HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 147, October 28, 1947No. 147 Proceedings of Board of Comnissioners City of Paducah October 28, 1947 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners held in the Commissioners' Chamber at the City Hall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on October 28, 1947, h Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3) Minutes of the previous meeting were adopted as read. Water Main near ;I Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the petition of Charles Hovekamp Husbands Road ✓ and others residing on and near the Husbands Road, Dixie Avenues Homewood Avenue, it Hovekamp Road and Spann Lane outside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah, I! 11 Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct water mains along and under said roads and lanes for the � purpose of providing water service for domestic purposes to the resi- dences and homes of petitioners be reveived and filed and that the request in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth in said petition. It is understood, however, that in granting the privileges sought in said petition, neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of Water Works shall be obligated to buy or maintain said pipe line to be constructed by petitioners, or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be obtained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water mains to to laid under the authority herein ii requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. �j It is further understood that the petitioners will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the City limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of •;later Ylorks which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or its Commissioners of Water '.Yorks to guarantee water pressure or service, II and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line or any part thereof at any time when in the Judgment of the Commissioners of Water corks the I' furnishing of water to any of the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property owned by them may interfere in any wise with the adequate supply and distri- outlon of water inside the corporate limits of the City of Paducah. Adopted on call ✓ of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). Commissioner Friedlander offered the following motion: St. Light I move that the petition signed by H. W. Schmidt and others, requesting a ietition-K 10th ;treat ?. Olive street light at the intersection of North 10th Street and olive Street be received and f1led. That the City Vanager be authorized to have said light installed if, after Invantiaatlon, it is found necessary. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commisslonerls rriadlnnder, Johnston r,nd Mayor Seaton (3). 7.rter line v� Mayor Seaton offered motion that the petition of C.E.Evans and Orace Evans for � Crchard :'o I, tta authority to tap a privately owned water lino owned by parsons named in the petition filed with, the COmmissionera of the City of Paducah on October 24, 1944, providing •nater service to resldenta In what is anown as Orchard Heights Additton be received sn9 filed, ar. the request rade In said petition Lo grunted In accordance with the terra LtereLn sat forth andto subject to all th,3 restrictions and limitations con - twined in the cr%.er entered L^tober 24. 1x44, ,runtinc. tho privileges to persons reaidirg in the section anown as Orchard Heights--!Iltlon outside the City of Pad.:cahto I receive water aervice. Adopted on call of the ,toll, 'rasa, Co=issionera r- -der. Jor_nat,rn and "I yor-'eaton (3). 148 Proceedings of Board of Commissioners City of Paducah October 28, 1947 -lability! Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Beard of Commissioners receive, I Fol!cy •/ Flack -Hawk file and approve the public liability policy issued by the United States Fidelity Fakery and Guaranty Company of Baltimore, Maryland, 1n the name of the City of Paducah cover- ing work done under permits issued to the Black -Hawk Bakery, which insurance policy is required under the provisions of an ordinance adopted by the Board of Commissioners on September 24, 1946. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). a" A.Eradley Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the letter of T.A.Bradley, the City dvises Yag- 1 ravox sewer ✓ Engineer, in which he advises that the work of excavating and backfilling in connection completed i authorize with the construction of the Magnavox sewer has been completed to his satisfaction, pmy,cnt together with the estimates attached to said letter be received and filed, and that the City 1anager and City Treasurer be authorized to deliver to the Ray Drew construc- i tion Company a check for ""j1,491.83 in full settlement and satisfaction of the cost of the work for excavating and backfilling in connection with the construction of said sewer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and i i Mayor Seaton (3). Ygr. report/ bayor Seaton offered motion that the City Manager be requested to make an in - where addi- tional Parking vestigation and report to the Board of Commissioners his recommendation as to where meters are to to located the additional one hundred (100) parking meters purchased from the Duncan Meter Cor- poration should be located, and that said report be filed at the next regular meeting. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). Riverside / Mayor Seaton offered motion that the letter of Rev. L. C. Biles, Minister of th Hospital ✓ Col. Nord Husband Street Baptist Church, in which he makes complaint concerning conditions in the Complaint colored ward at the riverside Hospital, together with a copy of the City Manager's reply of Cetober 23, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll,Xe as, CommisaioneI Friedlander, Johnston and mayor Seaton (3). .'