HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 128, September 23, 1947Proceedin8i of City of Paducah c^ t.
1 :-'-otters h,,lvJ In the Comi Ina ion°!v--
-n -t 7:30 o'clock on rcpt. 23, IN?,
-.,n and. .,pon call o- 7 he 71oll the followin.- nnswereO. to tY-^ir names:
...loners J3hnstan, ;Ims, and :-'avor JeatDn (5).
prevlous tn�etlnT %vere adopted as read.
r. i 1 liams offered motion that the petition of vere t t Herndon and
i �-erndor or-er residents of the Husbands Road be received 0.1d filed and that
the "quest contained In said petition be -ranted, subject to all the conditions and
'-itntlons nnmel In sail petition, it taing, specifically understood that neither the
I' Fneucah nor its Co:nnlo a loners of 'star .'.or1cs L-uarantee pressure or ;.,star servi a
.1 sai� -,ire lines unl that nothing In the granting of said petition shall be con
no,.,., a- hereafter as an obllgation on the part of the City of Paducah to buy 0.
-Intvin snll )ire lines a,., any part thereof.
re zmt^r service to to fl.L,n:':;hod shall be puvmiltLed only in accordance with al
-rules on,7 -ciulstions no,.,., in force or hereafter adopted for the sale and con--q—
rnfer ty neroors residInt, outside the city limits of Paducah, KentucFky, and said
be discontinued at any time when in the judgment of the Commissioners of
!ter or'ks the furdistlnq of caster to residents outside the City of iaducah or throwl
-1— lines referred to in the petition Interferes with the adequate supplying of
to pern-ns inside the 'Uty of Ynducah. Adonted on call of the Poll, teas,
^isaioners Trie,11under, Johnston, Sims, Williams and 7syor 0eaton (5).
nyor 3saton
Offered :notion that 1'r. L. R. Howson's letter of 2eptrimber loth
-ly to the reauest of the City of Pnducah that the. said L. li. Howoon and
ad J. jnmue
tne n v-qiaern n -, pointed. to evaluate the electric utility system or the :Kentucicr
':till -les —,mrnny, submit; to the parties a re:)ort concernin- the status oz, trlcir
tire, be received and filed. .-.d,)pted on call of the Roll, ts,
Johnston, -'ims, 'illllvnq and Payor .Seaton (5).
j-`-.nz1,on o.forccl motion that the Col -;:oration Pounael Prepare for
r, nn ordinance authorising the sale to Ulyosea ;arker
nr.,i 3! in : I".1c A, an Ronnovolt Llvd. for the
)n -t.lia '?:,Ij, Yens, Conn ioolon-ro '-riediander,
n or .;Baton (5).
Johnston. of.4?v'l1 ^.-.',Ion that the 'pard of Comrri-
-;Ioncrs rocoive an.
:.,,z)r --aleo, and %Otors ','a,
the 'itY Of P.Iducah Lj tradIn.- In
t. U.,- !,)' tar of air. victor c• i.oLda
rl,! of !7.n,-,.oL !all :.'Otor Le
nna tin,
Proceedingiof. CitpofPaducah
-'r-nrf•ir :'uncia n7*f`,T—' that nn ordinance ontitloil- "A; 0�1DJ'
j-10,17, 1 rA 2E
ACIC6.1'0:11k.; ,011 ""7" LQ adopt'jkl. wl')Pted on
^11 of th^ G011, Commissioners Z, dIwrlcr, Johnston, Sims, " il It nmn and savor
M r in,
-o�,,n (5).
