HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 141, October 14, 1947m
Proceedings of City of Paducah—":
,,,..rn _ niuec' end u, ,i. ..-_ G, follov:gin_ - .... •.� ... _. .. ...,.
rulers : r:ledlander, Johnston, . uyor ;eaton
v :"inutes of the Frovious meed.::,: r,: adopted as rend.
yil lonmassiorer Johnston offered motion that tM cetitlon of C. A.Coodrrin, t ul.,
;•cauest_n:- t;�- installation of two street ll,�Us in nienwood A•ldltlott on 21st Arcet
v:nue nr.-1 "illrod .-tr^ot be received an -1 filed, ",.At the roqueat Lr -
L^ C:r
Uy 'nna^er for invosti•ation and that tie :n^paer be ,A`tti171'.IZ.e, to
_'}t^ installou if he finds they aro needed. ,;:lopted on call a!' tite roll
ars Friedlcr,a•s:• Johnston, ,:illisms and :.ayor ::oaten (• ).
_ _... inner •iMinins af;ea•ed motion that the 'oard of Ca^:ansloncrs aeceive
ti`s• '._,_:; Of the l:id-Continent !etroleum Cor,loration and the .ltondur:l Cil
far tiro isle of gasoline and oil to the Clty for a clod of fn`.u• months
. .:ovember lst, 1J47, and that an ordinance be prepared authorl .In:,• tl:c accc,.-
tare( of H)e Uie, of the "id -Continent Petroleum Corporation for the sale durin sold
nd of 7thyl ',saline and firaL :rado motor all, an' the acceptance of t"e Uid of
I� the ;tan -lard Cil Company for the sale durin3 said period of-'atergent ::otor Cil.
apte on call of the Roll, Yeas, Cor`nissloners Friedlander, Johnston, ::111ia;cs a u
•%eaten (4).
Carraissloner .Johnston offered motion that the payment of the bill of
^.11nic in sum of 11.00 for medical e:caminntions of injuries receive(; .
7 ca t: al r,n why : as in ured in s inotarc;'clo sc t
J c.dort r,.o, .,
i� t the a"c-tznt of —A Id. bill be clamed to the accour.t for ' .tj1cal 4xnen;:
-r rn ^r, 11 . the ::011, "u -as, Co^nisnloners _riodlander, Johan to n, ..i11iAl:rn
✓� =: =egad �
motlan that the ':ar •otztlan ^aua ! .._ .,,..... -. set _
an ar•rl
� - .. .. Itrt.,1 tf`a'l:'in. ,. .. aria to
aide of "•tn;:in:'tin atre-t: L,•t.-„rt `?th str•cet onl t.is
..._ .., _ nt ar :rc,i f^t• the n14% of ,......(:_ rraz;}:. .., :•pt
, _. on ^u _1 t - i_
.. _ ._ .. .. :ri cillo n9t;r, Jahn:atcr:, '. 1.171n•;,a ... r.r; :'nyor ,aa ton t•e).
r rl .. er offered rintion that tae of Ca: t.l:aaiane;•n race:
_ullic '__utility t.oli^1:,::. al'_ciea are require,
u:lonted U i •cora ar,
Proceedin8i of City of Paducah "' ' '' '' 7'' t" • '. `i "7
:ac7 't unr7 :olin:3 Chief Lc!.:
:.: around t'ic cit., mar::et be received and filers, an(', '.
.. �... ... _.., i;n nre;are sn o''inocce m-hiLitIn- Ute car'.clnr..
r for c lon_-.er perlod thou one hour bo -
all cb:n gf the vrse.: excertln,; :atur, y and :unday.
1, Corniaaionera 2rl�dlgndev, Johnston, )❑)).Cans and
_..... . r ::-7er offered motion tint the letter of t.Sessrs -'-heeler, :'a -
:tfnr!:�,-o for the :ach:c:h :.'arine Junpliea and Service, Incor,.�ova ed,
of 1ad'.resh to ref,md curtain assessments paid upon float:in•; equip-
, to receiver: : n:! ^il.:d. bdopted on call of the toll, 'lean,
.. .. .rnf:er, J^hnstnn, .;Zllio-,r and :'a ov Seaton (:).
