HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 144, October 21, 1947Proceedings of City of Paducah t '',.. ✓ _ _ _ .:121_ n few rnl ..s`, tn, -o".1,61 of Co !issioners a -Trove tho cd cop., of the contract t:r.•:.r which Loa :711:cins and his wife, Bonnyo Paye '3ilkin , aCreed to nay in nddit'_on to the purchase price of „525.00 for Lat r3 of Hamilton 7,1vision wIlch •:ill -s conveyed to them ty the City of Faducah, the additional stun of 0 for said property in the event the city invades and establishes as a public ,.,,,ay t're atre• t in front of said propert,: at an, time within 90 daja from the date of sald contract. Adopted on call of the Iioll, Yeas, Commis3ioners Friedlander, Johnsta , 'illic a and :.ayor Seaton (4). ^:issioner Johnston oifered motion that the letter of T.A.Bradlcy, the City Al - ., cr with reference to the closing of the fifty (50) foot street runnin;_� from _o -or; ..:;nic t Erlednon dvanue, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the teas, r'cmmiasloncrs Frlcdlsnder, Johnston, 7illiamo and P-ayor veaton (4). _. saner John:,! ,n o"fered notion that the letter written by ,4rlan H. Terrell, -aducah, to ;:r. Victor C. Eoaday, the City "ansCor, r:ith the Court of ,;-pools in the case of City of Paducah vs. ;::ntur.%y, toCaUer with a copy of that opinion dated October 10th, 77, Le received a,n- filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners .7ahnotan, :7111iams and ;'a,+or Seaton (1). _ a. or.:r :. _edlarder o"fered motion that. the ro,ort of the City :,. naCer erlth the investigation :.lade by hip: as to the necessity of eat-ac7.lohine a one :,astriction on motorists who park their vehicles on :iont,c.cy avenue bet- rth Ztracts be received and filed, and that the Cor .meltlon Counsel "n at tho next meetlnr o•dinance prohibltin,, tho par1cim, of I. one "aur ::ntitcky 1,vonue bets, on Ttard street ew in Sunday. i:doptod on call ar the illiums ant :a:ar nt .c eerti;'ied c''py of th,e re! ort of . . .. _ CO -• .era tion for i ...... a1. m an call P,. or ;as ten :shat of c'm'.ntas!.oner: , ecoive, Proceedinss of uparJ of Co^. i:aioners City cf ftdacah Oc tobar %. 1J•PJ r. r• inn^✓ Cont'llssioncr r'rledlan•lor offered motion that L::onerationo ;•-)a. 16'57 to 1Z3C3 inclusive, Le reeelVoC and filed, anti that the amount of' P42E.07 be exonerated on tax bills as si_ovm on said exonerations. 'he abovo exonerations have been checkod and are duo to to o::onorstod accordln :o :ay ;norrledee anA belief. ',i -nod t=enry Collins, City Treasurer. .'.:loptcd on call o: the 11011, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Sohnoton, l^iilliarn. and ..aynr Jeaton (9). - ='r:t✓ t:a::or eston offered motion :hat the _.card of Commissioners receive and file tt report far the quarter ending :;entember 3i', 1927, Firm FPHA G21IJx Title V Housing at Paducah, Kentucky. Adopted on call of the moll, Yeas, Co"aissionera FrIedlandor, Johnston, ::illiams and V.ayor Seaton (4). 'ayor Seaton offered motion that the executed copy of the ..frecment entered int ,la;'iI d tettiseen the Gity of raducah, Kentucky, and Duncan i•:eter Corporation dated .ieptember 3C 1947, and providin:^ for the leasing by said city of one hundred (100) additional Vill( ::ultlple-coin Farlcin- 1:eters, together with the ,erformance pond executed by Duncan j:'e ter Corooration, Principal and 'laticnal Surety Corporation, Surety, on September 30, 1947, as required under the provisions of the aforesaid contract, be received and file p Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 71111Sams and :nyor ;caton (4). :iI Contra I ✓CO-` aioner Y.illiams offered motion that nn ordinance entitled: "A.. OitDI;A::CE �I I ID 0 ::.ID -C'.: [S::S: 1 tLJF;0L3t;:: CGdi•Oii,,--ol; •r OR i':.7- tJr .:,.Y 2 _ i `,.: CITY Rh:! 1RSD GOVERPY :LJ TA_L OF::'A-,,Gjj DU I;JG A 1'H:R iOD CI a'OL"Si .:'1'Jc61ER 1, 1947, AI:D AUL.iO:?IZilI^ ? Is CIT ,.naAGc^R TO _.2 7111:ASE OF SAID GASOLI-IL A,1D OIL "JIO.i '1.'4 i :; : A D CJ:JDIT:ONZ _.::D DPG;; ;UCH OT31nR TEERL:; AND COIJDITIO: S AS ?'AY BE itE:..IRLL r e be introduced and remain on file at least one week for public Sns;"ect:c in the complotcd for:, in .,.*Ich it shall be put upon its final passa e. :adopted on call of the poll, Yeas, Commnissioners Friedlnndor, ',illiams, Johnston and Va•Jor Seatcn (4). •orton a^fercd r:otion that an ordinanco entitled: •'A.: i, : ,:T•P'I LOCA,r, D AT ,pl S^?iGT S:J f!Ij.; ^ 1 _ ' r0.r D l / I 1 ._.. ....., .,.. 6� , ... C:. .,,.,.. _.. 1'Jtn, J'i , be ric op tet as, (7on:ilaoiiners .-riedl::n?er, J,)hno`,n, Illiac:a :+nd len that on o:•d ir.: r:c lrf:: ... _ .. ..... i . A Proceedinss of. City of Paducah October Ll, 1�417 :i .i q,� ot!:n-- L t. :-j fer i` rnn r 1 on Chat on and inan- o on L I c 1c "A C•.,0. IV47 PLO-OWrIf ::it Cl: W OP 1,,D rA!: 1'. i T. ADIN 1:; R .'08 SAID FE'.7 0,1-' '.71j.' 0.-1 ;Al) Ai.7" 0' Me AMR rllFDI' :;opted, r.doptod on call of the !loll, Zeas, Jahnrton, .71111a= and :'ayo.r :;caton (4). --hn—n 2 -id notion that an o,-,I.n--%nc,:! cnt1tl,:d: "AN 0-DI::A:XE . 7 -Z, -C-L.IIIN'S OF LOT 3 U FA?!ILTON 'DTY C I C L ERK. ':` L, cc U IME ?%.'PLPTV, Le adopted. Adcoted on ca'l of the Roll, Teas, Cor- i..'-qioners -rriedlonder, Johnston, '.7illiams and L'sjor Seaton (4). Loner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "Ai: 0 61 D I "I AIX E X- VEIICLEZ L! EOTH Tia PAST DRIVE L:2 FEF'..E-'T DRIVE OF SECOND °:!U A71D B-HOAD`.,TAY; PRESCRILI:IG T'.'-11 fz'."ALTf FOR VIOLATION L'- O�DiNi.!XEZ; IN (011;;LICT I-ME.71ITH", Le adopted. Adopted on ca" 'hc ':cas, -c..:;izsioners Friedlander, Johnston, 1',i11iDms and 7:a.ior ..eaton (4). Cr the r-,rctln- adtourncd. 1')47 Ity