51,00d p,
irk -t
Commissioner aims offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file
the letters of E.H.Enalin, t;eoeral I-'anaCer of the Paducah '-Tarine '.."ayn, incorporated,
'- A. Zrsdley, rity -in-lneer, and Victor C. Hobday, City !-'.anaCer, Witn reference to th
7rontin!7 of Nrmisslon to the Faducoh T.:arIne ','ays for the construction of v railroad
sour track through the floorb-iall at the Clark Street closure In accordance with draw -
in" designated as "General Lsyout of Plant, R.R.Crossinr, Throw -h Clark Street rate, -
,,Itch 7tack at Second and Clark -Streets", and that the - rantin., of Permission to
construct such spur track be Rpnroved by the City of Paducah upon the conditions that
(1) "10 Paducah -8-ine "Myo, Incorporated, execute and deliver to the rity of Paducah
an "'r"e--.t under -hich ..old Company xill become oblizated to '-,Ie.T.ove said track at it,
o'.'.'n expense and all construction pertainin., thereto at the request of the city in the
event of a flood, and (2) That col. L-..r.Talley, District znClneer, U.S.Oorps of :En;7'Ine(
Louisville, Kentucky, also 8, -prove the construction of said railroad spur track ttirou-
the floo,.j,,,jalI at that location. Adopted on,call of the Roll, yens, ommj:-.s loners
Friedlander, ;ohnston, aims, ---ilUq'ns and .:a.tor jeaton (F').
qransfer Funds
increase Al.
Com=issioner Yriedlander offered motion that an ordinance entit.led-
'_eversce Adrm
EROVIOINO FOP, AN IXCRE,j;," o.-. 1150.00 PER :.,O:jj"7, I.,j lliE SALARY 0
-A D. ME
ME AiFORTI0::!,:;.:1T XkDIAIANCE OF 1047 v'03 THE E!:FLOYl,'.:;"1T 0,7 j,
.1dor ted on ca I I of tl,.,, Yuri, COI:Iionloncra
a r'l -11 ,or ':cntn (5).
all ol-ciln-gon.
q 7
on call of the
�7%s and Va yor ;an ton
,r -•,t ran ordinance entit"
T 0,7,: 3 0
Proceedingsof"" " City of Paducah
)T . orel motlon that the 1,3tt,,r written �y —1rion H. T,,wrgli!
11t,; ,ttorney, to the validity of an ordinance aut1lopizinC, the am
e-KII-n ar f.,^ir,ry firemen be received and filed. Adopted on Poll 01 the
'T,1• n :,ivdlqnder, Johnston, Sims, 1,%illiams and 1:ajor Seaton (b) .
offered motion that an ordin,,nce entitled: "AN' OPI)INA14B
r -IN- 7'EI
rc:."?,j6A,r.Lo:T rjj,_'f .;.�W,L KE"eivE oil
j _i.. TliL c.�
b c t o Coinmizaioners
tv�d. ::dented n call of the Roll, Yeas,
Johnston, Sims, '711liams and '..ayor Seaton (5).
17orr_rills3loner ",iodiander o ferod motion that the letter written by 'holon
of the sire Department to Victor C. HoLday, City '.,one -ger, In which he recommend
tne einrloymrnt of' two sciditional firemen be received and filed, and that the Corpor-
ntion counsal to requested to prepare for introduction at the next meeting an ordinance
.rr-.)vI,Un- thst the personnel of the fire department be Increased by the employment of
two additional members. Adopted on call of the Roll, leas, Comminsioners Friedland r,
Johnston, Sims, �. .11liqms and La..,or Seaton (5).
Commissioner Friedlander wfered motion that the letter of ..r. Victor C. Holday,
the Cit; Yanager, recommending that stop signs Le placed on 9th street at the inter-
sectiono of Clark street, Ohio street and Tennessee atreet, be received and filed, an
'hot the corporation ^ounsel be directed to prepare for introduction at the next meet ng
an ordinance declaring- and establishin,- as a boulevard .;outh 9th street from the sout
ling of ,nshinnton itreet to the north line of Husbands street and providinfr a penalt
:or fn'l,iri of nn; motorist to brin3 his vehicle to a stop at any intersection on
7, tn 3 fr.-c t t;e t-.,jc^.n -on 11 points. Adopted on call of the Roll, Ycas, Comnirnionero
Johnoton, Sims, 11"' 111, lans and Mayor Seaton (5).
-i-)t1nn the n,atin ndjovu,ned.
194- At'I i, -V ED