HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 122, September 9, 1947Proceedings of LLL of Cor:^iaaloners City cf Paducah .3^ntember 9, 19.17 ..it a Regular :-eetinr of the Loard of Commissioners held in the Commiaa-ionersI Chamber at the City Rall, Paducah, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. on Sept. 9, 1947, "a^or Seaton presided and upon call of the Boll the follozring answered to their nares: Cgmissioners Friedlander, Johnston, '::lllisms and Mayor Seaton (4). Commiaaionnr 3irmq bein absent (1). �'inutes of the previous meeting zero adoptel as read. �_n % toyer Seaton offered motion that the petition of Robobt Cecil Swain and wife, I -IJ Elizabeth Swain, residing on 0alcs Road outside the corporate limits of Paducah, I:entucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water servi.ce to the bulldinE located on the property of petitioner be received and filed and that th request in said petition be _ranted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition neat er the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of Dater ..orka shall be obligated to buy said i! pipe line or any part thereof, and no suoh obligation aha Ll be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be laid under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at N _ ii the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city ii limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the City of Paducah of its Ccommiasioners of *,ater 7lorlcs which may be now in force or hereinafter enacted. .othing in the ,yantinC of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or it ^omminsioners of "tater '•7orks t-• guarantee crater pressure or service, and said water ervice may be discontinued through said pipo line at any t -mo when in the judgment of +:he Cor._missioners of ''Ater 7orks the furnishing of water to the petitioners or their successors in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wise with the adequate ply and distribution of nater inside the corporate limits of the City of taducah. ^tzd on call. of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, .7111inms and ,ton (4). or..^,e-aton offered motion that the petition of LeRoy Bowles and wife, Ida Kae " ' ✓r -•.kion to connect- a 3/4 inch line with a 3/4 inch line now in front of '1;rra r,3 lG'. -- 3, t'aplewood Terrace Addition, be received and filed arid that i. the ^eq•:eat ::ti^red for therein be granted. La however, in ,^rantin- the privilege sought in said petition coh, ror tt�i ^o:uniaaioners of Hater e:orks shall be oUli,uteri .r any • at treroof, and no a uch obligation shall be contained o be nerved by the water line to be laid ir. in+:o or made a part of the ^ity of :aduc�ah. ;nor will aulaeribo for wator service h conawters outside the eitly r t 'ut?oras If thn ^1tg nl' t rrai: i �f Ater ':rex .n whir., a -c r, r t;.,r•f,lnnftnr 3na,e.:.aL i j((j ;n pet1 no ,... r r,e tt:e Cit.. ;ii .,,tiucah m' 1te 1,- C we,ter preainure :;r sr;rlicei,a.ex •; a F.•1 , b l,.e 11r.- ;,t any time '*her, 11i tt:a Jud;*a:ert or i Watlr Fe i may inter: , an; r: 3 . and .la t. NO. 123 Proceedings of �-anrd of CpRL'ISaalon.:ra City of Paducah September 9, 1947 n•reet li-htsCommissioner C.illiams offered motion that the letter of the City L:anagor, "a^es Sowell ,,,✓✓✓✓✓✓ :o•nell F• Jarrett'Victor C. Hobday, with reference to the necessity of inotallinir street lifhts at the Hayes s Yeiser :'hrzrats corners of UaJos Avenue and Sowell street, Powell and Jarrett streets, Hayes Avenue and Yelser street, and on Clements street between Powell and 'leaner streets be received and filed, and that the City Manager be authorized to have lights installed at each of II said locations. