HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Book 21, Page 115, August 26, 1947...star i'sin Osks 3oad Proceedings of board of Co;nhi_ s Loom+ra CUSP of Paducah Aur1.tat 2G, 1947 At a regular I'eeting of the board of Commissioners held in the Commiasloners' 1hamber at the City }fall, l'aduenh, Kentucky, at 7:30 o'clock P.;,;, on August 26, 1947s Mayor Seaton presided and upon call of the Roll the following answered to their names: Co=issioners Johnston, Friedlander, Sims, dill isms and 7,:ayor Soaton (5). Minutes of the previous meetinC were adopted as read. Commissioner Nilliams offered motion that the petition of Otha Osbourne Shaffer and wife, Yary M. Shaffer, Robert Allen Gallacher and wife, Dorothy Dean Gallagher; Pete Reed aryl wife, Minnie T. Reed; L. D. Sullivan and vrife, Vary Louise Sullivan, residinC on the Oaks Road outside the corporate limits of Paducah, Kentucky, for authority to lay and construct a water line for the purpose of providing water service to tate buildings located on the respective property of petitioners be received and filed and that the requests in said petition be granted in accordance with the terms set forth therein. It is understood, however, in granting the privilege sought in said petition, neither the City of Paducah, nor the Commissioners of Vater ➢;orks shall be obligated to buy said pipe line or any part thereof, and no such obligation shall be contained or be implied hereafter should the territory to be served by the water line to be lai under the authority herein requested be taken into or made a part of the City of Paducah. It is further understood that the petitioner will subscribe for water service at the rates now or hereafter prescribed for water service to consumers outside the city limits and subject in all respects to the rules and regulations of the city of Paduc: or its Commissioners of Water ''.brks which may be now in force of hereinafter enacted. Nothing in the granting of this petition shall obligate the City of Paducah or it: Commissioners of :,star ::orks to guarantee water pressure or service, and said water service may be discontinued through said pipe line at any time when in the judgment of the Cormnisaioners of Tater %,orks the furnishing of water to the petltloners or their successors in ownership of the property owned may interfere in any wino with the adequate supply and distribution of water inside the corporate limits of ttie City of Paducah. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Nims, e.illiams arra Yayor Seaton (5). CotmInsioner ;"+illlams offered motion that the petition of 1.7.7.!.Lard and other residonta of the F°usbands Road be received and filed and that ttre request contained i, said ret-irlon to prantod, subject to all the conditions and limitations named. in said pntltton, it b^ing n-ocifirally understood that neither tho City of Paducah nor its 1.,:n3ilaalnn9rs of '.n ter r'rs :uarantco pressure or water service through Bald plpo '-'inns and r:P.nt r:o'P,..a tk:a ,,ranting of said petition al -all be construed now or r:^r-:•.ft:^r fan or, -,f the ;art of the City of Fad'.icalt t:, buy or aurintain aal<1 s G: am .. _ ,.. :oof. 'he mater to t.of?unl.shod 3111111 'ae percalttad only in accordance nlT.h all i r:o r-..uti,n now in force rr• hereuftar ad—ted for the sate and consume - I tion fKs ter o^s res tl,a outside thf� city limits of :aducah, Kentucky, an, ani : ..: , 1 lit tiny tiro^ when in the jud,.mont of the Camimiaa lonor•� wetrr tr, 1-811onts o::tsi•le the rity of luducah or ... a ..... '.n Ir. Lh:, '?�:� i::at•:nroa w1ti: the ndr:a:_utu sur.,l1_ th.a City of .661.:ah. 1 o,. Lr,<: on"all or the Roll, lIas, 'A'illiama and ••ayor -;eatnn (5). , I l No r Proceedinasof oar: of Com,nissioners City of Paducah August 20, 1947 I :.;ay Commissioner aims offered motion that all city employoos with the exception of they 'star "a police and fire department personnel be granted a holiday on Labor 'Day, Monday, i September 1st, 1947. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners rrledlander, i Johnston, Sims, Williams and 1.:ayor Seaton (5). ^ity '.i�'I5loyees/ Commissioner Sims offered motion that the Board of Commissioners receive and file 15 days sick t/ leave the letter of the City Manager in which he recommends an amendment of the ordinance under which sick leaves are granted to city employees and that the Corporation Counsel prepare for introduction at t" next meeting an amendment providing that each employee] shall have a sick leave of fifteen days per year instead of twelve days and authorizin the City Y.anager to grant a leave of throe days where there is a death of a member of r an employee's immediate family, chargable to the 15 days per year for the sick leave Q allowance. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 1'lilliams and 1.1ayor Seaton (5). S :eceiva bide Comissioner Sims offered motion that the board of Commissioners receive and file aonnvox V. BoY.p Sewer the bids of Ray Drew, Joseph t4. f =nk and R. C. Jennings, for clearing, grubbing, excavating and backfilling a sewer trench 817 linear feet in length along the north side of the Illinois Central Railroad Company tracks between Eighth Street and Tenth Street from the existing 102 inch combination sewer west to the west property line of Terrell Street,and also the bid of H.A.Petter Supply Company for furnishing the pipe and wyes for the construction of said sewer. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Priedlender, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Llayor Seaton (5). :e'er Mzia/ Cormissioner 'A lliams offered the following motion: The Commissioners of ."later �e).t,-line V I ',17h::ay ;7orlks have recommended that due to the construction of the Felt -line Highway they be authorized to stub out the water main lying on the west side of 28th street at the intersection of 28th street with L:adison, Harrison, Clay, Trimble and LaClede, that i each of said stubs will be approximately 80 feet extending from the main on the west side across to the (last side of 28th street and that they further be authorized to stub out the east wing of Thompson Street at the intersection of Thompson street with f-inlsey street and THompson street with Kruger Street, each stub to be approx- imately pprox-imagely 40 feet and that they further be authorized to stub out the main at the east win.^ Of Thompson street at its intersection wittl Mildred street a distance of approx- imately0;; :'eet; svxh request and recor:mendation having been made because loth street on.' Thompson str ,,t aro boln,:- constructed by the State HiChway Departnent as a part of the ?elt.-Linn FI-hway throu:•h indursh and if such work is done at this time, it would not he nelecsary t", 1,rnn'r_ into t•so hard surface portion of 28th street and Thomapon atreot sh;uld it, Lecr,_mo neeossary to extervl water service along the streets above tlerq."oro no -le tr,,t th, request ar,, race-man(lation of the Cammissloners sf 7;atnrj rks 9 r!,+' „r.. a; :,•:m' are that: t•r<+ req,:o;.t r. n:, •; i i.n fa'Ernted. r.,ve that tt5 ai,ption of this -,.;sr: :,nil tr,, rranr.ing of the raquost tr:e ''err!—ij:onero ,. .later ' orks ?5 c)Mnidermi ns an a rerrnAnt on the port of tha ity .a'+:r.,,i: t; -u t:t.e fire hydrant and water main rental as provided ir the frerar.isa ... tr 11..^.e referred in Maid req -lent, such rentaia to b,gin Khen 1 the lire .,:r :.Sen INi Adapted on r•all rf the '3011 as, Co mai: =e 3siohara arm+ bT'.iia..a and , No. 117 Proceedings of r'onrd of Commissioners Ciip of Paducah Aurcust 26, 1547 Letter of � r Commissioner :Williams offored motion that the le tter written by fur. L. R. Howson Hownon dated August 25th with reference to the progress which has been made in the appraisal of the electric utilities system of the Kentucky Utilities Company, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Co,mnissloners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). ^uestlon of Lend Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the Eoard of Comm:I331onern receive and issue appraisal property to be file the copy of the letter written by :Wayne C. Seaton, Mayor, to I,:r. Rudy Pierce, placed on ballot the County Court Clerk on August 23, 197, enclosing a copy of the ordinance under I which said clerk is directed to cause to be printed on the ballots at the next regular election the question as to whether the city shall issue bonds in an amount not exceeds I '50,000.00 to defray the cost of making a survey and appraisal of all real and personal property subject to taxation, and requesting said clerk to comply with the provision.) 1 of said ordinance and KSS 66.050. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). 21st & Park Ave. i Commissioner Johnston offered motion that the letter of sur. Victor C. Hobday Title in Eoard of Education the City I,:anager, with reference to the title to the lot at the corner of tat street and Park Avenue, together with the correspondence referred to in said letter be receive and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, -illiams and Mayor Seaton (5). Fire prevention Commissioner Friedlander offered motion that the letter of Mr. 111. M. Chit tenden, Committee- Wr.M. Chittenden I member of the 1947 Fire Prevention Committee, in which he requests an appropriation appropriation Fire Prevention I by the city for payment of the necessary expense to carry on the program during the ';,eek i 1947 Fire Prevention i"eek, be received and filed. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yens,I Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, :Williams and Mayor Seaton (5). Accept bide of Mayor Seaton offered motion that the letters of M..r. Victor C. Hobday, the City Ray Drew P_ II.A.Petter Suppl Manager and ',.r. T. A. Eradley, the City Engineer, recommending the acceptance of the Co. -Magnavox Sewer bid of the Ray Drow Construction Company in the sum of ;1353.65 for the excavation h, and backfilling work to be done on the 16agnavox Sewer Project, and also the acceptance of the bid of the H.A.Petter Supply Company in the sum of .;,3591.54 for the concrete pipe and wyes to be used on said project be received and filed. Adopted on call of t Roll, Yeaa, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Slain, 7-illiama and Mayor Seaton (54. A^cept bid of Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN OP.DINANCE l.t..:attar- _:ly 1.0 -Pipe for ,�^,LP_ , TIIE FID Or TiE HENRY A. PETTER SUPPLY COMPANY IN TEE SUM OF $;3591.54 FOR Magnavox 777Z OF "ADUCAII OF THE CONCRETE PIPE AM WMS NECESSARY FOR U42 IN r, 7 817 LINEAR FEET IN LE1GTT1 ALO.,,-,(, THE iXRTH SIDE OF 1111E f: ?ANY TRACKS BETWEEN 81hI STREET A,^J 10i1i STREET I"PO!,, 'Pili; TO THE ZEST PROP?RTf LINE OF T'_itRF.LL 3TRE3T; A:I ORMIR ','ITIi .;AID COI&AN'f , OR Tis:: PURCILISE Or' ... ...•. 1111 SPIE 3PE.C1::'',ATIO:IS PROVIDED 112R4•IN", be at n res a la rt • Cf ;, r.;' the I oar<i of Cnmmlao lonora and remain on I'llo for e ue•;: fpr i.'_i. irnreotinn In -%6 completed Yun'a In whlr.h it a'rrull be 1',uC upon -rsc;4-.;. /.3op;e;! or. call o£ the t;ol1, 'ions, Commissicnors Priodiandov, and Klaror Seatan (5). NO 118 Proceedings of ".ocrd of Commissionora City of Paducah August 26, 1947 Accept bid of Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINAUCE Ray Drew --xcavation % ACCEPTINil TfE BID OI' RAY DREII CONSTRUCTION COEIPAITY POI; THE EXCAVA7iiTG AND BACKFILLING work for ✓ ?,a,navox }YORK TO BE DONE IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEDER TRENCH ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF THE Sewer ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COR,PANY TRACKS BETNEEN STE STREET AND 10TH STREET FROM THE E:{ISTING 102" CO'!MINATION S&IIER WEST T` THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF TERRELL STREET; AUTHORIZING T: -TE MAYOR. FOR AID ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY, TO BITTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH SAID CCIIPA.IY, AND PF.ESCRIBII, THE TERMS AND ro'TDITIONS TO EE CONTAINED IIT SAID CONTRAC be introduced and remain on file for one (1) wook for public inspection in the complet form in :which it shall be put upon its final passage. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, 191111ams and Mayor Seaton (5). Sell lot to/, Commissioner Sims offered motion that an ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE Ulysses ,� Parker AUTHORIZING THE SALE TO ULYSSES PARKER AND HIS MOTHER, SUSIE PARKER, OF LOTS 7 AND 8 IN BLOCK 4 OF LINCOLN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION TO THE C IV OF PADUCAH; AND AUTHORIZING THE II MAYOR AI:D CITY CLERIC TO EXECUTE SEPARATE DEEDS OF CONVEYANCE TT) SAID PROPERTY", be adopted. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners Friedlander, Johnston, Sims, I"illiams and Yayor Seaton (5). urchose/ Commissioner 71111iams offered the following motion: Jesse Champion, the plaintiff car:inC ✓ 'oto^s in the suit filed against the City of Paducah for a writ of prohibition to prevent the city from entering into a contract with the Duncan Meter Corporation for the purchase 100 additional parkin„ moters, having failed to apply to the `IcCracken Circuit Court for an order to suspend the effectiveness of the judgment for the defendant, City of Paducah, durinS the pendency of an appeal by oxecuting a supersedeas bond; I move that the City of ieducah proceed with the purchase of the aforesaid parking meters and that the contract for the purchase of the sero be presented to the board is for approval at its next meeting. Adopted on call of the Roll, Yeas, Commissioners i Friedlander, Sims, -illiams and Mayor Seaton (4). Commissioner Johnston "No". Cn motion the meeting adjourned. AJOFf�DvJn gyp%. 1947 APPROVED -&-,,J(_,