.ecuest Bids Commissioner Friedmander offered motion that a Resolution entitled; "A RESOLUT ON ?bllet Rooms Sinks at AU TH0 RIZII:G TriE CITt YANAGER TO ADVERTI3E FOR BIDS OF CONTRACTORS FOR THE FURNISHING 0) Market rouse VATERIALS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF LABOR O COMPLETE THE TOILET ROOMS AND SINKS AT THE PADUCAA MARKET HOUSE I: ACCORDANCE "KITH THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR SAID WORK ON FILE IN THE CFFICE OF TIRE CITY ENGINEER", be adopted. Adopted on call of the roll, Yeas, Cor_^insloners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). ,as A, Oil ro"^.iasioner Johnston offered motion that an ordinance entitled; "AN ORDINANCE] Contrac,t Mid -Continent ACCEPrI'7; TH3 SID OF MID-Crd1TINENT PETROL3Um CORPORATION FOR THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY OF ALL t;ASOL:NE AND OIL REIYUIRED I1; GOVS2N.MENTAL OPERATIONS DURING A PERIOD OF FOUR 1402N'TAS PE:;I:;::IN N;C'JclFER 1, 1947, AND AUTHORIZ1:7G THE CITY MANAGER 40 ENTER INTO A CON15iA(,T ii 0:3 THE ?URC-?A3E Or, .,AID ASCLINE AND O:L U:ON) THE TE10'3 AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED HnELN, AND UPON ;';CH 0:"ii:R ' F;Vj,'3 A!;D CONDITIOt13 A;; MAL HE RC"UIRED Bi THE CITY MANAGE:]", BE A:?FT;D. Adapt -:d on call of the Toil, Zeao, Commirjnion,3ra r'rleI)onder, Johnston anal ll%yer Zea>on (3). Amend aectlon Mayor .:aatra o:fered eot!on .hat an ardins,,;ae ontltied: r 4 S-,'.on!ng °AN OFtDI?:ANGE AS.ci1DIN;O �_rdinan^.e "� SECTIO-*-' S CF W, viDl'i..';^,E i; 6+ 'A:; 03u7i;AN;rE N?O'. m= T:•3D: IDIi;G i'OR TiIE 'lilt ORCEhIEiIi Yii'CHIN THi CITY 07i PA.ri`.d:1, '.c.i1;^z'+, C. Al. ACT 0.' T:.'_n £;I:i,RAL i; NfVLY 0� THE $'PATr' OF' KENT CKY AD'PTED .,, 197«, C,-,WCN-f KN AN ., RE= :RcD O � `+ A1:' ' 3i A.`,i T'hr. C1TY PLAN;1iiN9 AiID ON N'; At9', Xi?ICH A'Ai ALGi^ED E: .._: ..A tL 0? CC:,IG!1_„ iOI;�I3 0;,^.- �E �N:xBit 17Tii, 19213, adapted. Adopte:i .:n call of the Roll, teas, .Z:=.issre ..rs :r!e.._ac.. ; n, te•.! sy South 3r.1 St. Cc=1-31,:nar .cF.rstn of, letterstf.e :I ty Yanger Family g$ervi- rec3m=.e^.!!ng that the cit; Obtain r3:,e4ssia tF.7 b�i1:1.^.Yat 21"-213 ::asth ce L -M No. 149 Proceedings of Round or ro missioners City of Paducah October 2B 1947 Third Street for use by the Family Service Society be received and filed and that the City Manager be authorized (1) to give to the Lessees of the second floor of said building a notice to vacate on or before December 1st, 1947, (2) to lease the two offices referred to in his letter at a monthly rental of ;'20.00 per month, and (3) to permit the Family Service Society to have the use of the second floor of sold li building after possession has been given by the present tenants. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). Floodwall ✓ Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the letter of the City Manager i Surplus prop- erty (Allard) ;! which he calls attention to a telegram received from the Honorable Noble J. Gregory proceeds to City which reads- "Chief Engineers recommends City of Paducah be authorized to dispose of surplus lands (Allard property) without reimbursement- to us. Letter follows". be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlande, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3) Agreement Mayor Seaton offered motion that the Board of Commissioners approve the :''eat Ky. Mau- ! soleum Company agreement to be entered into between the City of Paducah and F. C. Guthrie and J. C. Lauderdale, Liquidating Agents of the heat Kentucky Mausoleum Company under which the City of Paducah agrees to expend the sum of :x642.50 for the purpose of defraying one half of the cost of installing a new roof on the building of the N+'est Kentucky Yausoleum Company in consideration of its release from all claims, demands, actions and causes of action which said liquidating committee, the stockholders of said company, and the Southern Mausoleum Company may have upon or against said city under its contract with the ''Nest Kentucky Mausoleum Company dated April 3rd, 1920„ a copy of which agreement is filed with and as a part of this motion, and that the itayor be authorized to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Paducah in the event said agreement and the terms and conditions contained therein are approved by an order of the Court in the action of r C. Guthrie, at al., Liquidating agents of the west Kentucky Mausoleum Company vs. Wast Kentucky Mauso- leum Company now pending in the McCracken Circuit Court. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston and Mayor Seaton (3). Accept Bid of Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the bid of Ernest P. Hannin in the Geo. A. Hsnnin Roo. on ✓ sum of $1285.00 for the re -roofing and flashing of the mausoleum building of the 'Nest kausoleum Bldg Kentucky Mausoleum Building be received and filed, and that said bid be accepted pro- vidod there is entered in McCracken Circuit Court in the action of F.C.Guthrio and others, liquidating agents of the Meat Kentucky Mausoleum Company against Welt Kentucky ksasoleum Company et al an order approving the payment of one-half of said er.penao by aald liquidating committee and approving the agreement entered into between the City or Paduaal: and said liquidating committee, ti:e obligation o1' the I ^,ity of Paducah for raid :,xporae not to exceed w642.50 if said agreement is approvod `•:y t,e Court. Adopted on call o." the Roll, leas, COaagisa10nera Friedlander, Johnston arI Jaya_ Seaton (3). Request ties CO=:isaloner Johnston offerod motion that a `Ire House resolution entitled) "A HE30LU1'IpN Clay AUT.:GRILI: THE CITf MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR b1D3 i'ORTHE SALE OF THE PROP ON ';RICH N Old fllard pr 3,^.erty T11.7 CLD F22 !, SF AT T3ti111 h CLAY TREET.; 13 LOCATEL, AND TilE OLD ALLAf2D PROPERTY LO- CATED AT AN-, YADISCN STHsE'f' iN THE CITE Or PADUCAH, KE: NG 'T'UCKY, AND FRE:iCRIeI:i„ THE TE Gv Ai ^L''L:T O:'L UNDER iY:IICH EI DERS SHALL c.; RL IRED '[0 COMPLY", cc adopted., Adopted ar call of, the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners rrlddlander, Johnston and Mayor Sea+;n (3). No 150 Proceedings of Board of rommisst onors City of Paducah October 28th, 1947 On motion the meeting adjourned. ADOPTEDz.�,.��� y(-c� 1947 APPROVED !/ city Cleric