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Co,mniasioners Friedlomder, Johnst ;:illiam� and f.ayor Seaton (4). Lov. Admr's Sala Increase Alcohol ✓ Cotrmissioner Williams offered motion t hat the Board of Commissioners receive an - Letter City `.'gr. file the City Manager's letter of September 4 in which he recommends that the salary of the City Alcoholic Beverage Administrator be Increased to ;.100.00 per month effective uOctober 1, 1947. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, �i Johnston, :."illiams and Yayor Seaton (4). III; Purchase new Fol'ce Commissioner Williams offered motion that the letter of the City Ynagor Car-Ygrvs letter ✓ II regarding the purchase of a new police car by trading in Police Car #6 which was %•crocked on August 31st, 1947 in an accident at 12th & Clay streets be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, tilliams and TPayor Seaton (4). Report of Bldg. Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the reports of the Fire Department an Inspr & Fire Sept. Auust, 1947 the Building Inspector for the month of August, 1947, be received. Adopted on call of the Poll, Yeas, Commiasioners Friedlander, Johnston, '::illiams and ;layor Seaton (5). Letters of Hartt Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the joint letter of J. Samuel P- Howson ACU Appraisal '� Hartt and L. R. Howson, appraisers appointed to value the properties of the Kentucky Utilities Company, dated September 2, 1947, and the copy of the City :•snagerla reply of September 3, be received and filed, and that the Loard of Commissioners ratify and c-nfirm the action taken by the City I,.anager by advising said appraisers that it is their responsibility under the provisions of the franchise o•dinnnce to appraise the lands of the Kentucky Utilities Company, ss well as all other property of said company. Adopted on ^all of the Poll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, tis lliams and a�or ;,aton (4). Corimissioner Friedlander offered the foll6winv motion: ?hc '.:cat ;ientucky many having implied to the City Treasurer for a refund of ^.40 for building „7733, and it arpearinr that the said '.lost Kentucky ;rotor Company does not ,rc±se the privileie conferred under said ti.nrefore nave that the City Treasurer be authorized to cancel salrl pr -1 -mit 3 the fc•^, for snmo to the :.eat Kentucky Rotor Comaaay. Adopted on call of Vie Hall, Y••^.ao, ^,e cis^±.overs ?rledlnnder, Johnston, ':'illians and Xayor ocaton t•1). rs lsnionar Johnston offered motion that the petition sirnpd by Clau(jo 1 ;la o+.here .eq:-)st±nq the ":ity oE' i'p!:uruh to take anprapr±ate action to control o" "r coS�r vet,ialrea at. 11th and Caldwell qtr::oto co recoived asci f.11,=1, t a :aferrer? t, .Yaa iolir.t liapartT.ent for an invc,atirt,tlr,n, at,,i ttn,t the r, he ..narl rf romzj! .nton •fra at its neat ri,,,ulat• z.oetia;, his n-lations he ma: wish to mi,:te 11' rn orOltinnea ahnul+l be pajood - ±o>•S. the speer at which vehicles ra,' travel In th,,t vici.nity. 1, .';f,0, Cara lasir.ners , r!Illnn9er, Jnhnatnn, ':,illinma and Proceedings of ' 1:` 11, of (`)i -n -3n 1o'i""a City of Padacab Sonteinber 9, 1947 "'•i'' `' _u roraiissionar -illiari.: offered motion that a ;resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTIO _ j .,_.r "_:.__.>TIT:G J. SA!-- HARTT AND L. R. HO. -.'N, THE APPRAISER.' ArFOINTED TO EVALUATE 'I'IIE r UTILITY S''_ 31 Oi• THE KE147UCKY UTILI TIES M.T.PANY TO r'URNISH TfiF CITY OF' PADUC H 3 KEIITJCKY UTILITIES COMPANY AS SCO:: AS FOSSIBLE A STATUS REPORT OF T4:E APPRAISATp :D THEIR ASSURANCE THAT THE REFORT OF APPRAISAL *WILL BE FILED BEFORE OCTOBER latl 1947", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 77illiams and -nyor Seaton (4). Renuest bids/ Commissioner 171111ams offered motion that a Resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION on ol_ e Car RE -1:--3T1 G T.