HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 131, September 30, 1947NO- 1r i Proceedings of °'e' t °i t7o:r^issloner'' City of Paducah "ort•::_Lor iOth, lr•;7 ter line _'llinn ',v At a ..Pr-ular L'eetinr, of the Loard of Cocmciasloners held in the Commirialanr: t the City '493.1, Faducah, '.er.tueky, at 7;30 11.15, on September :50th, 1347, P ar ,naton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin; answered to their names: �i '�•-: •.. -.� 1^Hers Friedlander, Johnston, '7illinma and 1Layor -:ea Lon (4). Corm%ias Lon, r tn•- absent (1). 17inutes of t.": prev.ous m=ot:igr .-ere adopted au read. Commissioner 171111ams offered motion t hat the petition of "311ia ; A. Jaclta n and ,le i_ine Jac;tson, and others for authority to lay and cenatruct a vrater pi.e line for the purpose of providing caster service to a residence to Le constructed on Lo A_^ in "radst-awls Country club ,ddltion, which lot fronts on Lillian F.v,rnuc and lies �i outslde the corporate limits of ;adrnesh, Kentucky, be received and filed and tt:at the request contained in said petition be .granted in accordance with the terms net forth therein. It is understood, however, that in Frantine. the privLleges saui,ht in aald ,etition, neither the City of Paducah nor the Commissioners of .rater :Jor'ca shall Le obligated to lug or maintain said pipe line to be constructed by petitioners, or any .art thereof, and no such ocli;-ation shall be attained or Le implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the .,,,star mains to be laid under the authority herein •requeste^ be taken into or made a part of the City of 1-aducah. It is further understood that the petitioners will snbscriLe for water ser is at `...e rates noir or hereafter prescribed for !eater service Lo consu:%ers outside the y limita and sub•ect in all respects to the rules and rc.,ulations a, the li ty or iaducah or its Cor.:•iissionera of '�at:er 'arks wl,lch may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. .. Nothing in the rrentin,7 of this petition shall oLli,,ate the C.it;; of 1:.1.: -nil or its Commissioners of Sister :',0111cs to ttuarantee water pressure or service, in,: said i ter service mai ce dincant,nued Lhrou h said pipe line m• any part thereof at any i tine when in the judf✓ment of the Comminalonera of :Satcr ,.oaks the farnishlu- of crater 'o ^f t! -e -petitioners rr t^�ir successors in ownerahip of the property owned Ly :ntert =re in any :rise 'ltir itfe adegnaLe au,,�ly oral r.lstribation of water Inside p or•,r , i y :.., of Paducah. 6doptod a! t, e 4oj1, Yips, 5illiums and ;,, rr _ Offored motion the'. , ._ ri 11"On r. •- -,rcl James Carleton , ".Ick, r•porate lir,;. t. .... •.c far, in., fpr tic ru,. ,^t IIoncr Q•� .. .. .. in a,•r• . _. , .. .. . Z ' NO I Proceedings of City of Paducah :n of this !)etltlon olnc,21 :)LI! or r. ,rIr,nt,, cater preorl. and said .11 Jald ripe line on Ln the ''qte7 *o""Z.)is the C1.1-nirilit. t") tile lotItIonel in o',!nership of the pz•nperty *o-rned may interfere in any vice vilth zii^--!y and a." water Inside tho corporate limits of the City h. Adcrtcd on call a!' the Roll, fens, Cormni�'n'oncra !,riedlot.der, Johnstor o:_^ -gyred notion that signer'. the pe _�t� �C! Ly rIoQ1 L. Foal strcet li-hta r.e InotoIled on North 64th Street betweer �"cntrvl 'load be received and riled, that the City --an.-Ger be reque a td t^ ,-,':a ar. Invent t '.on for the purpose of determining whether additionill street lir, is are ne"sonry nl -int location, and that he be authorized to proceed .,;ith the in- f!