ 75yor Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A{) ORDINANCE APP30VING ,ruse 'r -c ;alre 'ic PLAT 0:' ..? ',i;:':ZY.':ZCN Oc PHOP RTi ON P-1,: AVENUE BEW112N CRUSE AVSIJUE AED P:'cGL + I:tE A:'F :? E I'1 ^I I" OF ?A✓MAIT, KF.NTUCK'Y, 7.'SICH WAS ACCEPTED BY THE CITY PLANNING AND II B" ITS F1'.:AL :;EFO: T ?' CDI'J IN A :RESOLUTION ADOPTED ON AUGUST 15th, 1947'', be adopted. Adopted on call of time poll, Yeas, Commmissloners Friedlander, hil1ia=3 and '.mayor ''.ea ten (.Z) Cn ^otion the r-,et:.n3 adjourned. L> A;'ticO:'E:;.