—, a TY MANAGER TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ONE NE71 1947 FI VP PASSE' FOUR DOOR AUTOMOBILE BY TRADMG IN POLICE CAR tib WHICH HAS BEEN *WRECKED, SA CAR TO BE USED BY BT:1@BERS OF THE POLICE DEPARWENT OF THE CI71 OF PADUCAH, AND PRESCRIFING 77TE CONDITIO113 UPON :'JHICH SAID PURCHASE SHALL BE MADE", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Coranissioners Friedlander, Johnston, ::illiams and ..ayor Seaton (4). Assess -ant of T'ayor Seaton o fared motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDIIG ..al S Fer. ;raper*•• FOR T: -E ASSESS! OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY7WI4ICH HAS tfOT BEEN VOLUNTARILY LISTED not listed by owner L•Y THE O.: ER FOR TAXATION FURFOSES, PRESCRIBING THE DUTIES OF THE CITY ASSESSOR AND HER DEPUTIES WITH REFERENCE TO THE LISTING OF PROPERTY FOR TAXATION PURPOSES AT THE RESIDE CES AND PLACES OF BUSINESS 0. TAXPAYERS, AND FIRING THE DATE FOR THE CLOSING OF THE ASSESS !'.ENT BOOKS FOR THE YEAR 1947 AND IN EACH SUCCEEDING YEAR, AND PRESCRIBING THE PENALTY u FOR ANY VIOLATION THEREOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, 77illiams and M7ayor Seaton (4). Clay 3tr^et Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that an ordinance entitled: Boulevard pp a 1^t'ti 0 "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING AND ESTABLISHING AS A BOULEVARD CLAY STREET FROM THE :TEST LI:iE OF 117F STR ET TO THE EAST LI:`•a OF 13TH STREET, REGULATING THS 3AT';, AifD PRE- vC?tl I:1G THE PENALTi FOR ANY VIOLATION TFLFiiEOF", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Yeas, ror_missioners I'riedlander, Johnston, Clilliams and T.iayor Seaton (4). ndr ro=issioner :riedlander offered motion that an a-dinnnce entitled: "AT: ORDIN NCE 50.00 Pcl fO1fTI[ It; TR is SALARY OF TTJE CITY ALCOftOLIC I AU.10RIZING 7,32 TRAMM OF 1.150.00 FRO11 Tm. AmUNT -.. "': ;-1ORTI0i.L1^:IT o330IN1RCE OF 1947 FOR THE EMPLOYcENT OF A ECILSIRMi If -- CITY AL-^,OII^LICBa;ERA.;E ADMItiIjrMATOR UNDER, SAID OhDI:ftil':CE", r—ain en file for public Inspection until the notice of the tranafel -".rein uGa ll have been published as required by lace. Adopted o� �1 ::11, 'Tena, r„ .-i^stoners : ^iec3lander, Johnston, '.71.11iams and vayor Seaton �(4). ✓ ro^invlo-:• 7211inra o.ferel ' ;;: fnllo:einq motion: The Alcoholic fieveraZe arol Eoard having overruled the oi.lect:Inns of 1•,. .John D. Driskill to tho "ranting a 'SeenAe t.-) eor. 7nan f;r e o: - ^::a:•o whinkoy and beer at ratall far the -n^x-lre3 per2a of 1O:7-l:r?:�, r,nd it r.-r,Aar`.:i'• tii,r, ao2�3 license will be isatied unles en is pr99e7U9e9 :O r„irr :it i ':ounta within rnn (10) ;rays fro ,,'_ .. ... 011 order under w'ar.l: . _aet.1^r. thR s a2i h ;a r,9a to ne11nckarn F N11sr-oy an'! beer r@:.11 a telae' , , • :i , _ .. =y. was n u :SI., the . o: _:ab al^ rc.ctrcr Cir it of the . ._. .-_.. .. , ..3'.�G, bii.... .. .... t:n (4). d , A NO. 3,2-6, Proceedingsof Rows of ro,n.,isolen-.rs City of Paducah ::cntenLer 9. 1947 Fe tit inns Corrniasionor Williams offered motion that the Coard of Commissioners receive and Re- Liquor License file the petitions of E.A.Cave, Jr., and others approving the granting of a retail Leon 'Peon i �gac:caEo and beer license to Leon 4bon on the premises located at 234 Lovelaceville Road, also the five petitions signed by citizens who oppose the issuance of such license. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, uu�'.'.'illiams and Llayor Seaton (4). N On motion the meetinE adjourned. NNNNI i ADOP:39 / //�"� 1947 APPROVED ayor City Clcr k