-:l1it1cn of such li7hto as mnj be needed. Adopted or call oi the Roll, Yams, Johnston, Villllamr and I-'ajor Seaton (4). C7- ',13lianiz offered v:Otlon t hat the letter of "r. J. Sanuel. 'is-tt and a n n, the qnp raisers n-nointed 1:,y the City a' Paducah and the ',;etitucky ny, to evaluate the electric utility ..,:stem of the ;'en tue.:y Ut 11 "la s venort concerning the Pro!,'ross they have riado it UhoLr "Uccive-, s!J' ,--cd. Adopted or. call of the Roll, 'team, rrledlander, Johnston, VAIllams and (4). .tyor Deaton r.,Bde the foll2,,.inr v.ppolnt- ut: •.rfice :if Lloyd and Levi Chilton, ateintars of the card of and ZonlnC, having ex.nived on 'Iuruat le, 104G, I move that -hIlton be reappointed for a further tern, of four (4) Dn3 L ituteil she 11 Le composed of tha i ollo'.vin.- rocniLerz; 19.10 August 1.3, 19r3 fres tur'u."t 16, 1950 :IQ -o-lat 10, noa tan Plt'y Of as Id Proceedings of ""'I'l rf ` }rr L. City of Paducah C,:,: 1..., 1 1 11 1,-Irls .). t --,rcd motion the t the C Ity --ana �er I a 1,i , t : r ,f r POth, recona.endin, the employment of :additional regular flr(irnMn to n� elctra firemen or.-,] to rellevo other emplC.,.--.eq while absent from duty be and filed, and tait the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction CIL th,., —I In- tin ordint)nce carrying said recommendation Lnto elfact. ,,.d,)ntQd or, sees, Commissioners criedlvnder, Johnston, Alliams and :.,ajor ,;cat -)n Djor Seaton offered motion that the Coard of Comumlsnionor3 receive and file `ter of 1'r. P.L.Lsn,,, dated Oertenber 23, 1047, in which he tenders his resi�-- i' nation as a m^mber of the Electric Plant ward. 1 further move that said resiUnation be accepted. dopted on ca)] of the -,71, Yeas, Com.insLoncrs Friedlander, Johnston, -7illiams and -ajor Seaton I a yor Seaton offered motion that the hoard of Comalasionerzi C1.1cl-Ine to n 11 v,,ccpt any of the bids --ubnitted for the sale to the City of Paducah of a nevi 1947 passenger automobile by tritdin- in for said new automobile Folice Car -'C' the sumo havin'- Leen sutmltted Ly :;arrIn,,ton L'otors, Incorporated, flotor Sales and I!- :i.otors under the resolution adopted by the E.03rd of Commissioners nn ptemler 9th, 1947. Adcqpted on call of the Roll., 'fens, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ".7illiamu and l.ayor Jeston (4) -ity V!..rfs 1-11 er ?.:oyor Seaton offered motion that the letter of the City ZGanaZer recommenlin- -Ject tir!.q car the rejection of till three bids submitted by 2arrington k..otors, Fin,,,-'7oodall Motor Sales and H R. V !1otors for the sale to the City of I-aducah of a now automoL-Jle by trading in rolice Car mj6 which has been wrecked, be -received and filed. adapted on call, of the Fo.'I, Yenn ConnAsalonerq cricdlainder, Johnston, and I'ajor (4). pI Com.iruionor Johnston motion that the Board of ^omlsolonQro raceivr t?,e letters of the , -:.?l - ted :1cnrcbe,.-.er r-lication for ,Dn,-' fnr -',:3e In the sm,,unt 1000.010 iro th- -jt'a"n .:u"at 0150 Ouhlic liutlllt-Y I'llicy from the Coal Op,arator., Ea., ir tv:e limits of 10'C0r '7110 C!Ly M' ?a,1IjCah, oqL-1 letters to xa^reas to Cover t ar3I;r,:f" until U. nn '2 3r— insurance policy havrr •-eceive,l. Uonfl and - rec-:ired un-2er the provision: o: or,J1r al p• :':,e hereby approved. r,)hnston, 1-Ulliams and .