_^orad iiation ;hnt tr•e letter n, the -it:,
10lico car on,l a nen, car to replace .vrcc%qd car ,76
1. :ed police car „6 from sill rnvin!;s for the s'.tn of ;54x.3
-:1, for the sum of "14.35, nnrl t'-:= Lido for a new car with wrecke
- •,7.c -in from n^ -::bods).) °:otor --❑;lea for a 1947 Pl -mcuth ;.ecial
With extra equipment as listed for the s,z:, of „1�CC.30; Crum
Gtevrolet Company for a 1947 Chevrolet Zedar. vrith stand -rd eq:;irmer.t for
In' :r 'nrrin�tpn ,'.'Otora . .r a 1x47 i"ercury Pour seer ::edon, ., n
:tr )icte:i, r the sum Of ;15:0.'0, ..e received and filed, and that t
,e authorizer) to nre-rnre an ).- "n,nee acception the Gid or inr;-
*•les for a 1947 'lymouth :,r;or.ial Celuxe _our Door Sedan, with the extra
- -
c,'—rt hegter, seat covers an. C •ly heavy duty tires, for the sum of
(,it..' ..,, or to enter into a contract for the purchoso of
pre,' _.. ..,id tdd. tidopted on call
-irl,7 7'a,lJl•
l J.
Filed it.
..i.,,toners .r.ie•i'_... - .....r.,
r.ltInn of the Snr:_ent :❑int
'r:. - ,.•na to c:3t5' 11s .>)d on
to the cit.! ..:a- ..
;'.:.iams ani
%, the :r,d,rroh
Proceedings of —' --l' City ofPaducah LL -1 111h, '"Li
1S�;.10 pnirl it 1'T.'
of tha 1
z' -:l on call of the Ycan, John.3t,-
i 11 n is an: -1 :"ayor Zoaton (4).
Cor.-in:1, -!nn-r Johnston n: fol—,l rintinn tl,a t un ul n rnn' I tlf•d- "A"
194 7
!ic 77' 1711 0, D
7 .:I_,
:TC-- 7 CAR TMIDFr, r T'PY
CNTRA^,r 3' :3 rURCHASE THEREOPI, be Introduced and remain on fil
r public inr.ne,!t;on in the completed form in which it shall be put upon Its final
.,ionted on ca.11 of the Roll, Yeas, Coaniunioners riedlander, Johnston,
-illiqro =nl -�I:ior Seaton (4).
--iinsionor Johnston ol'fered motion as follows: 71HERRAS, J. E. Payne and his
'�deline Payne, hay.1n,7 anplied to the Commissioners of the :educate '.vilter
far in extension cf the water moin frau a Point at tP-Y= corner of Sit Stz,,jct
7:1-- 1 -r 1 0 t j.0 --nn said lsa t named street and In r. northerly al Ir ec t I on t an
nn the on ill .7. E•Payne and his wife, del inn Po yne , ro a Ldo
on r o o_^ ..a ter hRv n - a Cro e d to .::, i o n 1 the rain for the :3nrp os c of
n ntrect If tho Lo 1,1 J--',-qyne znnd h11 -xlfo, "adelin
on easement v:n' ',!!I Lhroun.h
-;A t't, ,
the City of Isducah ,ccq. I j
:0;11710, an 11810NInt over aml thl—, 11 tt-011, r:••,;•..
n unnomed o tree t , at, irl on U011,, r1t, to 1
,:inners Of NWI in" t' Vo ter 7-or;cu t,,
,ii said unnqm-ed street tj-,1
-n rhe Co;wn I o j I on,) ro of' the ,,;gk ta 1,
Ild e r , inhr, n -