HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 126, September 16, 19471
LProceedings o. `-i',`' of Copr:iaslone.rs City of Paducah aeptomber 16, 11047
:1t a i;•_Fulor ::cetir.:_ of the i-oard of Conunissioners held in the Cotnmisaioners1
r'^a-ter at the rity I11111, Ioduoah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.N. on Sept.. 16, 1947,
"ager Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the followin7, answered to their names:
ro=issicners Friedlander, Johnston. Sima, '•i.11iams and Yayor Seaton (5).
7inutes of the previous meeting• were adopted as read.
Commissioner 31ms offered the following motion: I move that F.T.Goode be
permitted to use as a means of ingress and ogress to his property next to the Central
Fire Station, and as a place for the parking of his customers' automobiles the lot
a'-ich is noir leased to the iF 8: 1: P_otors, but that such permission be ,ranted anon the
c-n'ition that he will cease to use the same for such purposes at any time if notified
b.r the City :.anagen that the privilege has been withdrawn.
4 I further move that the City ;'anger write to the said F.T.Goode a letter
advising him that he will be permitted to use said property for the purposes stated
and upon the conditions provided in this motion. Adopted on call of the Roll, leas,
Co=issianers 9riedlander, Johnston, Sims, "Jilliams and fiayor Seaton (5).
icer.^n S::tr� Commissioner V illiams offered motion that the letter of '.'r. Victor C. Hobday,
the City t'snager, reco:rnionding the passage of an ordinance authorizing the employment
of extra firemen to work in the fire department during the absence of regular firemen
be received and filed, and that the Corporation Counsel be authorized to prepare for
introduction at the next meeting an ordinance authorizing the City iSanager to employ
suitable persons to work as temporary firemen for not exceeding at any one time a peri
of 30 days, and further providing that the persons so employed shall not acquire any
11 rirht or privilege under the rules of civil service governinE employees of the fire
dc-.artnent. Adopted on gall of the ?oll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston,
ns and "a?or neaten (5).
'? 1ro,=iosion^.r Johnston offered motion that the Corpor„tion Counsel prepare for
*` ^action at tho next m^_etin^ an ordinance authorizing the sale to Adrlab F. iilliam:
L is 11 and 12 in -lock 5 (80x1201) located at the 1•Iorthwest corner of Georgia and
e.ter strcr;ts for the sum of ;100.0O3 -,20.CO to be paid in cash and the balance at the
:te -_ -:onth with G,> interest. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas,
nilander, Johnston, Sims, ','.illiams and t.ayor Soaton (5).
yn'rcr:;r. -•.•a _. r^r 7rleulandor offered motion that the Board of Commisa
contrat ionors receive
rn7 ?^'w ' ^' enterer' into tet: =cn the City of 1'aducah and Ra "r•:. Tin
t•-siness as ,t:e ^„ mew rnntr,r ..... -:ny,
under r:hich the said :u+
es to
pia, t ::r use in the clearing, i:: • ccnvati!
::• ] ' 7. t'eet in lonrth alon,7 the Norti. aide of the
'-th atront anis 10th street fryn the
t n r•t • lino of Powell atreet for
k^, n11, Yr,na, Corrii:,sionrs
lott, 1 .,aJ -.•r .d a. !".n "'.ty rrt;ra.!or La ;cost
e%i to
r::ni• ei. wit-: t ;y;artn1-nt ... ..i:t va s ar:9 gar m en!i tial: a traffic ]l; ht be insta�
`:e„arts:ent tcm
i. :,r Lf® cost
t ib fir.t b:,l
_ _...tg... t..) t4 tear ail of the CJa1n-
tenan^.e coatr. .. .-,,. a1 ... ,, .. , •.a, .., �1:+.�I^r,'=r.+ r. .r:9 :, r: �;er. Johnston ,
ohna on
No. 11 :7
Proceedtngsof "era r' �o:-Arnloners CityofPadacah acntemrsr lf.. 1047
Stop Si;n , Commissioner crLedlander offered motion that the City Y.ana,er be requested to ma;cc
9th °• 171 ar
k d
H an investi?ation of traffic conditions at the corner of 9th and Clark streets for the
cur?-ose of finding out whether a stop sign at that location is necessary, and that tie
...sit his report to the Loard of Commissioners at the next regular meeting. Adopted
on call of the Roll, 'fear, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 4a111ams and
Yayor Seaton (5).
Street lights Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City .,'anaCor have an investifation
';allace Lane
Clark tit- mads as to the necossity of installing a street liE.ht at the intersection of':Tallace
"'allace Lane
^edar or .!ane and Clark Utreet, at the intersection of ",biloce Lane and Cedar Street or Plallace
';:ailace Lane
Forest Cire eLane and South Forest Circle and also at the intersection of I;orth Forest, Circle.
and at inter-
section of ISe th If upon investigation it is found that these llghts are necessary, I further move
st Corcle
that the City '•innger be instructed to have same installed. Adopted on call of the
v roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, ."alliams and i'ayor Seaton (5).
"treat lieht i Commissioner 'Rilliams offered motion that the petition of the Reverend and C.ra.
11th r• Olive
. in and others recuestin that a street light to placed at the corner of 11th and
Olive streets be received and tiled, that the City I•:anager have an investiration made
for the purpose of determining whether a lihht at that location is necessary, f _ y, and that
he be authorized to have a light installed if in his opinion one Is needed. Adopted
Ii on call of the F.oll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, l:.Llliams and
Payor Seaton (5).
^rossurer,y "a or Seaton offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "A", OtDINTAiXE ACcEF-_::3
Teed to ✓
:� ord T!? L. JAPES R. ?CRD IN TPE SU.'. OF ^.500.00 FOR VIE PURCHASE Or LOTy$Ic•0 .:
".OP_'. I`IS`CIUEiBTITS OF COIIVL:'_AY.Cr TO SAID FRO?w TY , be adopted. A:inrr
on call of the ::ell, Ycao, Cotr;issioners :''riedlander, Johnston, Sims, ':;111inins and
Layor Seaton (5).
NF1 Cc^aissioner Friedlander offered motion that the City 'onager be requosted to
0 'ur'"r Investigation for the purpose of determinin, ,-.hethel- a stop sln shauld be ^
;cca'ed at the corner of 11th and Caldwell 3tre0to an a means of reducing the apeed
;•fiats a;:l if so, «hother the sign should be placed or. the north and :south s1dec
-1'1 ;tract or on the cast and a:eat aides of lltt: street and that the city
his findinra at the next roffular meeting. Adopted on r•all o: ti;e :!011.,
;eac, ^n^rn : riedlander, Johnstp n, aims, ,;.Llliams and ;'i;ror Seaton
C;r_ ,nor rr._,'.l.errler offered motion that tis Cit; :;t sr be requested to mO'.;o
,. ;nvinti : rLn .cr ti79 ;.ase of aetormining w'nsthsr n 0trrr c 11:'ht si;o :L; t:o macs
')I' :h,voman aril -arras streots and that hA ::e authorizer! to c.i'nr.,�;d ";IUl
7.fr.' ! ;•all •>f the :: 1),