HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 138, October 7, 1947NO.
Proceedings of City of Pad
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on Op, tobor ,
a;ns:•jered t, th;ir nsnes
or Lc.;ioner:; Sir,a and
._']:. nese^t
nr^vlo,ra n.etin�-..,�,r,= .+dn-ted as read.
✓/ a. .. .,_ Johnston offered motion that the ':oard of Comm iaal01ers roc^ice
by Tiley C. Jones and othcra requesting; a llmltation
i -Ir ^,^1 the City i:ar'tot from 11:-- A. 1'. to 5: 00 P.F. excep+. on
)v-• thnt aal,l rntltion be referred to the Cit;; :.-ana er for in-
n. :dont_. on cn11 of the Roll, 'gas, Co;:inaioners r'riedlander, Johnato
Jnhnstrn o_'rerod motion that the letter of +drien H. Terrell, the
V =i',__•-nce to the va'i'.ity of the civil aervice ovllnar.ce for
:-:en r ^.+r -.l by '"ora ?'arshall under the provisinnn of ;CRS 90.31C
Edonted on call of the ?loll, Yeas, Co:rr.issicners
.eat -on (3).
-issioner Johnston offered motion that the =pard of Commissloncrs approve t
r Lit 11 in -1�ck 44, Oak :rove Cemetery from !'rs. '.'ellv1 le Farralaon to
nn' t'.rt - rity Cleric be authorized to mace said transfer on the
I: •
ted on call of the :toll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander
f% dfered motion ,tat the binorclal report of the Zaduchh
,n_' - .at, 19-17, be received :na i.'ilsd. Adopted on cn.:.1
... _. _ ........•-,n^ .. . _ •9l•, Johr.a,^r. � ...^n (3).
.. J-...st',. •r _nn +:'. thn .'•uvlon �o• .n� ..._..
_ ? _tion o. ,- rai. ,anty, 1:entucl:y,
.. ...r, ._... iii :nducah or,
, . e,+, opted an .' I •,� ..�.
Lt • nd _ark.ley ':r•:+:
:.:cCrar,:cen Count Y,_..
x:nty, Kentucky, -..
!.-,ld in the P11--
:.•;t the fo110 . i
Proceedings o City of Paducah
c at, 1.0 0 t.
Llectlon Corrdaulonera in
Commissioner Trledlender offered motion that the inter -4m
�.�rnit to '''cnry Collins dated OctoLer 1, 1947 and requesting that. U- City 0: --fund
3tnte Cts
11,e Tri--'tnte Gns Company the sum of ,2.50 fora Luilding r-.11 h. % Sue.
"At which i
but not used be received and filed, and that the City Treasurer "ue authorized to
—'unll e` -.in the permit in retin-ned for cancellation. Adopted on call of the
I—oiiss loners Friedlander, Johnston and 5:Vyor Deaton (3).
Briodlnndcr o.'fored motionthat the follov.,In,- reporLz I'ir the month. of
1947, be recelverj. Zak Crave Cemetery, 7ulldin, In.spector, City FhyaI,,!iSrl
II 'te), -Ircl Da:)3rtient, lolioe DST)nrtrrent. Adopted an call of the Roll, Leon,
----I'-cdlnndcr, Johnston and :"ayor Seaton (3).
Cc,77inaioner 7rledlander offered motion that the letter of 11r. ho,.iard VI. 71oo 1
r.Ident of the Paducah East -lub, in which he requeatc permission to line as an
o -c -os road to the boat dock of as id club the entrance through tro flood wall at the
n,:,rth end of the zouthern Textile and S".ochinery Company property and to re -(ravel the
-,resent road, the expense to be Lorne by said club, to received and filed, together
the re ort oi* I:r. T. A. Eradley, City :,,n�ineer, dated October 3, 1947: that the
of laducah mrant the permit requested upon the condition that the same shall also
be tl;:proved Lj the U.3.En7irieerls office, and that the City :nnn-er be authorized
IIto ererut- for the City of 131111call the permit on the form preser ited by the
'n office tran3rait the srt-in to that office for approval. Adopt%ld on c--tIl
tY-e --Wl, 'Less, Comnnl�,'qlonevs Friedlander, Johnston and Ir Son ton (3
A:1 'nr-riissloner offered notion that a s:o--njjjt.!,)rj
. ...... LCCAL
0. C.,,: P TA i,
"OP T, ;H ... .... ....
th'! -011, yons, r',
f!"'! n
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7 7 o" be
Johns ton and % a;; or -"aat,r
'n a t Lori t Pitt t an ar9lnInn.e
IProceedings of City of Paducah c, I " " l U07
-. i :•o{ in❑ tt.. i -n ^nti-: 1, d: A...
LC !tl
0' ,_ rn ...., .. 4.
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nted n ,' 1 of the Roll, Yoas, Coci.:., : :r :'r:c i` radar, Johnston
s��a*an aCSerc.l .,,',ion that an ordinance entltled: ^',Jf I,TL A%11
:. :;7: L . 1,17.1IPI;.-. Tr'.E RA' .. C. jPECD AT ...:
71 ia. yT:. 11'-.. —MEET .. I1 .. .:tOMMI::^
T m, 0., ..._ VIOLATION
.•. ..:nntoQ on call t:_a o11, Logs, Co:m::issioncrs !•riedlander, Johnston,
;or _ca ton (3).
or ;caton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: OrDI::`;'C3
/ _.,_...__... ... 3 AS A 'r _L .IC PARK ME RIVEIVRONT EXZED'ItiC FRO;.: ''i:;•: LCOD :ALL RIGH
OF CARD OF I RK 001:?i'I.;3IOtS_7R:; (.;HITii)", EL ADOPILD. Adopted
1 of the Noll, Yeas, Comaissloners Friedlander, Johnston and I•sfor Seaton (3).
1,=issioner Johnston offered motion that the City .•ano-er Le requested to crit
-r.i :; ::':nte rommerce lommiss Ion a letter of than'.:s for the favors ble condiderati
"-"Lost of the IL inois Contra 1&Ilroad Comnan7 for a 10, increase in
r -1 -ht rn'es, that he also coemunicate t:'ith the committee of railroad employees which
inrstr.�ntr:'_ in cn:^ ylnr on ne•-otiations for naid frel-ht rate increase, and also
t e^ thn:l,s and s,•pvociation of the Cit,
! of laducnh far their services,
ae .-Inloyeeo "vino have ^n .^r n': 7.s trial n°" to :-3t 1u 11 to their
of lino vol'_, 'tcaa, +>......::,ion:rs .riedl.r•ailer, Johnston and
v ... Johnstnn '-.. _ ,r:,•17: t.IOn 'Pt ..•. •i: ..
:i" to adopted. Ado; ;n of ti"
z:11,1 iyor Seaton (3)
r:otion: :residents of' roeroll ;tree
Wde complaints concerr.in_- t;,? ;•onlli
' r✓v tho Street -., ..r* -.ani -ado ac