-tt,o- Imn that the 1-,ttep �r: orr, tl on I'llf"hee, ween pernita 7. T-1 i t of way, t* r0c01vod an"] f !I., rs-ke I rocs -Moly from the top of Ifcity err] tt", it, msz a Ind Us 1y IProceedings of � �i I ', —C1fyqfPaducah ^tnrnbor 3n, Ic"i", tsp r -tin 'D motion that the -ot-T,oratlon -ounnol prepare fail next meetin on ordinance 4edica!ln,_, is a public park the rIvcrfr ..t-% fl.7,odzall rl h*, of way to the river between i.roadwaj and Kentucky n, 7r—:1dinr- that the City of Fnduca!, r,311n,^xlah to the ward of lark romm- richt to control and malntaln sild proE:crty for use as a putll.c fr In th-rite of Enduonh are controlled and maintained. Adon -,r:— cn-m. ?lander, Johnston,-illiarns and 11ayor Seaton (4) ro 1 .,n o r 'Is —erer' rrotllon that the letter of the City rence to th-? of�r made t firm in a middle %,,ostorn city for the Purchose n* 'n t.. rDunl for use in the production of vaccines b- received and filed. -I -all. n:. tf— 'leas, Comninaloneru Friedlander, Johnston, -'.11liginn :,nd Friedlander offered motion thnL the letter of the City ],:anger in 7rh h(, i,eoassts that the Loard of Co.,rrlssioners consider the vueotion as to the arivisalrilit:7 of Inntallin, s nelf-rervice coco-cola box in the city hall and how the profits [rom the sale of coco-cola should re used If a self-service box i-- installed, to received and filed. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yens, Connissioners nrledlander Johnston, ";illi: -ms end ',.syor Zeston (4). Commissioner-riedlander offered motion that the letter of Victor C. Hobday, ^at;'arm-er in which he recommends to the Lo3rd of Commissioners that stop .91t -n a —.ced on a],] four corners of the intersection of 11th and Caldwell streets, at- that !,no n1need on tan of the corn -r3 pnrl "slow" signs an the other two h is on call of the Roll, Yens, Commianioners 6rledlmnrlcr, 10-a ami "n'Tor -eaton (4). a7icdlnndnr orfored motion that the r,ou!'d of Cor.r;insiorv�vs rcnoiv Of ""I. Vice !-rcni-font of the Duncan Keter Go--iratlon -s willIm- to * eeclil.e an instrument Of writlnr a -ase from raid romTany one 1 -.un ;—.d additional . n n .0ndition: o n rd n r n �1 b, t h, T',i ter C", i. !I,. the event an tion of Company vs. 7 n:i7 In the r,,•en Court, or In —uptin, tto ,:r, nr oi- r nn son this contract shall -n, or In any other act Lon, aim ll not. I e 'd City i.i t Proceedin6sof ""''1 nC Gn m1.:eienera City of Paducah ^otos;i;nr SO, 1^47 , ...._. ..... ...CI r - . ,. - A:TD i,L,;O '"C _,.... II .oa'_1 of the oil, inns, Corilosienera Friedlander, Johnston, i Cozmissiom=r "Illi^ma offered motion that nn ordiranr,: °r.t1C3,•<7: -�a3 i.rsse "A7: PROVIDING FOP. !'F,- A': '..'.ENT OF 'Fr1E LEASE EL; 'r4iE_ Pr.c. ::C.•':.. �'Cc.i? COZ ORATLwl A::T7 ml rTTY OF FADUCAII i CR 7'FE f U'1CF'ASE 3 Odis HUNDRED ADDIT iOidAL TIPLa-COIN FAR71N r.FTERS AU99 0-111 L'D UNDER AN Oi*ri`dr;.iCn _:;TITLr,D: OFtGl-,;.;CE , _OR THE LEASING F•R07! THE WMAN METER COReCRATIO.'O: 100 ADDITiO.,AL . j7 L;3? 1 "11L"_i L r II; PARKING TMTERS A:dD THE I-URCHASE Or tAID TERS HE C.TY or, rADUCAH, IE COST Or IIoTA LA PION, TOGETHER '.lIIB C::TALS 1N THE 3UI,7 OF 7500.(0 �:.. ?"..I=.^, CC'.i.,.,.,p 0 OUi . T.. R::VE;;U� r'RO., _aE Cf ?.? .. CiCLERX T;� _,' .ER GITO A:.D I _ „ .. ---� v: .,.Ji:C,.'I: INC TEFiSSS —D r,C':•)TTIC'fl, C it T7_-„.,_. _. :D.'J 1' ., _...:'i' fig -..- ..,. ;' SIO:: , 0' THIS to adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, 'fcaa, Con^iasi0ners :rier'lan'i inions and l:ayor Seaton (S). Commi:aioner Johnston "i:01'. =1l lot �� !ayor Jeatnn o:fered motion that an ordinance entitled; ;';! ,,, rC Ulysses .UM'ORI£SNC ._r. SAIF: TO UL i. JE FAFMi ,:'13 "C' ii1R, li ;•. _AL._R, 31 ::Ori: _ TS':CCL11 hnP F P.. DU: -7'..:,0 CS^:i AU TSi ^:iIi I;;, x., ., „.D r.ITi C.LhRi' .,--1:;RAT�1S DF,,.,., SA--!) :C-RN”, to adopted. Adopt..•,1 on call of the Roll, 'i<o;, ,o._ i..._ lllp'l� •4er, Johnston, :7illimmn aryl .. ; .,oaton (6). Payor .;eaton fared motLon that nn ordinance en*.itici: .DI.10 LCT N 1:1 all of the 3017., - ern nnrler, , ?ourned. i /i